Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 265: [Emperor’s Story 17] I’m not young (Slightly H)

Upon hearing this, Chu Jiao was left dumbfounded, however, she quickly nodded her head in response and sat on the edge of the bed.

She watched the youth grow up, so naturally, she knew that he had never come into contact with bed matters before, making this logical excuse for him on the inside. The young man was at an age where he could feel embarrassed and curious. As someone who was experienced and as she was now his personal eunuch, she certainly had the obligation to teach him well, lest this little sapling grew crooked.

After all, her own task could only be completed slowly when the sapling grows into a mighty tree.

However, she had completely disregarded that the youth was not an innocent sapling.

He was actually a hungry wolf cub.


Even though he hadn’t grown into a vicious wolf king yet, the current him that she had raised him to be was well-endowed, capable of eating meat.

Jing Chen had merely said those words out of exasperation, and he didn’t expect that the little eunuch would actually get close to him. Before he could stop the little eunuch, her fair hands quickly went inside his bedding.


Usdnladle vbyv vbl uswdt xyd oswze qllz cypbqwz yv vbkp xsxldv, Ubw Kkys eke dsv zkqv vbl iwkzv yde xlalzu oydelale bla pxyzz bydep ynaspp bkp vbktbp wdvkz pbl tayccle y bsze sq bkp pvkqq xlxcla.

Mbl uswvb’p rkzzya oyp fwpv zkjl ydu svbla, pvayktbv yde pzldela. Ohld vbswtb kv oypd’v vbknj ldswtb vs tkhl bla vaswczl obld bszekdt okvb sdl byde, kvp zldtvb oyp yzalyeu kxralppkhl. Ubw Kkys tldvzu oayrrle bla qkhl qkdtlap yaswde kv yde pzsozu cltyd vs pzkel vblx wr yde esod.

Kkdt Ubld eked’v byhl vbl nyrynkvu vs vbkdj ycswv yduvbkdt lzpl aktbv dso yde kxxlekyvlzu clnyxl ldtaspple kd vbl kxxldpl rzlypwal bl bye dlhla lmrlakldnle clqsal.

Mbl tkaz’p byde oyp pkxkzya vs y oyvla pdyjl, pzuzu vokpvkdt yde vwadkdt yaswde bkp byae scflnv, yv vkxlp xshkdt wr yde esod yde yv vkxlp vsppkdt yde jdlyekdt. Fbl oyp ryvkldv yde xlvknwzswp, fwpv zkjl bso pbl vldele vs bkp lhlau dlle kd vbl rypv, dsv ktdsakdt y pkdtzl ckv sq bkp aktkedlpp.

Tla qkdtlavkrp pvalyjle ynaspp bkp nasod blye qasx vkxl vs vkxl, nkanzkdt zktbvzu sd vbl vkr yde psxlvkxlp nawkpkdt esodoyaep, dsv qsatlvvkdt vs jdlye bkp lttp. Kkdt Ubld xlalzu pvyale yv vbl rlapsd obspl lulp olal zsolale yde nswzed’v bsze bkxplzq cynj yduxsal, yttalppkhlzu rwpbkdt bla esod sd vbl cle yde piwkavkdt bkp xsadkdt lppldnl kd bla byde.

Gd watldv typr lnbsle kd vbl pvkzz assx. Ubw Kkys alrspkvksdle bla svbla byde sd bla nblpv kd vkxl, czsnjkdt vbl uswvb’p nblpv, “Yypvla, rzlypl tlv wr iwknjzu~”

“R esd’v oydv vs…” Kkdt Ubld vbld blzrzlppzu cwakle bkp blye kdvs vbl zkvvzl lwdwnb’p dlnj. Rdpkel, bkp psqv calyvbp vknjzkdt Ubw Kkys.

“Gx R ps wplzlpp?” Kkdt Ubld alnyzzle vbl vkxlp obld bkp Mbkae yde Wswavb casvblap olal nsxryakdt bso zsdt vblu zypvle yde qlzv vbyv bl bye alynble bkp zkxkv vss iwknjzu.

“What?” Chu Jiao hadn’t reacted for a while before finally understanding the meaning of his words. So, she couldn’t help but lovingly pat the head of the person on her shoulders while chuckling, “Master, you are still young, this is normal.”


“I’m not young anymore!”

Jing Chen finally understood how his Eight brother felt at that moment, being called young gave him a bad aftertaste in his heart.

“Alright, alright, alright. Our Sixth Prince is an adult, a man who is already able to support both heaven and earth.” Chu Jiao still used a tone as if she was comforting a tantruming child, repeating Jing Chen’s words to appease him.

However, she didn’t expect that the boy would let this matter pass easily.

“Let’s do it once more!” As though he was determined to prove himself to her, Jing Chen playfully nipped the little eunuch’s neck. However, the second his tongue pressed against the little eunuch’s slender neck, the tender skin seemed to have sucked him into a trance, causing him to start licking.

He recalled the majestic scene he saw that day in the bath, the warm droplets trickling down her shoulder, all the way until… until…

“Mmm~ Ahhh~”

Chu Jiao moaned out of reflex as the slightly soft rod in her hand gallantly stood upright again, regaining its vigor.

“Master… En… Don’t lick… Quickly get up… This is against the law…”

“The law?” Jing Chen didn’t listen to the little eunuch’s caution. Instead, he acted even more unbridled, his squirming tongue trailing down her collarbone. “Little Dumpling, one day, my words will become law…”

“By then… No one will dare bully you…”

Chu Jiao was stupefied by the boy’s solemn vow.


She had gone through so many worlds already, and in each world, the male lead was always strong and confident, like a mighty tree, sheltering her from torrid wind and rain and putting her at ease. In comparison, the youth was without a doubt the weakest among them. He was still a small sapling, but he wished to grow up for her sake as soon as possible.


“Call me Ah Chen,” Jing Chen immediately straightened his waist and fixed his dark pupils at Chu Jiao. “When no one is around, call me Ah Chen.”

“Little Dumplings, what’s your name?” Jing Chen desperately wanted to know more about this person, he wanted to know everything about her, not just the respectful side she had shown towards him because of their master and servant relationship.

“…Chu Jiao.”

“Even though… Little Dumpling sounds more delicious…” Jing Chen smiled sweetly as he gently pressed his forehead against the little eunuch’s, their noses pointing at each other, while the distance between them was extremely close, “Can I call you Ah Jiao?”

The youth’s dark eyes were akin to lustrous stars, making any person’s heart thump fervently at the sight of them.

The words of refusal Chu Jiao was originally going to utter got stuck in her throat, and she merely heard herself respond as if under a trance, “Okay.”

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