House of Amarin

Codex Chapter – Enchanted Vending-machine

Codex of Meriath

Magic Technology

The Enchanted Vending-machine

  • Inventor:

    • Hernan Luthner1Born in 3E989, Hernan is from a family of artificers from the Empire of Kleinzeig. They served as chief magicians of the ruling family for many centuries. Many of their ancestors also carry the royal bloodline. More interested in scientific pursuits than power, none from the family sat on the Empire's throne yet, refusing many occasions to do so. Hernan is the current Chief Wizard of the Court of Kleinzeig and a corporation's CEO under the name '24/7,' producing and selling his invention of the 'Vending Machine' to any territory interested in it. - Master Craftsman - Official Title: The Clockwork Wizard2The origin of his title comes from the fact that many noted, back in his days at the Institute of Eight Elements, that when he is lost in thoughts, he tends to walk in a perfect circle, clockwise, his steps matching the ticks of a real clock.
  • First appearance:

    • 4E2563Introduced into the Court of Kleinzeig, endorsed by the current reigning emperor, IV Gülden.
  • Usage:

    • They sell all possible items, from food and drinks to clothes, books, and even weaponry. After its popularity, customized versions were also produced and sold, built to the buyer's wishes.4Prices are greatly wary. Most basic machines offering food and drinks are purchasable for around 12.000 Merith, the international currency backed by the Six Houses. This amount is considered high as that price can rival the price of a small, flying ship. Some receipts that your humble historian has read showed that the price shot up to 300.000 and 400.000 Merith with custom machines.
  • Type(s):

    • Anything is possible.5Most commonly seen versions: Food and Drinks. Potion Ingredients. Potions and Talismans. Books and Magazines. Your humble historian once came across a machine selling erotic underwear and toys for pleasure. It was most... amusing, to say the least.

It is unclear as to when the invention of this marvelous magic technology truly came about. Lord Hernan mentioned in many interviews that the idea came to him when he was a student at the Institute of Eight Elements. He always stayed up late, working on his research and study in the field of creating magic tools. He often found that the shops and restaurants were all closed by the time he had thought of grabbing something to eat. This led to his frustration with the so-called... time constraint of fleshy beings. He cited that, not just once, machines are way better than any living being because they work all the time. If they break down, only some parts have to be replaced, and they are good as new, unlike people who come back as Undead and kill everyone in sight.6His most famous quote was: "I would marry my inventions if I could. I already slept with some of them anyway." His own words put the first blueprint to be drawn in his 4th year at the Academy. It was finished decades later and had many prototypes before it was introduced in the Court of Kleinzeig. It had quick success, and after 50 units, all with different functions were gifted to the Institute of Eight Elements, its popularity rose exponentially, popping up all over Meriath.

Its blueprint is confidential and deemed a national treasure of the Empire of Kleinzeig. There were multiple attempts in reverse engineering 74E264 - Four mages and master artificers tried to disassemble one machine. Their attempt resulted in a catastrophic explosion, killing all four of them and collapsing a 5-story building, injuring 40 others living and working there., attempted break-ins84E269 - The last recorded attempt to infiltrate the Empire and its vaults to steal the original blueprints. Twenty-eight people were arrested, and after months of torture and then an open trial, 119 conspirators were collected and executed. Their heads were then sent back to their respective kingdoms, employers, guilds, and families as a warning. and vandalism94E311 - A drunk witch tried to break one such machine's glass in her hometown after she lost her boyfriend to a supposed love potion bought from it. The implemented security formation retaliated after multiple warnings, blowing off the woman's hands. Later on, in her attempt to sue the 24/7 corporation, she was found guilty and had to pay reparations for damaging a unit and the consequent cost of a repair crew being dispatched to its location., but the security system incorporated into them by the Clockwork Wizard foiled all attempts so far. Most machines are fine-tuned to accept all available currencies or any special ways of payment10Some machines accept credit or secrets as payment for the items on offer. if the customer so wishes. Every and all machines are maintained and operated by the 24/7 corporation. Only their engineers have the authorization to try and open and repair them. The refilling is done by the entity or entities who bought the machines. They are provided with a device that teleports the desired items into it, placing them into a special, unique formation11This formation is the most coveted secret of our current times. It can not just keep food and drinks fresh, warm, or cold, as if they were placed into No-Space, but also preserves all kinds of ingredients in perfect condition.. Every such refilling device is unique and locked to one specific vending machine. 24/7 does not offer replacements for it. In the past 30 years, many new corporations have been established, buying or licensing vending machines, painting them with their own colors and logos to sell exclusive items through them, distinguishing themselves from other companies.

I don't think I'll do images next week. I need to start updating the map. I was putting it off all this time, but too many places were mentioned already; I need to get on with it and add them~

Also... I have something to show you all. I have always loved visual novels. I once attempted to make my own. But that was 10+ years ago; since then, tech has advanced a lot. Now... that I have a completed book, one hard part is done. Writing the story. I am playing with the idea of tackling another hard part: Art. With our current AI 'revolution' that is going on in the art industry.

This is nothing concrete yet; I am a complete noob when it comes to game-making. But it is an idea that I have always liked playing with. Here is a concept video of what I have managed to whip up so far after some trials and errors. Please note that the character images are only placeholders. I barely cut them out in photoshop, and I would need to spend a lot of time creating adequate character sprites for them from AI-generated art and cropping them much better than their current state. But for now, my main goal was to try and place the text in (need more line editing, of course) and whip up a working prototype to see if I can do it in the first place. If you are interested, here is a video of the 'project.' Of course, this is just a concept for now, and I can't promise anything for sure. Not yet, anyway.

Edit: I made a 2nd video, containing the Prologue chapter in its entirety:

This Codex excerpt was written by Authorya Cortyn, your humble historian.

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