How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 103: Always Rambunctious

And here's the second!

Some distance away, from the top of a building, Jin and company silently watch a large gathering of teary-eyed people congregate at the Hidden Leaf Village cemetery; everyone there is wearing all-black clothing as well as solemn expressions. Ayanami and Ino stand in the front of the crowd next to Naruto and Hinata; the four leaf ninjas are sad and crying along with the rest of the crowd as the sun slowly sets.

“Oi, Jin? Weren’t you a leaf shinobi once, why aren’t you attending?” A curious Rito asks.

“I wasn’t particularly close with any of the characters that died; some of them, I never even had a single conversation with…” Jin responds, keeping an eye on the masses. “Besides… me being there, in the crowd, would REALLY piss some people off.”

After releasing the Infinite Tsukuyomi, all of the leaf shinobi returned home along with a few higher-ups from the other ninja villages. Upon making it back to the village, the first thing they did was hold a funeral for all the people they lost; the team, while being unable to officially attend, is giving their friends moral support from a distance.

“Father,” Mileena says, breaking the silence. “Remember when I asked to talk with you later?”

God, it feels weird to be back here after everything that’s happened… Jin looks back at his creation and replies, “Yeah, I remember. What is it?”

“First, I need to show you something.”

An opening forms in the symbiote’s abdomen, and the curious group peers inside to find a severed arm; the hand is slender and snow-white with long, red fingernails. Shocked, Jin and Rito’s jaws drop.

“Is that Kaguya’s arm, the very same one I cut off? That arm?” An appalled Jin asks, pointing at the hand; his face becomes even paler than it already is.

“The one and only.” Mileena nods her head.

A disgusted Rito queries, “Is that even safe to have around?”

“Okay, WHY THE HELL do you even have that?” Jin inquires.

“I want to graft this onto Hinata and Neji.” Mileena explains herself. “Even if they don’t awaken the Tenseigan like Big Sis, they’ll at the very least, still get a considerable power boost.”

“Ehh… I’m not sure…” Jin is skeptical of the idea; he strokes his chin. It COULD make up for the Ninja World’s total battle power lost with Sai, Sakura, Kiba, and Tenten’s deaths…

The symbiote sweetens the deal by saying, “You’ll have more bodies to throw at the Otsutsuki’s~.”

Increasing the number of characters that can actually fight Kara and the Otsutsuki’s IS a good idea… And it would increase Neji’s odds of surviving in this new, uncertain timeline… Scratching his head, Jin mulls over the idea once more before coming to a decision. “Hmmm… Okay… So long as they don’t get hurt. We wouldn’t want to make things worse now, would we?”


Later that night, after nearly everyone had gone to sleep, Jin infiltrated the estate of the Hyuga clan’s main branch family. Remembering what Kawaki does in the Boruto manga, Jin completely erases his chakra signature to avoid detection; he also hovers in the air in a fetal position to avoid making unnecessary sound.

The Onikage quietly floats down the hallway, sensing the chakra signatures of those in their bed chambers; their chakras being in a weak and inactive state are what inform him that they are asleep. The moment the Uzumaki reaches the end of the corridor, he recognizes a chakra to his left.

Cautious, the silent Jin creeps open the sliding door and peers in; he sees someone sleeping on the floor, in a futon; he slowly and carefully opens the door and floats in, slowly closing the door behind him.

Courage, Jin… Slow and steady wins the race… As Jin vigilantly inches closer and closer, he weaves the Ram hand sign. Mind Transmission Jutsu…

Just to be absolutely certain of who this Hyuga is, the Onikage looks into their most recent memories, specifically the memory of their Infinite Tsukuyomi dream; she is in a peaceful loving relationship with Naruto with Neji and Hanabi watching from behind a bush.

Yep, that’s Hinata alright… You won’t wake up until someone tells you to… The silent Jin cautiously weaves the Ram sign once more, putting her under his Mind Eater Jutsu. Okay… the sooner I do this, the sooner I can get outta Dodge…

The Onikage slowly lifts up the sleeping kunoichi’s blanket some, and parts her robe just enough to have a clear view of her collar bone; his face slowly turns green while he reaches into his clothes and pulls out a chunk of Kaguya’s flesh.

Ewwwww… This is still gross and weird, and I’ve worked with Orochimaru… Jin thinks while gently pressing the mound of flesh against her collar bone, channeling chakra through it. Shadow and Light Style: Creation of All Things…

Kaguya’s flesh gradually sinks into Hinata’s body, fusing with her; it takes less than a second for the young Uzumaki to sense that kunoichi’s chakra is growing in both size and power.

Jin can’t help, but grin with satisfaction. Okay, Neji’s nex–

*step* *step* *step*

FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK… Now sweating, Jin’s mind enters panic mode. Somebody’s coming…! Whatdoido?! WHATDOIDO?! Think, Jin, THINK!!

Without hesitation, Jin quickly wraps his ponytail around his neck and ascends; he spreads his arms and legs and presses himself against the ceiling, hugging it.

*step* *Step* *STEP*

Hairs standing on end, Jin focuses on his breathing and slows it before activating the Camouflage Jutsu; light bends around him, causing his form, shadow, and even breaths to become completely invisible, perfectly blending in with his surroundings.

The Onikage is very much aware that he cannot afford to be caught here. If that happens, they might think he is here to kidnap Hinata, or to have his way with her, or worse… both.

*step* *step* *step* *step* *step* *step*…

After a brief wait, the footsteps gradually go further and further away, until fading from earshot; The young Uzumaki calms down when he is sure the coast is clear.

Holy shit, that was TOO CLOSE for comfort… Jin breathes a sigh of relief while slowly descending. Now, where was I…? Oh, yeah, Neji.


Meanwhile, Mileena has impinged on the Leaf Village Library. Undetected, she slipped into the restricted section and has begun a rigorous process of combing through the books and scrolls in search of anything that could be of use to her family; she wasn’t given any orders, she is doing it of her own volition.

Huh…? What is this? The curious symbiote spots a scroll that has caught her attention and reaches for it. And what do we have here? ‘History of Warring States Seals’? Should make for an enlightening read…

With her interest piqued, Mileena opens the scroll and begins reading its contents; it contains detailed information on powerful shinobi from the Warring States Period, a long and violent era preceding the formation of the ninja villages, that had to be sealed away because they were deemed “too dangerous.” The scroll goes on to explain why exactly they were sealed away, what their abilities are, and their seals’ locations.

Fascinating… Mileena becomes avid as she goes through the names listed until she finds one that truly stands out among the rest. “…Nanashi… Uchiha…?”

“Who goes there?”

The symbiote has just been caught red-handed; she had been so captivated by the scroll’s knowledge that she neglected to keep a lookout for guards. Mileena immediately freezes, standing as still as a statue with the guard standing several meters behind her.

“You don’t have the clearance to be here… I'll ask again, who are you?” The guard asks, cautiously moving closer. “And what are you reading?”

The silent symbiote drops the scroll and slowly raises her hands in the air so as to not provoke the guard. However, Mileena has no intention of going quietly; she remains perfectly still as she waits for the guard to come even closer; he is now within a one-meter radius of her.

“Wait…? Aren’t you one of Jin’s--?!”

Without warning, Mileena abruptly rotates her head a full one hundred eighty degrees, making direct eye contact with the guard; she puts the poor soul under the Kotoamatsukami, making him her latest thrall.

The crafty symbiote readjusts her head while ordering him to, “Continue making your rounds as usual, and you will forget that I was ever here.”

“Yes, my mistress.” The guard bows to her and strolls off.

Good minion.” Mileena exclaims. Can’t do anything that would outright void Father’s pardon deal with the Alliance… I should go before something else happens…


The day after the funeral, Ayanami finds herself stuck between a rock and a hard place; to her left are her fellow leaf ninja, and to her right are Jin and company. All she can do is smile helplessly as she stands in-between the two conflicting sides, with her hands on her hips, as an awkward tension fills the air.

“You terrorists got a lot of nerve coming back to the village and acting like nothing happened.” Shikamaru glares daggers at the reincarnations’ group.


Ayanami and all her peers are currently just outside of the Ichiraku Ramen restaurant; not only does, she want to keep the promise she made to Jin and Rito during the war, she genuinely hopes to use this moment to steer everyone toward more amicable terms and maybe even friendship--if at all possible.

A skeptical Neji steps forward, rubbing his eyes. “So, you say, but we just can’t trust you. You attacked the 5 Kage, and you served under Orochimaru, who attacked the village and killed Lord Sarutobi.”

“My earliest memory is of that snake-bastard performing inhumane experiments on me.” Rito’s fangs show, talking like an anime character once more. “NEVER call me Orochimaru’s servant again…”

The Leaf village has been much busier than normal; Ichiraku has gotten famous off of the free publicity of Naruto, the hero, dining there every chance he gets. Also, various characters from the movies, games, and anime filler have come to see the heroes who brought an end to the war; even rumors about Koyuki Kazahana, the feudal lord of the Land of Snow as well as a famous actress, coming to visit the Leaf have begun circulating among the masses.

Ayanami glances over and sees that Jin is keeping quiet, hunching over in the back of his group; his lips have been pursed since before the argument even began. Mileena has shapeshifted into a hooded cloak which the once rogue ninja wears to help himself ignore all the unwanted attention. It is very clear to many that he is uncomfortable and does not want to be here.

“Making up a tragic backstory to win over sympathy. Smart plan.” Mikasa, Ayanami’s squad mate, says with skepticism.

“You callin’ me a liar?!” The young genius’ eyes narrow; crystals form in the air surrounding him.

Tensions begin to rise and egos flare, members on both sides have already started infusing chakra.

“Okay…! I know I can’t MAKE you guys get along,” Ayanami says, trying to alleviate the tension; she claps her hands to grab everyone’s attention. “But before you cause a scene, can I at least convince you to let bygones be bygones? Jin? You said you had something to give?”

Jin takes a deep breath and holds up a red plastic container, putting on a brave face. “Rito and I DID whip this up early in the morning in the spirit of peace and whatnot…”

The Onikage puffs out his chest and steps forward, gently setting the cooler down and slowly opening it up; a cool, thin fog leaks out onto the ground. Ayanami’s mouth begins to water when she sees what the container housed, ice cream.

BUT… Since you’re all so hell-bent on holding a grudge, MY friends and I will just have to eat ALL this sweet, icy, goodness ALL by ourselves.”

An obnoxious Jin reaches for the ice cream and picks up the vanilla cone; he slowly pulls the cone toward his mouth and sticks out his tongue. However, before the young Uzumaki can take a lick, Choji suddenly appears out of nowhere and snatches away Jin’s ice cream. The next Akimichi clan head ravenously munches down on the desert like a mad dog, not leaving even any crumbs left; the wincing Hyuga kunoichi feels her teeth curl just from watching such a grotesque display.

“Okay, they’re cool!” Licking his lips, Choji’s eyes sparkle while giving a thumbs up.

Cringing, Shikamaru facepalms. “Choji… WHY do you keep letting them bribe you?”

“WOAH…! You guys have got to try this… What’d you say its name was?”

“Ice cream.” Rito curtly answers.

The young genius crouches down and reaches into the cooler, pulling out a mint chip cone and another vanilla cone; he hands the salivating chubby ninja the mint cone and keeps the vanilla for himself.

Choji wolfs his second ice cream down in a matter of seconds before asking, “What’s this handle thing?”

“A waffle cone.” Jin responds while reaching for the chocolate-vanilla swirl.

After being handed a chocolate cone, Ayanami wraps her arm around Shikamaru’s shoulder, pulling her friend in close; she holds the desert up to his face.

“Come on, they put in the effort to make these for everyone… You could at least give it one, little taste.” Ayanami tries to convince him.

Still skeptical, the strategist tilts his head away from the ice cream. “How do I know it’s not poisoned?”

“Because they’re eating it too,” The Kunoichi says, gesturing to the reincarnations. “Think about it, Shikamaru… Jin’s had ample opportunities to do us in on SEVERAL occasions, and he hasn’t. That says something. Jin, what’re your thoughts on the matter?”

The Onikage takes another lick of his cone before answering. “Dude, if I REALLY wanted to hurt anyone here, I would've done so already.”

The next Nara clan head finally relents; he sighs and accepts the ice cream Ayanami is offering. After taking one lick, everyone can tell his mind was just blown; his expression is deadpan except for his eyes, there is a sparkle in his eyes. Seeing this, Ayanami’s remaining peers acquiesce and opt to try some ice cream.

Well, that… actually went a LOT better than I thought it would… The kunoichi breathes a sigh of relief.

“Hey, Ayanami? Where’s Ino?” Jin asks.

“Oh, she said she’d already made plans for today.”


Meanwhile, Sasuke is held prisoner by the Leaf Village Torture and Interrogation force; he is bound in a full-body jacket with a sealing eye-mask blocking his vision. The last Uchiha has resigned himself to whatever fate has in-store for him; he quietly sits huddled in the corner of the back of his cell, leaning against the wall. Surprisingly, he is greeted by an unexpected visitor.

“Who’s there?” Sasuke asks.

A woman says in a quivering voice, “I-It’s me… Ino…”


Sasuke recalls the kunoichi being a member of the Yamanaka clan as well as his old classmate back when he was an academy student. Like Sakura (and so many other girls), she has expressed interest in him, and like Sakura, he brushed off her advances.

Puzzled, the Uchiha asks, “What are you doing here?”


The detained ninja hears a chair being dragged toward him; it stops and is replaced by a creaking sound; the kunoichi is now sitting next to him.

“I’m here because… because I want to be.” Ino says awkwardly, quietly.

*rustle* *rustle*

Hearing the rustling of a basket, Sasuke lifts his head up and faces Ino. Beyond the dark veil, he can sense her holding something up to him; the warm and savory smell makes his mouth water.

With a warm tone, the Kunoichi queries, “Hope you’re hungry!” The Kunoichi says warmly.

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