Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 35

Due to the fact that the rocks acted as an excellent guide, I was able to safely teleport back to the shipwreck. Having moved back 150 kilometers, I cast all the necessary spells on myself, after which I slowly sank under the water. 

Luckily, I saved enough of the Light Lacrims as a last resort, and this time I was able to replenish my reserve without any problems. If not for that, I would be suffering from severe exhaustion right now. 

Unfortunately, I can't absorb sunlight to replenish my strength. Apparently, the fact that this is still the light of the sun interferes and is not suitable for me.

It seems like I can only eat regular, yellow light from spells and other artificial sources. There may also be white light, but I'm not sure. Oh, and with Light Lacrims, I can click like seeds. 

It's a pity that such a source of energy will disappear. Endless, and at the same time available almost 12 hours a day. In addition, the light of the moon, also light and also infinite, easily accessible during the night, but it is also inaccessible to me. 

To be honest, I'm not happy that I lost this opportunity and I'll still try to fix it. I don't know how I will do it, but in this world it is customary to go beyond one's limits, so I will try to access the ability to eat other types of light, whether it is solar, lunar and others, even completely different colours. 

But this is for the future, but for now, I was at the bottom of the sea and with the help of a search spell I was looking for a sunken cargo. Without a spell, it would have been quite troublesome and time consuming, but fortunately my Magic is extremely versatile and I completed the task in just ten minutes. 

In the week since the crash, boxes of goods had been carried away by the current for several kilometers. Fortunately, all the boxes were intact and the cargo was not damaged, except for the dishes from the Sin country in one of the boxes, which shattered to smithereens. But it was a bit of a problem, as I was able to restore all the dishes with my version of Reparo. 

To be honest, I didn't have to worry so much about this mission. I could safely refuse to dive to find lost goods, and even more so, I did not have to restore broken plates. No one would say anything to me about this, since it was not part of my duties on this mission, but I did it anyway and, as you might guess, I did it for Rosa.

I wanted to make the best possible impression on her. But it's not because she's pretty and I want to pick her up. It's all about her professional skills. She is a talented manager and, apparently, an equally talented accountant. 

Although we have only known each other for a few hours, I have already gotten to know her enough to realize that she is a good person who fulfills her duties conscientiously. Such a person would definitely help me. 

After finishing the mission, I want to propose to her according to her profile, I hope she will agree. Well, given the state of her current job, I don't think she has a choice. Of course, the fact that she is a very hot beauty with a cold appearance only confirms my decision to make this offer. 

But then again, this is for later, and now, I have finished collecting the boxes and have already teleported back to Galuna Island. 

Ur apparently hadn't finished punishing Leon yet, but no more screams could be heard. Either she calmed down, or finally finished off the guy. 

And the mages of Isvana were still recovering from exhaustion. After I moved back, Rosa immediately ran up to me, but when she saw that my hands were empty, she became visibly sad. Since she did not know about the inventory in my bracers, she thought that I never found the boxes. 

The way she worries about this perfectly shows how responsible she is. Yes, I should hire her. Not wanting to see Miss Pines' sad face anymore, I took out all 13 boxes and laid them on the sand, after which I said: 

- Here. I found all the boxes, and all the goods are intact, except for getting wet, but this can be fixed. 'Light Ècuripte: Drying'.

The spell did exactly what I wanted and dried all the drawers and their contents. It's all, what can I do. 

Seeing all the boxes, Rosa beamed, and after I dried them, she was literally shaking with delight.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you…. - Rosa said, rushing to hug me. Still, how quickly she can lose her strict image of a business woman is just amazing. 

Coming to her senses rather quickly, Rosa jumped away from me and her face turned red. But as always, she showed her professionalism and quickly pulled herself together, while saying: 

- Um ... Thank you, Mr. Drake. You did more than you had to and completed the mission. I will definitely add a bonus to your reward.

- Thanks, Miss Pines. We only have to get to Hargeon, but we also have to capture all these people. - I said, and pointed to a group of Iswana mages who were now close to us. 

- We could use the ship but first it needs to be repaired… - Rosa said thoughtfully, clearly thinking how to do it.

- That was my idea, and don't worry, with the help of Magic, I can get the ship back to working order pretty easily. The main thing is that you don't mind using it. - I asked.

- Of course, of course, the ship is at your complete disposal. - said Rose hastily, leading me to the ship. 

But when we were already standing almost at the ship's stern, I heard the noise of a bush from the jungle. At first, I thought that Ur and Leon were back, but it turned out that I was wrong. 

A group of creatures came out of the forest, the ideal description for which was demons. Actually, these were the demons of Galuna Island. They had sharp, long ears, small horns, and a strange growth on their chin. They all had a unique skin color, such as purple, green, or blue. 

At the same time, many had dark spots on their skin, which looked suspiciously like my Devil Slayer Mark when it extended heavily across my arm. Apparently, this is Dark Matter, a special kind of power that real demons and Devil Slayers have. 

Also, their distinguishing feature was wings, which had a truly demonic appearance, and were similar to the wings of bats. When the demons emerged from the jungle, they immediately attracted attention. And it was not at all unexpected that the mages from Isvana were afraid of them and began to prepare for battle. Knowing it wasn't necessary, I stopped them.

- Calm down. They are not enemies. These are the inhabitants of the island and they are completely harmless. - I said, and began to walk towards the demons. 

Oddly enough, no one doubted my words and the mages calmed down. Although they were clearly still cautious.

- Sorry for this. - I said to the demons, with a benevolent smile, when he got closer to them. 

- Nothing, we all understand. Thank you, young man. I'm Moka, village chief. - said an old-looking demon with purple skin. 

I wonder how old he is? Since he is a Demon, he is at least a long-liver, and now, he looks like an old man, so in theory, he is hundreds of years old. Perhaps even a thousand. It is a pity that he lived all his life on this island and saw little. Such an interlocutor would come out. 

- My name is Nathaniel Drake. Nice to meet you. - I introduced myself.

- Are you a mage from the Guild? Are you the one who accepted our mission? - asked the demon that was standing next to . I think it was his son, if my memory serves me right.

- I'm indeed a Mage from the Guild, to be more precise from Fairy Tail, but I did not accept your assignment. I ended up on your island quite by accident during another mission, and it just so happened, that I got into a mess, what's going on here and I had to figure it out. - I said honestly.

- That's how. But in the end, it was thanks to you that the curse was lifted? - the elder's son asked in a grateful tone.

- Did you destroy the purple moon? - Moka asked.

- Not exactly, but yes. In that temple, which is located in the west of the island, a very powerful light ritual was held, in which the light of the moon was used. Because of this, a dome of condensed Ethernano formed over the island, which became the cause of your curse. I recently destroyed the dome, and I take it you're all right now? - I asked.

- Yes. Thank you very much for your help. Because of the light, we forgot who we were and thought that we were people who turned into demons at night. - said the demon girl.

- Because of this, we thought that some of us would go crazy and turn into insane demons. We had to kill them out of fear. At least that's what we thought. I even stabbed Boba with my own hands. - Moka said with tears in his eyes.

- Fortunately, this won't kill me, I'm still a demon. For some reason, I was not affected by the curse and I knew the whole truth, but unfortunately, no one believed me and everyone was afraid of me. I had to leave the island, hoping to find someone who would help us. - Boba said, also holding back tears.

Whatever you say, the situation is dire. They are all lost and confused. They were afraid of their transformations and the demons that their comrades had 'turned' into. Out of fear, they had to kill their own tribesmen, and then it turned out that it was all a mistake and they were never people. 

Fortunately, I was here, and much earlier than Natsu and the others arrived, and the inhabitants of the island did not have to live in such fear for three whole years. 

- What about the rest? The ones you 'killed'. - I asked.

- They have been hiding all this time on the other side of the island, waiting for the curse to break. - Boba said.

- Clear. Well, glad to help you. - I said as I was about to leave.

- Wait. You helped us and we owe you money. Come with us to the village, we will arrange a real feast for you. - Moka said very insistently.

- I'd love to, but I'm really in a hurry. I need to get to the continent before evening. - I said. 

- Please, at least take the mission reward. - Moka said.

- Not worth it. I did not take this task, besides, I helped quite by accident. You do not need to pay me, this money will be useful to you. - I said, not at all cunning, since I do not need their money. 

- Well, at least take this. - Moka said hurriedly and took out a golden key.

- This… - I muttered, recognizing the key.


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