Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 38: Arkhaim Town Adventurer Guild Master

We bade goodbyes to Al and Elizabeth after telling them that I have some business in the adventurer guild. 

'It seems Al it still awkward and always dodge my eyes when talking with me... it couldn't be helped, let's give her some time...'

Anyway, Elizabeth said she wanted to try selling the soap and other beauty products the same one that I had in my bathroom, to some rich merchants and nobles. It's looked like after seeing Chali and Al using the beauty products, she became interested in it and asked me to supply some for her to sell.

I told to Elizabeth- should I call her Eliz now to shortened her name? anyway, I told Eliz that I needed to take the product and teleported to my mansion alone, even though Al and Eliz already became my woman, but I couldn't reveal all my cards on her fully, since they're different from Chali.

'you guys may hate me and call me Bastard or something but I can trust Chali because she has that collar on her... I know it sounds really hypocritical after I told her that she's my companion and all, but deep within my heart, and inside my true thought, that collar made me trust her easier rather than both Eliz and Al...'

Anyway, I bought the ordinary skincare and Liquid soap in great amounts before I transferred them into a big wooden container that I bought in online shopping too. I placed it into the wooden container according to each product, so 1 container contained soap with the same brand and same smell, the other contained Skincare, etc.

If you guys wondering why I did this troublesome thing, it's because I didn't want to introduce the plastic container in this world yet!

After finished moving it to the container, I teleported back to Al manor and gave it to Eliz by carrying it with my Inventory skill, I gave her the supplied spices, salt, sugar that already packaged in big brown cloth bags along with the soaps and skincare product.

[See you later Al, Eliz. I will back from time to time to check the sales. Eliz I'm counting on you, I hope we can be rich together~]

[Of course~ leave it to This One~]

Eliz smiled while bowing her head slightly, it seems she acted as a proper butler now in this public space. as usual, she elegantly fixed her glasses from time to time... 

'She will look like M*eiko in pr*ison scho*ol if she made her hair into a bun, a blondie Me*iko! i am sure it will resemble her a lot!'

[And Al, take care of yourself too, see you later~]


She awkwardly nodded her head shyly and dodge my gaze, 

'is it a gap moe? she usually acted calmly and steadily like a mature woman, but this morning she acts like a maiden... she is cute~ she is still mature woman tho~'

[Young lady and miss Elizabeth Excuse us~]

This time Chali bade her goodbye politely while smiling. after bade our goodbyes, I left the manor and headed towards the adventurer guild as Chali teased me from time to time along the way!

[Now Master harem is growing, it seems Master didn't need me anymore~ hehehe~]

[Hohoho no matter how many women I had, Chali is still number one for me~.... But Chali, is this really okay for you? are you not jealous if I had another woman with me?]

[I already told master, in this world, there is nothing like "you can only marry 1 woman/man". as long as you are rich and powerful you could marry many woman/man you want, and it's not that I'm not jealous at all, of course, as a woman I really want to have Master for me alone, that desire is still there...

But my feeling to make master happier is stronger than my desire. And maybe master already know of it but I needed to become stronger, and being one with Master is the best option for me.. 


Anyway, most women in this world didn't have the leisure to act pampered and spoiled, we will do anything to survive, maybe someone like Lady Alein still has that naive thinking, but for low-class people, it's common to sell our body if we don't have a man that protect us to fill our belly. but for someone that has the aptitude to become strong, they will choose to become an adventurer and live independently or maybe they will build their own harem as a Queen. in sort, in this world as long as you have strength and power, anything is possible]

[Is that so? I am glad there is no SJW in this world...]

[SJW? what is that?]

[Its group of people with garden and rainbow inside their head, anyway its annoying bunch that always judge people action to their standard~]

[In the first place what is the standard? maybe it's because of the long-peace in the master world, somehow the people there start to have a leisure thought. in this world, anything that can fill your belly and survive is the standard, as long as it's not made you fall to the criminal job]

[Criminal job.. is it? it seems the system in this world made everything easier~]

When we continued walking leisurely and have some light chat along the way, without knowing, we arrived at the adventurer guild. 

Upon arriving there, the place was already crowded with the rowdy adventurer, as usual, they busily flocking the quest board and readied themselves to start their day.

[Chali, take the wyvern subjugation quest from the board please~]

[I'll be right back~]

I waited for Chali for awhile and started appraised the adventurer around me... 

'hmm as expected all of them mostly have low rating skills'

As I said this thing in my thought, I glad that I already copied the 3 combat maids, Eliz, and Al's skills before saving it on the wooden blocks. 

After a while, Chali back with the quest paper in her hands.

I wanted to head towards the dismantle counter but Chali recommended me to go to the receptionist as the wyvern I sold was an A-rank monster, furthermore, it's in ridiculous amounts so the guild needed to fork their golds to buy it from me.

I agreed with her and decided to head toward the receptionist.

Upon arriving there, the Fox-beastkin lady, Flora had a business smile plastered on her face as usual while she greeted me and Chali

[Oh! isn't it Mr.Alex and Chali? how can I help you today?]

[Flora~ we have a big sale of A-rank monster here, so could you service us with the sale?~]

[Oh Chali?, how many A-rank monsters that you sell? if it's only just 1 or 2, you can go to dismantle counter~, even though I know you for long, it's doesn't mean that I'll give you special service you know~]

[Master, how many did you want to sell?]

I whispered at Chali the amounts of wyvern corpse I had in my inventory, I killed almost 83 ordinary wyverns that day.

After that incident, I wanted to act lowkey now, as expected it would be better to avoid troublesome things as I wasn't alone anymore. Even if people couldn't hurt me, they still could hurt people close to me.

'that's didn't mean I will hold my power when it's needed though~'

After awhile Chali approached flora and whisper the number to her. After hearing the number from Chali she gasped in shock and looked at the both of us in disbelief!

[Y-you guys not joking right?!! Dolores came here for a sec!!]

After seeing both of us not joking, Flora asked the other staff Dolores to come, she whispered something to Dolores before looking at me again. I could see Dolores run hurriedly somewhere on the upper floor

[You guys, follow me to dismantler storage room..]

She asked us to follow her toward the back of the dismantler counter. After we arrived there, she asked me to took out the wyvern's corpses. after hesitating for a while, I took out all the wyvern's corpses from my inventory and she gasped in shock once again. 

It's both because of the amount of wyverns corpse as well as the Space&magic that I showed in front of her. anyway, it's not that I could hide my inventory skill forever and it would be better to tell the adventurer guild how capable I was as that made me easier when doing business here.

As for Alein case, I showed it to them to made me look more credible and they will trust me more as a business partner. 

After looking at the corpses and calmed herself, Flora asked the dismantler staff to process the wyvern's corpses that already formed a small mountain in this room.

[Ah! Miss flora, can I keep half of the magic stone and meats from the wyverns as myself?]

[If you request it then we should do it, since it's yours, in the first place~]


After hearing my request, she started informing the staff to separate half of the total magic core and meats from the corpses.

I asked for the meats since according to Chali, Wyverns meat is quite delicious, so I was quite curious and excited to taste it!

As for magic stone, I just had a hunch that maybe I would need it in the future so why not collect some now?

[Ooooooh!! so you are the one from the rumor? that famous Alex? ghahahaha! look at that amount of wyverns! it seems you are quite capable eh? ghahaahah!]

[[Guild Master!!]]

The staff stopped their work and gave the burly human Oldman that looked like Arnorld Scwe-something a zealous greeting, even I could see Flora bowed at him politely among them.

The strong Oldman always has this big smile that gave him friendly neighbor vibes to it. he had healthy brown hair, even though he looked old but his face was still sharp and healthy, let's appraised him!



[Appraisal failed. the target has anti appraisal artifact]

'What!!! why I can appraise the ex-demon lord then?! don't tell me! She didn't bother to use it as she already the peak of this world? sigh... it's useless even if I thought about it.. so there is some artifact that could block appraisal skills... what a troublesome thing! I always use it to monsters so I always think my appraisal feature was omniscient and always working... sigh... it seems I still too naive..'

[Ghahahah! why are you being absentminded for? Come to think of it, after seeing you, I think I don't have to deal with this bandit bullshit request thing in my hand personally!! since I find a promising rookie like you after all! How?? are you interested? you could advance to the Gold rank after you accept and finish it!]

[Guild master! please behave yourself!!~]

Flora suddenly cutting and lectured the Guildmaster who patted my shoulder strongly. 

'He is troublesome guild master, isn't he?'

[Oh sorry-sorry~, let me introduced myself, my name is Harminton, you can call me Oldman Harmint or Guildmaster Harmint, it's up to you! ghaha! Anyway, flora take the subjugation rewards and the money for the wyverns sale from Dolores, Little lady, long time no see! I am glad you look more beautiful and healthy now after a long time not seeing you! Ghahahahaha!!]

[Long time no see, Mr. Swordsaint Harmint, it's because I met my fated master that I can still healthy today~]

[Gwahahaha! stop calling me with that old title! I already retired and just spend my day here to oversee the newbie in my old age, Anyway, it's good that you are healthy! you can give that quest paper to Dolores there, So? Alex is it? did you have some interest in this special quest? you will get a lot of contribution points that allow you to become Gold rank if you able to finish this quest!]

'So this Oldman is Swordsaint? no wonder his sword expert aura oozing from his body. Anyway, he seems to talk about Bandit subjugation.... that's mean killing people isn't it.... should I take it?'

I was hesitating for a while before looking at him and opened my mouth


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