Into Unscientific

Chapter 388

Chapter 387 – Turned Over, But Also Died (7.4K)

Chapter 387 turned over, but also died (7.4K)

While HKUST held a press conference.

Within Advion.

Looking at Gu Qunqing’s uncontrollable smile on the big screen.

Corinna Asensio, with a flushed face, hammered the table angrily, without any trace of her previous graceful gesture:

“Flower Q!”

Then she suddenly raised her head, and frantically looked at a bald white man in front of her, her gaze almost devouring:

“Carrot, I need an explanation!”

Before that.

Although Corinna and others do not think that HKUST is likely to make a comeback at the press conference.

But out of safety considerations, she and several other executives from foreign companies chose to watch the live broadcast across the ocean.

In order not to miss the information, Corinna even arranged for simultaneous interpretation to ensure that the voices were synchronized.

The result was unexpected.

In such a press conference that seemed to be a sure win for itself, the University of Science and Technology actually took the cocoon out of the cocoon and abruptly unloaded the pot of product quality?

Facing Corinna, who looked like a furious priest, a bald white man named Carlot suddenly had beads of sweat on his forehead.

As the executor of this encirclement and suppression plan, while he was under great pressure, he was as angry with that pet blogger as Corinna.

But the most important thing at this time is not to get angry, but to calm down Corinna’s anger first.

I saw the corners of his mouth muttering a few times, and explained:

“Ms. Corinna, you should know that we have been in touch with that pet blogger before, and we even have two phone calls every day.”

“Even during the confirmation process last night, we got word that she had disposed of the dead cat”

“In addition, the transaction fee we reached also includes the funeral expenses for the disposal of the pet cat’s remains, which is a full 10,000 yuan when converted into Huaxia currency.”

In addition to panic, Carlot’s tone also contained a hint of grievance.

To know.

In order to beat Huadun Biotech to death this time, the seven foreign companies jointly prepared tens of millions of operating expenses—this money even exceeded the distribution volume of the products.

Although the bulk of it is mainly due to public opinion and trolls, there is also a lot of money paid to those “victims”.

For example, [Jumping must be full].

The ‘commission’ that Carlot gave this time was a full 150,000 Huaxia coins, enough to buy ten puppet cats of the same appearance as Tiaotiao.

Not to mention [Tiaotiao wants to be full] As a “victim”, this time she has gained a lot of exposure and sympathy, and this part of the traffic is also considerable after discounting.

Carolte even made a perfect realization plan for her, which can be carried out as soon as the matter is over.

The result was unexpected.

The other party is even greedy for the additional funeral expenses?


This is a typical greed born out of luck.

Just like many people will run a red light when there are no cars around, they don’t think they will have an accident-because there are no other cars in sight, it saves time if it can.


This approach may not cause accidents in 95% of cases, and it saves more than ten seconds of safe time.

But if Bao Buqi is not in order, sometimes a speeding car will rush out, and then you can only see their miserable situation on Xiao Ming’s failure to take the blame.

[Jump to eat] is a typical example of a car rollover.

And this overturn not only affected her car, but also directly affected the goods loaded on the car.

In the office.

Looking at Carlot who kept dripping in cold sweat, Corinna took a few deep breaths and forced herself to calm down.

Carlot has been with her for nearly ten years, and he can be regarded as her direct subordinate, otherwise it is impossible to become the executor of the encirclement and suppression plan.

In these years, he has been doing his best, and he has worked hard without credit.

Think here.

Corinna decided to give him another chance, and waved her hands helplessly:

“Forget it, Carlot, everyone has greed, this matter can’t be completely blamed on you.”

“So put aside the matter of that blogger for the time being, I will ask you one thing now – will there be any problems with that article?”

Carlot was taken aback for a moment, and after recovering, he shook his head quickly as if he had received an amnesty:

“No, absolutely not!”

“Ms. Corinna, don’t worry, this kind of emotional problem is highly operable, and there will never be any problems!”

“This thing, Theadvantageliesinme!”

Corinna nodded slightly.

And just at this time.

Gu Qunqing in the live broadcast room also returned to the podium again.

Just during the break, he has already learned about the changing trend of Internet public opinion from the host Shen Jianze, and knows that the public opinion has begun to favor his side.

Therefore, compared to the beginning, Gu Qunqing’s aura became stronger:

“Dear reporters and guests, audience friends.”

“Now we have unlocked the first truth, so I think everyone should have such a thought in their hearts now.”

“The so-called pet victim is a purely false accusation, so the famous [Who can save me from the clutches of the devil] who was reposted by [Jumping to eat], is there something wrong with her content?”

“Because the next session involves some affairs within the University of Science and Technology, the next round of spokesperson will no longer be me, but the executive vice president of the University of Science and Technology, Mr. Zhang Rui.”

“Now everyone applauds and please invite Vice President Zhang Rui to speak on stage!”


Compared to Gu Qunqing’s silence when he appeared on stage, this time there was a burst of applause from the audience.

This has nothing to do with Zhang Rui’s identity, but the many previous evidences of HKUST, which have already made everyone feel the difference in this press conference.

It can be said like this.

In the perception of all the media people present, it was the first time that HKUST held such a press conference.

In the applause.

Zhang Rui slowly stood up from his seat and walked quickly to the edge of the speaking platform.

Same as Academician Shen Jianzhong.

As an academician-level leader of the first echelon of mathematics in China, Zhang Rui has made many public speeches.

So his expression is relatively calm at this time.

“Hello, everyone, I am Zhang Rui, Executive Vice President of HKUST.”

Zhang Rui’s personality is the same as his major. He never procrastinates in solving problems, and he goes straight to the point:

“It’s a great honor to be the spokesperson for the second round today, well, now let’s make a long story short, please watch the big screen.”

The voice just fell.

A screenshot appeared on the screen again.

The content of the screenshot is impressively the article that beat Xu Yun into a scumbag, and the nickname is [Who can save me from the clutches of the devil].

“Everyone can see.”

Zhang Rui stretched out his left palm, pointed to the screen on the right (relative to the audience) and said:

“The article written by this ‘victim’ can roughly be divided into several steps.”

“Acquaintance, development, and deterioration, respectively.”

“Then let’s look at each piece and answer each piece.”

“First of all, please read the first part, which is the game that the two met, Magic Card Fantasy.”

Speaking of which.

Zhang Rui paused for a moment, and after receiving the confirmation message from the background through the earphones, he continued:

“Next, we will still be remotely connecting with a guest, Mr. Huang Zhou, the deputy director of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.”


It is still the same as when Yang Wenjuan was connected before.

After a few seconds of waiting, a middle-aged man appeared on the screen.

This person’s figure is a bit more bloated than that of Academician Shen Jianzhong, with a Chinese character face and a dark complexion.

The ashtray next to the table is full of cigarette butts, obviously an old smoker.

“Deputy Director Huang.”

After the screen was connected, Zhang Rui smiled and gestured towards him:

“You are ready to begin.”

Deputy Director Huang nodded, picked up his work card and shook it in front of the screen before speaking:

“Okay, friends in front of the screen, hello everyone, I am Huang Zhou, deputy director of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.”

“A few days ago, after receiving the coordination letter from the University of Science and Technology, our company quickly conducted a round of joint review with ****, and the review results were summarized into a circular, which is hereby announced.”

Then Deputy Director Huang picked up a report form from the table, and said:

“Everyone should have heard that since 2014, my country has imposed real-name restrictions on registered accounts for online games.”

“The game company either directly connects to the real-name authentication system provided by the country, or authenticates through the real-name authentication API interface accessed by the third-party platform.”

“The “Magic Card Fantasy” game is connected to the data treasure API authentication interface, which is directly connected to the data in the public security database.”

“After multiple reviews, the following explanations are hereby made.”

“The Chinese citizen whose name is ‘Xu Yun’ and whose ID card starts with 352 and ends with 018 has never registered a ‘Magic Card Fantasy’ account, and the relevant real-name mobile phone number has no internal recharge record for the game.”

“In addition, with the consent of Xu Yun’s roommate in the youth class, our company also checked the relevant records of his roommate, and the result is still blank.”

“The above content is completely legal and compliant, and has legal benefits. Thank you for your attention.”

Finish these.

Deputy Director Huang paused, then continued:

“In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology would like to remind everyone that the national government service platform has now launched the service of “one card check” for Internet accounts and mobile phone numbers.

“After searching the applet, click on the second item in the third line of the service label to search, and the fee is completely free.”

“Nowadays, the leakage rate of citizens’ information is high, so please be careful to prevent being deceived.”


Zhang Rui did not interrupt Deputy Director Huang’s last small advertisement.

This is one of the ‘rewards’ agreed upon by the two parties in advance, and the popularization of the law itself is also an obligation that colleges and universities should fulfill.

With such a high degree of attention today, it would be too bad not to “catch” the last wave of traffic.

After Deputy Director Huang finished speaking.

Zhang Rui looked at the audience again, spreading his hands:

“Very good, thanks to Deputy Director Huang for bringing us this briefing.”

“As you can see, the acquaintance part of this article does not seem to be true.”

“Of course, some people may say that it doesn’t mean anything if you can’t find your real name record. It is possible that Dr. Xu Yun registered with other friends’ information, or directly transferred money to the blogger, etc.”

“So don’t worry, please continue to read patiently and you will know.”

Finished speaking.

Zhang Rui fiddled with the touch screen a few times with his hands.


on the big screen.

A red underline also appeared in a certain area in the screenshot, which is the turning point of the entire article:

[At that time, Xu Yun claimed that he did not have the financial strength to start a family, and at the same time, I was really not ready to change my life role into a mother, so we went to a hospital in Luzhou on July 16, 2020 to have an abortion, and then in The second abortion was performed on January 23, 2021 (with photos)]

Then Zhang Rui drew two circles with small dots, and locked two times:

July 16, 2020, January 23, 2021.

Finish these.

Zhang Rui just spoke again, with a meaningful tone:

“You must have noticed that the time mentioned in the article corresponds to the summer vacation and winter vacation.”

“It seems quite reasonable for a long-distance couple to go to the hospital to deal with some accidents during the holiday, right?”

Then Zhang Rui paused, with a hint of emotion on his face:

“In addition, the abortion record in that article is true, and the age and name of the woman are also consistent with the protagonist of the article.”

“According to the investigation by the public security organ, she is indeed a student at the Shanghai Academy of Drama.”

“To be honest, these two abortion records are not fabricated works, even in reality they can withstand scrutiny.”

Zhang Rui’s slow voice echoed at the press conference, but no one thought he was acknowledging the authenticity of the article.

Now the higher the holding, there must be a reversal later.

as predicted.

Within a few seconds, Zhang Rui’s tone changed accordingly:

“However. The closer to the actual example, the more there is a drawback.”

“That is, it may seem extremely strong on the Internet, but in reality there may be some fatal features, such as”



Zhang Rui just finished speaking.

A surveillance video appeared on the big screen.

The area shown by the monitoring is a library. The occupancy rate in the library is not high at this time, but overall, you can still see twenty or thirty people—but their faces are all mosaiced.

In the upper right corner of the monitor, there is a period of time written impressively:

【July 16, 2020, 8:30 am】

At the bottom right of the video sits a short-haired man who is writing some material and is the only one who has not typed.

Technology also marked an arrow very intimately:

【Xu Yun】

Immediately after.

The video starts to play in multiples.

Under high-speed playback.

Everyone seemed to be in a hurry when they got up, walked, and flipped through the books, and what was also speeded up was the time on the upper right.

8:38 am

9:29 AM

10:48 AM

11:21 AM

11:51 AM

Until close to 12 noon.

Xu Yun just stood up from the seat and left the scene with the written materials.

The video also ends here.

See this scenario.

Chen Shanshan in the audience suddenly thought of something.

She quickly took out her phone and found the article [Who Can Save Me From The Claws]—Although the account of [Who Can Save Me From The Claws] has been cancelled, the relevant ‘evidence’ has been found online by those Internet thugs. Spread everywhere.

Then she clicked on the report of the abortion record and saw the time on it:

July 16, 2020, 10:08. (I searched a lot of abortion records, some only had dates but no specific time, and some had dates and times, so I called Luzhou First People’s Hospital and asked about the abortion records, but the liver function will be detailed in the appendix time)

In other words.

When the blogger was doing the abortion, Xu Yun wasn’t there at all!

And what does the article say?

【We went to a hospital in Luzhou for an abortion on July 16, 2020】.

The word ‘we’ explains everything.

In just tens of seconds.

A series of barrage popped up on the live broadcast platform:

【Fuck, this is also a short essay? 】

【Reversed? 】

【Dr. Xu is a bit miserable】

However, Zhang Rui did not leave much time for emotion this time, but asked the technicians to monitor for another period.

The surveillance site was changed to a long corridor full of people, and everyone on the screen was still mosaiced.

However, it is not difficult to see that this is an outpatient building of a hospital.

The upper right corner of the monitor also displays the time:

July 16, 2020 at 9:14.

This time.

Arrow locked on a pair of men and women.

at the same time.

Zhang Rui on the stage also explained:

“As you can see, this is the monitoring record provided by Luzhou First People’s Hospital. The red arrow marks the young couple on the abortion form.”

“It should not be difficult for you to see that the boy in the picture is tall.”

Everyone in the audience nodded slightly.

Although everyone in the screen is mosaiced, it looks like the beginning of a neon amateur movie.

However, through comparison with other people and the door of the outpatient department, it can be easily seen that the height of the men is at least 1.9 meters.

Then Zhang Rui made a gesture to Xu Yun:

“Xiao Xu, stand up.”

Xu Yun:


Xu Yun, who already knew the follow-up procedure, heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, but he still stood up obediently.

Then soon.

Several staff moved in from behind the scenes

A plastic board about two meters wide and three meters high, shaped like a door of a hospital outpatient department.

The plastic plate was quickly placed on the side of Xu Yun.


Then Zhang Rui coughed lightly, pointed at the plastic board and Xu Yun said:

“This is a simple model that we simulated the appearance of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Center of Luzhou First People’s Hospital.”

“Among them, the height of the signboard of the outpatient department is 190 cm, and Dr. Xu’s height is 176 cm. It can be seen that there is a big difference between the two.”

“As for the man under surveillance, his head has already exceeded the sign, and his height is about 194.”

“There is a full bottle of Wahaha mineral water between him and Dr. Xu Yun.”

Puff Chi—

Hearing Zhang Rui’s words, Wang Tong’s girlfriend Zhang Ying couldn’t help laughing out loud:

“Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose Goose.”

The live broadcast rooms of major platforms are also full of bullet screens such as 【2333333】【Hahahahahahahaha】.

Although HKUST’s approach is very rigorous, the effect is inexplicably joyful

be honest.

Xu Yun’s hometown is in the south, and his generation’s nutrition hasn’t fully caught up, so the height of 175 is actually not very low.

It’s just such a comparison at the moment, the effect is a little subtle.

It took a while.

Zhang Rui just let Xu Yun return to his seat, and showed the surveillance video on January 23, 2021.

Except that everyone is wearing winter clothes, the picture is basically the same as on July 16, 2020.

Watching this scene.

Gu Qunqing on the side was also deeply moved.

From Shanghai Animal Harmless Center to Huanong Animal Hospital, then to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Luzhou First People’s Hospital

From the latest animal cremation items to surveillance videos from several years ago.

USTC used practical actions to explain what is called “the power of the University of Science and Technology”.

Looking across the country, how many colleges and universities are willing and able to do this?

all in all.

Here we go.

That little essay is basically a falsification.

The remaining ones who are still persisting are basically bewildered people.

But Zhang Rui or the University of Science and Technology has no intention of stopping this.

To produce such a press conference with such fanfare, all mistakes and omissions must be completely hammered to death.

That is to say, we still need a real trump card without subjective inferences, so as to shut up the mouths of bewildered people.

Zhang Rui waved his hand, and the picture on the screen changed to .

A report.

“As you can see, this is a 16SrRNA sequencing report.”

When I said this.

Zhang Rui looked under the stage, and couldn’t help but raise an uncontrollable smile at the corner of his mouth:

“The 16SrRNA gene is the DNA sequence corresponding to the coding rRNA on bacteria, which exists in the genomes of all bacteria, and is also an important means to study the composition and distribution of microbial communities.”

“After testing by three authoritative institutions at home and abroad, including BGI, FoundationMedicine, and Annoroad, Dr. Xu Yun’s chicken cough cough, no Candida albicans, Atopia, and Gardnerella were detected in the sexual area Species endemic to female sexual characteristics areas such as the genus.”

“As long as a man applauds for love and has **** with yin and yang, these bacteria can be detected in his sexual characteristics area.”

“In other words, Dr. Xu Yun is still”

“A baby bird.”

(end of this chapter)

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