I Lived with the Villain in the 70s

Chapter 74

Chapter 71

“Before, where did Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang work?”

Yang Chengyu didn’t believe it anyway, that is, the job of a temporary worker in the town could make the three-family family eat meat all and build a new house.

She felt that there must be something tricky here!

“His dad, do you still remember where the two of their family work in the town? I think there is a problem with this!”

Yang Chengyu wandered around and immediately raised her guess, “You said, would the two of their family be speculative?”

“What nonsense!”

Yan Dajun retorted Yang Chengyu, “Speculation is a felony! Two people have jobs in the town, and the work proves that the village chief has seen it! Don’t go out and talk nonsense, you will be laughed at by others!”

“Yes, mother. You can only say this at home, but you can’t say it.”

Yan Hongying, who was cleaning up the dishes, answered, “Even if Lin Xiaoyue is uncomfortable, we can’t spread this out. Our family’s reputation can no longer be stinking.”

The reason for saying this is because Yan Hongying is worried about her marriage.

She hasn’t dated the librarian in the city yet!


Yang Chengyu looked at Yan Hongying and murmured, “You and the person in that city haven’t had a relationship yet, so you really can’t tell anything bad.”

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yang Chengyu couldn’t help but said, “But I think Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang work and wages, we can indeed investigate and investigate. Maybe, their young couple are really famous and private. What a speculation underneath!”

“It’s alright, I’m full and I’m still investigating other people’s homes.

Yan Dajun fierce Yang Chengyu, walked to the table and sat down, poured himself a glass of water, took a sip and said, “We are all separated. I just want to take care of my own family. The third child refuses to support his parents. The village chief said that the family will support it for one month. Our family is on this condition, what we eat and what parents eat, they have no choice!”

“His dad, I didn’t mean that…”

Yang Chengyu walked up quickly, came to Yan Dajun and sat down, “I mean, that Lin Xiaoyue from Sanfang’s family looks like a scheming woman. Didn’t you find out? It’s because Lin Xiaoyue got in. This family, the three-bedroom family was separated, and it began to become more and more wrong. I think my guess is reasonable, that Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang may be really speculating! If we can grasp this evidence, neither will we To expose them, we can use them to threaten them. It’s okay to let their family take care of the two old people without talking about taking the hush money from their family.”


Yan Hongying put down the bowls and chopsticks, and sat down at the table, “Mom makes a lot of sense to say that. If they are really speculative, we can use them if we don’t pierce them!”

The mother and daughter have always vented their breath from the same nostril, and their thinking can be united quickly.

However, the signs of the two of them intending to cause chaos were quickly extinguished by Yan Dajun.

Yan Dajun directly refuted the two of them, “Okay! Stop making noises! What to check? What can I check? Can I live my life well!”

Because Yan Dajun was murdered, Yan Hongying and Yang Chengyu dared not speak.

The mother and daughter winked at each other, quickly packed the dishes and moved them to the room.

While washing the dishes, Yang Chengyu and Yan Hongying’s mother and daughter began to calculate in private…

The two discussed to see if they could find out the wages of Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue as temporary workers at the port.

The two calculated that even if it was a job in the town, it wouldn’t be more than 100 yuan, right? After all, it’s just a temporary worker…

Even if the two of them have a salary of 100, it will cost 200 a month together, and it will cost 600 to build a house, although the salary is advanced…

No matter how they counted, the mother and daughter didn’t think Yan Yang and Lin Xiaoyue could make that much.

Because they hate Lin Xiaoyue, the mother and daughter will not let go of the opportunity to hit Lin Xiaoyue.

On the other hand, Lin Xiaoyue didn’t know that someone was calculating her secretly.

In the small side house, Lin Xiaoyue, who had washed her feet, climbed onto the bed, obediently nestled in the bed, looking at Yan Yang’s back with her **** eyes pouring water.

A little melancholy…

Recently, the desire is a bit strong…

But because it is a woman, she has been holding back.

Lin Xiaoyue thought about it for a while, and felt that after three in one, he looked like the third, but not quite like the third…

She talked and acted like the third child, but some of her actions were not as natural as the third child did.

Touch PP…

Lin Xiaoyue thought that the youngest pervert would often go out of style when kissing before.

Then she would want to refuse to welcome him, then stir up interest, and then the night of ecstasy will come.

However, this Yan Yang now has no such small movements.

No desires and no demands of the rules.


After pouring the water, Yan Yang returned to the small side house, and just happened to hit Lin Xiaoyue’s eyes staring at him.


Entering the room, locking the door, Yan Yang came to the bed and sat down unhurriedly.

Lin Xiaoyue lifted the quilt, gave him half of the bed, and then patted the bed, “Come here and lie down.”


Yan Yang stared at her strangely, and slowly lay down, covering his body with the quilt.

Under the bedding, his hands already naturally hugged her Yingying waist, Lin Xiaoyue also stretched her hands and directly hooked his neck.

At very close range, Lin Xiaoyue stared at his enlarged face, and went straight up to peck his lips.

The corners of Yan Yang’s lips raised, “What’s the matter? Anything to say?”

I can feel that she was too proactive today, not the same as usual…

Also because of her initiative, she flirted with ease, and Yan Yang himself quickly became strange…

As usual, at an angle she didn’t know, he clenched his fists tightly and forcibly held back his own strangeness.

“I want to ask you…”

Lin Xiaoyue stared at him closely, looked for other topics and said, “Are you happy when you signed up for the college entrance examination today?”

Yan Yang frowned, thinking for a moment, “It’s normal.”

In fact, the moment I signed up was quite happy…

However, after that moment, after thinking about the future life, it seemed that studying for exams was not a very important thing.

After all, he is not a bachelor now, not alone, and has his own family with Lin Xiaoyue.

The two will have children in the future, have to raise children, take care of the children, and protect the lives of the children.

Considering so many reasons, Yan Yang felt that reading is actually not a very necessary thing.

This is just one thing he likes.

He likes reading and knowledge.

“Then which university do you want to take the exam?”

Lin Xiaoyue touched the broken hair on the back of Yan Yang’s head, “Is that the best National Tsing Hua University and Beijing University your goal?”

Yan Yang frowned and shook his head, “Failed to pass the test.”

Lin Xiaoyue patted him on the shoulder, “Why don’t you have any ambition! Since you have taken the college entrance examination, it must be the best university!”

Yan Yang smiled and shook his head, “I really didn’t pass the exam, and I didn’t review it seriously, so I just had time to read books. It’s already very good to be admitted to a general university. How dare you think about those two universities.” What’s more, I now feel that university is not necessarily a must. It depends on the situation then…”

“Well, well, it depends on the situation.”

Lin Xiaoyue touched Yan Yang’s cheekbones, “Then if I get admitted to Beijing University or National Taiwan University, won’t you?”

Yan Yang was stunned, “Then you go to read. I will accompany you in the city and find any job as long as I can live by your side.”

“You are stupid…”

Lin Xiaoyue squeezed Yan Yang’s face, “You can’t pass the test, what else am I reading? I must be married to the chicken and follow you directly!”

Yan Yang slightly twisted his eyebrows, “You are stupid.”

Lin Xiaoyue moved forward, and the tip of her nose touched the tip of her nose, “You are stupid!”

Yan Yang snorted, “You are stupid.”

Lin Xiaoyue: “You!”

Yan Yang: “Hey…”

Then Lin Xiaoyue went up and kissed him, gently sucking on his lips.

Knocking their eyes and kissing deeply, the two of them are enjoying the intimacy of this moment, and are deeply caught in the enthusiasm of this moment…

The palm of Yan Yang’s hand stuck in her waist was even more tightly squeezed into a fist, so tight that the knuckles turned white, and the veins in the neck were violent.

This kind of moment is very unbearable.

But he knew that he had to hold back!

Therefore, even if Lin Xiaoyue tried her best, she did not succeed in teasing him.

After a kiss, holding his hot body, Lin Xiaoyue sighed deeply…

But at the same time, Lin Xiaoyue also hid a vision in her heart…

She was thinking, isn’t it the youngest who is left after 3 in 1? Is it the second child?

Would it be like this?

Life, still live steadily…

In terms of business, the business is going on prosperously, except for the big business on Yan Yang’s two or three weeks.

The business between Lin Xiaoyue and Liu Jiang is gradually getting on the right track.

As expected, Liu Jiang is a very suitable person to do business. Even if his family is poor, even if he doesn’t have much money in his hands, he can still earn himself a barely living money through the business with Lin Xiaoyue.

This gradually accumulated, adding up the income from one business after another, and within half a month, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang made six hundred yuan.

The third house’s new house is still under construction, and it has gradually taken shape after it was built for an hour or two after the end of the work day. The next step is to decorate the inside.

The decoration design inside the house is a design drawing given by Lin Xiaoyue. According to the structure she hopes in her mind, this three-story house similar to a courtyard house has become the expectation of many villagers in the village.

Everyone is very interested in the new house of the old third family, and especially want to see what the house looks like after it is built.

Days are getting better, and the status of Yan Dayong’s family in the village gradually rises.

The villagers and Yan Dayong’s family began to interact closely, and Lin Xiaoyue also made good women’s friends with the neighbors next door.

In contrast, the other two rooms of Lao Yan’s house seemed much depressed and quiet.

Whether the two elders of the Laoyan family have a beaming look on their faces is probably because the provocation of the Sanfang family has nothing to do with them, and they can’t take advantage of it.

The five chicks raised by Lin Xiaoyue before have also grown into hens and are ready to lay eggs.

Since five chickens lay five eggs a day, the family has never bought any more eggs.

For a family of four, eating 5 eggs a day is enough.

The food in Sanfang’s family is still the same. Every night when cooking, the taste of Sanfang’s family is the most fragrant.

Because it uses lard, the fried dishes also have the smell of lard. If the pork is fried again, the whole yard can smell the strong smell of pork.

The Dafang family and the Erfang family smell this smell every day, and resist their saliva to fry their own vegetable dishes.

The Erfang family was vegetarian because they had to spend 80 yuan in debt that month, and they deducted food…

The Dafang family was vegetarian because they did not want the two elderly people to eat well, and they also ate vegetarian dishes for nearly half a month.

The two old people have been eating vegetarian food until they are full of grievances. They cook every day and smell the aroma from the Sanfang family. The two elderly people will complain that the Dafang family treats them badly. Every meal is so bad, for half a month. Did not have a good meal.

This kind of remarks made the Dafang family listen a lot, and the big room is really ready to eat a month of vegetarian food, not good food! Don’t let the two old people eat it!

In the past two weeks, the only time the two elderly people had the opportunity to eat meat and vegetables at the Dafang’s house had to thank Yan Hongying’s blind date…Chen Zeqing.

Chen Zeqing is a librarian in the city library in Anshi. He is a formal worker with a very clean job nature. He is also a man who can meet people when he goes out and say he has a face.

Except for being a little older and divorced, this man has no shortcomings in all aspects.

After Yan Hongying had a blind date with him, the two had met twice within half a month.

In this age, marriage is rapid, and blind dates are also fixed at a glance.

After Yan Hongying and Chen Zeqing met twice, they basically determined the other party’s wishes, and the marriage was about to be decided.

Chen Zeqing came to the house for dinner this evening, which is equivalent to coming to see the parents at home, which is a very ceremonial thing.

Dafang’s family, in order to welcome this man, naturally prepared a good meal tonight.

On the table, three meats and three vegetables are prepared, a good meal with a broth.

Chen Zeqing hadn’t come yet. The two old men had already sat down at the dinner table. Yang Chengyu put chopsticks on the table. When the old lady Yan picked up the chopsticks and wanted to pick up the meat, Yang Chengyu patted the back of her hand, “The guests have not come yet, this dish can not eat.”

Mrs. Yan put down her chopsticks a little angrily. Yang Chengyu then said again, “Dad and mom, today Hongying’s blind date is coming to the house. The good dishes on this table are all prepared for him. Before the guests have eaten, we all Stay a little longer, don’t grab meat from your guests, so as not to make people look at the jokes. This blind date is still a person in the city, so it’s hard to see such a stranger in the countryside.”

“Eating a piece of meat means that you haven’t seen the world? Then don’t eat meat!” Even the old lady gave Yang Chengyu a white look and said unhappily.

She wants to eat meat anyway.

Since the third child came out of Dafang’s house, she hadn’t even seen meat or even an egg.

It’s absolutely impossible to finish such a meal and tell her not to eat meat.

It’s ugly to eat, and you have to eat it. All you eat are your own!

“Mom, when the blind date came to our door, it should be our family to entertain him. It would be inappropriate for you and dad to sit at this table for dinner. I didn’t say not to let the two of you eat. I just told you not to eat meat. Let the meat be eaten by the guests, just a little request.”

Yang Chengyu said bluntly, “Hongying, the blind date partner, has good conditions in all aspects. It is the one in a million. Only success is not allowed! I hope that there will be no accidents with this meal today. Don’t hold back your children!”


The old lady withdrew her hands in her sleeves, and said with a bad expression: “By the way, it is to tell the old ones not to eat meat!”

Grandpa Yan’s expression was also very bad, but he didn’t speak or argue. No one wanted to argue over such a bit of meat.

What’s more, the Dafang family doesn’t respect the elderly anymore. The two old people are now eating in the big house, and eat other people’s mouths short, so let them be harsh!

After Yang Chengyu warned the two old men, he should have gone out to welcome Yan Hongying and Chen Zeqing’s arrival.

However, she was also afraid that two elderly people would be stolen from the table as soon as she went out.

For reasons of worry, Yang Chengyu asked her son to pick up Yan Hongying and rewarded his son with a piece of meat.

After her youngest son ate a piece of braised pork, he hopped out of the house and stood at the door waiting for Yan Hongying to bring the man from the city back.

At that time, Lin Xiaoyue and Yan Yang were also sitting on the bench in front of Sanfang’s house, chatting with sunflower seeds.

Seeing the excitement in the big room today, Lin Xiaoyue is another person who likes to watch the excitement, and she is full of interest.

“It seems that Yan Hongying is really going to get married…”

Lin Xiaoyue tilted Erlang’s legs and trembled. After eating a melon seed, she threw the melon seed shell into the dustpan in front of her, “Hey little guy!”

Lin Xiaoyue called Dafang’s son.

The little kid turned his head to look at Lin Xiaoyue, sticking out his tongue slightly, and then gave Lin Xiaoyue a back figure…

She looked down on Lin Xiaoyue properly.

“Oh, this kid! It’s really impolite!” Lin Xiaoyue babbled melon seeds.

Yan Yang let out a faint laugh, “Just ignore him.”

“I just want to make tactics and ask about Yan Hongying’s marriage.”

Lin Xiaoyue said while licking melon seeds, “You said that if Yan Hongying really marries in the city, will the old folks have their tails up to the sky?”

Yan Yang said, “Sure.”

These days, it would be a very glorious thing for a rural girl to marry in the town, let alone in the city…

However, such examples are quite common in nearby villages, and they are not uncommon.

For girls in the village, marriage is an opportunity to go out of the countryside and work in the town or city.

Lin Xiaoyue turned her head again at this time and found that on the threshold of Erfang’s house, Yan Lianhua, wearing two low braids and a red coat, was sitting on the threshold…

“Hey, look at her…”

Lin Xiaoyue slammed Yan Yang with her elbow again, “I think Yan Lianhua is going to be a green tea bitch.”

Yan Yang frowned, “What is a green tea bitch?”

Lin Xiaoyue explained to Yan Yang, “If I’m not mistaken, Yan Lianhua would definitely want to grab Yan Hongying’s blind date, so she dressed herself up so lavishly. Isn’t it the second chance for girls to get married? I guess the second room also wants this opportunity.”

Yan Yang turned his head and glanced at Yan Lianhua. She was wearing a decent dress and neat braids. This coquettish heart was so obvious that anyone could see it.

Yan Yang snorted and shook his head without saying a word.

“But having said that, the Erfang family now owes so many debts, and the reputation in the village is not good. There is no matchmaker coming to propose marriage at all. I heard from Lin Damei next door that Chen Cuiyun had sought a matchmaker before and wanted to tell Yan Lianhua about the town or the city. The matchmaker also gave Chen Cuiyun a laugh. I heard that the matchmaker also said that in the current situation of the Erfang family, Chen Cuiyun can find a person in the next village to say that marriage is difficult. Who is willing to accept the daughter-in-law who has so many debts from her natal family what…”

Lin Xiaoyue couldn’t help licking the melon seeds with dissatisfaction, and she said and gestured to Yan Lianhua, “So, I don’t think Yan Lianhua can do anything. That’s why I want to grab Yan Hongying’s blind date. I don’t know if Yan Hongying knows. Knowing Yan Lianhua’s thoughts, if their sisters quarrel, it would be funny.”

Lin Xiaoyue thinks it’s lively and beautiful again…

The excitement of other people’s homes is really more attractive.

She likes to see the depravity of the Dafang family and the Erfang family! And it’s not from her hands, they are all made for herself

Yan Yang understood Lin Xiaoyue’s desire to see the excitement. He took Lin Xiaoyue’s shoulders and raised his head and called out the little boy from the Dafang family, “Little guy, someone is going to grab your brother-in-law.”

The Dafang family’s son turned his head, sticking out his tongue to Yan Yang slightly, and said, “I don’t believe what you are saying! Shut up, you fool!”

The Dafang family’s son’s attitude towards Yan Yang is still the same as his previous silly Yanyang attitude.

Yan Yang was very upset by the rudeness of this little guy.

At this time, Lin Xiaoyue shouted again, “Boy, look at sister Yan Lianhua, is she very beautiful today?”

Lin Xiaoyue shouted loudly, and Yan Lianhua also heard it at that moment.

Yan Lianhua shouted at Lin Xiaoyue angrily, “What are you talking about? You’re a bargain! I’m sitting in front of my house and looking at the scenery and it’s hindering you! You don’t care about me!”

She is a kind of guilty mentality that was pierced by Lin Xiaoyue…

“Someone dressed up very beautifully today! It looks like he’s going to grab her sister’s object! Hey, I don’t know if there is any good show!” Lin Xiaoyue said shrillly.

“Shut up, you are a bargain!”

Yan Lianhua stood up with anger and yelled at Lin Xiaoyue, “I won’t talk to you anymore! You don’t care about me, too! Humph!”

After the roar, Yan Lianhua turned and entered the house.

Lin Xiaoyue looked at Yan Lianhua who was very angry…

Lin Xiaoyue counted down another 10…

Sure enough, after counting the 10, Yan Lianhua sat on the threshold of the second room again, as if he hadn’t quarreled with Lin Xiaoyue just now.

Yan Lianhua took a look at Lin Xiaoyue’s place, and still shouted in an angry voice, “Bargain! Don’t talk nonsense! I don’t have the kind of mind you say! If you want to talk nonsense, I will never finish with you!”

Lin Xiaoyue raised her eyebrows and pretended not to hear her, but she still had the mentality of watching a good show in her heart.

After a while, Yan Hongying returned with Chen Zeqing.

Chen Zeqing came from the city center by boat at 4:00 in the afternoon, and then Yan Hongying went to the town to pick him up. The two had been shopping in the town for a long time.

Now, I’m going home with big bags and small bags…

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