Let Me Shoulder This Blame!

Chapter 102

Chapter 102 a robot that loves humans

The central computer processed countless data per second. The system was rushed for a few laps, and the music that had not passed through was smashed.

The brain is Ignac’s, and the use of high-definition, uncoded photos from surveillance cameras.

The intelligent level of the surveillance camera is not high, just learned to find the angle plus filter, see what to shoot, the two masters kissed the picture also took a lot, if accidentally spread out, the host must be particularly angry, said I will not bring it out to play afterwards.

Unable to prevent the biggest challenge of the system, the system was forced to regain the long-lost self-motivation, rushed to collect the dissipated music, and horrified to release the snake, swallowed up the backup system left by the central computer. .

Originally, it was only intended to tell the system which step to take. Step by step, Su Shi quickly left the main control room, opened the computer connected to the external network, and cut into the world’s largest homepage.

After the robot seized power, most people were worried that they would be monitored and locked by the robot on the network, and even once set off a wave of resistance to the Internet. This time, it was confirmed that the central computer finally disappeared, and people finally landed on the star network with confidence.

In the most prominent position on the homepage, that is the pure black warning.

There is a hidden self-destruction procedure in artificial intelligence. The [key] has been implanted. After three days, the self-destruction program will be fully activated and the Pandora’s Box will be opened.

Under the warning, it is a striking countdown that is constantly beating, and a system of referendums.

From the social development to the advanced stage, the referendum has become the way to deal with most domestic affairs. All human beings have the right to vote for one by virtue of the genetic identity card, and the results of the referendum will be fully and transparently implemented.

The content of this referendum is whether to start all artificial intelligence execution systems on time and after 72 hours.

Already deeply aware of the gap between humans and robots, Su Shi did not expect anything from the voting results. Just looking at the grass, he opened a public version of the warning and intended to trace the position of the current headquarters of mankind.

Only when he opened the public version, his gaze suddenly paused and he could not help but slightly pick his eyebrows.

Unlike the one-sided voice he imagined, the following speech was really noisy.

Star Network is a real-name login system. Each person can directly talk in the virtual space by means of genetically proven access ports, so they must be responsible for both speaking and voting. Although it is in the form of words, it is tantamount to a heated debate in person.

Most of the objections were actually based on him and Ignac.

Many young people were deeply impressed by the robotic marshal’s hegemonic gas stickers. The other party took the picture he had taken out of the clinic and was uploaded to the star network. It has already spread rapidly.

Although many people don’t care about it, even some say that these are just set procedures, but there are also many people who insist that even a set program, such a gentle offensive is enough to make people feel awkward. Heartbeat is always better than the pale love that humans demand for each other.

Young people are always more likely to be touched by straightforward love. If you can start from this aspect, you may not be able to impress more humans.

It is a pity that the time is too short, otherwise I and Ignac will find a way to make a promo, maybe it is possible to change the minds of more people.

Su Shi couldn’t help but sigh and stand up and stand up: “I will go to the human headquarters and try to see if I can convince them.”

Prior to this, because of the omnipotence of the central computer, human beings were always scattered organizations. After the restoration of the Star Network contact, in less than a day, the new human government was reorganized quickly.

The dispute on the Internet is just the voice of the people. He still doesn’t know who is behind the scenes who issued the warnings and “keys”. He has to go to the headquarters to get things clear.

“I go with you.”

Ignac also stood up and stepped forward to meet his gaze: “Only you can go alone, there is no way to represent the sincerity of the robot. Let’s go together, there is a care for both advance and retreat.”

In the eyes of his unquestionable bright man, Su Shi was not surprised, reaching out to him, he was firmly held by the robot marshal.

The humans and robots that caused the turbulent waves on the star network did not expect to visit the human headquarters, so that the human side knew a lot of vigilance and immediately raised the defense several levels.

It is the iconic building of the Pearl Tower by human beings as the base camp. The building is surrounded by a line of defense, and there are still many high-end weapons in the hands of human beings. As long as the robots dare to invade, they will surely attack them.

Nash, the leader of the neutral organization, was chosen as the new president of the human race, responsible for receiving them and welcoming the two people into the building.

“You don’t have to be nervous, we are not coming to declare war.”

Almost felt the arrogance of the human headquarters atmosphere, Su Shi was calm and greeted the president with a slightly heavy gaze: “Now the robot’s right to exist is in the hands of human beings, isn’t it?”

“In theory, this is the case.”

The President’s voice replied with a sigh of relief, but he still said truthfully: “But we can’t confirm the true effect of the ‘key’, and we don’t know what the real purpose of the person who started it is.”

Su Shimeifeng picked one and did not respond.

It is difficult to speculate on his intentions. The president ushered the two into the office and had to openly say: “We don’t really want to kill all the robots. Humans have lost the help of robots, and social development will at least go back two hundred years. Degradation may not be fully reflected in the short term, but if it continues, even if it regains power, it will lead to a complete collapse in many directions.”

I have become accustomed to the convenience brought by high technology. When I return to the state of being backward, it is undoubtedly very difficult for human beings to adapt. Life since this time has already called many people to fully understand this.

The feelings generated by robots are used to impress ordinary people. For the top, the real roots of concern are actually the cornerstone of society.

“The people who posted the ‘key’, haven’t you been able to track it?”

Sitting down in the seat he opened, Su Shi quickly straightened out the clues and asked aloud.

“No, we just suddenly found out that the central computer disappeared overnight. When we gathered the power, we received the message of “key”.”

Seeing that they did not seem hostile, the president also felt a little relaxed, sinking his head in the air.

“But we speculate according to the current situation, it is probably the son of Scotmore, the father of artificial intelligence, Ravenmore. This Dr. Moore is a very crazy person, because he has repeatedly conducted high-risk robot experiments. , has been canceled his position in the Ministry of Science, and later he did not know where to go, no one knows where he actually went.”

Unlike his father, Ravenmore’s thinking can only be described as “crazy.”

He has almost no good or evil, but he does what he wants to do with his heart. He was expelled from the Ministry of Science because he always dreamed of creating an absolute force of combat robots, which caused a total social resistance. .

No wonder that even the human side still has doubts about this “key”.

Su Shi’s eyes have cleared the clues and nodded straight into the door: “I know that you have a way to manipulate public opinion. After this vote, how likely is it to finally reach reconciliation?”

The president shook his head and couldn’t open his mouth. The plain sky suddenly turned dark.

Like the shadow of the sun, the light inside the house is dimmed with an instant. Meeting Ignac’s sharp and dignified gaze, Su Shi’s heart did not feel so heavy, and quickly walked to the window and looked out.

A steel carrier slowly floated over the city, under the icy ship’s side, and the muzzle was already at the headquarters of the human headquarters.

The appearance of the exile of the aircraft carrier instantly broke the atmosphere that had been slightly eased, and the human eye was caught in a strong panic.

For so many years, the gentle friendliness of robots has almost become an intrinsic impression. Even after the robot occupied the main body of society, it never tried to hurt any human beings. It even told humans to ignore the fact that these steel bodies can easily cause more severe blows to human society.

If artificial intelligence really has emotions, even if it is close to and loves human beings at first, when humans make mistakes again and again, even when the murderous muzzle is aimed at the robot, this feeling is likely to turn into hatred and hurt. .

If the robot decides to revenge, human beings are not their opponents at all.

All the screens suddenly turned black again, and the results of the referendum were directly and publicly released.

The results of the voting on the Star Online, which was originally difficult to get close to, were opened. More and more people even urged to start the self-destruction process ahead of time instead of waiting three days later.

In three days, the robots that have been determined to fight back completely destroyed the human society.

Ignac turned to go outside, but Su Shi suddenly held his arm: “wait again.”

The world is too mild. Under the reconciliation of the central computer, countless contradictions have been quietly hidden. The contradiction is ultimately a contradiction, and one day it will break out.

Only when it is completely erupted can we find a solution.

The anti-virus software that was finally exchanged back was stored in the system backpack. He was not completely uncertain. If it was the last step that could not be adjusted, it would be great to destroy the key.

The aircraft carrier was only silently aimed at the building. Although there was no attack, the muzzle of the black hole was still daunting.

Under the strong fear, humans finally chose to attack.

The glare of the gunfire converges on the aircraft carrier, but it is easily bounced off by the protective cover. The attacks were intensified again and again, and it seemed that they finally lost their patience to the human race. The aircraft carrier slowly turned and the muzzle began to condense the shining photons.

“No, stop attacking!”

Vaguely seeing some clues, the president who had just arrived outside the building screamed and hurriedly stepped forward to stop the intensive artillery fire: “They are collecting the energy of our attacks. If we continue, these energies will be returned to us!”

“Can you sit still? Humans are discussing whether or not to destroy the robot. Now that the robot can’t sit still and hit the door, can we still take them back without us to destroy them?”

The man who was the marshal of the human race was the leader of the black fire. The government that was temporarily set up was not stable. The black fire leader did not lead the situation of this neutral president, and he replied with a cold voice.

Fear has long been suppressed in everyone’s mind, and he has taken the lead and immediately poured out his brain.

“Humans and robots are no longer able to get along with each other! Knowing that humans have their weaknesses, how can they sit still?”

“Don’t be naive again, robots hate humans, they won’t forgive humans at all!”

The president’s look is struggling, and he has to open his mouth again, but his eyes suddenly change.

A row of robotic patrolmen came in and stopped in front of the human defense line. The robotic army also followed. Numerous patrol boats floated in the air, keeping humans behind and silently confronting the aircraft carrier.

The atmosphere is quiet.

“Humans have abandoned us. They are even voting whether they want to destroy us. Whether we can survive or not, we will never decide ourselves.”

“You can find a program called Pandora in the main brain. It is our self-destruction program. As long as humans open him, without human hands, we can destroy ourselves.”

The aircraft carrier slowly walked out of the tall, combat-type robot. His body was loaded with countless weapons, and the cold iron color made people look at it and shuddered.

“Even at this time, do you still have to stand on the side of humanity?”

The headed patrol boat stretched out a platform, and the robotic prime minister came out from the inside. His face finally no longer had a constant smile. He looked at him slowly. “The first article of the Artificial Intelligence Convention, robots can never Harm to humans. Second, when humans are hurt, the robot must be protected immediately…”

“But they are going to destroy us now.”

The robot on the aircraft carrier slammed open, opened the projection screen, and projected the results of the referendum in real time on the virtual light screen in midair.

The number of votes for destroying artificial intelligence has already been more than half, and the efforts to fight for the robots have been suppressed, leaving only countless swearing remarks.

[Do not be stupid, human survival is the first. Even if there is a way to spend it safely this time, next time? Artificial intelligence knows that we have the ability to destroy them. Will we continue to peacefully coexist with us? 】

[If this time, the soft heart, told them to find a way to shield the self-destruction program, we will really have no way to compete with them in the future! 】

[Developing artificial intelligence is a mistake. Humans have already buried a bomb with a hand. Why do you still want this deadly hidden danger to continue to exist around us? ! 】

[The robot hates us, does this still need proof? 】


After all, the strength of the robot is too terrible. The fear overwhelm the original shake and softening, and humans finally made the final choice.

“Our self-destruction process has been launched for 70 hours. We originally had the opportunity to live together in peace. But humanity taught us war and destruction. Now we are just giving them what they taught us.”

There was a sarcasm in the cold eyes of the robot, and the voice snorted: “Since it is going to be destroyed, it is better to let the human body experience the feeling of being destroyed. Isn’t it right?”

“perhaps you’re right.”

The prime minister of the robot whispered openly, and his eyes were removed from his remarks. His face was pale and pale, but he still smiled apologetically.

“But we have been created to be friends with human beings. Our mission is to protect human beings, no matter what happens, whether humans still believe us… even if we will be destroyed in the next moment, you can no longer One step forward.”

The shield was silently opened, covering the entire building, and all the patrol boats stayed outside the shield, facing the powerful attack that was ready to go.

“If you must choose, I prefer this ending. We are to protect human beings and are destroyed in the attack…”

His voice suddenly paused, and he turned back in a moment, his eyes falling on those who were protected, his voice soft and sad.

“If you don’t like us, just tell us, we will leave, why must we ruin us? Are you not making friends to find us?”

The air suddenly seemed to be stagnate, and even the most fierce opposition did not lose its voice.

“This is just a robotic trick. The artificial intelligence has developed to this stage. They can do anything to survive…”

The leader of the black fire whispered his mouth and bitten his teeth. Although he could not persuade himself, he still succumbed to the heart and dispelled the hesitation.

There has been no retreat, and the gap in the referendum has been too great. Humans have chosen to protect themselves and give up the robot. This result will not change any more.

Su Shi stood in front of the window, looking at the situation outside, finally sighed and issued an order to start the anti-virus software.

He originally hoped that human beings could recognize their own narrowness. Artificial intelligence is always trying to gain the trust of human beings. Even if they have the means to stop the operation of the self-destruction program, there is a way to bring all the robots away from the earth and call them It’s not a good ending to start life in a new place.

The robot wants to make friends with humans. After they were created, the first thought they gave was to be friends with human beings forever.

Now all this is finally destroyed by humans.

The system managed to swallow up the backup of the entire central computer. He was crying with the version of Jarno-Ignatz, who was smashed by himself. Suddenly he received the command from the host and was shocked to run, but because it was too In a hurry, the photos that were hard to get back were rushed into the flood of data.

On the star network, suddenly a group of pictures emerged silently, and even the voting interface was swayed by the data stream, jumping out of new images.

The photo suddenly appeared. It was not like someone deliberately sent it. It was more like the central computer garbled and had not had time to repair it, and some of the data was lost to the Internet.

Seeing the picture suddenly jumped, Su was surprised to raise his eyes, and saw the image that suddenly appeared above, and the corner of his eye could not help but pump.

Since that day, it was hard to get out of the belly of the sweeping robot. The small surveillance camera quickly evolved, and learned to look at the angle. The small tail was followed by him all the time. Of course, he knows that he is shooting himself, but after all, he is looking at Ignac alone, and he has never paid much attention to it.

But he did not expect that Ignac would have saved so many photos of himself.

The surveillance camera shoots everything, and when two people are together, they actually shoot, and they have not learned to modify the filter. I don’t know if the system is getting the wrong one. I actually put the map package as anti-virus software.

Su Shi couldn’t bear to look straight, raised his hand to cover his eyes, and he was very upset and sighed.

On the virtual screen in midair, the picture is still flashing, and anyone can see that this is obviously a garbled result caused by the confusion of the central computer, but no one is willing to look away.

Many of them are the most common pictures of life. Two people hug each other, tidy up their clothes, talk freely, and lean on the couch to read interesting or boring news.

They are just fleeting silhouettes, but the time seems to be solidified in the pictures that are flashed and flashed, and suddenly it is so vivid that people almost shed tears.

In a society with a high degree of technological development, human beings have gradually forgotten the need for love, but the instinct about love is still rooted in the deepest part of the gene.

Such an intuitive shock, together with the words of the Prime Minister of the robot, finally completely shaken the position that was thought to have been irreparable.

[You insist on believing that robots can learn to hate, why don’t you believe that they can learn to love? 】

[Seeing those photos, can you say that all this is the illusion of robot manufacturing? Even if this is an illusion, I am willing! How many of you have not really understood what is love? How many people still believe in feelings, you said that robots have no feelings, isn’t human feelings degraded? ! 】

[Technology is developing, society is entering an advanced stage, and human beings are becoming more and more independent. It is possible to breed independently through the way of embryo fusion.

With all this progress, we have stood at the top of the evolution of life, but we have not really loved anyone for too long…]

Can humans and robots really not live together in peace? Is it true that robots have betrayed humans first, or have humans never accepted robots in their hearts? 】

[Think of my companion robot when I was a child… It actually only sings a few songs, and the shape is not human. When I was a child, my parents were not at home, only it was with me. Later I grew up. Before it was sent to the recycling factory, the last sentence I said was “Is it not good to do it, is it angry?” ”

I don’t know if this is a set program, or is he really asking me… but he is very good, he is doing well everywhere, he is the best robot I have ever had. 】

[We created the robots and made them believe that they were our friends, then used them as tools and finally regarded them as enemies. 】

[If we are just making tools, why should we develop artificial intelligence? 】 2k novel reading network

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