I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 131

What Each Can Do

What the people in town need to do is never leave the house when the demons come.

After information of surprise and fear that demons were flooded and coming down south, the town people seemed to be baffled in reverse that the measures heard were passive.

“At least three days. A week, if possible. Think about when you can’t step outside.”

Farmers have reserves because they don’t go shopping all the time in town. But it’s usually in stores and warehouses, and when you don’t get out of the house, you have to move the stockpile into the house.

The water is magically manageable to the extent that each person drinks it, but if you want to use it more than that, you should still use it for a lot.

All the more so if it is a small house in the city.

If a cattle herder intends to keep the cattle in the stables by day, there is a great deal of pasture. But in the season when this grass grows, the pasture of stockpiles is not ready yet.

“We just have to leave it out there”


Cyrus and Rik’s also have cows to squeeze their milk. But the inability of people to get squeezed out means that the worst cows will be wasted.

There is also the possibility that demons will do it. Even if they don’t do it, if they leave it, they won’t do it.

If demons reach the town of Canaan, there can be no doubt that there will be great damage in any case.

May it stop in front of the town. Otherwise, the town people had to pray that they would pass unaware of the town.

“Well, it seems like the time has come to show our seriousness.”

Garsh is turning around.

“What are you serious about?”

And my friends are sticking me in.

“You’re starting to get scared and can’t say no to grass. So you need a little more herbs anyway. Pharmacists are getting their hands on increased potion production, and they don’t have time to pick herbs. So it’s our turn.”

“Women just want to wear that new outfit. You know, like Shaw and Hal.”

“What can’t you do about it?

“I shouldn’t, I don’t”

The boys’ eyes are swimming.

That would be so. Because the girls who have only worn long skirts so far are turning into skirts so short that their knees are likely to be visible. I do have my pants on downstairs.

“Fair enough. Come on, guys, we don’t know when we’ll hear from each other, so it’s herb collection where we can hear each other! Okay, here we go!

I don’t have to make that call, but the people who start it are just getting started, but for some reason, they all scattered in fun.

“Sounds fun.”

Hal smiled.

“Because it’s unusual. I wouldn’t be so excited about a demon coming to my kids. Especially the boys.”

Rick is smiling bitterly.

“Hal and Rick go to training. We’re all used to herb collection now, and just in case, I’m on it.”

“Yeah. Please.”

“I’m coming!

Shaw dropped off Hal and Rik going to the meadows.

Originally, Rick should be locked in the house when the demon comes. It was the power of healing that I had acquired quite a bit in my training since I met him, but I hadn’t trained so much on magic. Of course, I didn’t train my sword.

Still, with Cyrus, in the town of Ampha, he experienced the great outbreak of demons and survived by defeating demons at the bend.

That gall strength is hard to replace anything.

Perhaps Rick’s magic doesn’t help defeat the demons after all, but it may help distract the demons, and most importantly, it helps to get them into the support of Shaw and Hull, who tend to force them.

Across the meadow, a much poorer wall of flames rose than Hull’s.


“Rick, okay.”

Still, the boys stand up and look at Rick in jealousy.

Let’s get rid of this slime first.

“That’s right.”

Shaw couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that the girl had promised to get mad at me.

And I will look carefully at the children.

Is there a child who is in good shape because the demon is coming?

No, no, no. Are there any kids who are doing it and are losing focus?

Even while I think about it, I see Falco and Leon on my head.

They say the hunters are following the herd so that the herd of demons can go straight down the meadow and not distract the town.

The northern town is at the end of the flock. Careful, it’s a long journey. You’ll be tired. Are you injured? Though my worries are endless.

“I shouldn’t. I’m the one lacking concentration. I’m sure a good healer from the north town is following me. Don’t worry. There’s two heroes in the north town.”

There’s also Gaius, the three of us, but Shaw doesn’t know that, so we can’t help it.


Seeing Rik more in the men’s voices, now he seems to have struck the wind at his feet. The grass and sand are scattered.

“If Croywat lizards were to come, you’d either threaten them with flames or push them with wind to keep them from coming to town. Hal, that’s right.”

Shaw put his arms together and nodded proudly.

“You’re really close, Shaw and Hal are”

It was Delilah who raised her face from there.

“Normal, nothing”

Shaw loosened the hand he was putting together in a little light.

“We’re good friends. You don’t have to light it up. Still, Rick’s clan is really good.”

When I get screwed by Rick’s clan, it’s kind of strange, but, well, to tell the big mess, we’re all Japanese, so I guess I can’t even say clan.

“Originally when Rick came to school, it wasn’t Garsh, but it was kind of too different from us, it was hard to get close”

“I didn’t do that in the deep woods.”

Shaw was quickly surrounded by children from the deep woods and joined by his companions. I feel like I was behind on what I could do or who I was.

“So, if you go to class, you’ll understand everything right away, you can, you won’t get mad, and you’ll be nice to girls.”

“Oh, yeah, I was.”

“That’s a boy in a hurry. I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t even get it on my teeth.”

Delilah laughed when she remembered and dull.

“Well, I think we wanted to be friends after all. But Rick doesn’t care.”

I guess Rick didn’t see the children in his eyes. I think Cyrus was the one who wanted to be friends, and he was just thinking about becoming an adult alongside Cyrus.

“But Rick with you guys, he looks like a proper child, doesn’t he? year by year.”

Shaw thought for a moment that that meant that he and Hal were childish, but reconsidered that there was nothing else wrong with that. I’m reliving my life again, so why don’t you?

Delilah shifted her gaze from Rik to Amfa.

“But demons, I hope they don’t come”


I don’t want you to come. I truly thought so.

But the news brought about was unexpected.

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