I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 36

~ Yang Xu: Didn’T I Time Travel?

Fake identity!

As soon as this sentence came out, both Delhi and Yuan Xingguo were stunned.

Mr. Yuan was purely because he didn’t understand what they were talking about, after all, he was not good at English.

It was inexplicable to hear them say fake identities all of a sudden.

Derry’s mind went blank, and he couldn’t figure out what it meant to fake his identity!

He wondered: “What to forge, why do we forge identities?”

“Could it be possible for the king to let us go by forging our identities?”

“Even if we want to forge our identities, what kind of identities should we forge. Do you expect this alien king to know the United States, Japan, the Empire on which the sun never sets, and our world?”

Derry issued a series of soul-questioning.

He really couldn’t figure out what the use of this fake identity was.

Ichiro Murakami smiled confidently: “Before we came to the bath, I noticed the living environment of Asahi Country.”

“Their way of life is very primitive, with very simple wooden houses, ordinary pottery, and not even a thing that can be called a machine. There is no trace of modern civilization at all, and the living standard is still in BC.”

“In addition, everyone noticed that there is no sign in front of the bathroom door. The text used on it is the simplified Chinese characters of Huaxia.”

Derry’s face was full of bewilderment, and he was already dumbfounded.

He couldn’t tell at all, what did these analyzes have to do with the falsified identity just mentioned.

Without waiting for his urging, Ichiro Murakami continued to explain: “Huaxia’s simplified characters were born less than a hundred years ago, and they are a type of font that has only been popularized in modern times.”

“The characters used by Xu Country are simplified Chinese characters, which means that they had very close contact with modern Chinese people and learned simplified characters from them.”

“This also means that the level of civilization here was very backward before that, and there may not be a unified written language recognized by all tribes. This is also in line with the scenes I saw before, with rough pottery and primitive wooden houses.”

Hearing this, Delhi tasted a little bit.

He pondered: “So, you think that the king of the alien race is not ignorant of the modern world, but what he knows may be very limited.”

“But I still don’t understand, what does this have to do with our disguised identity, and how should we disguise our identity?”

He looked at Ichiro Murakami suspiciously, his eyes no longer had the previous contempt and impatience, and there was more respect in his eyes.

Delhi has now identified with Ichiro Murakami.

At least he admitted that he didn’t pay attention to what Murakami said.

And Ichiro Murakami, in such a dangerous environment, can still observe so carefully, and draw such excellent conclusions keenly, it is really amazing.

As for whether the king here is a Chinese, no one has considered this issue.

How could it be possible for an ordinary Chinese to subdue so many alien races, who can use magic!

A sheep cannot lead a group of lions.

Therefore, this is absolutely impossible!

Isn’t it normal that the US Federal fighter jets during World War II could come here, and a Chinese came here by accident and was captured by aliens and taught them Chinese.


Ichiro Murakami was very pleased that Derry finally understood what he meant, and continued to analyze like a military adviser: “For a wise king, it is not advisable to blindly set up enemies, especially those who are extremely powerful.”

“If we want to survive, we must let the king know that our identity is worth living and why he can’t kill us.”

Sometimes Derry frowned, and sometimes the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He finally fully understood what Murakami Ichiro meant.

But he still has doubts.

Derry thought about it: “Mr. Murakami’s analysis is like a priest’s teaching, which makes people feel deeply.”

“It is not easy to observe such subtleties in such a dangerous environment and make such a calm analysis.”

“But what kind of identity should we pretend to be so that the alien king can trust us?”

“The other party is a creature that can use magic. We are not sure that they have no magic that can detect whether we are lying. If the other party finds out that we are lying, it will not anger the other party.”

Sanchez said with a hearty smile: “Mr. Derry overlooked one point.”

“What if what we’re saying is completely true?”

He and Murakami Ichiro looked at each other, both showing confident and proud smiles, with a sense of sympathy and satisfaction.

bosom friend!

Derry was stunned.


Didn’t you just say you want to forge your identity?


Ichiro Murakami saw that Derry still didn’t understand, so he patiently explained: “Speaking is an art, and lying is an excellent art.”

“For example, Mr. Derry once introduced that your family mainly sells food to some small countries that are short of food, and replaces the food from the United States with various rarer materials to earn the difference. And because of this, many small country officials, even leaders of small countries the personal reception of the host.”

Derry nodded in approval.

Before that, they had introduced each other in detail and had a certain understanding of each other’s situation.

His family is in the food business.

It is also true to be entertained by high-ranking officials and the head of a small country.

The status of a major grain merchant in the United States is very useful and respected in many places.

Ichiro Murakami continued: “So in a sense, Mr. Derry’s family is a close partner of many countries, and because of this, they have been entertained by many kings and are their guests.”

“For another example, Mr. Yuan once hosted a state banquet in China and cooked dishes for the leaders of many countries.”

“So Mr. Yuan is a top chef who has served many kings and is appreciated and sought after by many kings. There is no problem.”

Derry’s eyes widened, and he understood everything.

Apart from admiration, he no longer knew what else to say to express his feelings.

Genius plan!

True or false!

It can even be said that there is not a single lie!

This is the art of lying!

Even if this alien country has monsters that can detect lies, it is impossible to see through such a true lie without lies!

Hearing this, Deli completely ignited hope for the future, and happily discussed with everyone how to play the art of lying, and how to speak properly after meeting the king of a foreign race.

In order for Mr. Yuan to understand their plan, Ichiro Murakami patiently explained to Mr. Yuan~www.mtlnovel.com~ because in this plan, Mr. Yuan’s culinary skills will be one of their most important trump cards.

No one can resist the temptation of delicious food!

A skilled cook can add convincing power to their lies!

When the victims were plotting, Yang Xu was lying in the luxurious private bathroom dedicated to the king, enjoying the service of the four beauties, thinking about the problem.

A very important question!

In front of him was a wooden hanger full of men’s and women’s clothes.

It was the clothes of Afra and the others.

Seeing these modern clothes, Yang Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression became more subtle. His mood, which had already been as calm as an ancient well, inevitably became turbulent.

As early as when he heard that someone could speak Chinese, Yang Xu had a very subtle idea, but he couldn’t and couldn’t be sure.

After all, how could it be such a coincidence that everyone traveled to the same place at the same time?

Could it be that this time-traveling has also become popular?

But now seeing these clothes and the labels on individual clothes, Yang Xu has completely confirmed the identity of the outsider.

Made in China!

Although his English has almost been returned to the teacher, but it is too difficult to forget this sentence.

made in China!

That was a sign of the times!

Yang Xu was leaning against the edge of the bathtub, which was paved with good wooden boards, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he rubbed the center of his brows with his hands. The waves in his heart continued to expand, and finally turned into stormy waves.


Could it be that I haven’t traveled through time, but I’m actually still on Earth?

Compared with the possibility of everyone collectively traveling to the same different world, Yang Xu still feels that it is more likely that he has not traveled.

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