It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 38

Chapter 40: The Growth Path Of Excellent Teachers 15 [Vip] Dare To Laugh At Me And Bite You

Zhang Zihao, who was pulled in front of him by Ke Qingqing, bowed very obediently: “Uncles, aunts and brothers, I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

Ke Qingqing nodded with satisfaction, smiled at a group of stunned bear parents, and said yin and yang strangely: “Look, look, the child has apologized, why don’t you forgive him quickly?”

“You are sick! How can you be like this, deliberately inciting children to beat people, right? Now you can easily apologize and think it’s okay? The little brat hit my son just now Your face, my son’s face is also something you can hit!” Wave curled up with anger and angered, and tapped a finger on Ke Qingqing’s nose.

“It’s just kidding, what kind of beating? What a fuss! Your son played with my students like this, and now my students will play with them like this!” Ke Qingqing Yin and Yang spoke angrily and sent his face forward: “Why? You don’t agree? If you don’t agree, you hit me.”

“What fact? It’s just a play. I don’t deny that the play is too much, but the child has already been humbled? You don’t forgive him? He’s a child, he committed a crime Wrong, I also apologized, what else do you want?” Ke Qingqing continued to slander.

So on-line?” Ke Qingqing scanned the group of bear parents back and forth with the eyes of beasts.

The parents were so angry with her that they blushed and had thick necks but did not know how to refute her. What Ke Qingqing said was what they had just said in person. Why are you so unhappy when someone else slaps these words on yourself?

Ke Qingqing was speechless when she saw a group of bear parents being run by her, she pointed to these guys with righteous indignation and started training: “You are all in your thirties, forties, and so on. Do you understand the principle of not doing what you want to others without distinguishing between right and wrong? If you don’t understand, I will teach you!”

“When someone else’s child was beaten, it was a joke, a fuss, a trivial matter. Now that your own child is beaten, you can’t do it? Feeling distressed? Feeling uncomfortable? Have you ever thought about it? Will other people’s parents feel distressed?”

Human nature is inherently selfish, and most people are egoists. When considering problems, they think from the perspective of their own interests. This Ke Qingqing feels that there is no problem, and she herself does the same.

The problem is that there must be a bottom line for selfishness. What is the difference between a person who is selfish enough to not even abide by the basic rules of society and an animal who acts purely on instinct? Simply human.

Ke Qingqing aggressively criticized these bear parents: “Look at the good things your children have done, you gather to smoke and bully your classmates at a young age. As a parent, if you find that your child has various problems, don’t say anything and guide him. They correct their bad habits and still maintain them without any bottom line?”

“Do you know what you are doing? You are pushing your children into the direction of social gangsters! They have no sense of right and wrong, no sense of honor, and they bully their classmates recklessly because they are children. , what will happen to society when they grow up? They will always grow up, right? How long can the underage umbrella protect them?”

“They extorted more than 700 yuan from my students back and forth. Do you think that 700 yuan is nothing at all? Then do you know that extorting other people’s property is too much One thousand yuan is a large amount? It’s a sentence! Is it a police comrade?” Ke Qingqing asked the two police uncles who acted as background boards.

The police uncle coughed and nodded solemnly: “Yes, even if the amount is more than 1,000 yuan, if you are convicted of extortion and extortion, you will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than one year but not more than three years or short-term detention. control.”

“Have you heard? Don’t think that your children can be unscrupulous and not held criminally responsible if they are minors, but they can be detained and controlled! Does it look good to leave this case? Are you proud and proud? ”

Ke Qingqing glanced over one by one, and a group of people lowered their heads silently.

Get on the right track, instead of defending them without bottom line!”

“They made such a big mistake, they don’t have to accept any punishment under your harassment, what impression will this matter leave on their minds, have you thought about it?”

“They will think that beating and blackmailing is not a big deal, even if they are found out, they will not be punished, it doesn’t matter, and they can do it next time! When he is an adult If you still do this, can you bear the consequences? If you think it doesn’t matter if your children go to jail, then treat me like I didn’t say those words!”


“Are you still thinking of downplaying what happened today, and when you get home, you can educate your children well, so that they will change their minds and start a new life? A big mistake! If your educational methods had worked, they wouldn’t be what they are now!”

“You are very happy to raise a social scum? Very proud? Very satisfied? Is this the purpose of your birth?”

The group of parents: “I’m really worried about your IQ!”

A group of parents were speechless by Ke Qingqing, do you really want to say that they are right and wrong? That’s not necessarily true. In fact, they know that their children’s behavior is inappropriate, and their own words are not so reasonable. They are so messed up that they are selfish and selfish to put it bluntly, and they are unwilling to take responsibility. They want to get out of this matter quickly. That’s it.

Now I meet a Ke Qingqing who is more rambunctious than myself, a group of people are numb, run on her, she is more rambunctious than myself, refute her, I have no one else to say, It’s not surprising that he is a teacher, his mouth is neat.

Several parents looked at each other and didn’t know what to say, and even the most arrogant wavy closed his mouth.

The meeting room was silent for a while, and after everyone was silent for a while, a middle-aged man with half-white hair stepped forward and said to Ke Qingqing: “Mr. Ke, you It makes sense, if the little tree is not repaired, it will not be straight, and the child will not be a good person. Our child is under-educated, and I will definitely discipline him when I go back.

He bowed to Zhang Zihao solemnly: “I’m sorry, little classmate, I didn’t educate the child well and let him hurt you. Uncle apologized to you.”

Being so solemnly compensated by an adult, little Zhang Zihao blushed and was at a loss.

The middle-aged man pulled his son out of the corner and aimed it at his butt. The kicked thug stumbled into Zhang Zihao’s arms, Zhang Zihao supported him regardless of his previous suspicions, and the middle-aged man rushed to his house The son shouted angrily: “Why don’t you quickly apologize to this classmate! Wait for Laozi to invite you?”

The little gangster blushed, bowed his head and bowed his head and apologized to Zhang Zihao, Zhang Zihao generously forgave him.

With this beginning, the rest of the parents, whether they were sincere or unwilling, took their children to apologize and paid Zhang Zihao the pocket money that was extorted from him.

The police uncle who has been acting as the background board also gave verbal admonitions to the group of bad boys. Under the coercion of the police uncle, a group of gangsters trembled like frightened quails and expressed that they would obey discipline in the future Obey the law and be a good citizen.

Principal Cheng punished these students on the spot, recording a major demerit, a review of 2,000 words per person, and raising the national flag on Monday to name and criticize.

Seeing that this group of gangsters were punished as they should, Ke Qingqing and the others went home.

The dean of the school praised Ke Qingqing with a smile: “Mr. Ke, you are amazing, you can teach Dundun, you can do it, no matter the student or the parent, you can’t cure it, right? ”

“Then you have a high opinion of me.” Ke Qingqing smiled casually: “I can cure these people because they are not really bad people, they still have good and evil in their hearts. What can I do to get to the truly vicious one?”

Language education can only be useful to those who are willing to listen, just like a person who can never wake up and pretend to be asleep. .

Zhang Zihao, who returned to the classroom, was closely watched by the whole class. For ten minutes between classes, he was surrounded by classmates, and Zhang Zihao described Ke Qingqing’s ‘heroic’ deeds carefully. It made the classmates scream.

“Wow! Teacher Ke is so handsome~, and even went to vocational high school to help you avenge.”

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Zihao, who was in an emotional period, suddenly lay on the desk and started crying.

He has been bullied by this group of gangsters for several months. When he was bullied for the first time, he said to him: “Why don’t they bully others and want to bully you? You don’t provoke them, Will they bully you? Find the reason in yourself.”

The previous head teacher, Tuotang Li Tianwang, also knew about him. Li Tianwang asked him if it was not a student from his school, and he just lightly told him to hide from those gangsters when he went to and from school.

Hide? How to hide? He dared to delete the social accounts of the group of people, and the group of thugs dared to run to the gate of his school to block people, and they were coerced into a secluded place and beaten up again.

Even if he had given up his resistance, these guys would still beat and kick him, Zhang Zihao thought more than once, just put a knife in his schoolbag and stab them all to death.

Thanks to Teacher Ke, all his anger and resentment over the past few months have been completely vented in the battle of revenge just now.

“The tigress is worthy of being a tigress, she is powerful enough, and the gangsters in vocational high school are not her opponents. In the future, it would be better for us to be obedient.” A group of students sighed with emotion.

“Don’t say that about Teacher Ke! Teacher Ke is not a tigress!” Zhang Zihao, who burst into tears, shouted at his classmates: “She is not a tigress, she is a hero, she is My Captain Marvel!”

What? Captain Marvel? All the classmates laughed: “Is Mr. Ke so powerful?”

“Don’t laugh!” Zhang Zihao glared at the classmates fiercely: “She is! Who dares to laugh at me and bite you.”

“Okay, okay, you say yes.” All the classmates were soft, after all, no one wanted to be bitten, this honest person suddenly got angry and was very afraid of people, and it’s not necessary to be sad with this The desperate guy cares about it, he can’t hold back the laugh, he hurried out of the classroom, I’m laughing outside, you can’t control it, right?

Ke Qingqing, who stepped on the school bell and walked into the teacher, suffocated the students who were packing their desks and preparing to go home.

Days! Is the tigress going to be the king of drag heaven?

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