I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 710: Amegakure

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[The Next Day – Amegakure, the Village Hidden in the Rain…]

A steady drizzle fell over Amegakure, the droplets pattering softly against the countless steel structures that towered above the village. It was always raining here, the dark clouds seemingly perpetually hovering over the country, casting a gloomy atmosphere across the landscape.

But despite the dismal weather, the people of Amegakure continued with their lives, navigating the rain-soaked streets with ease, having long since adapted to the constant downpour.

Within the heart of the village, hidden from view inside one of the many towering buildings, the Akatsuki gathered. Their leader, Yahiko, sat at a table, a look of quiet contemplation on his face as he went over reports from their recent missions. His long orange hair framed his face, his eyes sharp with determination and resolve.

[Insert picture of Yahiko here]

Beside him sat Nagato, his Rinnegan glowing faintly in the dim light, and Konan, the ever-stoic and calm presence at Yahiko's side.

[Insert picture of Nagato here]

[Insert picture of Konan here]

The three of them had come a long way from the war orphans they once were. In the midst of the Third Shinobi World War, they had been lucky enough to be saved and trained by Jiraiya of the Sannin.

Under his guidance, they had honed their skills, and in time, they had grown up to form the Akatsuki. What had started as a small group of survivors and idealists had blossomed into a movement—a beacon of hope for those caught in the crossfire of the Five Great Shinobi Countries' endless wars.

Amegakure had suffered more than most in these wars. Situated between the larger nations, it was often used as a battlefield, its people mere collateral damage in the power struggles of others.

The Akatsuki sought to change that. They sought to bring peace not just to Amegakure, but to the entire world, and under Yahiko's leadership, the group had begun to gain a following.

But with that fame came danger.

The current leader of Amegakure, Hanzo of the Salamander, had initially supported the Akatsuki, impressed by their ideals. But over time, as the Akatsuki's power grew, so too did Hanzo's paranoia. He began to see them not as allies in his quest to maintain peace and control of the village, but as a threat to his rule.

And now, Hanzo had decided to eliminate that threat.

Using his network of spies and informants to gather information about the Akatsuki's movements, Hanzo knew that while Yahiko was the charismatic leader of the group, it was Nagato who truly scared him.

Despite the boys seeming inability to use the power of his Rinnegan, he still possessed a legendary dojutsu said to be passed down by the Sage of Six Paths himself. This was an anomaly that Hanzō could not afford to ignore. If Nagato ever unlocked the power of his eyes and turned them against him, it would mean the end of his reign over Amegakure.

So, Hanzo devised a plan.

Rather than confront the Akatsuki head-on, where Nagato's Rinnegan would make the outcome unpredictable, Hanzo chose to strike from the shadows…



Konan walked through the rain-soaked streets of Amegakure, her steps measured as she made her way to a rendezvous point where she was supposed to meet with one of their informants. Her sharp blue eyes scanned her surroundings, always alert, always watchful.

Years of living in the war-torn village had made her wary of every shadow, every corner where danger could be hiding.

But today, something felt off.

The streets were quieter than usual, and though the rain continued to fall, there was an eerie stillness in the air that set her on edge. She quickened her pace, her instincts telling her something wasn't right.

As she neared the rendezvous point, a narrow alleyway between two tall buildings, she paused, her eyes narrowing as she noticed something unusual. The informant she was supposed to meet wasn't there. Instead, the alley was empty.

Konan's hand twitched toward the pouch on her hip as she took a cautious step forward, her senses on high alert when suddenly, the ground beneath her shifted.

Konan's eyes widened in surprise as the earth gave way beneath her feet, revealing a hidden trap. Before she could react, the ground collapsed, sending her plummeting into a pit lined with iron spikes.

Reaching quickly, a pair of paper wings flared out from her back, catching her in midair just before she reached the spikes.

But it was too late.

The trap had done its job, separating her from the safety of the open streets and putting her in a vulnerable position. Before she could escape, a series of explosions went off around the pit, filling the air with thick smoke and dust. Konan coughed, her vision blurred by the sudden onslaught.

Through the haze, she could hear the sound of footsteps approaching—many of them.

Emerging from the smoke were Hanzo's personal guards, their faces hidden behind gas masks, each one armed and ready to subdue her.

Konan's eyes hardened as she realized what was happening. This was an ambush. A trap…

She tried to fight back, but before she could finish forming her first attack, thick, heavy chains shot out from the ground, wrapping around her arms and legs, binding her tightly. The weight of the chains was immense, pulling her down to the ground with a force that even her wings couldn't counteract.

Konan gritted her teeth, struggling against the bindings, but it was no use. The chains were laced with chakra-suppressing seals, designed specifically to keep her from using her abilities.

As she fought against her restraints, Hanzo himself appeared, stepping through the smoke with his dark cloak billowing behind him. His cold, calculating eyes locked onto Konan as he approached, his expression unreadable.

[Insert picture of Hanzo here]

"It's over, Konan," Hanzō said, his voice calm and measured. "Don't make this harder than it has time be..."

Konan glared up at him, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "If you think Yahiko and Nagato will just surrender to you, you're mistaken," she spat, her voice filled with defiance.

Hanzo shook his head. "I don't want them to surrender..." he pauses, looking Konan in the eye. "I want them to die."

At his signal, more of his guards appeared, lifting Konan's chained body off the ground and dragging her away.

Konan struggled, her mind racing as she tried to think of a way out of this, Hanzo's ominous declaration replaying over and over in her head…



At the Akatsuki base, Yahiko and Nagato stepped outside, joined by several other members of their organization. They had been on edge ever since Konan had gone missing. She had left for a routine mission, but when she didn't return at the expected time, both Yahiko and Nagato had a sinking feeling that something was wrong.

Their fears were confirmed when they saw the approaching figure of Hanzō the Salamander, riding atop his massive salamander summon, surrounded by his elite ninja forces. But what truly made their blood run cold was the sight of Konan, bound and restrained, held captive in chains by Hanzo himself.

Yahiko's eyes widened in shock, his heart hammering in his chest as he took in the scene before him. His fists clenched tightly at his sides, and his knuckles turned white.

Nagato, standing beside him, felt a surge of fury unlike anything he had ever experienced. His Rinnegan eyes glowed ominously, reflecting the storm brewing inside him.

The rest of the Akatsuki members stepped forward, instinctively reaching for their weapons, but Yahiko raised a hand to stop them, his gaze fixed on Hanzo. He knew this wasn't a battle they could rush into—not with Konan's life on the line.

"What do you want, Hanzo?" Yahiko demanded, his voice cold and filled with barely contained rage. "Why do you have Konan?"

Nagato, his expression equally dark, narrowed his eyes at the older man, his chakra flaring uncontrollably as his emotions threatened to take over. The sight of Konan, one of his dearest friends, bound and helpless before them, was more than he could bear.

Hanzo dismounted from his salamander, walking slowly and confidently toward Yahiko and Nagato, his eyes cold and calculating as he surveyed the two leaders of the Akatsuki. His elite ninja forces stood at the ready behind him, their weapons drawn and prepared for battle, but Hanzo himself remained calm, knowing he held the upper hand.

"I believe you already know why I'm here," Hanzo began, his voice even and composed despite the obvious tension in the air. "The Akatsuki has become a threat to Amegakure."

Yahiko's jaw tightened, his anger boiling beneath the surface. "We've only ever worked to bring peace to this land. To end the constant wars that plague our country. And you know that."

Hanzo's lips curled into a bitter smile. "That may have been your intention in the beginning, Yahiko. But your influence has grown too strong. Your ideals are dangerous. They attract too many followers, too much attention. The balance of power is shifting, and I cannot allow that."

Nagato stepped forward, his voice trembling with barely suppressed fury. "You captured Konan to lure us out. What is it you really want, Hanzo?"

Hanzo's smile faded, and his eyes grew cold as he raised a hand, signaling his men to bring Konan forward. Hanzo held Konan up, so Yahiko and Nagato could get a good look at her, her wrists bound tightly in chakra-suppressing chains. She struggled in his grasp, her eyes locked onto her two closest friends.

Hanzo stepped closer, his expression hard as steel. "It's simple. I want both of you to die."

Yahiko and Nagato exchanged stunned glances, disbelief flashing across their faces. But Hanzo wasn't finished.

"You see," Hanzo continued, his voice dripping with malice, "as long as you two live, your influence will continue to grow. The people will follow you. I can't allow that."

He reached into his cloak and drew a kunai, holding it up so that the light glinted off its sharp edge. "So, here's the deal. Yahiko, Nagato—you will both kill yourselves. Do it willingly, right here, right now, in front of me. Or…" He glanced toward Konan, and without hesitation, placed the blade of the kunai against her neck.

"If you don't, I'll cut off her head right in front of you."

Yahiko's heart seized in his chest as he saw the blade press dangerously close to Konan's throat. His mind raced, his breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps. He knew Hanzo was serious—there was no bluff in his voice. If they didn't comply, Konan would die.

Nagato, on the other hand, felt his blood boil as his Rinnegan flared with intensity. His rage threatened to consume him entirely. The sight of his closest friend in such a perilous position ignited a fire within him that demanded action—demanded vengeance.

"Stop this, Hanzo!" Yahiko shouted, taking a step forward, his voice trembling with a mixture of fury and desperation. "There has to be another way. You don't have to do this!"

But Hanzo shook his head, his expression cold and unyielding. "This is the only way, Yahiko. You've left me no choice. If you truly care about Konan's life, you will do as I say."

The kunai pressed harder against Konan's neck, drawing a thin line of blood as it grazed her skin. She winced but remained silent, her eyes filled with defiance as she looked toward Yahiko and Nagato. She was prepared to die for them, for their cause, but she couldn't bear the thought of them sacrificing themselves for her.

Nagato's chakra flared dangerously as he took a step forward, his voice low and filled with barely controlled fury. "If you harm her, Hanzo… I swear, I will make you regret it."

Hanzo's lips curled into a twisted smirk. "Oh, I'm sure you would. But that won't matter if you're dead."

Yahiko's mind raced as he tried to find a solution, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew what Hanzo was asking of them, and he knew there was no easy way out of this. But one thing was clear: he couldn't let Konan die.

With a deep breath, Yahiko's eyes softened as he looked at Konan, then at Nagato. "It's okay," he whispered, his voice filled with a quiet resolve. "We'll find a way out of this. We can—"

"Enough talking," Hanzo said, his voice cold and merciless. "Either you kill yourselves now, or she dies."

Nagato's heart raced, and for the first time, he could feel a heavy sense of dread settling in his gut. His Rinnegan flared with uncontrollable emotion as the blade inched closer to Konan's neck.

Yahiko's resolve was breaking. He was no fool; he knew that there was no escaping this situation without someone dying. His mind screamed at him to find another way, to fight back, but the cold steel of Hanzo's blade against Konan's neck brought the cruel reality crashing down.

Yahiko glanced at Nagato, his friend's face contorted with barely contained rage. "Nagato…," Yahiko began, his voice thick with emotion.

Nagato shook his head violently. "Don't do it, Yahiko. There has to be another way."

But Yahiko's eyes softened, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. "I can't let her die. You know that."

Hanzo smirked, his grip tightening on the sword as he leaned closer to Konan. "Enough stalling," he growled. "Make your choice now, or I'll end her life right here."

Yahiko's hand trembled as he reached for a kunai from his pouch. Nagato's eyes widened in disbelief, but he knew Yahiko was serious. His best friend was about to sacrifice himself to save Konan.

Just as Yahiko raised the kunai, ready to plunge it into his own heart, the rain seemed to stop for a moment, and the air around them crackled with energy.

Suddenly, without warning, a golden, glowing circular portal appeared in the space between Yahiko, Nagato, and Hanzo's forces. The portal shimmered with a strange energy, and the air hummed with power as it opened wider, and from it stepped small groups of unfamiliar Individuals.

Peter, along with his students Itachi and Shisui, Madara Uchiha, and Kurama in his now slightly larger form, emerged from the portal. But the gravity of their entrance was immediately undercut by the bickering that accompanied them.

"I swear, Madara," Kurama growled, his deep voice filled with irritation, "if you keep walking in front of me like that, I'm going to swat you like a fly!"

Madara shot an annoyed glance at the Nine-Tails. "It's a free world, fox, I can walk wherever I want."

Peter rolled his eyes as he stepped between the two. "Can you two knock it off for five minutes? We're in the middle of something here."

Hanzo, Konan, Yahiko, Nagato, and every ninja present stood frozen in place, utterly dumbfounded by the sudden arrival. Even Hanzo, who had prepared for every possible contingency, was left speechless by the bizarre scene unfolding before him.

Nagato's Rinnegan eyes flared as he instinctively took a step back, unsure of what was happening. Yahiko, still holding the kunai, looked between the newcomers and Hanzo, his mind racing to catch up.

Hanzo narrowed his eyes, trying to size up the strange group. "Who… the hell are you?" he demanded, his voice filled with suspicion and barely concealed irritation.

Peter, hearing Hanzo's question, waved his hand In greeting. "Yo, I'm Spider-Man."

A/N: 2607 words :)



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