Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 40: Alex Story

------------Guildmaster Harminton POV-----------


Looking at the promising rookie who already left, I sighed in relief.

This morning I got a special request from the Gharam Kingdom Capital City, Ashbern, that a suspicious group of people from Baltimore Empire trying to impersonate themselves as a bandit and rampaging around the outskirt of the viscountess Federic Territory.

The situation is quite urgent as it's already escalating quickly.

It's looked like the Viscountess did not get the information yet, as the Capital special shadow forces that spread across all the kingdom sniffed at it first, before the viscountess informants.

I touched my thin beard and thinking about the sudden situation deeply. For some reason, I could smell something fishy about this sudden request

'Usually... the Capital should inform Federic House first, then the Viscountess will make the quest to the adventurer guild after, that's the usual procedure.... but somehow, they choose to directly make the request to me as the Guildmaster... hmmm...'

Even though Adventurer Guild was a neutral affiliation organization but we still have some obligation to obliterate some rampaging monster or lawless bandit in the area that the guild established after all, so I couldn't reject the bandit urgent request

[Guildmaster! here you are! we have some urgent information regarding the Iron blood Wyvern from the previous quest before!]

[Oh Gart! ghahahaht i already heard it from Flora awhile ago! hmmm... you said Iron blood Wyvern suddenly vanished from its nest right? did you found some traces of where's that thing going?]

[We try to find its traces but it seems there is someone trying to cover it and erase it... I am sorry Guildmaster..]

[Is that so? as expected I should ask him after all..]

[What do you mean Guildmaster?]

[Ah? ghahahahah a rookie seems almost obliterate a whole group of wyverns, I'm just thinking maybe he knows some information about the iron blood wyverns as he might somehow meet it while hunting the wyverns before!]

I could see Gart gasped in shock after hearing me

[Ghahahahah! it's a promising rookie, isn't it? Nevertheless, I'm counting on you guys, Galiust Sword Party to investigate it!! only you guys and Anna who could take care of this problem in this small border town after all ghahahaha!]

[That Anna! she always do whatever she want and absent when some trouble thing like this happen! did she has some conscience! even tho she is the only Titanium ranker here beside me, how could she always nonchalantly escape her duty as the titanium ranker?!]

[Ghahahat! to begin with, she just prefers to enjoy adventuring Arkham mountain more! as a guild master I couldn't restrain her freedom, after all, even tho she always acts alone, she still contributing by hunting some strong monster in the Arkham mountain anyway!

Ah! come to think of it, it seems the power of the wyverns plummeting as a group, so if you met the Iron Blood Wyvern, I believe you guys could deal with it safely ghahahhat! after all. it's easier to deal with that thing with a few numbers of wyverns around it!]

[Then, we will just continue to investigate it more, excuse us!]

Looking at the back of the party leader of Galiust Sword party, Master of Sword, Gart, I smiled widely from ear to ear. 

'As expected, having more dependable adventurer is a great thing!!'




--------- Alex POV------------





[Chali? ah sorry I just being absentminded for a second there... heheheh]

After left the adventurer guild, I immediately left the town and teleported back to my mansion.

In this big, spacious, and gorgeous white beautiful mansion that only some European nobles had, on earth, I sat on the couch in the balcony in front of my bedroom with Chali next to me

After hearing, that catgirl Nyamo about the ridiculous title I got, my mood plummeted down and made me wanted to rest my mind for a while... 

somehow, this situation reminds me of when I am still on earth

[You know Chali? before coming to this world, I just an ordinary person with no talent and have an average ability...]


Seeing her silently listening to my words while giving me reassuring smile, I continued my story..

[When I was 10 years old, I lost my parents and live with my grandpa. 

Even though my dead parents left a lot of money that made me live with no worry, I still lack the parent figure in my life.

as I didn't want to make my grandfather worry, I always tried living normally as I could. but somehow, I realized that I was really bad at socializing with other kids, I tried to find something I was good at, so maybe I could blend better with them if we had some interest in things... but... I didn't know why I just couldn't find it.


Then, as I always struggled with this loneliness, before I knew it, I have this disease called 8th-grade syndrome, and always hallucinating about having a superpower and thought my se-self as I-immortal dragon incarnation...]

[Did there is no superpower and skill in the master world? and immortal dragon? oh! that's the name master often said, is there really an immortal dragon that's sleeping in Master body?]

[gugh- anyway, forget about the immortal dragon, and about the superpower thing, haha there is nothing like that in there... it's a really boring world where people have almost the same standard strength, ma... there is always an exception for some people but they don't have magic and skill like this world.


Anyway let me continued my stories, that hallucination disease made my day became worst as the other kid started to avoid me and made me an outcast, they always called me weird and stayed away in fear, so they didn't become like me.. at that time, I always ignored them and always considered them as boring people who always followed what society stated as normal to them.


Along the time, I growing up as a loner and before long, I realized that all my doing was just a way of escaping from the reality in front of me after my grandpa left that world forever...


I who didn't have anything I excelled at and passionate about, deep inside always wanted to be someone special. That's why I always created another persona for myself and thought of myself as someone special to rise my self-esteem as a person and being more confident when socializing with someone.


The ironic thing, the persona I made was the one that made me became a loner and didn't have any friends... after realizing all of that, I decided to bury this dark memory altogether with "him" deep inside my heart and started to live normally like a normal person, but because I used to be loner, my social skill became weaker and from time to time, I try to hide my shyness and awkwardness by speaking what was on my mind unconsciously. maybe, this habit was the one who brought my buried personality to come out before in this world.


Anyhow, with this bad habit of mine, I hurt the people feeling before realizing it and continued my life as a loner once again as well as being a social outcast in the end.


I tried to find a girlfriend to cure my loneliness, but most of them's just aimed at my money and not myself. after being hurt by them, in the end, I always spend my money to pay for some prostitute to vent my loneliness rather than spend it on some faked bitches. I live that boring life until I got transported to this world]

After hearing my long story, Chali processed it for a while before gave her conclusion

[So after seeing this world have magic and supernatural power, Master dark history and "him" started to coming out unconsciously? but, I always thought that side of Master is cute tho~.. Anyway, I really don't know about Master problem as I never live in the Master's world and experienced it myself before, but I really know how it feels like to be a plain and ordinary person without talent really well, as I myself experienced that when I was young once.... 


But one thing is, the Master in front of me started growing and became more mature day by day, I know, deep inside, Master is a strong person as after hearing Master story, Master never once have the thought to committing suicide and end your life. so I believe master could take any past experiences as a stepping stone of master growth and firmed master character to be stronger and more dependable! Master... please believe in yourself more!]

After hearing Chali, I started looking at my palm

'Yes! how could I become down because some unimportant people gaze and judgment! and, I already experienced this before, so it's not a big deal...

but... suicide isn't it... I myself, never think suicide is the way, isn't that the same to admit that I lose to that bastard society? like heck that I'll do that stupid thing!'

'More importantly, they could think of me whatever they want and judge me whatever they want! but I shouldn't back down from a mere title like Cringe King! I know its somewhat look silly, but there is some positive side in it too, isn't that all rogue and small fries adventurer avoid me and bringing less trouble for me until now?


And with this silly title, I can take advantage of it to make the enemy guard down from underestimating me and playing "a tiger wearing a pigskin" situation! still.. I don't want to admit that I am Cringe King tho..'

After firmed my heart more, I looked at Chali and embraced her body tightly!

[Thanks a lot for hearing my story and encourage me! as expected Chali is the one that always at my side whenever I am down..]

[Master... you said you don't have any trust at girls or women after being hurt by them... but I always feel that master trust me a lot.. is that because...]

I looked at Chali hesitatingly before sighing deeply...

[haaah....I will be honest to Chali... you could hate me or call me a hypocrite bastard... but I can trust Chali truly is because of the slave collar on your neck... sorry....

but! it's because of Chali that I can slowly cure myself of my low self esteemed and trying to trust a woman more you know? even though I couldn't completely trust them now... but surely in the future, I will try to become more confident and trust somebody more!]

[Then I should thanks to the slave collar on my neck, because of this I could gain master trust and being master number one woman after all, huhuhu~ and master, you didn't have to worry too much, your honest thought and expression is one of the reason I fall in love with Master to begin with, huhuhu~]

[Chali... I swear I will always make you happy and removed the slave collar on your neck later in the future... a-and marry you as my wife! but, for now... I can't do it because I know my power isn't enough yet... not only it will be bad for me, but also bad for the woman near me, as my enemy will take this as my weakness, but someday, when I have a power that made me became the peak at this world, I will free you and marry you as my wife... I promise!]

[um~ I will wait to that day... as for now, I don't really mind it to have this collar as this is the only thing that made me assure and believe that I am someone important for master~]

[Chali... I...

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