Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 40

After receiving the books, I immediately teleported to my underwater base. First, I slightly ennobled the interior of the manor, since there was nothing there.

I transformed various furniture and other comfort items from the earth. Having arranged a comfortable living room where I could read in peace, I began to study books. 

Thanks to the Gale-Force Reading Glasses, I was able to read all five books, each containing three thousand pages, in just two hours. 

As in any book that I have read so far in this world, there was a lot of water and obviously unnecessary information, but the main thing was that I got the necessary information to practice Light Magic.

Light Magic is a type of Caster Magic that allows the creation and manipulation of light as an element. The opposite of Dark Magic. 

Basically, this type of magic consists of attacks based on beams of light. The advantage of this magic is its high temperature and high attack speed, which can be adjusted.

I'm already quite familiar with this type of Magic, since my main magic "Light Ècuripte" has an element of Light at its core. Also, don't forget that I'm a Light Devil Slayer, and I can already use a kind of Light Magic that kills demons. 

And finally, my transformation into an angel gives me the ability to use Light Magic instinctively and completely freely. So, I don't think I will have any particular difficulty in learning Magic, which is the basis of almost all of my abilities. 

Finished reading, I finally got the theory I needed to back up my practical knowledge gained from the transformation. I already knew much of what was written or even tried it in practice, but of course there was enough new information. 

Unusual for me were the Magic Circles, which at first are used to create spells. After that, you can refuse them. Before, I never had to use them in my main magic, as it worked on a different, albeit similar, principle. 

And Slayer Magic worked almost instinctively. Even if I created Magic Circles for spells, it was happening unconsciously and without my control. The main thing there was imagination and concentration. That's how this kind of magic works. It's not even surprising that an idiot like Natsu could excel at such magic.

The only time, when I had to consciously create the Magic Circle myself, this was during the absorption of the Soul of Arariel and the first transformation. It was a pathetic and decrepit Circle, but it worked, and after that time, I got the experience of previous Angel Soul owners and now I don't need a Magic Circle for Take-Over Magic at all. 

It can be said that Light Magic is the first classical magic of this world that I will study consciously. And while I don't think I'll ever use it extensively, I still have more useful alternatives, but the experience I get from learning will definitely come in handy. 

Still, it's not good that I immediately jumped to such a high-level Magic as Slayer Magic without knowing the proper basics. Besides, the main reason why I took up Light Magic in the first place is it is to diversify and create more spells for Light Demon Slayer Magic. 

After making sure that I remembered all the important information and discarded the unnecessary, I went to the training ground. 

The most basic and first spell of Light that was introduced in the book was Ray of Light. It's just a beam of light energy fired from a mage's hand, with decent temperature and speed.

I've used it in my Angel form quite a few times, so I don't think I'll have a problem. Standing upright, with my arm outstretched, I directed the Ethernano into my raised arm and began to create the necessary Magic Circle. 

Creating the Circle was very similar to creating the rune combinations for the Light Écriture, but of course there was a difference. To create, you need concentration and an accurate representation of the desired result. Luckily, there was a picture of the required Magic Circle in the book. 

By manipulating my Magical Energy, I needed to build a Circle exactly following the pattern. Well, it was much more difficult than creating runes, at least for me, but since I already had a lot of experience in manipulating aether to create such things and it was only a low-level spell, I managed in a short time. 

After ten attempts, I came up with a faded and fragile Magic Circle that could be dispelled by a single gust of wind, but still a beam of light successfully flew out of it. It was rather pathetic, such an attack would not hurt even a C-rank creature. 

But this is already a success, it remains only to consolidate the result, which I did next.


Until the evening, all I did was practice Light Magic spells. It wasn't difficult, but rather tedious. I had to repeat the same actions over and over again, over and over again... 

In all the time, I was able to learn five spells to an acceptable level. Now I can use them normally, with no chance of failure, and they now have decent power. They were: Ray of Light, Bullet of Light, Shield of Light, Flash of Light and Spear of Light. 

Pretty banal spells, but this already gave me the opportunity to create a few spells for Slayer Magic. I do not think that I will spend much time on further improvement, but I will definitely try to diversify the repertoire. 

After finishing my practice, I took a hot bath in the newly created bathroom and then teleported back to Magnolia. Sunset had already ended, so it was already dark. 

The noise of merriment was heard again from the guild building. Opening the door of the Guild, I dodged the projectile as usual, and went to the bar, for which Mirajane was already working. 

Although for a change, there was no fight in the hall, everyone was drinking, of course, but no one hit each other in the face. Only now it is not clear what I avoided? Some kind of mystic. 

As usual, upon seeing me, Mira gave me a beautiful smile and greeted me happily: - Hi, Drake, how are you? What did you do today? 

- Hello, Mira. Everything is great. I've been practicing magic all day, and I'm really hungry, so bring me a big steak with garnish, please. - I said, friendly, while placing an order.

- Okay, soon everything will be ready. - Mira cooed, after which she went to the kitchen to give the order. 

At that moment, the Master, already well swayed, sat down next to me.

- Oh, Drake, I see he trained Light Magic. Well, is it successful? Hic… - said the Master, finally hiccupping like a real drunkard. 

- You're right. Everything is going well, but how did you know, Master? - I asked, surprised by his accurate hit.

- Light Magic is one of my specialties, I am very good at it. Now I perfectly feel the excess of the Ethernano of Light from you. This usually happens when you repeatedly use the same magic for many hours in a row, this happens after training. - said the Master, showing his remarkable experience. 

To be honest, I now have even more respect for the Master. He so easily determined what I was doing, having drawn a logical chain, while he was almost completely drunk. Here is the cool man.

- Clear. Looks like I still don't know much. - I said.

- Well, you can't drink away experience. Hic… Although there were attempts. Do you want to understand the magic on which your native Magic is based? - Makarov asked.

- And again you are right, Master. - I nodded in agreement. 

- Well done, you think right.. You have a very high predisposition to the element of Light and you should develop it further. - said the Master, taking a sip from his glass.

- Yes? And how did you understand it? - I asked with interest.

- As soon as I saw you, you literally blinded me with your aura. Old people like me are able to see this in connection with experience. And your radiant aura is a clear sign of a high predisposition to a certain element. You are literally born to use the Light. In my life, I've only seen this a couple of times. So here's my senile advice to you, don't lose your potential. - said the Master, in a slightly sad tone. 

- Of course, I didn't mean to. - I said. 

- Well, fine. I'll go, something wanted to sleep. By the way, Elsa will be arriving tomorrow morning, so come to dinner, I will arrange an exhibition match for you so that you can show yourself and get A-Rank. - Makarov said in the end, getting ready to leave. 

- Understood. Good night, Master. - I shouted to the Master leaving for the second floor, who only waved his hand in response. 

His words, frankly, did not open America for me, but it's nice to know that I have a talent that will help me in magic. 

- He's kind of sad today. - said Mira, who had come up and was looking at the Master's back. 

- Well, he can't be happy forever. Sometimes it's good to be sad too. - I said as I started eating the hot steak. 

- You're right…. Oh, I totally forgot. Gray came with his teacher. He asked me to convey his deep gratitude to you for your help, and said that he would definitely repay you in the future. - Mira said.

- That's how. It's good. So they've already left? - I asked. 

- Yes, they seem to be in a hurry. It seems they have some business in Era, that's where they went. - a little thoughtful, said the elder Strauss.

- Yes, they should meet with another student of Ur, Grey's former comrade. Although I thought they would at least say goodbye. - I said thoughtfully.

- Well, you were nowhere and they were running out of time, so they asked me to give you the words, and Ur-san gave you this. - Mira said as she took out the letter. 

Taking it in my hands, I quickly read it. There was another gratitude and a promise to visit me when everything was decided. It's a shame that I never improved her necklace, but that's okay, it can work for quite some time.

After I finished reading the letter, I put it in my inventory, and then continued to have dinner.


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