I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 40

~ Chapter 40 The Hospitable Lord Yang!

When everyone was looking at Yang Xu, Yang Xu was also looking at everyone.

Before they arrived, Yang Xu had already learned a lot of information through Qingluan.

One: These people came here because of the shipwreck.

Two: They camped near the beach, waiting for rescue, but no rescue team has been found so far.

Three: Two of these people are proficient in Chinese.

One is the old man trembling as if he might fall down at any time.

One was this little white girl with a hot body and big ass.

Yang Xu’s eyes swept over the six people, and his mood was quite calm.

Alone as a stranger in a foreign land, I miss my relatives every festive season.

But to these strangers, he was not kind.

Of course, it is far from annoying, and they are even quite welcome.

Yang Xu has already made a decision on how to deal with these people.

What is the most precious thing in this world.

The answer is knowledge.

The glory of human civilization is not achieved overnight. It is the experience and lessons accumulated by countless human ancestors with their lives for countless years, and has been passed down to this day.

Some inheritances may be out of date, but it is these seemingly absurd inheritances that have promoted the development and progress of human civilization. Without these inheritances of experience that began in ancient times, there would be absolutely no brilliant human civilization today.

What is Xu Country missing now?

It is inheritance.

It is accumulation.

is knowledge.

It is talent.

Just like Yang Xu once wanted to catch a few teachers to teach in Xu country.

Well, now.

This is not delivered to your door!

Now that you’re here, why leave again!

It may be a beautiful thing to stay.

Leave, what are you kidding.

You all know Xu Guo, how could you let you leave.

Yang Xu’s eyes were as gentle as jade, as if he was looking at his own property, and his voice was sonorous, and he asked directly: “Who can understand me.”

Hearing his question, Afra and Yuan Xingguo raised their hands one after another.

Ichiro Murakami’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t make a statement, pretending that he didn’t understand Chinese at all.

As for the other three, I really don’t understand.

Yang Xu nodded slightly and ordered.

“Give them a seat and give them a pair of bowls and chopsticks.”

Yang Xu has always been very considerate and cherished his family’s property, especially those very precious properties!

The order was issued, and soon a guard brought two square tables and two small stools from the side room, and placed them in the hall.

The beauty put a pair of bowls and chopsticks on the two square tables, and then served tea, dried meat and other things.

Aphra looked at the delicacies on the table, her flat stomach protested frantically.

But she looked hesitant, not sure whether she should sit down and accept Yang Xu’s kindness.

However, this warm opening made her relax a little, and her affection for Yang Xu increased a lot.

she secretly thought.

This alien king is not an unreasonable person, but more like a humble and polite gentleman. Maybe there will be a very pleasant exchange today.

The others were also relieved.

This seems to be going well.

Mr. Yuan didn’t have so many worries. He himself was running out of time, so naturally he couldn’t talk about whether he was afraid of death. After all, he had already left his name in the book of life and death.

Once a person sees life and death apart, he will lose his worries and become more frank.

He sat down readily, picked up the fruit on the table and ate it directly, not caring whether it was edible or not.

Meat, he won’t touch it.

At least you won’t touch it until you know what kind of meat it is.

Seeing that old man Yuan sat down calmly, Afra didn’t hesitate anymore, and sat behind another square table, but didn’t take the food on the table.

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

After sitting down, Afra expressed her gratitude and kindness to Yang Xu, and explained generously: “Dear foreign king, we didn’t intentionally break into the border of Xu Kingdom.”

“The cruise ship we were on had an accident at sea. While escaping, the lifeboat accidentally came to your country.”

“We have no intention of disturbing the tranquility of your country, let alone offending your majesty.”

Aphra’s neither humble nor overbearing attitude, and her decent explanation made Murakami Ichiro secretly applaud.


Yang Xu ignored Afra’s explanation.

Offense is not offense, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, we will be a family in the future.

A family, what do you care about, how hurt your feelings!

Yang Xu has always been very tolerant towards his own people. If the target is not one of your own, gently influence the target and turn the target into one of your own.

If gentle influence is not enough, it can only be through physical influence.

Yang Xu has no experience in this matter, but he can learn. And he believes that he can learn very well, which is great.

Yang Xu asked with interest: “What are you all good at?”

This question made Aphra stunned for a moment.

The beautiful face is full of confusion and astonishment.

What are you good at?

Aren’t we talking about offending the homeland now?

How did it suddenly become what everyone is good at?

Although she was puzzled, she thought about it and felt that the question did not involve privacy. She replied sincerely: “I am good at fashion design and jewelry design. My family is well-known in the jewelry and luxury goods industry, so I Just get in touch with those industries.”

Yang Xu nodded slightly.

Clothing design and jewelry design.

Yes, it is a talent.

Xu Country does not yet have a designer proficient in fashion design and jewelry design, who can fill a gap in Xu Country’s knowledge chain.

And fashion design and jewelry design are also very useful things.

After all, who can resist the temptation of beauty?

Yang Xu also very much hopes that his maids can become more beautiful and more attractive.

Old Man Yuan smiled heartily: “The old man has no skills, the only thing he can do is cooking.”

Hearing Mr. Yuan’s modest answer, Ichiro Murakami couldn’t help but roll his eyes wildly, wishing to open his mouth and help him answer this simple question.

Is now the time to be humble?

Ichiro Murakami cursed inwardly, and quickly gave Aphra a wink.

Aphra had already learned about Murakami Ichiro’s plan, so she naturally understood the meaning of this look.

She hurriedly explained: “Mr. Yuan comes from ancient China, and modesty is their virtue.”

“Mr. Yuan is not only a chef, but also the top chef in China. He has presided over a state banquet. In order to taste Mr. Yuan’s craftsmanship, the rulers of many countries will even make an appointment three or four months in advance.”

Yang Xu was quite surprised.

State banquet chef, that is really a great status. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In ancient times, this is definitely the imperial chef.

The identity of the royal chef is definitely the greatest achievement and pride of the Chinese chef world.

Knowing Yuan Xingguo’s identity, Yang Xu showed an appreciative smile.

very good.

Talent plus one!

A top chef can greatly improve the culinary skills of the entire Xu Country.

Food is the paramount necessity of the people.

This matter is too important.

It is related to the national economy and people’s livelihood.

And Yang Xu’s own desire for tongue.

He has never eaten the dishes made by the imperial chef.

Thinking of being able to taste the craftsmanship of the imperial chef frequently in the future, Yang Xu was very happy, and praised without hesitation: “Mr. Yuan is a great person.”

Yuan Xingguo smiled all over his face.

Who doesn’t like to be praised by people who carry people in flowery sedan chairs.

He’s human too, and he likes it.

Not to mention a compliment from a stranger.

Yuan Xingguo stroked his beard and smiled lightly, not even daring to say anything, but the smile on his old face was like a blooming chrysanthemum, not to mention how happy he was.

When Murakami Ichiro saw this, he secretly applauded.

Things turned out to be pretty much the same as I had imagined.

This is a wise monarch.

close to the people.


Full of wisdom and courage.

It’s amazing.

Several other people did not understand Chinese and had no idea what they were talking about. But when they saw the host and guest chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was extraordinarily warm, they couldn’t help but smiled and let go of their vigilance and worries.

They secretly admired.

Thank God, let us meet a kind alien king.

This is really a very good adventure experience, just like a big adventure in a fairy tale!

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