I Don’t Want to be a Villainess

Chapter 84

And that was just the beginning.

Sohee was not an easy opponent.

Of course, it wasn’t like I had to face her. After all, Sohee was my friend, a maid, and obviously an ally. Those who had to face Sohee directly would have no choice but to bleed.

For example, the homeroom teacher who entered when the bell rang.


While glancing around the students from the podium, the moment the homeroom teacher locked eyes with Sohee, she froze.

And it was no wonder; the transfer student she was supposed to introduce was sitting right next to me.

Thinking back, it was strange. Why on earth was Sohee in the same class as me?

Perhaps Hwayoung Academy’s foundation had little connection to Yujin Group after all. They did receive a lot of donations, and I heard they even built a few buildings. But even so, rumors from an entirely unrelated affiliate wouldn’t just come rolling in. No matter how fast they traveled, they’d have to go through a few hands, so that’s obvious.

Then, was it really just a coincidence that Sohee and I ended up in the same class? If that was the case, it wouldn’t make sense either. There were six female classes in the first year of this school, and the chances of being in the same class were 1 in 6. It couldn’t be considered a low probability, but it was as if Sohee had known from the start that she’d be in the same class as me, coming in right after me without seeking to verify anything.

If it were Sohee’s personality, she would have at least said something about being glad to be in the same class.

……Then there’s only one possibility.

Yang Hye-in, who handled Sohee’s transfer paperwork, must have pulled some strings.

Yeah, that must be it.

As I mentioned earlier, even if it’s a company close by, news can often be slow if it’s not an affiliate. Especially if the weekend is involved and the information is not widely known but rather something discreet moving from above.

Moreover, some of the mansion’s staff had started to notice me. The fact that I could cut their easy jobs had quietly spread. I hadn’t actually fired anyone, so they weren’t shivering in fear, but they probably weren’t thinking of contacting the Chairwoman either.

If they had contacted her and I found out, they’d be sending their mistakes straight to the Chairwoman all at once.

In that sense, Sohee was a ticking time bomb in this mansion. Her very existence rendered the reasons for the staff’s presence moot.

While information was delayed, if my direct maid from Yujin Group had tried to insert “her replacement” into the school…

And if during that process she provided some credible evidence or bribery, it’s only natural the story would flow that way.

Yang Hye-in had never come to see me inside the school; she always waved me off from outside. That might have been a blessing, as it meant she’d been oblivious to the situation within the school.

……Well, it was all just my speculation.

Whether this was someone’s scheme or simply a coincidence, right now there was this situation unfolding in front of the homeroom teacher.

A desk where it shouldn’t be, and it just happened to be next to me.


The homeroom teacher seemed to be struggling with how to respond.

Should she clear the desk? Was that replacement maid Yang Hye-in had put in for me on my side or not? Seeing Yoo Ha-neul’s uncomfortable expression next to me made it seem like not, but my own expression was relaxed.

If she was on my side, I should ignore it; if not, the homeroom teacher should take my side.

Teaching is tough, I guess.


Anyway, having made her decision, the homeroom teacher cleared her throat and spoke.

“Uh—so, as you all probably already know, there’s a new transfer student I’d like to introduce.”

I could hear the sound of some students gulping in the classroom.

That’s right.

Right now, the homeroom teacher had completely misjudged the situation.

With this, I could vaguely guess how Sohee came to be in the same class as me. It seemed the teacher thought Sohee was “someone sent by Yujin Group,” either for money or because she had adapted to the pressure that had been there. Maybe her looks as the “golden girl” played a part. It certainly looked like I could crush anyone who stood against me just by showing up.

Well, in reality, I could crush them, but I knew Sohee wouldn’t let it happen.

“Alright, transfer student—um, Shin Sohee? Please stand up.”

The faces of the kids had turned ice-cold all of a sudden, yet the homeroom teacher seemed blissfully unaware.

“Okay, let’s start with a brief self-introduction.”


In response to the teacher’s instruction, Shin Sohee replied with a smile.

Then, turning slightly toward the students, she said,

“I am Shin Sohee, the personal maid of Lady Ye Sara. I hope to build good relationships with all of you. Please take care of me!”

And just like that, she dropped a bomb in the classroom.

The bomb that landed in the middle of the classroom detonated silently. Debris scattered everywhere, and dirt rained down from above the children. Whether little or much, that muck stuck to the students’ bodies. And, probably, it wouldn’t come off easily.


The homeroom teacher’s mouth dropped open.

After treating me as if I didn’t exist, she had inadvertently acknowledged my presence. Officially. While introducing someone related to me to her students.

This was a far bigger issue than Sua and I getting along. Sua and I had a thoroughly personal relationship. Naturally, the same went for Sua and her former friends. If something bothered me, I could just cut ties, and after that, we wouldn’t even be considered related anymore.

However, the existence of the homeroom teacher was different.

A teacher is not a friend to the students. A teacher manages and educates the students.

Even if those students happen to be incredibly rude and refuse to listen to a word, a teacher should still have a minimum level of authority.

The reason I would first provoke a teacher when causing chaos is that I wanted to make sure they couldn’t ignore me. If a teacher treated me properly, it would mean my existence was being officially recognized. Consequently, it would be much harder for the students to ignore me.

“Our lady also appreciates and looks forward to your cooperation! I hope you won’t ignore me when I speak! The homeroom teacher introduced me like this, after all.”

Sohee once again hammered that point home.


The homeroom teacher looked completely taken aback, but it seemed she still didn’t think it was completely over.

“Uh, so, um, there’s nothing special to say today.”

It seemed she was trying to brush everything that had just happened under the rug, and she intended to ignore Sohee altogether. Well, that might actually be the best way to handle it.


But it seemed Sohee was not done speaking.

Sohee had a bright smile on her face, just like when she followed me around. She looked like she was having the time of her life.

And no wonder! I would also find this incredibly entertaining.

“You received money, didn’t you?”

This was something I had never heard before. Until now, I had merely assumed she had gotten money; I had no real proof to back that up.

Was this something she heard from Yang Hye-in?

“If you received money, you have to treat us accordingly.”

While Sohee was speaking formally, her manner was completely lacking in etiquette. Her voice was filled with sarcasm.

“……Ehm—so, um……”

Sweat started to bead on the homeroom teacher’s forehead. It seemed Sohee’s words were rather convincing.

Ah, so that’s it.

This could be a method to make the students ignore Ye Sara, as well as a way for teachers to ignore me.

There was a line in Ye Sara’s will that stated the Chairwoman had caused some boys close to Ye Sara to disappear by some means. Whether that was true or not, the fact remained that one boy who was close to Ye Sara had gone missing.

That method was likely fear. The students at this school weren’t that short on money. If they wanted, they could certainly afford bribes, but it would be a massive loss for them. It would be more effective to make them think they might lose all their money.

I had no idea what that method was, though.

On the other hand, nothing works better than money when it comes to bribing teachers. Of course, since these teachers were former well-known academy instructors, it wouldn’t be a small amount, but it’s much easier to convince someone who is obviously wealthy than those who are struggling.

Moreover, the more corrupt the teachers are, the more likely they are to be swayed by even a small amount of money or gifts.

This place is a result of all the corruption having accumulated over time.

“I threw over 1 billion for good treatment. It’d be disappointing if this is how it turns out.”

Hearing Sohee’s now fully coercive voice, I was taken aback.

“1 billion? Where did you get a billion?”

There’s no way it’s Yujin Group’s money. It wouldn’t be a suitable place for them to invest here for this kind of reason. If it were the opposite, I might understand.

“Oh, that’s my advance salary, and the money collected by Yang Hye-in senpai.”

“Advance…? Money collected…?”

Just hearing about it made my head spin.

“No way, are you saying that she stuffed that into the teacher’s head for money you’d earn in a year?”

I unconsciously raised my voice and asked like that, causing the teacher to flinch.

“No, that’s not it, um, who gave the advance!?”

“First, Yang Hye-in senpai did.”

“Then that person is broke!”

Sohee’s expression slightly soured at my words.

“Still, she had a few billion left… ? Do you see that as broke? Besides, it’s an advance. I planned to pay it back later anyway.”

“No, that’s not the problem right now…”

Was Yang Hye-in really that kind of character?

Just for placing a single maid in the same class as me?

……No, that’s not it.

My mouth fell open.

So Yang Hye-in really was on my side……?

“Well, anyway.”

Sohee cleared her throat and said.

“If you really don’t like it, you could always return that money. But if you already spent the money, you can count on me collecting it as debt.”


Facing a student who confidently threatened him like that, the homeroom teacher’s agape mouth might never close again.

This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime crisis for her.

Even in a rotten school, there usually should be some discretion in accepting and giving bribes. There’s nothing good that comes from being caught by others. While those students have money, naturally, there are families they dislike, and if information leaks, it could lead to a bloody showdown.


To openly and boldly say they had received a bribe. Coming from the bribing party, no less.

Or perhaps not from the party. Anyway.

……The homeroom teacher’s mouth remained agape until the bell rang for class to conclude.

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