I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 191: Breaking Through Time And Space part 1.

Advanced chapters in my Patreon. 


A/N: This Fic has Concept Art on various Characters, enemies and places that I cant post on Scribblehub. They're all on my Patreon. 

And it's complete there as well. 


(General P.O.V)

Hera, the queen of the gods watched the proceedings with a cruel grin.

Few things were as entertaining as watching Mortals absolutely wreck each other.

The massacre in front of her reminded of the good old gladiator days. Men would skewer and slash each other apart, mercilessly.

And ferocious animals like lions and tigers would devour packs of prisoners in the colliseum. She sighed at the nostalgic scene.

The only thing better than watching the blood dripping down to the foot of the stage, was witnessing her husband's bastard's death.

The Wonder Woman. Oh, how she despised Diana...

So this was good. She had no complaints.

Zeus on his part, would no doubt be furious. And the world of man would probably feel his wrath as a result. She couldn't wait to see it.

While Hera had been born from power, into power and with power, her husband was the King of Olympus.

And while she could openly mess with any other Demigod, he held a certain fondness for the Amazonian Princess.

Hera was barred from ever acting on her jealousy.

However...Zeus wouldn't have anything to reprimand her for now. She wasn't the one who had killed his precious Diana.

Not to mention, the Quintessence were only supposed to be observers.

It wasn't her fault that the speedy mortal took Wonder Woman's life 

faster than they could react to(something that was actually concerning).

Speaking of the devil, Hera felt a telepathic link form between her and Zeus.

The smile on her face widened to vicious levels. She couldn't wait to tell-

[Wife! Get back to Olympus now!]

Zeus ordered in a tone that brokered no argument.

Here's face twisted in a frown as she snorted.

[Mmph! You don't command me Husband. As the Olympian emissary in the Quintessence, I have certain responsibilities that outpace my duties as a wife.]

She could almost feel Zeus gritting his teeth in frustration.

[You fool! He's coming! And the kind of power I feel from him is staggering. Get back or I won't be able to save you!]

He warned, almost pleading. 

Hera stiffened on her seat.

The others noticed it as well.

"What is it, your highness?"

The Wizard questioned.

Instead of answering, Hera immediately stood up.

"I'm afraid I'll have to take my leave. Something came up."

She finally replied, smiling tightly.

"Why? What happened?"

Ganthet asked in suspicion.

"You seem bothered."


Hera shook her head. She contemplated warning them...but then again, it would be fun to watch the aftermath.

"My presence is merely required in Olympus. That is all."

Hera immediately activated her teleportation circle. Light glowed from beneath her feet, covering her body.

"Farewell now."

She waved her hand at the Quintessence.

She was about to teleport away...when the entire building trembled.

The teleportation circle fizzled out as two individuals appeared inside the conference building.

Hera swallowed, her heart skipping a beat. She was too late...

(Davian's P.O.V)

Following the link between Shiva and the butterfly tatoo, Raven and I appeared within a scene that resembled a slaughter house.

The chamber was wide and filled with people. People who had been alive seconds prior.

I extended my Cosmic Authority out, covering not just this universe but the local cluster.

Maybe I had overshot our landing and this was a different universe? It was hard not to believe that.

I'd only been gone a few months, right? So how could something like this come to pass?

How could the UN headquarters be turned into something straight out of a horror movie?

People were torn apart gruesomely. Heads laid on the ground next to decapitated bodies, fresh blood painted the walls and the stench...

Shit and piss.

Raven covered her mouth and dry heaved beside me.

"They all died so awfully. I can feel the screams coming from their flesh as it was being shredded and eviscerated. So much pain and suffering..."

She winced, rubbing the sides of her head.

Yeah. Looking at the torn apart limbs, the blood pooling on the floor and the unblinking eyes widened in terror...it was clear that whoever was responsible, had wanted to make it hurt.

"Did you do this...Barry?"

I asked, shifting my attention from the massacre to the Flash, who was visibly vibrating with Speedforce energy and looking very guilty. 

His hands were covered with fresh blood, giving credence to my suspicions. 

The Flash had killed all these people. Fuck...this is going to be annoying to deal with. Is he being controlled or something? I studied his soul, there was no outside influence forcing him to do this, so...why? 

We made eye contact, defiant eyes meeting my own passive ones. 

I injected a little power into them, making the Flash falter, before taking a nervous step back.

It's still him. If he has the capacity to show fear then maybe he did this intentionally. 

"You know, there's no love spared between the League and I."

I said, stepping forward.

He backed away warily. 

"But you, a superhero killed them. You killed your own teammates Barry..."

I continued.


The Flash's face twisted into a mocking grin. 

"I don't have to explain myself. Not to you, you monster."


Deadman, unexpectedly came to my rescue. 

"Who are you deluding Flash?!"

The Spirit growled in anger. 

Oh yeah, some of the Leaguers were once Deadman's friends. It made sense he would be mad.

"We all know who the true monster is...look at your fucking hands, you sadistic fuck! You killed them all!"

Deadman spat out hatefully. I'd never seen him so...angry.

"You should pay!"

His body started pulsing with spirit energy, looking ready to attack. 

I snapped a finger and using Cosmic Authority, unravelled his energy control. Spirit energy slipped from his grasp everytime he tried to hold it. 

"Huh? What the?"

He stared at his arms in question.

"The four of you..."

I addressed my team, Raven, who was beside me, Shiva who had her hands folded above her ample chest, Cheshire, with one hand cocked on her hip and the mask on her face slightly scarred and finally Boston Brand, the Deadman. 

"Leave this to me. Find out if there's anyone alive down there and help them."

I would have loved to chit chat and catch up, but this took precedence. 

Now that I was back, it was high time, I took responsibility for this world. 

At least in honor of my parralel self. And seeing as this was a political nightmare, the fall out would be immense. 

Humanity naturally leaned into blaming someone for their problems, this wouldn't be different. 

I could already picture it. The prosecution of anyone with abilities.

I wasn't going to idly stand by and let the planet destroy itself in an internal war. 

That means delivering the culprit responsible for the atrocity committed here. 

Chase would probably find the whole incident ironic and funny. The thought of me standing on the side of justice would have him cackling madly. 

"You have one choice Barry. Come in quietly and I won't have to break your legs."

I told the speedster, sensing the massive amounts of Speedforce energy he was priming through his body. 

With the resolute look in his eyes, it wasn't hard to figure out what he was planning. 

I smiled, approaching him slowly, releasing a fraction of a fraction of my aura. 

"Are you...really thinking of fighting me?"

I couldn't keep the humor from my time at the thought of it. 

Barry's face paled, staring around the room. Particularly the spot with the high level cosmic beings, I had been ignoring since we arrived. 

"They're not gonna help you buddy."

I tutted at his ignorance. 

"Nothing can protect you from me. Just, come in quietly."

Instead of listening to reason, the Flash decided to bail. 

"Fuck this. You're not my problem anymore."

He grit his teeth and disappeared in a flash. No pun intended.

"Haiya. Spitting right in the face of my genorisity, huh?"

I can't believe the fastest man alive was this shortsighted. I could sense the entire universe. AT THE VERY LEAST! 

And he thinks he can escape me? What's that saying, you can run but you can't hide. So fitting. He was already passing by a small town in East Africa. Where was he even going? 

It would be better to leave the planet, no? At least then it would feel as if he tried. 


Deadman called out from behind with urgency, rushing forward. 

"Look out!"

What he was warning me about turned out to be an attack. Though it would be more accurate to call it a divine energy canon. There was no mistaking that power. 

An old God. 

The attack which was dozens of feet in width and glowing golden, landed on my body.

And was immediately absorbed into the membrane of Cosmic Authority coating my form. 

Not even my clothes were ruffled. The attack had been so. weak. 

I went for my hip, wrapping my hand around Chesha Neko before deciding against it. There was no one here who qualified to see my Zanpakuto. 

Instead, a sigh escaped me as I turned to face what I would later come to know as the Quintessence.

Nick's memories allowed me to recognize all of them. 

The green guy hovering above the group was no doubt the Spectre. 

Next, I recognized the Wizard, Mamaragan easily. Which made me wonder why he hadn't done anything when The Flash killed Shazam. 

The well dressed black guy with white eyes was the Phantom Stranger, a figure that few knew little about, including me. His aura felt distinctly holy. 

The short blue guy was Ganthet of the Guardians of the Galaxy. 

Then there was a tall statuesque man with a well trimmed beard and an aura that resembled Grail. 

Finally, was the bitch that had thought it wise to attack me while I was distracted. 

She had on a sneer on her face that made her otherwise beautiful face, ugly. 

"You guys are dumb."

I chuckled at their baseless confidence. Confidence that allowed them to stand before me and act like we were equals. 

"You could have slipped away anytime. Escaped and I wouldn't have pursued. But now, you have my full undivided attention."

Hera, who still had her hands aimed my way, stumbled back in shock. 

"It...did nothing? How are you not dead?! Answer me you-"

"Shut up."

Shiva stated in a tone that showed she had finally had enough. 

The hiss of her blade leaving it's scabbard sounded ominous in the wide chamber filled with corpses. 

"You're like am annoying fly. Buzzing around too much."

Divine energy no less than Hera's surged out of her, bearing Rama's unique energy signature. 

"And who are you to tell me, the Queen of the Gods, what to do?"

She sneered down at Shiva. 

"Oh she's done it now..."

Deadman muttered, pitying Hera. 


Shiva smiled. 

"I am the champion of the Goddess Rama Kushna, the goddess of Karma and balance."

She pointed a thumb my way. 

"I'm also this idiot's Sword and Martial instructor."

Oh come on, don't throw shade like that. 

"-But most importantly, I'm the one who will beat the snot out of you."

Without another word, she charged up her body with divinity, dashing towards Hera at high speeds. 

Unfortunately, someone blocked her way. Ganthet, with a shroud of green energy stretched the space between the two to infinity, meaning no matter how much Shiva ran forward, the distance would keep increasing at the same rate as her speed. 

"Let's not be hasty."

The Guardian said amiably. 

"We are mere observers. We do not engage in conflict. In the same vein, I shall not allow you to attack one of the Quintessence." 

"Damn you! You think this can stop me?!"

Shiva slashed out, an energy blade launching towards the Quintessence. 

The blade was filled with mysteries that even astounded me. 

The Death God arts were the culmination of my understanding of Zanjutsu but I could tell, in terms of pure talent, Shiva outpaced me. 

Ganthet frowned, waving a hand and teleporting the attack away. He knew he couldn't block it, so naturally that became the only available option. 

"I see now. Rama Kushna left you a piece of her soul. That's how you can tap into her abilities."

"She must have suspected the vote would not go her way."

The Highfather speculated. 

Vote? Now I'm curious. 

"Only cowards gang up on an opponent."

Shiva pounted her weapon at them. 

"And knowing my Goddess, there was no way she would have lost to you. Which means you tricked her. All in a bid to get to Davian. I won't let you touch a single hair on my student's head!"

This just keeps on getting more and more interesting. 

"Should we...help her?"

Cheshire asked, twirling her Sais in readiness. 

Even the other two looked prepared to intervene. It was a little surprising just how much camaraderie we'd built. 

And crazy considering how far we had all come. We were once enemies and now...these people wanted to fight for me and each other. 

And I knew, if it came down to it, they wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice themselves for me. It was...strange.



I stopped them from intervening. This was my shit to deal with.

"Shiva...stand down."

I blinked next to her, placing a palm on her shoulder. 

My teacher narrowed her eyes up at me. 

"Why? You think I'm so weak that I need your help, boy?"

She demanded hostilely. 

I tightened my palm on the shoulder, staring right into her eyes. There was only one way to deal with Shiva. You could not show weakness. 

My eyes glowed with a tiny bit of power. Shiva blinked, looking away and sheathing her sword with a sigh. 

"You know, this is all your mess, Mr. Death God. You disappeared on us. Deal with them how you see fit but remember, after this, we're having a long discussion."

Oh boy. Bet that's going to be fun. 

But with her out of the way, the Quintessence brought their focus to me. 

Their true target. It was clear to see really. 

"Let me guess, Mamaragan."

I addressed the Wizard, about the only member of the Quintessence that I knew personally. Though that was his parralel self. 

"You guys are so terrified of my power, that you thought, 'hey let's mess with this dude's friends and hope when he comes back, we all don't die a gruesome death.' Is that right? And you wonder why I called you dumb."

Space begun trembling around us. It wasn't apparent on my face, but I was fucking mad.

According to what I'd heard, they'd done something to Rama. There was no forgiveness for that. 

Reiatsu slammed down onto them, Immobilizing their bodies. The Spectre fell from the air, landing on his knees while the rest groaned, pressed onto their seats. 

"What- is...this power?!"

Hera asked in terror, trying to move her limbs but failing.

"Release m- me! Or suffer Olympus' wrath."

I cocked my head, increasing the pressure on them. Bones started creaking. To their benefit though, none of them died! Which was a little surprising as I was using 10% of my Reiatsu. 


Ganthet bit out. 

"Everything will be explained if you come with us."

"Come with you?"

I questioned lowly. 

"And why should I do that when I can simply kill you, devour your souls and learn what I want anyway?"

None of them had an answer to that. 

"That's what I thought."

I added, steadily increasing my spirit pressure. If they were rendered helpless at 10%, there was no way they could handle anything above 20.


I paused, looking towards the East. 

"Stand back...something is coming."

I informed Raven. 

Not even an instant later, the Flash appeared in my vision, going at speeds millions of times faster than light. 

Behind him was havoc, the entire conference building would soon go up in shambles, the building's structure shattering slowly in my perception. 

The effect was only delayed due to how fast we were both perceiving reality. 

"Let's see if you can tank, an Infinite Mass Punch!"

The speedster roared out, his right was visibly vibrating. 

Infinite Mass Punch? The name of the attack dislodged one of Nick's memories and I knew that no matter what, I couldn't take the attack head on. 

It's science. 

Net F= M*A.

The faster an object moves, the more it's inertia and weight increases. 

Meaning as the flash was now moving at millions of times faster than light...the Infinite Mass Punch would deliver a force greater than I could properly defend against. 

Even with Cosmic Authority, this was going to hurt. And if I dodged, the ones behind me would get the blunt of it. 

Fuck. No choice then. 

Power gathered on my fist, and without wasting time, my punch collided with his.

Space and time collapsed around us. 

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