How To Say I Love You

Chapter 29.1

Ch 29 Part 1

Xiao Jiashu pulled out a small book and ran towards to Luo Zhang Wei. Ji Mian stared at his back and shook his head. The young man was really motivated, but he didn’t know don’t know how long he could keep it up.

Fang Kun and the other two people came over and complained, ” Ji Ge, you actually went to tell Xiao Jiashu that his point of view is right and that we were all wrong. You were not affectionate enough! If he wants face, does that mean we don’t want face? It’s just a scene. If we have something to contend with, you are not suitable to hear it. “

“You’re talking about my movie. Can’t I make a comment?” Ji Mian put down his chopsticks and wiped his hands slowly. “You are playing with a child. Don’t you feel ashamed? Did Xiao Jiashu ask you to provoke him? That makes you target him everywhere? “

“Then tell me why you want to help him. What’s the inside story I don’t know about?” As soon as he talked about it, Fang Kun scratched his chest, as if he was trying to dig out the truth.

“Since it’s an inside story, how can I tell you? If you have the ability, go to Xiao Jiashu and ask. ” Ji Mian doesn’t expose others’ privacy. After wiping his hands, he wanted to have a good talk with Lin Le Yang, but he sees that he has already gone to Luo Zhangwei’s side. And like Xiao Jiashu, has a small notebook in his hand.

He shook his head and laughed again, he directed to Chen Pengxin, “I heard that Le Yang would come to the studio at seven every morning to help?”

“Yes, Ji-zong[1], we are very happy to help set the props, arrange the venue and lighting. After finishing the work, we go to recite lines. We dare not relax. Ji-zong, Le Yang is your artist. Please take care of him in the future. It’s not easy for him to work alone. He lived in the underpass[2] in his early years… ” Chen Pengxin said with red eyes. his ability of sensationalism[3] were no worse than that of a first-rate actor.

[1] Zong: means head, chief, general etc. I will be using this to replace President that I used to previous chapters.

[2] Underpass: underground, tunnel, subway etc

[3] Sensationalism: evoking emotions.

This gave Ji Mian a headache. He raised his hand to interrupt him. “OK, I know it has not been easy for Le Yang in those years. Don’t bring him to the set so early in the future. He is an actor, not a handyman. He doesn’t have to do those jobs. “

Chen Pengxin nodded hurriedly, but he thought about it. What does Ji-zong mean? Do you love Le Yang or dislike Le Yang? Before he knew it, Ji Mian stood up and walked to the dressing room. He had a scene to shoot later. He had to be bound in advance for the scene.

In order to save money and keep up with the schedule, the film directors often arrange for certain scenes to be shot over a period of time, such as renting a villa temporarily. All the plots that happened in the villa must be filmed in the lease period, otherwise, it would cost money. Today, most of the scenes Luo Zhang Wei wanted to shoot were the dramatic scenes, because the equipment used in binding was very troublesome to set up and one could avoid the waste of human resources by focusing on the shooting.

It was well-known that more difficulty was associated with shooting a drama than a literary one. It required both the emotional transmission of the actors and the fluency and vividness of the actions. Without rehearsing dozens or even hundreds of times in advance, it was impossible to pass a single shot. Xiao Jiashu didn’t learn any acting skills but realized the hardships as an actor. If they want to play every role well, they must learn a little from all aspects. It’s no exaggeration to say that they are proficient in all kinds of martial arts.

Miao Mu Qing, who had left him a bad impression before, worked hard to make a play but was kicked several times by Shi Ting Heng without frowning. As long as the director said another time, she could immediately get up and fight again without complaining.

Xiao Jiashu was stunned, and his perception of everyone was constantly refreshed.

It took more than two hours for the two scenes to pass. Miao Mu Qing left with blue and purple, while Shi Ting Heng stood by the sidelines waiting for the next scene.

“Eh? Today, Ji Ge also wants to receive a boxed meal when one’s job is done[4]” Xiao Jiashu looked at Luo Zhang Wei’s notebook, which had the record of the next play’s content. It turned out that Ling Tao was killed by He Jin.

[4] receive a boxed meal when one’s job is done: a phrase used by movie viewers when a character dies.

“That’s right. I’ll shoot the important part first so that I can take the rest of the part slowly. It’s less stressful.” Luo Zhang Wei said positively, “You will have a good look at how Ji Mian filmed later. It’s more useful to have a play with him than a year of acting class. “

Xiao Jiashu nodded in agreement

During the conversation, Ji Mian came over and was being bound as he listened to Luo Zhang Wei. The title of the scene was called “The End”. It meant that Ling Tao destroyed Ling’s Group and Southeast Asia drug trafficking circle with the help of He Jin, the male lead, and Anne, the female lead, and even arrested a big European drug lord. So he prepared to take a helicopter to his hometown to settle his brother’s urn, but he didn’t expect to receive the information provided by the informant to catch him. The two fought on the rooftop, and He Jin finally killed Ling Tao. However, he found that the nameplate he wore on his chest was engraved with two fancy English letters T; F, which was the code name of the mysterious man who secretly provided him with clues.

At this moment, all the facts were revealed. It turned out that the biggest contributor to the destruction of transnational drug trafficking chain was not the police, but a drug trafficker.

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