Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 3 – Chapter 4

❖ 4 ❖

“Cheers!” Mio and Haqua both shouted, boisterously clinking their glasses together before taking deep swigs of the cocktails Haqua had prepared for the both of them.

“Congratulations on another completed manuscript, dear!” Haqua smiled warmly at Mio. “I’m tremendously proud of you.”

“Ehehe, thank you so much! Gosh, I can't wait to tell Rina when she gets back. Getting to see how excited she gets is the best motivator a girl could ask for.”

“Isn't she just precious? She's just so happy to see you living your dream, she can't contain herself.”

“Our puppy’s super sincere, ehehe.”

“Indeed she is. That's why I fell for her, you know? Don't tell her that, though. We can't have her head getting even bigger, or our pet might explode,” Haqua chuckled.

“Right,” Mio giggled, checking her phone as a message came in. “Resta's gonna start reading through it tonight! I'm excited to hear her thoughts.’

“My, quite the turnaround from the girl who was terrified to let anyone but her partners read a word of her work,” Haqua lightly teased. “How far you've come...”

“Ehehe… It's hard not to adjust, I guess. Getting a big audience kinda forced me to adapt,” Mio bashfully scratched the back of her neck. “But it doesn't matter how many readers I have, thinking about that book signing in a few weeks is killing me…”

Mio sighed and nestled in against her partner's side, desperate for warmth that Haqua was all-too-happy to provide.

“Just remember, everyone in attendance already loves your work, sweetheart. Nobody's there to judge you in the slightest.”

Mio gave a small, shy nod, and leaned into Haqua's gentle petting.

“Thanks, Haqua. I'm gonna try to stay confident about things.”

“You'll do spectacularly, I'm sure,” Haqua smiled softly. “You've always been remarkably capable.”

“So you and Rina say,” Mio smiled bashfully. Compliments had been far easier to accept since she became a succubus, but her partners still found ways to make her blush.

And she wouldn't have it any other way.

“So we know, dear,” Haqua assured her, gently kissing Mio on the cheek. “There's nothing you can't handle.”

“That signing might really be too much, though,” she sighed. “I was planning on waiting til Rina was around to say this, but the Demon King’s gonna be in attendance, you know? To uhh ‘give her blessing to Hell's hottest rising star’...” Mio said, reading Resta's messages off her phone. “Isn't that ridiculous?! I'm just me! I can't have royalty showing up at my little book signing…”

“Suzume will be there? Ah, she's hardly worth worrying about. I can assure that much, dear.”

“Suzume? Is that the Demon King, Haqua? Do you know her?”

“Indeed she is, and indeed I do! Adri and I used to work as her personal advisors, in fact.”

“You worked for royalty and never even mentioned it?!”

“It was a job, dear. I’d quit long before Rina so cruelly plucked me from my home, anyway,” Haqua smiled, taking a sip of her drink.

“B-but still, that’s a huge deal, isn’t it?”

“I wouldn’t say so,” Haqua shrugged. “Suzume’s a hard worker and she’s earned her place as ruler, but otherwise she’s just another demon like you and me. One with a hidden fondness for cute things, too.”

“Hm? Cute things?”

Haqua smiled, noticing how Mio’s worried expression completely lightened up the moment she said that.

“Indeed. This is a highly classified secret, but I once walked in on her getting dressed for a major function, and the panties she wore were simply precious! They were adorned with baby chicks, and looked so childish and adorable that even our mutt would be too embarrassed to wear them. So if you’re ever nervous when you meet her, just think about that, dear. The poor girl can’t even handle being called by a nickname, just imagine how much she squirmed when she noticed that I’d seen her.”

“Ahaha, that’s so sweet though!” Mio giggled.

“Mm, and she grew so flustered when she thought I might tell other people, her maid insisted that I swear an oath to not spread the word.”

“But you just broke it!” Mio laughed.

“Ah, so I did!” Haqua chuckled. “Well, if it makes things easier on you, dear, then I’ll share every bit of classified information I’m privy to. For example, every year, Hell celebrates a Day of Cleansing, but in truth, that’s entirely because she-”

“Ahaha, don’t tell me too much,” Mio giggled, cutting her off. “I’d like to be able to take her at least a little seriously when I meet her.”

“But of course,” Haqua winked. “And I have no doubt that she’ll love your book. She’s very principled. If she didn’t believe in your work, she wouldn’t make an appearance, I promise you that.”

“Well thanks, Haqua,” Mio smiled softly. “I can’t promise I’ll suddenly be confident around her, but this definitely helps.”

“I’m certain you’ll have a wonderful time, dear.”

The two smiled, set their drinks aside, and shared a warm, passionate kiss, as they melted into each other’s warmth.

“But gosh, I really wish Rina was here now,” Mio said, as she rested her head against Haqua’s boobs. “I wanna dress her up in something cutesy… Gosh, putting her in something really frilly sounds sooooo precious. Mmmph, I wanna fuck her in a fancy dress so bad, she’d feel so good and look so cute. Such an adorable little slut, letting out the most breathless barks and whines…”

"Ahaha, quite so,” Haqua grinned. “Mio dear, I’m amazed you weren’t born a succubus,” she chuckled, gently running a finger along the length of Mio’s horns. “Perversion suits you so wonderfully, truly.”

“Awww, thanks!” Mio smiled bashfully. “It’s thanks to Rina and you, ehehe. If Rina hadn’t come to help me out on my first day of work, I dunno where I’d be right now… That’s why I try to always show you both just how much I love you. You’ve made my life so, so much better, honestly.”

Mio leaned up, and gave Haqua another loving kiss.

“I’ll have to tease Rina extra hard when she’s back, to really show my appreciation,” Mio smiled softly, before checking the time on her phone. “But seriously, it’s gotten pretty late. I hope her date’s going OK…”

Mio's expression shifted into a concerned frown. It was easy to think of her as carefree and easygoing these days, at least with matters beyond her work, but she thought of Rina and Haqua's wellbeing constantly, and when anything unexpected happened to either of her partners, she couldn't help but find herself worrying.

She knew, of course, that Haqua wouldn't let any harm come to Rina, but at the same time…the date was lasting far, far longer than anyone had expected it to. It was easy for poor Mio's mind to wander in increasingly nervous directions.

So as soon as Haqua saw her frown, she knew she had to take it away, to cheer her up until she knew that everything was, and would be, perfectly fine.

“Don't you think there's no greater sign that it's going wonderfully, Mio dear?” Haqua asked, smiling softly as she petted her soft, fluffy hair.

“You think so?” Mio asked, eyes wide with concern.

“Why of course!” Haqua nodded. “In fact, I'm fully expecting her to turn up any minute with Yamada in her arms, much like she did when she first brought home a certain someone,” she softly chuckled, and kissed the top of Mio's head.

“Ehehe, that wouldn't happen now!” Mio laughed, almost bashfully. “But yeah, I guess it's kinda easy to see things going that way for her, huh?”

“Certainly. For as much as we tease her, Rina's a charismatic, caring girl. We've raised our pet well, and I'm sure that any girl she takes a shine to will see how wonderful she really is.”

Mio smiled and nodded, her expression seeming lighter and more relaxed now.

Good. She's calmed down considerably. But if I want her to truly relax, I need to change the topic. I'm certainly not trying to bury your concerns, dear, but let's not dwell on those worries for tonight, hmm?

“You know, Mio, the artist you've been paired with is doing a phenomenal job. They've really brought your characters to life.”

“Right?!” Mio agreed excitedly, as her ears started to wiggle. “I couldn't believe how great they did! I had such a clear picture of my characters in my mind, and they somehow came along and made things better than I could've ever imagined! Remember how much I cried when I first saw the character designs they made? Ohhh, I was a wreck!” she giggled, wiping a happy tear out of the corner of her eye.

“You were precious, dear. Simply adorable,” Haqua assured her, rewarding her with plenty of pets.

“Ehehe…” Mio bashfully laughed, scratching the back of her head.

“And you know? They've not lost their touch in the slightest! That new character, the gyaru, looked quite fetching. Such a sensual design. She's quite the lascivious girl, isn't she?”

“Sachi? Well, she's the most forward love interest in the cast! She knows she's a hottie, and she loves flaunting it! Ohh, her art turned out so amazing…”

“Indeed it did! Why, she hasn't left my mind for a second since I saw it. In fact…”

Haqua smirked, and as she did, her clothes began to shift and melt on her body. In but a moment, she donned a sailor uniform with a dangerously short skirt, and a top so skimpy that it left practically nothing to the imagination, fully showing off her curvy waist, tight tummy, and plenty of cleavage. Everything beneath her uniform changed too, and Haqua found herself dressed in a tight leopard print thong that looked almost completely swallowed up by her plump buttcheeks, while her matching bra somehow made her already massive chest look even bigger.

She was the picture of an ultra-slutty gyaru, through and through.

“...I think I might walk in Sachi’s shoes for a little while. It suits me, don’t you think?” Haqua winked, smiling confidently at Mio.

“Ohhhhhhh my gosh, Haqua. Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow~!” Mio cried, excitedly pressing a hand to her cheek and beginning to drool as she appraised the wondrous beauty before her. In truth, Haqua’s personality couldn’t be less appropriate for the character she was cosplaying as, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. To Mio, it was as though her character was right here, spreading her legs and giving her a look at her soaked thong, pressed up against her moist, puffy lips. “You look soooo good!”

“I know all about the feelings you’ve held for this girl. From the moment you started writing her, you’ve had quite the spring in your step,” Haqua teased, now gently rubbing her pussy through her thong, practically begging Mio to dive right in. “I’ve heard you, you know? The way you giggle over how sexy she is, and how at times, those lustful thoughts make it impossible for you to keep going. You’re a succubus, dear, you have no inhibitions, but with Sachi, a character of your own creation, you hold back until your body needs it, feeling so horribly pent up as you finally indulge in your feelings.”

“She gets me so revved up…” Mio giggled, her breathing growing heavier and heavier as her expression turned needier and needier.

“Then surely the sight of me-”

“Makes me so excited that it hurts, Haqua!” Mio cried, before leaping up onto Haqua’s lap, straddling her lovingly before eagerly kissing and licking her neck.

“Good girl,” Haqua cooed. “You’ve become quite the insatiable beast as of late, you know? There’s such hunger within you. So don’t hold anything back. Show me just how deep your lust runs, and let’s feel incredible, together.”

Mio was too stuck in to even give a nod, though the way her tongue licked and teased her skin as she grinded against Haqua made it more than clear that she was on-board. Mio was a sweet, gentle girl most of the time, but she truly was a devil in bed, giddy, eager, and incredibly hungry.

“Nn~” Haqua gently moaned, as Mio nipped at her neck. She usually tried to keep her cool in bed, but Mio practically forced the sound right out of her, a jolt of pleasure penetrating her very core for just a brief moment. Still, Haqua didn't let that slow her down for a second, and she retaliated by grabbing Mio by the buttcheeks and squeezing them firmly.

“Was it Yuuki, hmm? Did she catch your eye, Mio dear?” Haqua smirked, as Mio aggressively bucked her hips. “Is that why gyaru now captivate you so?”

“She's sooo sexy…” Mio breathed, between licks. “I couldn't stop thinking about how nice it'd be to get fucked by someone so forward…”

In response, Haqua squeezed a little harder, really savoring her fat, jiggly, wonderfully soft cheeks.

“Ah! Mm~! Like that, Haqua!”

Mio was always adorable, and that was absolutely still true when she let herself enjoy herself to the fullest, absolutely drowning in pleasure. Though she wasn't Rina, Haqua couldn't help but want to tease her a little, to see if she might be able to make her squirm just a little.

“You're so fuckin’ cute, Mio. I wanna- hm?” Haqua froze for a second. She never spoke like that…

But before she could ponder how strange her own words had been, Mio let out a loud cry, halfway between a moan and a giggle.

“Ahhah~! Perfect! You're so perfect as Sachi, Haqua…”

Mio punctuated her sentence by eagerly reaching down and squeezing Haqua's boobs. She didn't remove her bra, though. She wanted her to be as gyaru as possible, and the leopard print was, in Mio's mind, a crucial part of the look.

“Mm~!” Haqua let out another, louder moan. “Such a needy girl! That into my titties?”


Now that couldn't be right, she never spoke so crudely, and-

“Fu~ck!” Haqua cried a little too loudly. Had she heard anyone else let that out, she'd be sure they were trying to be heard. Still, she didn't dwell on that as something long, thick, and full rushed up inside her, and she looked down to see the tip of Mio's tail plunged between her lips, driving Haqua wild as Mio continued to grind. “Mm, yeah! Stir me up!”

Though her head was swimming, she felt absolutely incredible, and through her pleasure, Haqua found a surprising amount of clarity.

Mm. Mio's, like, changed my speech for sure.

‘Like?’ ‘For sure?’ Guh, it's even starting to affect my thoughts, huh? That's…remarkable…

But does she even know she's done this?

Haqua looked down at Mio, whose hazy eyes were locked onto the boobs she was so eagerly licking. She was absolutely lost in the moment, clearly unaware of the magic she'd let loose.

I could do this to Rina and you, but I have centuries of experience. Experience that, I might add, has made me totes good at protecting myself from being changed in kind. 

‘Totes?’ Oh my, it's getting worse….

I knew you were powerful, Mio, but you may well be one of the most capable demons in any realm…

“Haqua…” Mio grinned up at Haqua, staring into her eyes. “You look so lovely. So deeply satisfied… Ehehe, I never get to see you like this.”

“With a hottie like you, there's no way I wouldn't have a blast,” Haqua winked, any attempt at formality completely papered over by Mio's magic.

Mio just grinned, and bucked her hips harder and faster, content to let her body do the talking. Though Haqua wouldn't say she was embarrassed, with how much her words were spiraling out of control, she was more than happy to go with Mio's flow, letting her tail sneak behind Mio and gently slap her squishy butt.

“Ah~!” Mio cried, grinning eagerly. “You're so good with your tail…”

Haqua let out a soft, teasing chuckle, ready to lay things on thick and really rile up Mio. Before she could, however, she was gripped by a sudden tightness in her chest, followed by…a distressing amount of bounce. She had a feeling she knew what she'd see when she looked down, but even then, the sight caught her off-guard.

“Fat titties…” she mumbled, so dopily that even Rina might have expressed herself more eloquently.

And yet, as Mio fucked her harder and harder, wracking her brain with pleasure, that was all that came to mind. Her already huge chest was absolutely massive now, filled with a weight and roundness that made her look like a milk cow.

My body, too?! Mio, you're-

“Hm? Titties?” Mio asked, before looking down at Haqua's and letting out an excited gasp. “Ohh! You made them even bigger?! Oh gosh, they're Sachi's size! You're amazing, Haqua!” Mio grinned, before rubbing her cheek up against Haqua's bust, in a display that was distressingly cute for the girl currently working hard to fuck Haqua's brains out.

Something she might have actually been doing, considering her blunter, ditzier speech. Not that Haqua wanted to entertain that idea.

OK, gotta reverse this now, or I might be like, stuck in bimbo mode for days!

But, like…Miomio's crazy sexy like this, so it'd be a total waste to not show her a good time too, right?

Haqua's eyes briefly widened at that intrusive thought. She wasn't going to undo her cosplay, just the extra adjustments Mio had unknowingly made to her.

But…the longer she lingered on it, the less it bothered her. After all…it would be a waste. She was driving Mio crazy, she needed to take advantage of this.

With a confident smirk on her face, Haqua eagerly reached for Mio's chest, noting her longer, sharper, and cutely-painted fingernails as she did. The changes, it seemed, ran deeper than Haqua realized.

“I'm talking about your titties, hottie! Nice and fat, bet they'd be full of milk for me, huh?” she asked, punctuating her sentence by firmly pinching her puffy nipples between her fingernails.

“Ahhn~! Haqua, oh wow!” Mio moaned, smiling broadly as she did.

“Aww, no mooing? And here I thought you were into that!” Haqua cackled, acting on impulses that at once felt distinctly unlike her own, and oh-so right for her. “Well, can't complain. Your moans are way too fuckin’ cute to turn down!”

She gave her chest another firm squeeze, then slapped her boobs gently, watching them jiggle and bounce like crazy as Mio let out another wonderful moan.

“Kyahaha! Oh, you're adorbs!” Haqua grinned, only idly noticing as her hair shifted from its usual color to a golden blonde, bringing her even more in-line with the character she was embodying.

“Sachi?” Mio asked, her cheeks flushed an even richer pink than usual.

“Haqua, got that? Ha~ku~a!” she teased, flicking her nipples with each syllable of her name. 

“Ohhh wow~!” Mio moaned, wrapping her legs tightly around Haqua's waist, as though she couldn't bare to be separated from someone this incredible.

“But if I get you as revved up as she does, then I'd better treat you like she would, huh?” Haqua asked, sticking out her tongue.

As she spoke, she felt a sweet taste suddenly fill her mouth, and a stick wedged itself between her teeth. She tongued whatever the object was for a moment, before her eyes lit up with realization.

A strawberry lollipop, huh? Oooh, my fave!

It wasn't Haqua's favorite in the least, but it was Sachi's, and as Mio's magic took even greater effect, Haqua’s feelings were becoming truly one and the same with the fictional gyaru's. 

Smirking confidently, she pushed Mio and herself off the couch, pushing Mio to the floor and following her down, keeping her pinned beneath her body.

“Oh wowowow!” Mio gasped, her ears wiggling in delight as she stared at Haqua's huge, heavy tits hanging low above her face, giving them a few curious squeezes and letting out the most blissful sigh as she did. “Haqua, you're amazing!”

“Mm, don't I know it?” she smirked, before plucking the lollipop out from between her plump lips, giving it one last lick and feeling Mio twitch beneath her excitedly. “This thing's crazy yummy, y'know? Wanna try some?”

“Mm! Mm!” Mio excitedly nodded.

“You do? Wow!” Haqua whistled, twirling the lollipop around, letting Mio's eyes really linger on its shiny surface. “An indirect kiss?! You're a dirtier girl than I thought? But that's cool,” she said, dropping her voice to a sultry purr.

“Cuz I love dirty girls.”

Mio wanted to ask what she meant by that, why someone as forward and uninhibited as her was suddenly acting like an indirect kiss was even the slightest bit dirty.

But before she could, Haqua reached between her legs, and popped her lollipop right up inside Mio’s pussy.

“NnnnHH~! Hafhua…” she moaned, so shocked that her words were coming out slurred and messy.

“Kyahaha! Tasty, right?” Haqua asked, twirling it around before pulling it out, holding it up so that they could both admire the way it glistened, now that it was coated in Mio’s juices. “But I bet you’ve made it even better…”

With a teasing smirk, she leaned in close to Mio’s face, held the lollipop between them, and gave it a long, slow lick, urging Mio to do the same.

Mio felt like she was in a daze, oddly weak in a way sex never really made her feel, but she complied wholeheartedly, licking the candy alongside Haqua, her mind losing it over the strange, intoxicating combo of strawberry and lust, made all the more potent as Haqua’s tongue wrapped around the lollipop and rubbed against her own.

“Delish~!” Haqua winked. “But I wanna have more fun,” she said, licking her lips eagerly. Sticking the lollipop between her teeth once more, she summoned up a huge vibrator—a magic wand—into her hand, immediately turning it onto its highest setting, filling the air with a loud buzz that told Mio exactly how much she was about to be messed up.

“But only if you ask me re~ally nicely,” Haqua grinned. “You’ll like, do that for me, right? You’ll let me go crazy, won’t you?”

“Please, I need it so bad, Haqua…” Mio moaned, her eyes cloudy and unfocused.

“Haaah? A little louder! Tell me you want me to mess you up.”

“Please…mess me up…” she breathed, desperately pawing for the magic wand, which Haqua pulled just out of reach.

“Louder! C’mon, you’ve got it in you, Miomio! Tell me how bad you wanna get fucked by a gyaru~!”

Mio clenched her fists,

“Mess me up, Haqua! Fuck my brains out, please!”

Haqua grinned. Though she was fully immersed in her gyarufied mindset, Mio’s earnest, desperate demand reminded her so very much of her first night with Rina that she couldn’t help but feel nostalgic.

Which, of course, only made things that much more exciting for her.

“Got it~!” she winked, before pressing the magic wand firmly against Mio’s soaked lips, watching her body shudder as she cried out in ecstasy. 

“AhHn~!” she cried, her voice wavering.

“Ehehe, someone’s losing it, huh?” Haqua smirked, leaning in close to kiss Mio. “But it’s no fun if I just watch. I wanna have some fun, too!”

Without a second thought, Haqua dropped a little lower, pressing her pussy down on the tip of the wand until it was smushed up between the pair, driving them both wild.

“Mmh, this cutie’s got a hell of a kick~! Ahahaha, you look hilarious, Miomio! It’s like your brain’s leaked out, you look so slutty!” she teased, cackling like mad before she pulled out her cellphone and posed for a particularly dirty selfie, making sure that both she and Mio were in frame. “See, see? Check it out?”

Haqua grinned as she held her phone up to Mio’s face, letting the thoroughly worn out succubus look up at the screen to see Haqua’s giddy grin right next to her lust-drenched expression. She knew just how wild Sachi was, she’d written her, after all, but even so, Haqua embodying her was driving her absolutely wild, wearing her down in a way she thought nothing could ever since she’d abandoned her humanity.

“Hafhua…” she slurred. “Ghotta khum…”

“Awww, is my hottie getting worn down? Aren’t you, like, a succubus? I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that! You can hold out longer, can’t you?”

Mio tried to nod, but right as she did, Haqua pushed herself down a little more firmly on the wand, letting the head start to force itself between her lips.

“FfuahH~!” Mio breathlessly moaned.

“Ehehe, maybe not, huh? Don’t blame you, it’s hard to go toe-to-toe with a gyaru, but you’ve, like, been amazing, y’know that?”

Mio gave Haqua a sleepy smile.

“Nuh-uh, you’re…you’re amazing, Haqua…”

“Right, I so am!” Haqua giggled, her gyaru spirit making it impossible to not soak up every compliment she was offered, rewarding it by giving Mio’s nipples another firm pinch between her long, gorgeously-painted nails. “So I’ll reward you, ‘K? A gift for being soooo good to me.”

“Yeah?” Mio asked, only barely able to think of anything outside of her desperate, almost painful need for release.

“Mm!” Haqua nodded, sneaking her tail up to Mio’s face and gently stroking her cheek with the tip. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Pleash, Hakhua…” she slurred, still shaking from the impact of the wand, which was at once wracking her body with intense, wonderful pleasure, yet dulling her senses with every second that passed, making it harder and harder to think straight.

“Good girl~!” Haqua laughed, before slipping her tail into Mio’s mouth. “Suck with everything you’ve got, ‘K? And I’ll,” she smirked, reaching a hand beneath Mio’s butt and popping a finger inside, "make us both cum real good.”

“Mmha~!” Mio moaned, her brain flitting between trying to respond, and wanting to lick and suck on Haqua’s tail, wanting to show her even half the pleasure that the gyaru was showing her. As a desperate gambit, she weakly reached a hand up to Haqua’s massive chest, and began squeezing and kneading it with every bit of strength she possessed.

“Ohhh~! Wow, you’ve still got spirit~!” Haqua moaned, hoping that the rest of the city could hear her. “Mm, a proper succubus, through and through~!”

As a reward, Haqua bucked her hips wildly, making sure to push the magic wand down a little harder each time. The truth is, she was also starting to lose herself a little. The far sluttier personality she’d been given wanted to cum more than anything, losing herself to her emotions far more than the haughty, almost distant Haqua ever really did. It had been tough to hold on even this long, honestly, with how hard Mio’s tail had worked her, but it was absolutely worth it to see the deeply satisfied look on Mio’s face.

And so, though the pair held on with everything they had, they both quickly lost their remaining willpower, and all their feelings squirted out from between their thighs and stained the floor in their lust, punctuated by moans so loud and fulfilled that they may well have shaken the foundations of their apartment.



The gyarufied succubus collapsed on top of Mio, letting her head rest against her soft, pillowy chest as she let the afterglow gently fade away.

Fuck, Miomio. You were amazing…

“Love you, Haqua…” Mio sleepily mumbled, petting her partner’s hair before she dozed off, falling into a wonderful dream with a smile on her face.

“Ehehe, cutie,” Haqua giggled, planting a kiss on Mio’s boobs.

You used a ton of magic changing me without even knowing it, ehehe… No wonder you’re so tuckered out. You might not be used to it yet, but geez, you’re crazy powerful, Miomio… Even Suzu’d be impressed if she noticed you…

She lay there for a while, utterly content. She could, for a moment, scarcely recall why she’d started making love to Mio in the first place. Sure, she and her partners never really needed any kind of excuse, but after a little while, it came back to her.

This had been a way to distract her, something to take her mind off of her worries about Rina.

Who, Haqua noted as she checked the now extremely late hour on her phone, still wasn’t back home.

“Well, then…” she sighed, picking herself up and heading to the bathroom to clean herself off.

In truth, she knew that it would be more than a simple date for Rina and the so-called Hanako Yamada.

She’d listened to Rina’s stories intently, and knew fully well that her suspicions were justified. The very moment Rina had brought up a strange co-worker, she’d spied on her workplace and closely monitored Yamada, who’d been unaware of her presence the entire time. Her investigation had turned up one exceedingly obvious truth: Hanako Yamada was a demon in disguise.

So why, then, had she not intervened? Quite simple: She sensed no hostile intent from her. She took a great interest in Rina, and clearly had designs on her for some purpose, but she meant no harm. She seemed a capable killer, too. Had she wanted to harm Rina, she would have made an attempt already. There was simply no reason to hold back.

And, in truth, Haqua wanted to see what Yamada’s true aims were. Maybe it was her innate desire to see her mutt find the humiliation she so desperately craved, but she was certain that whatever was to come of all this would be tremendously entertaining, and so, she allowed it to play out, eager to see what might happen next.

She felt for Rina’s presence, searched the bond they shared, and something became clear instantly: Rina wasn’t in this realm anymore.

You took her to Hell, huh?

She wasn’t concerned. She could tell that she was still very safe, but still, now that Yamada had shown a bit more of her hand, Haqua decided to take some basic precautions, just enough to ensure her mutt’s continued safety. She pulled out her phone, and called the person she trusted the most in any realm.

The phone rang for but a moment before Haqua was quickly greeted by a gentle, pleasant voice.

“It’s such a pleasure to hear from you, dearest sister,” Adri Est Vir Sida answered, the delighted smile she wore completely obvious to Haqua’s ear.

“Yo, Riri~! Ya doing well? I miss you like, sooo much!”

“...Yuuki? Are you visiting my dearest sister? I thought you and Wakaba were out drinking tonight…”

“Ah, soz, Riri! It’s me, Haqua, promise!” Haqua quickly explained, trying to reduce the gyaruness that had been pushed onto her, to no avail. “Miomio, like, she’s mega powerful, so her magic kinda changed me while we were fucking. She didn’t even know she was doing it either, kyahaha~! Poor cutie crashed right after, she’s not used to her own magic yet.”

“Your entire demeanor has changed, dearest sister…”

“Yeeeeah, it’s, like, crazy strong magic. It’ll wear off soon, but I’m probs stuck like this til morning,” Haqua laughed, admiring her reflection in the bathroom mirror and blowing herself a kiss.

“What a capable girl,” Adri chuckled. “Still, this is a lovely side of you, dearest sister. Can I come over now? I’d love to see it firsthand.”

“Mmm, not right now! I want Miomio to nap peacefully. Soz, Riri, I’ll send a selfie later!”

“A pity…” Adri sighed.

“Ooh, but I, like, called for something important! Gyaru brain’s making it hard to stay on topic!” she lightly scolded herself. “Listen, Riri, could you do me a favor?”

“Of course, dearest sister. You only need to say the word.”

“Yay~!” Haqua grinned. “So get this…”

As Haqua explained what had happened and told her sister of her suspicions about what might have happened to Rina, she couldn’t help but smile.

The more she spoke about it, the more excited she felt. Sure, anyone else might worry, but she was above that sort of thing. Rina had been wrapped up in something big, she was certain of that, and the thought made Haqua positively giddy.

And fuck, it’s gonna be so fun! Put on a good show for everyone, Rinarin! We’re all watching closely!

Gyaru or no, Haqua was tremendously excited. She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the days ahead were sure to be special.

Since we're getting into the thick of the main plot, I thought I'd break things up with a steamier chapter! It was fun to write Haqua and Mio going for it, even if Haqua's a liiiittle different here, ahaha. I wanted to have fun with a lot of the cast this volume, so I hope everyone enjoys it!

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