If you are a pirate, you will be in the Straw Hats

Chapter 609

Little Han Cook threw himself back, and the bullet passed through her hair and hit the pacifist behind her, instantly triggering an explosion.

And Xiao Jinping also put his arms together and blocked the bullet abruptly, but he was pushed back by the fierce force of the bullet, rushed into the explosion, and crashed into the pacifist in the encirclement, and a gap appeared.

Kerra didn't know how much she trusted Warren, she didn't stop for half a minute, she rushed towards the explosion, the violent explosion fire others avoided, but she didn't dodge, one in ten thousand... I didn't know what to say, but since I was already here, I had to desperately seize the only opportunity.

Little Han Cook leaned back and propped up on the ground with one hand, then flipped backwards, and as soon as he landed, he slammed on the ground, and the black wings behind him ignited with fierce fire, like thrusters, chasing towards Kerra.

Far away....

Above the ruins, Warren held his breath, closed one eye, and stared at the scope with the other, his face tightly leaning on the sniper rifle was shocked red by the reaction force, and he saw that he pulled out a bullet engraved with a skull with one hand, pressed it into the chamber fiercely, and held a crimson bullet in his mouth.

Violent fire burst out from the muzzle, but no sound came out, and he was directly pushed back by the reaction force for a distance, and even blood stains appeared on his already somewhat red face.

Following the bullet, the perspective is extremely fast towards the battlefield, towards the little Han Cook chasing Kerra's gaze, reflexively at the same time the leg crossed a wonderful curve and collided with the bullet, the power of the armed color domineering collision formed a wisp of black light in the air, she was pushed back by the bullet, but Xiao Jinping rushed out from the firelight, punched the side of the bullet fiercely, and destroyed its power by four percent.

With the pull of bullets, Kerra finally bought this insignificant time, only to see her tear her clothes into strips of cloth, binding Saab firmly to herself, and the debris of the explosion hit her face with blood stains, but this is not some impenetrable obstacle, the real obstacle is the laser rain emitted by pacifists, so dense that it seems to be breathless.

Fishman Karate. Change. Flock!

Kerra stopped for half a step, and the fist closed at her waist slammed into the laser rain, and then she took a straight step forward, allowing the explosion in the air to sound harshly.

Occasionally lost and unable to avoid, she used her body to take it abruptly, but in just a short distance, she had become extremely embarrassed, but here is still a long way to go from the coastline from which she fled.

Fortunately, the first step has been completed... Out of the encirclement.

Xiao Jinping and Little Han Cook looked at each other, and then Xiao Jinping rushed in the direction of Kerra, and Little Han Cook rushed in the direction of Warren, the two were extremely fast, Warren thousands of miles away struggled to get up, but his body shook and fell to the ground, he maintained a creeping state on the ground, smiled bitterly and pressed the crimson bullet into the chamber, and then the whole person's momentum changed again, like a sniper rifle ready to fire.

Crimson bullets, or glorious bullets, Warren's last resort, bullets that he can't control at all, Vegapunk and Dragon were colleagues, which raised the technological means of the revolutionary army to a level that did not belong to this era, Warren had seen the brilliant light of the red bullet explosion with his own eyes, and he didn't know if he would be able to see it again later.

Kilometer...... Five hundred meters... Two hundred meters ....

Getting closer, Warren's breathing changed from rapid to steady, and then from steady to holding his breath, only the cold face of little Han Cook in the scope.

The hot flames dragged a long line behind Little Han Cook, and she seemed to have sensed how terrifying this upcoming attack was, and her figure trembled on the path and turned into three figures.

The other side....

The sound of Xiao Jinping kicking on the ground was like a bomb blasting, and the distance he desperately pulled out was only half in between breaths, and with a loud bang again, Xiao Jinping had appeared behind Kerra, turned around and closed his fist and hit Sabo behind Kerra.

Kerra turned sharply, crossed his arms together and blocked the attack, but as soon as he made contact, he heard the sound of bones shattering, and Kerra's slender hands looked so vulnerable in front of Xiao Jinping's fists.


Xiao Jinping may have also helped Kerra, but saw Kerra's body being beaten and flying towards the coast, the blood spilled from the corner of his mouth floating in the air, and the picture looked a little beautiful.

Kerra, who smashed into the ground head-on, turned his head with difficulty to find out about Saab's situation, but as soon as he turned his head, Xiao Jinping's figure was already chasing him, exhaling and drinking like the urging of hell.

"Sorry... Mission failed..." Kerra looked tenderly at Saab, who was in a coma, seemingly completely unconcerned about the upcoming attack, she was just trying her best to turn around, wanting to use her body to block Xiao Jinping again... Or a blow from the Blazing Angel, just block the next one.

Strength is such a thing... It is really the basis of the survival of this world, and it is stupid to make a rescue operation if it is not strong enough, but sometimes...

Stupidity is faith.

Kerra slowly closed his eyes, waiting for death at hand, falling fists...


Xiao Jinping's fist intersected with the mace, bursting out a large number of armed color domineering shockwaves, and Yamato's excited and angry expression appeared in front of Xiao Jinping's eyes.


Yamato, who held the mace in one hand, became a two-handed grip, and then his body began to change.

Ohkoto true god!

Sharp fangs appeared in Yamato's mouth, and the hand holding the mace also turned into a dangerous claw blade, and with her roar, Xiao Jinping was actually directly pumped out, like a baseball.

The other side.

Warren was just about to pull the trigger, the space in front of him flickered, and two figures appeared, and Speth, who was covered in bandages, turned to Warren and said weakly: "Remember... Treat me to dinner. Just

after saying that, he fainted directly, and Weibull next to him stretched out his hand to help him and put him on the ground, and then swept back with Cong Yunche, stretched out his palm forward, and looked like a peerless fierce general.

Little Han Cook just turned into a plural afterimage, and this simple sweep dissipated the afterimage, forcing Little Han Cook to retreat after two consecutive backflips, landing on the ground and staring at Weibull.

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