In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 36 – The Chamber of Secrets

It was currently late at night, 12:00 PM, everyone was already sleeping. Except for the prefects and the teachers that were currently patrolling the castle, and for one particular student that was slowly and invisibly walking towards the second-floor girl’s lavatory.


{Huh, this was easier to find. I’m glad that these things are easier to find.} I thought while going inside Moaning Myrtle’s Bathroom.

Looking around I couldn’t find anyone, not even the famous ghost was around.

{With how famous she is on this floor I would think that she would haunt this place all day and night. Oh well, that she has her own after-life's fun sure makes things easier for me.} I thought while closing the door to the lavatory.

I started searching for the entrance, that from what I remember should be some circular-shaped sink that is close to the toilets.

“Found you.” I muttered to myself while looking at the thing. It was slightly different from what I remember, mostly, it was slightly darker in color, but again, that could also be because of the lack of light.

Still, it was quite easy to find, it did have some magic on it, even if small, so it was easy to find thanks to my eyes. I could even locate the place where I would have to speak parseltongue.

{Time to start.}

Utevo Res Snake” I summoned the first animal that I would need. A snake.

Once the magic power went out of my body, it started forming a long, limbless creature. And it was long. Probably more than ten meters long, probably more than fifteen.

“And you’re not even a python…” I muttered while looking at the giant, shiny-green-colored snake that had red eyes and a pair of really long fangs.

The snake looked back at me, raising its upper body, which raised far higher than me. Its tongue slithered out of its mouth every few seconds.

“Um… Okay.” I looked at it.

At this point, I’m somehow accustomed to the massive difference between the normal animals and my summoned animals, also, I’ve lost the fear of them thanks to summoning an actual talking monster, and one of the most dangerous and erratic ones. {After all, if a crazy Forest Fury didn’t do anything to me, an animal won’t either.}

“So…” I looked at the giant snake, before pointing at the sink with the snake pattern. “Tell this thing to open.”

Honestly, I had no idea if this would work, I’m sure that with it being a snake, it would be able to speak parseltongue, but still, in my mind, it was something quite weird to order a not-so-normal-but-still-not-magical snake to open the Chamber of Secrets.

But, against my own disbelief, the snake turned towards the sink and started to hiss at it.


After a couple of seconds of the snake hissing at it, the sink started to move. And a few seconds later, instead of a sink, there was now a quite big entrance to a pipe.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve found and opened the Entrance to the Chamber of Secrets! The best-hidden place in Hogwarts, not known to those that are not descendants of Salazar Slytherin! Be warned, though, as ahead of this path lays one of the darkest secrets of this castle, one that may lead to your own dead.]

[500pts have been earned]

“Great. This is a good start. 500 points only for the entrance? This is amazing.” I smirked while looking at the message, before turning back to the now opened entrance.

“So, this is the entrance huh…” I muttered while rubbing my chin. “Well. Let’s go down.” I shrugged while looking at the snake, after which, it started to slither down the pipe.

Not wanting to be left behind just to not lose control of it, I jumped on its bag, grabbing as hard as I could from it, something that was basically impossible if it wasn’t for the snake raising its head a little bit so I could barely hold on it.

{Thankfully this snake isn’t insanely wide, or I wouldn’t be able to hold on to it…} I thought while the snake made its way down.

Of course, all the way down I had my eyes closed, just in case. From what I remember the basilisk should be sleeping right now, but I better not take any chance.

After a little while, we finally got down a cave passage, which should be really deep underground, probably under the black lake.

“Well, do you feel anything around us?” I ask the snake, to which it shook its head. “Great, let’s go. You go on the front.” I said, to which the snake nodded and went forwards, I following close behind.

At that point, I had a small idea, activating my eyes while looking around. Right now, I couldn’t see any trace of magic in the passage we were going through, which means this was a normal cave, even if it was a wizard-made passage, there wasn’t any magic remaining.

“System. I have a question, are my Arcane Eyes able to stop the killing eyes of the basilisk?”

[No. While you have slight protection against some types of illusory magic, and even mind protection thanks to your Occlumency and Mind Protection, the eyes of the basilisk will kill you almost instantly, you would probably be only to withstand one look at them, losing your magic shield in the process, and dying the next instant.]

“So that thing is indeed really powerful, huh.”

[Take its eyes out, and its danger goes down a lot, only having to worry about physical strikes and its venom.]

“Can my Cure Poison spell do something about it?”

[Right now, it can. But that’s only because you have both the Sorcerer and Druid, which makes the spell stronger than before.]

“That explains why you didn’t say anything about its venom before.”


“Okay, that’s one thing less for me to worry about.” I nodded, following the snake through the long corridor. At least until I made it to a wall with two carved snakes intertwining. “Okay. Right behind this thing should be the real chamber. Utevo Res Rooster.”

Once I incantated, a meter-tall rooster appeared close to me. It was about to crow when I stopped it.

“Wait. Not now. I need you to keep quiet for the moments.” I said to the animal.

After that I looked at the wall, readying myself.

“One wrong move. And I’m dead.” I muttered, before turning to look at the snake and pointing to the wall. “Tell the wall to open.” The snake nodded and turned to the wall, while I hid behind some rocks.


Once again, at his hissing, the stone wall with the two snakes started to move, and soon after, a small corridor appeared.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve found the Chamber of Secrets! The legacy of Salazar Slytherin to his descendants, who were destined to come back to this castle after his death. Be careful from now on, or you’ll have to face one of the legends of this castle, the deadly monster that sleeps under Hogwarts.]

[750pts have been earned]

“Jackpot. I’ll have to see what else I can find in this castle, maybe there’re other places like this?” I muttered to myself.

Still having the connection with both animals, I made the snake go in front, a little bit further from us.

At the same time, I grabbed the rooster and ordered it to close its eyes. Lifting it in my arms, I started walking behind the snake, taking cover at every corner.

After a while of us walking through the pipes, we made it to the actual Chamber of Secrets.

It was a long, wide great hall that extended through an inundated chamber. Columns were placed all around the straight passage, which led to a submerged statue of Salazar Slytherin, that only had the head and part of the shoulders showing.

I had my eyes closed until a little bit of time passed; when nothing happened to the snake, I went out to the main hall, going down the stairs. I turned to ask the snake.

“Do you see anything hiding?” I asked the snake, as I assumed it could detect heat, to which it shook its head. “Well, that’s safe.” I started walking towards the end of the hall, where the head of Salazar Slytherin was showing.

{That should be the head from where the basilisks go out.} I thought while looking at it. I then turned towards the water that was at the side of the main path.

Rubbing my chin, I looked down at it, noticing that it wasn’t that deep, and so, I could probably stand there, covered by the columns.

“Okay. This is the plan. You, go close to that statue’s head.” I told the snake while pointing to the statue of Salazar Slytherin. “You, don’t open your eyes,” I said to the rooster.

With that, I quickly went towards one of the columns, the second one closer to the statue’s head. Giving me enough distance for the Basilisk to not get here in time.

{Okay, wake up the snake that’s sleeping inside the statue’s head. But keep your eyes closed.} I thought to myself while whispering to the rooster. “You too. Keep your eyes closed, and when I tell you, you crow with all your strength.

“Hiss~ Hiss~ Hiss~” The snake constantly hissed at the statue’s head, and after some seconds without anything happening, just when I thought nothing would happen, I heard the sound of stone moving.

{It’s coming out.} I thought to myself. And after the stone, another hissing came, this one deeper, more lethargic, and right then, the sound of water splashing. The basilisk was already down of the statue.

“HISS~” A strong hiss came from my spider. The basilisk engaged it.

{Don’t open your eyes. Try to bite it.} I ordered the snake, even from here, I could hear the sound of the battle, large bodies hitting between themselves, falling on the ground, trying hard to bite each other.

“Okay, it’s time.” With the Basilisk focused on the snake, I held the rooster high, feeling as if it was Simba. “Crow loud!”

“COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!” The rooster started to crow.

After the crow of the rooster, I then heard the scream from the basilisk, it was a monstrous scream that gave me the chills for some reason. Following its scream, the sound of the floor shaking and being hit constantly could be heard.

It was then that a thought came to my mind. The basilisk was having a seizure, it was constantly hitting the ground, but I couldn’t look at it, one bad move and I would die.

{Don’t let it move from there! Entangle it!} I commanded the snake, while at the same time, I took the chance and incanted.

Exura Gran Res Sio Snake” I incanted one of my Summoner spells, which greatly healed the targeted summoned creature. I felt my magic going out towards the snake, while the link between us strengthened once again, as it was faltering from the injuries that the basilisk has been inflicting on the practically blind snake.

{Attack its head if you can! Just don’t open your eyes!} I commanded the snake, and even from where I was, I could hear the attacking hisses of my snake trying to penetrate the hard skin of the basilisk, which wasn’t something that I thought would be possible, but I still wouldn’t dare to try to look at the beast, I don’t want to die now that I had it cornered.

“Crow harder, as hard as you can! Utori Mas Res Sio, Utito Res Sio Snake.” I incanted. The first spell is one that magically enchanted both creatures, while the latter one was to physically strengthen the snake.

“COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!” The rooster crowed and crowed, again and again, inflicting more and more fatal damage to the basilisk.

At the same time, I could hear the snake attacking the basilisk, again and again. But this time, the sounds I heard were different, as it seems this time, the snake could bite through the basilisk skin.

{Only the fangs are venomous, I don’t think that the snake would be damaged by biting the dying basilisk.}

After a few moments, I could hear what could perfectly be the death scream of the basilisk, followed by a loud thud, meaning that it just fell on the ground. The sudden noise making me open my eyes, quickly turning to somewhere I was sure would not find the basilisk’s eyes.

But before I could even close my eyes again to go to where the thing was dead, I glanced at a message from the system.

[You’ve killed a basilisk, 500pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You’ve killed your basilisk 750pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve killed Salazar Slytherin’s Basilisk.]

[1000pts have been earned]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden main story quest! You’ve partially destroyed one of Tom Marvolo Riddle’s plans, deviating the original world’s future. You’ve taken your first step to becoming a destroyer of destiny.]

[3000pts have been earned]

[Your ML has increased by 1]

[Your ML has increased by 1]

[A new quest has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! Once again, the rooster crowed, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. I just couldn’t.

“Holy fuck… Is this a freaking dream…? This is more than a jackpot… This… This is a freaking treasure-filled cave!” I shouted while looking at the message in front of me.


“Okay, stop it. It’s done. Thanks.” I muttered to the rooster, who took my attention from the message, silencing him. “*sigh…* Now, let me check the new quest.”


New quests!

- Fuck you, J.K.! You took your first step to become a destroyer of destiny! You don’t allow the original story to rule your life, and as such, you make your own way; taking whatever you want, without fear of the changing future. Now, go! And do as you please, don’t ever fear what you’ll change in your path to greatness! (Main Chain Quest.)

Active quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against ‘R’. (Chain Quest. Accepted.)]

“Another Chain Quest… But this one is a main…? System, is the difference from the other type that this one is connected to the original story?”

[Exactly. This time, this Chain Quest has a direct relation with the original story of Harry Potter. This means, ‘Fuck you, J.K.!’ will generate missions that are directly related to the original story, the one from the first seven books, and as you surely noticed, it’s more related to destroy the canon, than to just follow the original path.]

“So, let’s say that I kill Pettigrew. That would become something like a Main Hidden Quest connected to this Main Chain Quest?”

[Precisely, though it could also become a quest generated from the chain quest if you wait to the moment Pettigrew makes its appearance.]

“Mm… That makes sense.”

After nodding, I slowly made my way to the path, jumping upon it, leaving the rooster on the floor, and slowly walking towards where I remembered the sound of the battle.

“Stay where you are, still with your eyes closed.” I commanded the snake, which I could feel close.

Walking forwards, I held my hand in front, feeling the space in front of me so I could make my way to the basilisk.

{If medusa could petrify things with her head chopped off, I don’t want to test the basilisk version.} I thought to myself while walking until I could feel a cold, reptilian skin, which felt quite weird.

Although I held to my snake while coming here, there was no comparison between them, the skin of the basilisk isn’t the same, it’s rougher, it feels harder to the touch, reminding me of what a dragon’s scale is said to feel like to the touch.

I started to move following the body of the basilisk as a guide until I got to its head. What was funny is, that I found a feather, close to its horns, but I ignored them for the moment and followed the head towards its eye.

From what I could feel, the giant snake fell over its chin, as I felt its horns and the feather on top of its head, and one of the eyes in the side.

“No hard feelings, dude.” I muttered, activating a small Arcane Blade, puncturing through its eye, moving the blade in a way that would allow me to destroy the eye completely.

At this moment, I finally opened my eyes. And I could see this big and threatening snake, with a dark and pale green-colored skin, which made it look like some kind of greyish green.

It was slightly bigger than my snake, which was standing close to it with eyes closed, the same as my rooster that also had its eyes closed.

On top of its head, I saw this long, scarlet feather, along with three horns that decorated its head like some kind of crown, at this point, I looked at where the eye was, and it seems like I did a great job, as its eye was completely gone, replaced by a bloody hole. Below the eyes, a row of big fangs decorated its mouth, with this particular long fang taking the spotlight.

“I guess this is some kind of treasure trove. The fangs can be used to destroy Horcruxes. And if I don’t remember wrong, the horns can be used as a wand core. Though, does the creature has to be alive for that? Either way, I’ll just take everything I can from this thing.”

This led me to a question.

“System. Can I use its other eye for something? Like I don’t know, does it have some kind of use?”



[Unless you want to die trying some nasty ritual with its eye, or become something like Voldemort, there’s nothing to do with it.]

“Understood.” I nodded, and once again I closed my eyes. Following the head, I got to the other side of it, and just like before, searched for the other eye, once I found it, I used the Arcane Blade to destroy it.

“Guess this is all.” I said, before dispelling the rooster and the snake.

While I thought about leaving the snake to go back through the tunnel, it was poisoned. The basilisk’s venom was still in its body, and while it was quite strong, it was slowly killing it, so it wouldn’t be able to survive until we made it back.

“I guess I’ll have to summon something else to go up the place, or maybe just fly through it. If it doesn’t take that much mana.” I shrugged, turning once again to the basilisk.

Looking at it, I got closer to the feather and pulled it out.

“Mm… I guess I can start looting this creature. And now that I think about it… This will be the first one I loot since coming here.” I rubbed my chin while looking at the feather, before putting it inside the inventory.

I then looked at the entire body of the basilisk.

“Well, it may be impossible for me to put it all inside the inventory, but I at least can take out its fangs, the horns, and its scales.” With that mutter, I took out the expansion bag I found back in the Room of Hidden Things and started my looting process.

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