I Am the Corpse Master

Chapter 27

Page 27

If there is too much yang qi, the static electricity will spontaneously ignite.

“Brother Lin…you’re bad!” Seeing Jiang Lin’s bad eyes, Ren Tingting’s face instantly turned red.

“Cough, junior brother, Jiang Lin’s situation cannot be handled with common sense. He can’t kill this zombie with the five-yang bomb now. If he doesn’t do this, the attack will not be effective.”

Uncle Ninth couldn’t help but sigh, if Jiang Lin wasn’t there this time, it would be really difficult to deal with Master Ren with his three masters and apprentices alone.

Jiang Lin’s physique is no longer there.

“Five Suns Fried? He was twenty just now…”

After listening to Jiu Shu’s words, the four-eyed Taoist priest was puzzled at first, but he reacted instantly.

“Senior brother, you said that the power of the Yang Yin Talisman he made has become stronger again?”

“More than that, he can make lightning runes now.”

Ninth Uncle looked at Jiang Lin and was quite satisfied with this nephew.

“He… can he make lightning runes?”

“Well, yes. He also made up the remnants of the Pure Yang Art by himself.”

The four-eyed Taoist was stunned.

“Alas… Everyone can fight and wrestle with zombies, we are getting old.” Ninth Uncle patted the shoulder of the four-eyed Taoist priest.

The four-eyed Taoist priest’s eyes were definitely shining, and Jiang Lin was sure that he was not mistaken.

Then Jiang Lin felt that he was hairy, you are a big man, no, what does an old boy mean to me looking at me like this.

If you don’t want a woman, I still have it!

“Boy, tell me if you have ever handed me tea.” The four-eyed Taoist directly pulled Ren Tingting aside and approached Jiang Lin step by step.

Jiang Lin: “…”

Drag my daughter-in-law away, what do you mean by coming here?

In the end, Jiang Lin was really afraid of the four-eyed Taoist priest, and promised to give him enough Yang Yin Talisman after the materials were sufficient, and the four-eyed Taoist leader was satisfied and pushed Ren Tingting to Jiang Lin.

Ninth Uncle asked Wen Cai to dispose of the ashes burned by Mrs. Ren in time, and then returned to the room to dispose of the corpse poison.

“Master, let me help you.”

Jiang Lin followed.

“Tingting, is Jiang Lin’s job well done?” Qiu Sheng asked Ren Tingting deliberately.

“Master is going to be kissed by a man.” Wen Cai was even more outspoken.

As a result, Uncle Ninth turned back and beat the two brothers with a cane whip.

Chapter [*] Conversion, Yang Yan Art!

The corpse poison in Jiu Shu is more serious. Ordinary glutinous rice snake medicine or even other methods of detoxification are effective, but it is too slow.

But with Jiang Lin, who is not afraid of corpse poison, the course of treatment for detoxification will be shortened a lot.

This time, Jiang Lin didn’t swallow the corpse poison he inhaled, but spit it out directly. The corpse gas in his body was too much.

Even if he spit it out, he absorbed part of the corpse poison.

This is also the reason why others can’t handle it like him, otherwise once someone is infected with zombie poison, can’t they just suck it with their mouth?

Because of the loss of yang qi, Ren Tingting deliberately boiled more than [*] boy eggs for Jiang Lin to supplement.

Jiang Lin ate more than ten, but he couldn’t eat any more, but Ren Tingting had the self-consciousness of his daughter-in-law and asked Jiang Lin to eat it.

Yes, the daughter-in-law has spoken, and she has to eat if she doesn’t eat.

The four-eyed Taoist did not ask to live with Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin was just so happy.

Just poor wit.

After closing the doors and windows, Jiang Lin quickly checked the system.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [*]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Daoist

Corpse Level: Purple Zombie

Exercise: Pure Yang Jue (Level [*])

Body Refinement: Purple Stiffness (Level [*])

Spells: Soul-soothing Talisman (Level [*]), Sun-Inducing Talisman (Level [*]), Corpse-Suppressing Talisman (Level [*]), Breathing Talisman (Level [*]), Lightning Rune (Level [*]), Fire Talisman (Level [*])

Violence: One thousand nine hundred and ten

Grandpa Ren actually contributed [*] points of hostility to Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin was still quite shocked after thinking about it.

But the old man Ren is definitely stronger than the average black zombie, and he can walk around. Uncle Ninth said that he has never met it before.

Jiang Lin thought about it, but he didn’t know which of the royal zombie in the movie “Uncle Zombie” was more powerful, or Mr. Ren.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, no longer thought about it. The most important thing right now is to transform the cultivation technique. Otherwise, the cultivation technique cannot be upgraded, so how can he improve his cultivation?


“Transformation exercises, consume a thousand points of malice.”

The Pure Yang Art in the column of interface exercises has become “Yang Yan Art (Not Beginner)”.


Jiang Lin did not hesitate to upgrade the Yang Yan Art to the first level, consuming [*] points of hostility.


Jiang Lin’s muscles instantly tightened, and his body seemed to be ignited.

hot!It’s hot!very hot!

Gradually, the heat in Jiang Lin’s body gradually turned into torment.

Jiang Lin gritted his teeth and resisted the burning pain in his body. Gradually, he could feel that the spiritual power in his body increased a lot.

The information about Yang Yan Jue also entered Jiang Lin’s mind.

“The spiritual power in my body is not of the fire attribute, but of the Yang spirit, but it can be expressed as the fire attribute?” Jiang Lin didn’t understand the meaning of the information in his mind for a while.

Ru Yang?Tianyang?Big day?

Are the three related?

Jiang Lin is a young man with [*]st century knowledge in his stomach. When it comes to thinking about problems, divergent thinking should not be too simple.

“Yang, sun, do you mean the sun? Solar energy can cause fires, as long as the Earth’s oxygen concentration is high enough. The sun can also radiate…”

After making various guesses, Jiang Lin didn’t know what attributes his spiritual power belonged to. Obviously, it couldn’t be without attributes.

“Is there spiritual energy around here?” Jiang Lin felt a little more obvious than before.

After the spiritual energy is absorbed into the body and used, it is spiritual power. It can be said that the two are the same thing.

Spreading out his hand, Jiang Lin observed that the air above his palm was a little distorted. There was a small “candle” in the palm of his hand, which was the effect brought by the upgrade of the Yang Yan Art to him.

There is a small bead at the center of the flame of the tiny “candle”.

Now if he holds a kettle in his hand, he can boil the water for a long time.


Jiang Lin took out a Yang Yin Talisman from his arms and threw it in the air, then slapped it with his palm.

The Yang Yin Talisman shows signs of being activated.

There is hope for getting rid of the sun!

Jiang Lin felt that he could evolve from a fixed bomber to a remote-controlled blaster.

“No, the distance is too short.”

After many experiments, Jiang Lin found that the yang energy emitted from his palm could only extend to one meter long.

“There is still anger, do you want to upgrade it?”

Jiang Lin rubbed his hands and looked at the system interface again.

The small arrow behind the Yang Yan Jue dimmed.

Jiang Lin clicked, and then the interaction button below lit up, and a task box popped up.

Warning quest: Find False Fire.

“Without False Fire, Yang Yan Art cannot be upgraded?” Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment.

However, Jiang Lin didn’t immediately ask the system for an answer. This stingy system’s answering questions consumes ten points of anger at a time. Although it’s not much, no matter how few mosquito legs are, it’s still meat.

I checked it myself and decided.

Nearly [*] points of anger were left, and only [*] were left.

“If you upgrade the Body Refinement Art, it should be [*] points, and if you upgrade the Yang Yan Art, it is estimated to be [*] points.”

Jiang Lin touched his nose, feeling less hostile!

Master, take me back to exorcise evil spirits, catch ghosts and kill zombies. Your apprentice is righteous and likes to punish evil spirits!

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