In Naruto as Ten Tail

Chapter 35 : Practice with wives.

After our leisurely time in the hot spring, where we enjoyed each other's company and even helped each other bathe, we dressed ourselves and made our way to the training grounds. Despite our human forms, I saw an opportunity to work on our combat skills in this state.

Gathering my companions, I explained my plan to them, "Let's engage in a joint attack against me. During this training session, I'll teach you a general taijutsu fighting style. Once we've familiarized ourselves with the techniques, we'll transition to sparring using only our physical abilities. Approach the sparring with the mindset of a serious fight, as I won't be holding back." Their nods of agreement showed that they understood the intensity of the training we were about to undertake.

With authority in my voice, I signaled the start, saying, "Begin." As soon as the word left my lips, they launched into action, coming at me with impressive speed. Their initial approach lacked intricate strategy, which was expected since the focus was on learning the core principles of taijutsu. I allowed their unrestrained assault, knowing that this phase would provide a solid foundation before we moved on to more advanced tactical techniques.

I began by evading their attacks, using the opportunity to correct their forms and offer guidance on utilizing feints and deception in combat. As time progressed, they started to refine their techniques, and we continued this rigorous routine for two consecutive days. Their endurance and stamina allowed them to handle the intense workout regimen without faltering.

Throughout the training, I focused on improving their fundamentals while also imparting more advanced concepts. We worked on creating openings through strategic movements, using their opponents' momentum against them, and exploiting weaknesses. These were essential elements of a well-rounded taijutsu style.

During our practice sessions, I utilized various tactics to challenge them further. I would occasionally dodge their attacks at the last moment, forcing them to adjust and adapt to unpredictable situations. I guided them on footwork, ensuring that they maintained a balanced stance and could swiftly change direction when needed.

As the training progressed, their synchronization and coordination improved significantly. They began to anticipate each other's movements, demonstrating the seamless teamwork that stemmed from their deep bond. These sessions not only honed their combat skills but also further solidified our connection as a team.

However, I also found myself in a lighthearted situation when they started to enjoy a certain aspect a bit too much. I had playfully incorporated light physical contact to emphasize points during training. However, their reactions began to change, and I realized that some actions were being taken differently than intended. Sensing the shift in atmosphere, I promptly put an end to those interactions, ensuring that our training environment remained focused and respectful.

While it pained me to deliver forceful blows, I understood the necessity of maintaining a determined mindset. My goal was to prepare them to stand by my side, and sometimes the path to strength required challenging measures.

Matatabi's surprise was evident as she experienced the full extent of my strength, realizing the gravity of our training. Reacting swiftly to my strike, she leaped backward to create some distance, her mind undoubtedly working on formulating a strategic plan. Observing her actions, I anticipated her next move.

With a renewed burst of determination, she closed the distance between us once again, this time employing the taekwondo-style techniques I had demonstrated. The shift in her approach indicated her willingness to adapt and learn, a crucial aspect of their growth and development.

Matatabi's agility was commendable as she feigned a high kick toward my neck, only to twist her body in midair, aiming for a kick at my waist. Her adaptability impressed me, and her determination shone through her actions. Simultaneously, I noticed Kokuo's discreet approach, a resolute glint in her eyes indicating her commitment to the training.

Responding swiftly, I raised my knee to block Matatabi's kick, while my hand shot out to catch her leg. In one fluid motion, I used her momentum to throw her in Kokuo's direction, requiring her to catch her teammate. It was a test of their coordination and reflexes, encouraging them to work as a team even in the midst of combat.

As they regrouped and launched another assault, I observed their different patterns of attack. Matatabi's kick was met with a parry from my arm, and I seized the opportunity to deliver a punch to her face. Simultaneously, I employed my legs to deflect Kokuo's kick, a playful yet unfair move that garnered a reaction from them.

The training was not only about honing their physical skills but also fostering teamwork, adaptability, and the ability to read and respond to different combat situations.

As I caught sight of the resolute expression on Matatabi's face, I couldn't help but smile, appreciating her determination to push herself despite the challenges. Without hesitation, I strategically countered her attack by delivering a well-placed knee to her face. The impact was enough to push her back, testing her ability to recover and stay focused amidst the training's demands.

Their unyielding commitment to the training was undeniable. Even in the face of setbacks, they quickly regrouped, ready to resume their assault with a newfound seriousness. It was evident that they were fully invested in honing their skills and meeting the challenges head-on.

Matatabi's attack found its mark, landing solidly on my chest. Despite the impact, I deliberately suppressed any visible reaction, showcasing my control and resilience in the midst of combat. In response, I swiftly initiated a judo-style move, using the momentum of her attack to my advantage. The move involved a quick smack on the ground, which deflected the energy of her strike, leaving her momentarily off-balance.

Amidst the intense training, a sense of camaraderie and lightheartedness permeated the atmosphere. "Damn Demon sadist" i chuckled at thier exaggerated reaction and a smile graced my face seeing they were unconsciously coming back together, they might bicker when it comes to things related to me but deep down they care about each other equally, it was clear that we were not only engaging in rigorous training but also strengthening the bonds that connected us. The juxtaposition of their playfully dramatic comment and the seriousness of their training created a unique dynamic that fostered unity and understanding.

Encouraging them, I offered reassurance by reminding them of their progress, emphasizing that complaining wouldn't lead to improvement. The shared struggle of training was something I could relate to, and I disclosed that I had undergone similar rigorous training with my own clones while employing gravity seals. Their gasps indicated their surprise at the revelation, perhaps realizing the extent of my dedication to honing my abilities.

Capitalizing on the moment, I used their distraction to my advantage, delivering swift kicks to each of their stomachs. The lesson was clear: maintaining focus and concentration during combat was essential, and distractions could leave them vulnerable.

"Remember, no distractions during a fight," I reminded them, my tone firm yet supportive. With determination, we continued our training, pushing ourselves relentlessly for months. The dedication we put into our training extended beyond the confines of the dimension, as we ventured outside to further refine our skills and apply what we had learned to real-world scenarios. This commitment and perseverance were essential as we worked towards our goals together.

Their dedication and hard work had paid off, evident in the significant improvement they showcased in their taijutsu skills. It was a testament to my teaching methods and their own determination that they had reached a level where they could rival even advanced taijutsu shinobi.

As we engaged in intense sparring sessions, I noticed a distinct change in their demeanor. The aggression they displayed in our intimate moments contrasted starkly with the looks of horror they wore during our combat training. It was a peculiar juxtaposition that spoke to the different aspects of our relationship.

Observing their expressions, which seemed to convey the sense that they had endured a trial by fire, I couldn't help but offer a deadpan comment. "Don't just stand there, i am going to take a bath, also want to clean my tails and my body want to help me?" I said, prompting them to move. The suggestion of washing my tails appeared to brighten their eyes as they even drooled a little, and their eagerness was palpable as they swiftly shed their clothes and led me to the bathroom.

Understanding the need for privacy, I applied a silence seal to the area, ensuring our activities remained discreet. This moment of relaxation and intimacy was a stark contrast to the rigorous training we had undergone. It allowed us to share a more intimate connection, washing away the strains of our training as we enjoyed this respite together.



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