I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 36 Isn’t it too much to pull out the hair at the root?

First of all, in terms of income, Geges spent 1,200 copper coins and collected a lot of groceries from players.

After retaining part of it, Gerges sold the remaining groceries for 10,000 copper coins.

Cash transaction!

This money was received at the end of the negotiation.

In addition to groceries, Gerges also sold a few other items.

Food, iron ore, and coal mines were not sold because the quantities were not very large and the output was unstable.

On the contrary, of the 110 tons of stone, Geres sold 100 tons at a price of 150 copper coins per ton.

This is another income of 15,000 copper coins.

Geres also expressed regretfully: It is a pity that the transportation in Tudou Village is inconvenient. If there was direct water transportation to Tudou Village, he would be sure to increase the price a lot.

But it was enough. Flynn earned 25,000 copper coins just from talking and laughing.

For these groceries + stones that were sold for 25,000 copper coins, Flynn's cost was only about 6,000 copper coins.

Multiple profits!

But Flynn remained calm overall. Multiple huge profits are normal for business, right?

Of course, in addition to selling goods, Flynn also bought a lot this time.

Long before the merchants from Shield Mountain Town arrived, Flynn and Gerges worked together to make a list of goods that Gerges needed to open a full-fledged grocery store.

As for groceries, the items in the list are all-inclusive, including a lot of food, clothing and necessities.

For example, kettles, raincoats, sun hats, hiking poles, ropes, markers, lanterns, tea, portable dry food, gold sore medicine, hammers, brooms, salt, etc.

These products can not only meet the needs of brave men, but also serve the local indigenous villagers.

A few of them, such as hammers, can be made by the blacksmith in the village, and dry food can be made by the baker.

But most of the goods cannot be produced by Tudou Village. These goods that cannot be produced by themselves need to be provided by the merchants of Dunshan Town.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Geres proposed the groceries he needed to the merchants in Dunshan Town.

Because there are so many types, the total sum is not a small amount of money, reaching 18,000 copper coins.

In other words, in this business negotiation, Flynn's theoretical income is 25,000 copper coins - 18,000 copper coins = 7,000 copper coins.

7,000 copper coins doesn't seem like a lot.


Geres spent 18,000 copper coins to purchase so many groceries. When those groceries are sold, the income earned will definitely be more than 18,000 dinars.

All in all, what can be confirmed is that this time, Flynn definitely made a fortune!

In the previous week, Flynn's net expenditure was 5,465 copper coins.

This time, all the business actions are back.

Not only did he come back, he also made a profit!

With the opening of trade routes, according to a rough calculation, Flynn found that his financial situation was very comfortable.

After a week, the village is thriving, the inventory is increasing, the brave men have equipment and savings, and their dinars have not decreased but increased.

The only thing paid is the labor of the players.

But players do not feel that they are oppressed laborers. For players, they are experiencing a super game that is ultra-realistic.

This situation, where everyone is happy, is what Flynn usually calls perfect.

Of course, the only unhappy ones may be the goblins - in the past few days, seven or eight goblin bandits have been killed by the players, and the goblins who have been harassed by the players are even more It's a huge amount.

However, if the goblin is killed and the goblin is unhappy, what does it matter?

Goblins have no human rights.

After the business was concluded, everyone quickly became busy.

Geres's grocery store is under rapid construction and will be completed soon.

The merchants also sent a person to go directly back to Dunshan Town with a list of goods to stock up.

Then, it was time to move the goods that Flynn sold.

The groceries were easy to say, since they only amounted to two carriages anyway, so the caravan guards could just move them around and that would be enough.

But the 100 tons of stone sold is a problem.

The scale of the Dunshan Town caravan this time was small, with only 5 merchants and 10 guards, and a total of 5 carriages, 2 of which were already loaded with groceries.

With such a configuration, it is quite difficult to transport 100 tons of stone.

However, Flynn, as a conscientious lord, naturally cannot let the guests go to such trouble.

Flynn offered: "The stone is too heavy. I can send someone to help you move it. I will charge you 8 copper coins for every ton of stone moved. What do you think?"

In fact, Flynn made this proposal not to make money, but to find something for the players to do.

Don’t players like to do activities and tasks?

This group of caravans carrying bricks happened to be a very good task.

The businessmen in Dunshan Town thought about it and decided that this was a good idea!

100 tons of stone costs only 800 copper coins, which is a small amount of money!

And part of it must have been moved by my own people, so the 800 copper coins may not all be spent.

Asking the lord to send people to help move the stones can save a lot of effort and time.

And time is money.

This business is a bargain!

After the negotiation, Flynn asked Gerges to issue a task: to help the merchants visiting Tudou Village carry stones. For every ton of stones moved onto the carriage, the player will receive a reward of 5 copper coins.

Hehe, although Flynn does not intend to get rich from this business, it is not too much to pluck out the roots, right?

Mining a ton of stone costs 50 copper coins, while transporting a ton of stone only costs 5 copper coins, so the pay is not high.

But transporting the stones only involves moving the stones from the ground to the carriage, which is only a distance of about ten meters.

This job is very simple, and the cost-effectiveness is pretty good, so seven or eight players still came to take the task.

The players rode in caravan carriages to the place where stones were piled up in the stone mountain, and began to work hard to move bricks.

This kind of simple and repetitive physical work is where the players' unlimited physical advantages are reflected.

Others moved a hundred and eighty kilograms at a time and were exhausted after repeating it several times.

But the players are different. While moving the bricks, the players sang: "I won't be tired at all! I have to move for three more days and three nights!"

"No one is allowed! Touch my brick!"

Thanks to the amazing efficiency of the players, the carriage was filled instantly.

These carriages loaded with goods will drive to Lake Como, 20 kilometers south of Tudou Village. That lake can be reached by boat from Dunshan Town.

There is a small dock on the shore of Lake Como. The carriage will temporarily unload the goods there, then notify its own ship to load the goods, and drive directly down the river to Shield Mountain Town.

Five carriages loaded with goods drove away, and when they returned, they would continue to carry the remaining stones.

The businessmen who stayed in Tudou Village felt very incredible when they saw that these brave men who had just been doing heavy physical labor did not show any signs of fatigue at this time.

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