I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 194: Naming The Universe part 1.

Advanced chapters in my Patreon. 



(Davian's P.O.V)

Having reached a conclusion, I sprang to my feet, causing water to ripple across the ground and dampen the grass beneath my boots.

Speaking of, the clouds had cleared up and the warm rays of the sun cut through the humid air, gently landing on my face.

My Time Remnant should have been back by now. Hopefully with the Flash's Time Remnant in tow.

I couldn't really go back to the Great Darkness' realm without him. It seemed to be hidden from my perception, similar to the Void above the void.

In addition, I wanted to save Barry. If I could handle whatever influence Empty Hand held on him then maybe the real Flash would be back.

Why was I trying to save my enemy, you ask?

To be honest, I didn't have a clear answer to that. But if pushed, it would have something to do with Redemption.

I had gotten mine, even after all I had done. Who's to say Barry didn't deserve a chance at his?

In any case...that depended solely on him.

I had Reikaku stretched out across the entire Universe, partly in hopes I would sense my Time Remnant's arrival and partly because I was looking for Chase and the others.

Their presence had brushed against Reikaku fleetingly, lasting only a moment before vanishing once more.

Seems like they were up to something, somewhere far away. Chase should be aware of my presence, so whatever had his focus must be important.

It doesn't matter. We would meet up soon anyway.

A grin brightened my face as I sensed a distortion in the space behind me. Turning around, I found myself face to face with my Time Remnant, a slightly bored look on his face.

And in his hands, dead to the world was the Flash.

His chest rose gently, showing he was still alive. His uniform however was flayed and his body littered with injuries that were regenerating quickly, but not as fast as before.

"You're late."

I told me, approaching the two of them.

He shrugged, hoisting the Flash on his shoulder before stretching out his hand for a fist bump.

"Let's fuse and you'll understand."

He suggested.

Normally that would be impossible. But he was essentially me. Even now I was connected to his soul just as he was to mine.

If I were to die, then he would still live on as the Reaper. Not as a replacement but the genuine article, just a few seconds older.

Recombining was a simple matter of aligning our relative timelines and synchronizing our souls.

I bumped his fist and the two of us bled into each other. There was a bright flare of purple before I opened my eyes and found myself on the same position as before. Only alone.

Alone but with the addition of several memories and an unconscious Speedster on my shoulder.

"He chased him across multiple dimensions?"

I couldn't help but ask, going through the memories of the fight.

Using the portal, the Time Remnants crossed over from one universe into another multiple times.

There was a zombie world, a world I suspected was Twilight; where else did vampires glow blue when exposed to the sun? , a Cultivation realm where the ceiling of power was too high for even I to sense...

In fact, it was crazy to think that those old seclusive Cultivators hadn't immediately attacked upon sensing the two of them.

Same goes for a dimension that had been completely taken over by an Eldritch Abomination. One that gave the Ultimator a run for her money.

Yet despite the ant-like speedsters fleeting about at high speeds, the Eldritch abomination had refused to attack.


Anyway, it didn't really matter. I had things to do, people to kill, a universe to name and a certain Raven haired Life Entity to kiss.

Not exactly in that order though. I fastened my grip on Barry and then disappeared from my position.

The sensation of space folding around me was brief and then I was at my intended location.

The conference Hall in the U.N.

The entire chamber was filled with Paramedics checking up on the recenty ressurected. The walls still painted red with their blood.

How trippy it must have been for the Victims.

And why hadn't the Great Darkness fixed that little tid-bit?

"It's a goddamn reminder.' I said in realization.

This was his way of telling me he welcomed my challenge. It was also a sign of my own failure.

These people wouldn't have died had I arrived a few seconds earlier. I needed more power. Especially now that it feels as if I'm being watched.


Raven waved at me from a section of the stage that was occupied by the Justice League and my team. I smiled her way, thank god she was alright.

And still as pretty too.

The weight on my shoulder became noticeable owing to the various eyes staring at Barry.

There was confusion, hesitancy, anger and downright hatred in the eyes of every person in the room.

Including the Justice League, although they had compassion for their wayward member.

I was given a wide berth on my approach to the team of superfriends. And almost every eye was on me as I cleared the distance between us.

"It wasn't his fault."

I informed the chamber, injecting as much sincerity as I could.

"Though it seemed like him in the act of harming you, it was someone else pulling the strings, not truly him."

A few of them winced at the memory.

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have brought that up so soon.

"He was a puppet to the true culprit."

I finished, whispers breaking out through the crowd.

"How can we trust you?"

Someone asked.

"You could be lying to save his neck."

The frown that came down on my face caused him to gulp and back away.

"I know what dying feels like too."

My response elicited surprise and skepticism.

They didn't believe me.

"You feel the warmth leave your body, the breath leave your lungs and one sense after another goes out. Your sight, hearing...and eventually, you stop feeling entirely. Like a Light switch being turned off."

There were no more questions after that. The hostility directed at the Flash didn't diminish in the slightest but that said, no one was clamoring to lynch him, so...progress??

"You saved us."

Superman stated, a strange note in his voice.

"Even with our shared past. Why?"

"Good question."

I said, staring at the Man of Steel. The last time we came to blows, Trigon had taken control of him.

Things worked out in the end, but one slip up from both sides and one of us wouldn't be standing here today.

I had been prepared to neutralize Trigon's threat that day, even if it had meant sacrificing the greatest hero in the world.

"What's in the past, is in the past. It's high time we stopped letting old regrets and guilt define the future."

And in a gesture that would have had Chase wondering if it was me or an Imposter, I offered Supes my hand to shake.

None of the League Members behind him spoke up in objection. For too long theur fear of me had ensured I was firmly an enemy in their eyes.

But I was tired of labels. I wasn't a villain, nor a hero. I was just me. Deal with it.

Superman grasped my palm in a tight grip and shook it. I could see the earnestness in his eyes.

"See, it's much easier to make friends than enemies right?"

Raven asked, cheekily shoving me with her elbow.

I sighed, giving the Kryptonian's hand one final shake.

"I'm not opposed to this...truce."

I worded it like that because no way was I going to get chummy with these guys. I could let go of any bitterness I had towards them, yes, but that didn't mean everything was fixed in an instant.

There was also the fact I didn't agree with how they operated. Sometimes taking one life to safeguard countless others was the right call.

The League on the other hand was an advocate for life. Even the lives of worthless shitbags like the Joker.


The tall Amazon behind Superman snorted,

"That would require a measure of trust."

She suggested without malice.

"I'll take him off your hands."

Superman offered, reaching out for the Flash.

I placed another tag of energy on him. Fortunately after scanning him, I discovered that Empty Hand wasn't in control anymore. That said, his bio-aura contained the essence of the Great Darkness' realm.

It was smart that I brought him back. He was going to be essential to the [PLAN].

Handing him over, I took a second to better understand how the League and I could have some common ground. A measure of trust required an important gesture.

Raven must have sensed my intentions as she held me back. Or tried.

"You don't have to."

She told me, grip tightening on my bicep.

"You have nothing to prove to anyone, Davi. Especially not to them."

God I love this girl.

"I know."

I said, smiling down at her.

Then I stepped forward. By now a few members of the press had been allowed access into the conference, cameras flashing and questions rattling around.

All focus was turned my way as I got to the center of the stage.

"Ny real name is Davian Mabuz."

I formerly introduced myself to the chamber,

"But you can call me the Reaper. Your Reaper. I have saved this world a number of times after all. Not as a hero or a villain, but as a native."

I paused, gesturing to the Justice League.

"Your public Heroes and I have decided on a truce. Many dangers to our world exist that they cannot handle alone. As a gesture of trust, I hereby allow you to call on my assistance if you ever need it. Just say my name 3 times, and I'll be there."

A sufficient enough Measure of trust. Diana nodded my direction with approval.

With that, I snapped a finger and teleported my team and I away.

We arrived home.

The massive purple sun that appeared before them stole their breath away.

Deadman was left gaping like a fish, opening and closing his mouth without uttering a single word.


Cheshire muttered, wide eyes and wildly gazing around.

"I've never seen a purple Sun. And what's this place boss?"

"I'm curious as well."

Shiva interjected, a small smile on her face

"The essence and energy in here feel like you..."

Glad to see my teacher was still as sharp as ever.

"Welcome...to my universe."

I spread out my hands in a gesture of hospitality.

"I created this place from my own soul. You're safe. No one can find it or even enter without my permission."

"You...created all this?"

Cheshire asked skeptically.

"All of it."

I said with a content grin.

"Down to the smallest grain of sand. And in case you're wondering why you aren't suffocating in the vacuum of space, you can blame that on me. In here, I am God."

The sun's rays intensified, pulsing along with my statement as if to give credence to my authority.

"So...cool boss."

Deadman patted my back,

"You have your own Batcave now. Only you know, on a universal scale."

"How about we have this conversation over some tea and cookies?" Raven suggested.

"You can all catch up with each other inside the Tower."

"The tower?"

Deadman asked in confusion, looking around.

"What Tow- oh thaat Tower. I never even noticed it."

He directed the attention of the other two to the structure.

It was floating along a path around the sun and seemed to glow with a range of colors, the dominant ones being purple and grey.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

Raven chanted lowly, mass teleporting everyone to the entrance of the Tower. This was the closest they could get. Only the Tower Master could teleport into the Tower.

"My turn."

Raven giggled, skipping to the front.

"Welcome, to the Tower of Fate!"

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