I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 712: I Want Your Eyes

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



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Peter turned back to Yahiko and Nagato with a calm expression, Konan still cradled safely in his arms. His tone remained casual as he spoke, "Now, where were we?"

Yahiko and Nagato exchanged a look, still reeling from the display of power they had just witnessed. Their hearts raced as they stood frozen, unsure of how to respond.

Fear and awe mingled in their gazes, the earlier tension between them and Hanzo completely overshadowed by the sheer force of Peter's abilities. They had been prepared to die moments ago, and now they didn't know what to do.

Neither of them wanted to anger this man, especially with Konan still in his grasp. Their minds whirled with questions—who was he? What did he want? But none of those questions found their way to their lips. Instead, silence reigned.

Seeing their hesitation, Peter sighed, lowering Konan gently to the ground. His grip on her loosened as she found her footing, but before she could fully straighten herself, Peter's voice softened, "Are you alright?"

Konan blinked, momentarily caught off guard by the concern in his voice. A faint blush dusted her cheeks once again as she stammered, "Y-Yes, I'm fine… Just a few bumps and bruises…"

Her voice trailed off, and Peter's eyes flickered briefly over her form. His gaze settled on the small injuries she bore—the marks of her earlier capture—and his expression darkened slightly. He raised his hand, and in an instant, a golden spell circle appeared, glowing brightly as it hovered over Konan's body.

The circle flared with light, and in the blink of an eye, Konan's injuries began to heal. Her bruises faded, the cuts and scrapes mended themselves, and even the tears in her clothing were restored to their original state.

As the warm glow of the spell washed over her, Konan's eyes widened in disbelief. She looked down at her arms, then back up at Peter, her mouth opening slightly in surprise.

But before she could say anything, Yahiko and Nagato, seeing the glowing circle and Peter's outstretched hand, assumed the worst. Without hesitation, both of them rushed forward, their fear for Konan's safety outweighing any hesitation they had about facing Peter.

"Stop!" Yahiko shouted, his voice hoarse with panic. "Don't hurt her!"

Nagato's chakra flared wildly, his Rinnegan eyes glowing fiercely as he leaped forward, prepared to defend Konan at any cost.

But just as they appeared beside Peter, ready to intervene, they froze in place.

Both Yahiko and Nagato watched in stunned silence as the spell circle continued to glow softly, its magic not causing harm but instead healing Konan's wounds. The tension in their bodies evaporated as they realized what was happening—Peter wasn't attacking her at all. He was helping her.

The two men stood still, their eyes wide with disbelief as they watched Konan's injuries disappear completely. The golden glow of the spell faded, leaving her fully healed and looking as though she had never been touched by Hanzo's ambush in the first place.

Yahiko's mouth opened slightly, his voice barely a whisper, "What…?"

Nagato, too, was speechless. His mind struggled to process what he had just seen. This man—this stranger—had not only saved Konan but was now healing her without any apparent cost or effort.

Peter stood, seemingly unbothered by their reactions, his eyes flicking over to Yahiko and Nagato with a raised eyebrow. "You two really need to relax," he said with a small smirk. "I'm not here to hurt anyone."

As Peter's words hung in the air, the silence was broken by the sudden shift of movement. The small army of ninja that Hanzo had brought with him snapped out of their daze. They had just witnessed their leader—once thought invincible—get effortlessly defeated by Peter, but their loyalty ran deep.

Despite the fear gnawing at the edges of their minds, they drew their weapons, steeling themselves for what had to be done.

The majority of them rushed forward with killing intent, their eyes locked on Peter, determined to strike him down.

Meanwhile, a few others broke away, heading toward Hanzo's prone form, desperate to check on their leader, who hadn't risen since Peter's devastating blow.

Peter's Spider-Senses flared, his head turning as he sensed the incoming threat. A grin tugged at his lips as he watched the ninjas charge at him, weapons gleaming under the rain.

Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato noticed the approaching army as well, their bodies tensing as they prepared for another fight. But before they could react, Peter spoke, his tone casual and completely unbothered by the onslaught.

"Hey, you two," Peter called out, glancing over his shoulder at Madara and Kurama. "Deal with the underlings, will yah?"

Madara, who had been observing the situation with a bored expression, sighed. "Tch, what a chore…" he muttered under his breath. Despite his irritation, he nodded, stepping forward.

Kurama, on the other hand, grinned wickedly, his excitement palpable. "About time," he growled. "Though working with him…" He shot a glare at Madara, his distaste clear, "...isn't my idea of fun."

As the wave of Ame ninja surged toward them, Madara and Kurama moved into action. Their presence alone was enough to send chills down the spines of their enemies, but loyalty to Hanzo kept the ninjas pushing forward.

"Oh, and try to save a few for Shisui and Itachi," Peter added as an afterthought, watching calmly from where he stood.

Both Itachi and Shisui tensed at the mention of their names. They had never fought real ninja before—only trained back home in their village.

For a brief moment, nerves flickered in their eyes, but they quickly steeled themselves. If their sensei wanted them to fight, they would. Silently, they drew their kunai, their grips tightening as they prepared for the battle ahead.

The first wave of Ame ninja clashed with Madara and Kurama, and it was clear from the very first strike that this was going to be a massacre.

Madara moved with an eerie grace, his Sharingan spinning as he effortlessly dodged attacks, reading every move before it even began.

One ninja, a sword raised high above his head, swung down at Madara with all his strength, but the Uchiha merely sidestepped, his movements so fluid that it looked as though he was gliding through the air.

With a single twist of his wrist, Madara struck the ninja with a powerful open-palm strike to the chest, sending him flying backward with a sickening crack. The man's body hit the ground hard, skidding to a stop several feet away, unconscious before he even hit the ground.

Kurama, in contrast, was all raw power and aggression. His large form, now towering over the battlefield, tore through the ranks of the Ame ninja like a beast unleashed.

One unfortunate soul rushed at him with a spear, aiming to pierce through the fox's side, but Kurama merely laughed, his tails whipping out to meet the attack.

The spear shattered into pieces as Kurama's tails slammed into the ninja's body, sending him crashing into the dirt with enough force to leave a crater in his wake. Blood sprayed from his mouth as he hit the ground, the impact leaving him broken and defeated.

"Pathetic," Kurama sneered, his red eyes gleaming with malice.

More ninjas swarmed them, their attacks becoming more desperate, but it was clear that they stood no chance.

Madara weaved through the chaos, every movement calculated and precise. He parried a kunai with ease, stepping inside his attacker's guard before delivering a lightning-fast kick to the man's ribs. The sound of bones cracking echoed through the rain-soaked battlefield as the ninja crumpled to the ground, writhing in pain.

Kurama wasn't any kinder. His massive paws slammed into two more ninjas, their bodies ragdolling through the air before crashing into the ground with bone-shattering force. The fox's grin only grew wider, his thirst for battle evident in the way he relished each strike.

It wasn't long before the small army was reduced to just two Ame ninja, both of whom were a little banged up, but in much better condition than their comrades. They could hardly believe that their comrades had been so easily decimated, fear written all over their faces.

With a nod from Madara, the two remaining ninjas were kicked over to where Itachi and Shisui stood, both of them looking at the two children with fear and desperation in their eyes.

Peter, who had been watching the entire scene unfold, stepped forward. "Alright, you two," he said, addressing the Ame ninjas. "Here's the deal. You and your beaten-up friends will be allowed to leave here unharmed as long as you beat these two kids in front of you." He motioned to Itachi and Shisui.

One of the remaining Ame ninja, blood trickling down the side of his face, turned to Peter with disbelief. "Even… Lord Hanzo as well?" he asked, his voice shaky, yet filled with hope.

Peter shrugged casually. "Sure, even Hanzo."

Hearing this, the two Ame ninjas turned to face Itachi and Shisui. They exchanged a glance, the weight of their situation sinking in. They didn't want to harm the children—they had no personal quarrel with them—but this wasn't about morality anymore. This was about survival.

"We're sorry," one of them muttered, his voice hoarse. "This isn't personal… It's just survival."

With that, they pulled their weapons—one with a pair of kunai, the other with a katana—and rushed at the two Uchiha children, their killing intent clear in their eyes.

Itachi and Shisui, though nervous, felt the weight of the battle settling on their shoulders. They could feel their sensei's eyes on them, watching closely. This was a test—a moment to prove themselves.

Their grips tightened on their own kunai, and they readied themselves for the fight to come.

The two Ame ninja stood ready, weapons drawn, their eyes locked on Itachi and Shisui. Despite their beaten bodies, they were determined to fight with everything they had. After all, their survival—and the survival of their comrades and leader—depended on it.

Itachi and Shisui, though nervous, activated their Sharingan, their crimson eyes spinning into life. Itachi's Sharingan showed a single tomoe, while Shisui's eyes glinted with three tomoe in each. Their breath was steady, but their nerves were unmistakable as they faced off against their older, more experienced opponents.

The Ame ninja moved first, attacking in tandem, their movements sharp and precise despite their injuries. The one with the katana surged toward Shisui with a swift, powerful slash aimed at his chest, while the other rushed Itachi, striking with a flurry of kunai aimed at his vitals.

Shisui barely managed to parry the katana strike with his kunai, but the force behind the blow sent a jarring shock through his arm. He grit his teeth, trying to hold his ground as the Ame ninja pressed the attack, raining down slashes and thrusts with deadly precision.

Itachi, meanwhile, was forced to retreat under the relentless barrage of kunai from his opponent. He dodged and deflected as best as he could, but the Ame ninja's speed and experience were evident, and Itachi found himself struggling to keep up.

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato watched the battle unfold with growing concern. Their eyes darted between Itachi and Shisui, worry etched into their faces as they saw the two children on the back foot. Yahiko glanced over at Peter, unsure of whether they should intervene.

"Is this really okay?" Yahiko asked nervously, his voice low but filled with unease. "They're just kids…"

Konan, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, bit her lip. "Should we step in?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her gaze was fixed on Itachi and Shisui, watching as they struggled to keep up with their opponents. "They're so young… What if they get hurt?"

Nagato remained silent but nodded in agreement with his friends. His worry for the children was obvious.

Peter, standing beside them, glanced over with a calm, reassuring smile. "They'll be fine," he said confidently. "It's about time they faced a real challenge."

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato exchanged uncertain glances. They didn't want to argue, but the sight of Itachi and Shisui struggling made them feel uneasy.

Konan frowned, her worry clear in her voice. "But what if they get seriously hurt?"

Peter chuckled softly. "They might get a few scrapes and bruises, sure. But I won't let anything severe happen. Trust me—they need this."

Though they still had their doubts, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan turned their attention back to the fight, trusting that Peter wouldn't let the kids get hurt too badly.

Meanwhile, the battle raged on.

Shisui dodged another katana strike, sweat dripping down his forehead as he narrowly avoided the blade. His Sharingan spun faster, analyzing his opponent's movements. 'I need to turn this around…' he thought, his mind racing for a way to gain the upper hand.

Itachi, on the other side, was still being pressed hard by the kunai-wielding Ame ninja. He was fast, but his opponent was faster. Every time Itachi tried to counter, the Ame ninja would slip out of reach, launching more kunai at him from different angles.

Itachi felt the strain in his muscles, but he pushed through, his Sharingan locking onto the trajectory of the incoming attacks.

Suddenly, Shisui saw his opening. The Ame ninja with the katana had overextended slightly on his last strike, leaving a small gap in his defense.

Shisui moved quickly, slipping inside his opponent's guard. With a sharp twist, he disarmed the katana-wielding ninja, knocking the sword from his hands with a well-timed strike to the wrist.

The Ame ninja's eyes widened in shock, but before he could recover, Shisui struck with a vicious elbow to the ribs, sending his opponent staggering back, coughing and clutching his side.

Itachi, too, found his moment. His Sharingan picked up on the subtle movements of his opponent's hands, predicting the next volley of kunai before they were even thrown. He sidestepped the attack, dodging the kunai with ease, and closed the distance in a flash. His kunai flashed through the air, knocking his opponent's weapons out of his hands before driving a powerful kick into the man's chest.

The Ame ninja grunted in pain as he was sent sprawling to the ground, winded and disarmed.

The tide had turned.

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato watched in awe as the two young Uchiha began to gain the upper hand. The tension in their shoulders eased slightly, though they still couldn't help but feel nervous for the kids.

Shisui pressed his advantage, launching a barrage of strikes at his opponent, who struggled to keep up. The Ame ninja, still clutching his injured side, was forced to defend with his bare hands as Shisui's attacks rained down on him.

Itachi, meanwhile, moved with newfound confidence, his Sharingan allowing him to stay one step ahead of his opponent. He dodged and weaved through the Ame ninja's desperate attempts to fight back, landing precise strikes that further weakened his foe.

It wasn't long before the battle was decided. Both Ame ninjas were on their knees, beaten and exhausted, barely able to stay upright. Shisui and Itachi stood over them, their chests heaving as they caught their breath, their kunai raised, ready to finish the fight.

But just as Shisui and Itachi prepared to strike the final blow, Peter's voice cut through the rain.

"That's enough," Peter said calmly, stepping forward. His tone was firm, yet gentle. "You don't need to kill them."

Itachi and Shisui froze, their kunai still raised. They glanced at each other, then back at Peter, unsure of what to do.

Peter smiled at them. "You've proven yourselves. There's no need to take their lives."

Slowly, Itachi and Shisui lowered their weapons, stepping back from their defeated opponents.

The two Ame ninjas, their hopes crushed, slumped to the ground, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and despair. They had fought with everything they had, hoping to save their comrades and their leader, but in the end, they had failed.

One of the defeated ninjas muttered under his breath, his voice filled with disbelief. "But… we lost…"

Peter shrugged, his expression nonchalant. "True, you lost. But I'm not disappointed in your performance. You fought well." He gestured toward the battlefield. "Take your comrades and go."

The remaining Ame ninja blinked in shock, unable to believe what they were hearing. "You're… letting us go?" one of them asked, his voice shaking.

Peter nodded. "Yeah. You're free to leave."

The ninja hesitated for a moment before glancing over at the unconscious form of Hanzo, still lying motionless on the ground. "And… Lord Hanzo?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Peter sighed, glancing over at the fallen leader. "Sure, take him too." He said before adding, "But when he wakes up, make sure Hanzo knows this is his only chance. If we meet again and I don't like what I see, I won't be so forgiving next time..."

The two Ame ninjas, overwhelmed with gratitude, immediately bowed deeply toward Peter. "Thank you… thank you so much!" they said in unison, their voices filled with relief.

Without wasting any time, the two ninjas began to gather their unconscious comrades and their leader, preparing to leave the battlefield. It would take some time, as most of the Ame forces were unconscious, but they worked quickly, desperate to get away.

As they worked in the background, Peter walked over to Itachi and Shisui, who were still catching their breath after the hard-fought battle. He smiled warmly at them, his pride evident in his expression. "Well done, you two," he said, his voice filled with approval. "You've both come a long way."

Shisui and Itachi, still breathing heavily, exchanged tired smiles. They were exhausted, but the sense of accomplishment filled them with a quiet pride.

Before Peter could say more, Nagato, who had been watching the scene unfold in silence, stepped forward, his Rinnegan eyes gleaming in the rain. "I'm sorry to interrupt," Nagato began, his voice cautious, "but… what do you want with me?"

Peter turned to face Nagato, a smile tugging at his lips. "I want your eyes."

A/N: 3057 words :)



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