How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 104: A New Adventure Begins

“Jin, why’d you drag me all the way out here?” Ino asks, giving a perplexed look. “Feeling nostalgic?”

The following day after the Ichiraku outing, with the sun shining bright, Jin brought his cousin to the Third Training Ground; it is a place where many iconic Leaf Village teams each had their training sessions throughout the generations.

“Not in the slightest. Here, catch.” The Uzumaki pulls out a round object.

The Onikage lightly tosses it at the kunoichi who catches it and curiously scans the round item; its surface feels as if it is made from rubber; it has some weight to it and it jiggles from the slightest touch.

Raising a brow, Ino cocks her head to one side and queries, “What’s the water balloon for?”

“I’m going to teach you the Rasengan.” Jin says without a hint of doubt in his voice.

“But I don’t NEED to learn that...” The next Yamanaka clan head argues. “My team already has Choji for raw power.”

“Do you remember when Sakura had to protect Naruto and Sasuke from that group of Sound Ninjas back in the Forest of Death, during the Chunin Exams?” The Onikage folds his arms and sighs; he slowly shakes his head. “She failed so miserably that nearly ALL of our peers had to rescue her.”

“And your point is…?”

“In our line of work there is an EXTREMELY high probability that you’ll be put in a similar situation. I’m going to increase your odds of coming out on top should the scenario ever happen.” Jin goes on to explain.

*clang* *bang* *tick* *bang* *click*

The zonated genius, Rito, quietly sits to the side and tinkers; he sits near the middle of the three stumps, and with his Crystal Style, makes various tools to finetune what appears to be an engine of some kind. The boy’s eyes sparkle as he excitedly screws in all the nuts & bolts and welds the assembled parts together.

“Why IS your friend here?”

“Just think of me as an… I dunno… a buffer?” Rito doesn’t look up, he continues working on his project.

*Ahem*… If there are no more questions,” Jin says, regaining her attention; he leans over a barrel of balloons he brought along with him. “First, gather chakra into your hand. Secondly, release a steady stream of it. And finally, use the chakra to push and churn the water inside of the balloon.”

“So, I just spin the water until the balloon pops?” Ino abbreviates.

Naruto learned this jutsu in like a week, back in Part 1, and he’s an idiot. This should be a piece of cake for her… Jin nods and reaffirms, “That’s the gist of it.”

With a calm demeanor, the Onikage watches the kunoichi focus her chakra into the balloon; it becomes as flat as a disk due to Ino’s chakra rotating. Sensing this may take a while, Jin quietly pulls out his sketchbook and starts drawing.


Meanwhile, on Jin’s orders, Mileena has infiltrated a secret Foundation laboratory run by Kido Tsumiki, an Anbu executive as well as the main antagonist of the Sakura Hiden light novel; she watches the soon-to-be criminal and his fellow anbu member, Magire, from the shadows.

For the last thirty minutes, they have been talking nonstop about biochemistry as well as Naruto and Sasuke; they have only just begun their research and development for a new drug, special food pills that temporarily allow one to mimic the genetic traits of a Tailed Beast cloak and Sharingan.

Mileena finally decides to step out of the shadows, forming a mouth and says, “Well, well, well, well, well… What do we have here? A couple of troublemakers?

“What?! This place is supposed to be heavily secure and hidden!” A startled Magire gasps, turning around.

“Yeah, like I don’t know how to circumvent that.” The symbiote says as she walks past the two and surveys their operation. “Is all this your handiwork? It’s most impressive. You’ve found a way for ANYONE to have a Sharingan or tailed beast cloak.”

A table with a full chemistry set stands before her; the graduated cylinders, beakers, and flasks are filled with various, glowing chemicals. There are several vials of what appears to be blood; with a single sniff, Mileena can tell they smell the same Naruto and Sasuke. Near the chemistry set is a stack of papers; each one depicts either graphs or charts.

“It’s such a shame that you waste your talents on something as small as money.” The symbiote shakes her head and sighs, putting her hands behind her back.

A defensive Kido argues, “How dare you! I need this to start my own–”

“What you need is massive amounts of therapy, you deluded, megalomaniacal miser.” Mileena cuts him off, chastising him; making direct eye contact, she puts them under Kotoamatsukami. “Here’s what’s going down… You work for me ‘til I say you’re done. You live under lock and key until I say you’re done. You see a shrink until I say you’re done. And if you ever try to rebel, you’ll take a kunai and jam it right into your frontal lobe.”

““Yes, my mistress.”” Both Anbu answer with blank stares.

Under powerful genjutsu, the two would-be light novel antagonists are putty in Mileena’s hands; based on her father’s memories, they remind her of Lelouch’s Geass victims.

A satisfied Mileena wraps her arms around their shoulders, bringing them in close. “Good minions! Now then… let’s save the world from those pesky space invaders.”


*pop* *splash*

“Finally…!” An exasperated Ino shouts in triumph, raising her arms into the air.

Hmm? Jin curiously puts down his sketchbook.

After a little over four hours of training, the leaf ninja has at last popped the water balloon by rotating her chakra in multiple different directions; the kunoichi can be seen sweating and breathing heavily; she glistens in the sunset.

Proud, Jin reaches into the barrel and pulls out a rubber ball. “That takes care of rotation. Now onto the second step, power.

The Onikage tosses the ball to Ino whose eyes have become wide like saucers; her surprised expression slowly changes, becoming a mixture of outrage and horror.

“A rubber one!” Ino yells, the veins in her forehead bulge. “Are you KIDDING ME?!”

“Heh heh… If it helps, try concentrating on the center of your palm, like a focal point.” Snickering, Rito advises the kunoichi.

The young genius finished working on his project two hours ago; he has been sitting on the middle stump, watching Ino train since then. Watching the leaf shinobi get splashed every time she fails makes the boy amused.

“Rogue ninja, Jin Uzumaki!!”

The hell? I know that annoying voice anywhere… A now lethargic Jin sighs, hunching over.

The three ninja turn and face in the direction of the shouting voice to see a cross-armed boy who appears to be slightly older than Rito; he has spiky, brunette hair and a long, blue scarf around his neck; he is accompanied by another boy with circular glasses and a runny nose, and a girl with orange hair tied up, with red elastics, into two very large pigtails which stick up. His two companions cower in Jin’s presence; they keep their distance.

“You’ll accept my challenge here and now!” Konohamaru says with a bold look on his face. “My name is Konohamaru Sarutobi, and I heard a rumor about you being in the village. I dunno why you’re here, but I won’t let yo–”

“Beat it, Shrimp,” The Onikage says, completely disregarding the Genin; he even gestures for the child to leave. “I know where this conversation is headed, and I don’t care for it. Get lost.

After hearing his remarks, Konohamaru’s eye twitches, his face scowls before turning into a smug grin. “Running away from this challenge will mean that you fe–”

*YAWN*” Bored, Jin releases a loud and purposely obnoxious yawn. “I’ll tell you what… IF you can beat Rito here, not only will I acknowledge your strength, I’ll even teach you a jutsu.”

“HEY! Don’t dump the ankle-biter on me!” Rito protests.

“I just did. Konohamaru…?”

“I accept!” Konohamaru says before throwing a shuriken; he quickly weaves the Ox, Dog, Dragon, Rat, Dog, Boar, Snake, and Tiger hand signs. “Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

With the Genin’s chakra, the single, oncoming shuriken instantly multiplies into several dozen; the numerous copied shuriken spread all throughout the area, surrounding their target, Rito.

“Jin, you wanker!” The annoyed genius yells while erecting a crystalline wall.

The very moment they make contact, the shuriken all bounce off the crystal’s surface, ricocheting in every direction; Jin builds up wind chakra and spews forth a strong gust of wind which knocks away the shuriken heading for him and Ino.

“Try this on for size! Fire Style: Burning Ash!” Weaving the Snake, Rat, Snake, and Tiger hand signs, Konohamaru exhales a stream of chakra-infused gunpowder from his mouth.

Still sitting on the stump, Rito waits for the oncoming ash cloud to get closer. The Leaf Genin’s ash cloud and now become the young genius’; once close enough, he holds up his hand, converting each and every particle of ash into a sweet crystal.

“How’d you manage to do that…?” The shocked and appalled Konohamaru takes a step back; a beat of sweat runs down his cheek.

With a calm and firm tone, Rito warns, “I’d stand down if I were you, I’m way out of your league. I really don’t want to fight you, kid.”

“…’Kid?’ I’m Konohamaru, and YOU look even younger than me!” The enraged Genin roars.

The emboldened Konohamaru creates several clones with the Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu; they all draw their kunai and run towards Rito who remains calm. The genius points, aiming his crystalline cloud at them; the individual crystal particles immediately cling to the skin and clothing of the shocked and perplexed Genin as well as his clones, quickly spreading and multiplying, they grow and grow until all the Konohamaru’s are completely encased in a giant, clear block of crystal.

Everyone, but Jin is not only surprised at how quickly and easily Rito defeated Konohamaru with ruthless efficiency, but he did also it without moving from his spot. Udon and Moegi pull out their own kunai and start the arduous process of chipping away at the crystal to free their teammate.

Head tilting to one side, Jin asks, “Is he still alive?”

“Don’t worry, it’s a large chunk of sugar,” Rito answers, jumping off the stump. “He can eat his way out, he’ll be fine.”

“Ino, I think we’re done for the day. We’ll continue tomorrow.”

“…Uh… Y-Yeah… Okay…” Ino responds, taken aback by what just transpired.

While the two reincarnations make the trek back to the Leaf Village, unbeknownst to them, Moegi looks back at them; her face blushes even more than usual when she stares at Rito, her heart even skips a beat.


“Well, to be perfectly honest, under most normal circumstances, you would be thrown in jail for what you’ve done…”

A week later, Ino, Team 7, and Jin & company find themselves at the Hidden Leaf’s main gate. Jin and his team plan on leaving to start their own ninja village in the Land of Ogres while Sasuke is going to embark on a journey of redemption and discovery; Kakashi, the newly Hokage, chooses a scolding as his departing words.

“The reason you all were pardoned is mainly because of the deal Jin made with the 5 Kage during the war.” The Copy Ninja continues with his lecture.

Back when the deal was made, the Onikage never actually specified which team he wanted pardons for; he was able to get full pardons for not only his group, but for all of Team Taka. Jin is extremely proud of himself for that one; Sasuke should’ve been imprisoned for about a year, but he was released much earlier due to Jin’s actions.

“But don’t forget that me, becoming the Sixth Hokage and Naruto’s appeals were part of that as well.” Kakashi sternly carries on. “Don’t do anything too crazy anymore… or else I’ll have to be the one to take responsibility for it.”

Arms folded; Jin rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah…”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” A stoic Sasuke says curtly.

“Do you really have to go?” Ino asks with a forlorn expression.

“So long as Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane still have influence over the Leaf, I want nothing to do with it,” Jin says with a scowl. “I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tried to poison our food on their orders.”

The Onikage can’t help but think bitterly of the two remaining village elders; they weren’t nearly as bad as Danzo, but their démodé policies and passé ideas still allowed for tragedy to ensue as well as made themselves, for the most part, useful pawns in Danzo’s agenda.

“If you just put in the time and effort like Naruto, I’m certain you’ll win over everyone’s approval.” Ayanami confidently protests.

Arms still folded; Jin shakes his head. “I don’t need the approval of complete strangers. The only person I need to make proud is who I see in the mirror every morning, same as everyone else.”

“I want… to know how this world looks to me now.” Sasuke replies.

“Umm…” A now shy Ino stammers; she nervously twiddles her thumbs behind her back. “Wh-What if… I-I asked you if I could… come along?”

“This is also a journey of repentance. You have nothing to do with my sins.”

“‘N-Nothing to do with…’?” Despondent, Ino hangs her head low.

Feeling the blow of rejection, the hunching Kunoichi’s colors all melt off her body, and she releases an aura of despair and sadness; the reincarnations can actually see her depression lines.

While the Uchiha reaches out with his left hand and pokes Ino on her forehead, Jin feels something on him; he looks down and sees black tendrils wrapping around him, Rito, and Ayanami. To the reincarnations’ embarrassment, Mileena yanks them all toward her for one, big group hug; she nuzzles them all affectionately.

“Please put us down.” Jin says.

“Why? I can taste all your emotions, none of you are against this.” The symbiote argues.

“Uugh…” The grunting Onikage looks away, blushing.

*Ahem*” Ino gets their attention.

By the time Mileena sets the three down, Sasuke has already started walking off; Ino firmly looks Jin in the eyes as she reaches into her pouch and pulls something out, holding it out to him. It is the Onikage’s old Leaf headband, the same one he told Ayanami to give to Ino and Inoichi.

This happened all the way back in Chapter 8

“I’m surprised you still have that.” Jin says.

“It was always yours; I’m just giving it back.” Ino smiles warmly. “Take care, Tomato-Head.”

Jin shrugs and takes the headband; he had forgotten all about it, this piece of metal and cloth never had any real meaning for him, but he can see just how much this matters to his cousin.

The Onikage smiles back. “Heh… You too, Ino-Pig.”

Hey, Ayanami? Don’t be a stranger, and come visit us sometime,” Rito says with a smug grin. “I know Jaeger would like to see you again~.”

Blushing from the tease, the young Hyuga lightly smacks the snickering genius in the back of his head; Rito continues to chuckle, laughing it off.

“Take care, everyone.” Jin says with a coy smile while turning away. “And Ayanami, I’ll be sure to send Jaeger your regards.”

Waving goodbye, the team sets off on their next journey, leaving a flustered Ayanami along with her fellow leaf shinobi; Jin’s legs tremble due to knowing what comes next, but he keeps moving forward; beneath all the fear, he feels a sliver of hope that everything will turn out all right.


♪ …And I won’t give in, won’t COMPROMISE~… ♫! Jin sings in his head. ♪ It doesn’t matter now what happens… ♫!

A little over an hour has passed since the group of pardoned ninjas left the Leaf Village. They silently make their way through the forest; everyone is so quiet that the only things that can be heard are the tree leaves rustling in the cool, autumn breeze, and the sound of their feet treading the ground.

As they continue walking, a fork in the road can be seen just up ahead; it diverges into two paths, one going left and the other, right.

“Hey, Jin?” Sasuke says, coming to a halt.

The Uzumaki and the rest of the group stops as well; he looks the last Uchiha in the eyes and notices something is different about him, his expression is still as stoic as ever, but his demeanor is far cooler and more welcoming than it once was during just about all of Shippuden.


“While I was locked away, I kept thinking back to our battle with Kaguya,” A curious Sasuke explains. “I kept wondering why she would ever need an army when she was already so powerful… But then I remembered what you told her. Is it true that there are more like her out there?”

Ehh… He was going to reach this conclusion sooner or later in the novels. Might as well point him in the right direction… In a serious tone, Jin answers, “Yes. Kaguya and the rest of her clan are a race of aliens. I honestly can’t say what planet or dimension they’re originally from, but they’re out there, somewhere.”

“I see. Well then… While I’m on my journey of repentance, I’ll search for more information on this ‘Otsutsuki clan’.” The Uchiha declares with stoic determination.

The young Uzumaki simply grins and holds out his fist. “If you ever need any help, just call and I’ll come running.”

Sasuke smiles and fist bumps his former teammate; they soon break off with the team walking down one path and the future Supporting Kage going down the other.

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