Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Consecutive Scores, Accidents

“The Quaffle was snatched by Colt, so we all know that the ball is a solid one. From last term’s performance, we are very clear that the Gryffindor team with Colt will never miss a ball. Yes, let’s start cheering now! Long live Gryffindor~!”

However, he obviously forgot the person sitting next to him.

Although Professor McGonagall agrees very much in her heart, as a professor, she absolutely cannot let Lee Jordan continue like this, “Jordan!”

Li saw it very clearly, and immediately confessed, “I’m sorry professor.”

“Look at that, a nice circling, Colt managed to get around a Pussy interception, look! Colt’s Quaffle shot, it was a beautiful pitch, it’s a shame that Quidditch didn’t have a 3-pointer, Otherwise, Colt would have scored thirty points.”

“It’s a long shot, but obviously Colt is very confident.”

“Look! Goal scored, Gryffindor got the first goal, it’s 10-0, gosh, it’s just incredible, how long has it been! Are there ten seconds? ?Have it?”

“Okay, now that the Quaffle is in Flint’s hands, he’s like a bull, and he’s going on a rampage to Gryffindor’s goal.”

“It’s not fair. Slytherin’s players may have been selected with their fists. Each of them, their arms are as thick as Arya’s legs.”


“Okay, now we can see that Flint is pitching too.”

“Very good, what a great move, Wood broke the ball!”

“Look, he threw the ball to Angelina, who is also a very good Chaser, and she’s also very charming.”

But before Jordan could finish speaking, Professor McGonagall’s sharp-edged eyes shot over, making him immediately calm down.

For Jordan’s commentary, Professor McGonagall was really tired. Every time there was a game about Gryffindor or Slytherin, she had to sit down and stare at him, otherwise, it would be a disaster.

“Oh watch out, gosh, that must hurt.”

Angelina, who got the ball and ran towards Slytherin, did not pay attention and was hit in the arm by a Bludger, and the Quaffle was stolen by Slytherin’s players.

Although a little angry, she quickly adjusted her emotions and turned around to chase the Quaffle.

Colt is also rushing towards that at this time, trying to break the Quaffle.

What happened to Angelina was quickly reported to Slytherin’s Chaser.

The Weasley brothers are still very good at the batter position.

Jordan threw a Bludger that was flying towards him and a stick to the Slytherin player with the Quaffle, which hit him directly in the back.

Under the pain, he instinctively let go of the Quaffle, and Angelina who had been following him easily snatched the Quaffle.

Seeing this, Colt on the other side also turned around and followed to escort Angelina.

With the cover of Colt and Arya, this time Angelina successfully used a fake, feint a shot, and put the Quaffle in her hand into Slytherin’s basket.

“Very nice fake, tricked the goalkeeper into scoring successfully.”

“Now that the Quaffle is back in Flint’s hands again, Gryffindor is already 20 points ahead, and it seems that Flint is in a hurry.” Lee teased very immorally.

This prompted protests from students in the Slytherin seats.

However, the microphone was in Li’s hands, so he didn’t care about it.

But there is one person’s opinion, and he has to consider it.

Seeing Professor McGonagall’s murderous gaze, he immediately corrected his attitude.

“Okay, now it’s Slytherin’s Purse with the ball, and he’s rushing towards the Gryffindor goal at an unrivaled speed.”

“Wait, what is that?” At this time, Li pointed in one direction and said incredulously, “Is that a Snitch?”

Li’s words caught everyone’s attention.

Purse, who was still rushing towards the Gryffindor goal, forgot his own job now, and his eyes were fixed on the golden figure next to his head.

It’s just a pity that he’s not a Slytherin Seeker.

It seems that it is not just him, other players are all looking at the Golden Snitch.

At this time, Harry also noticed the figure of the Golden Snitch, pressed the broom, and rushed towards this side.

Higgs, who was Slytherin’s Seeker, charged towards the Snitch almost at the same time.

At the beginning, the two were still neck and neck, but the performance of the broomstick played a very important role at this moment.

Harry quickly overtook him and charged quickly towards the Snitch.

At this moment, a very large figure suddenly bumped towards Harry, almost knocking Harry off the broom.

“Foul!” Gryffindor’s audience almost formed a very agreeable pace, and everyone stood up and roared.

Just as Harry was hit, the whole court moved.

Gryffindor led by Colt and Slytherin led by Flint instantly confronted each other.

At this time, Mrs. Hooch, who was the referee, rushed over and flew to the middle of the two teams to stop the possible fight in time.

“Give me peace of mind, now, Gryffindor free throws.”

Although they were very unwilling, they had no choice but to do so first.

“Harry, be careful next time, and avoid Slytherin’s black hand.” Withstood Harry, Fred flew away with a club.

Colt got the Quaffle, a very fine spin, and easily threw the Quaffle into Slytherin’s goal.

The score is now thirty to zero.

Off the field, after two corrections by Professor McGonagall, Li finally continued to explain in a relatively fair language.

The game is still going on, and the fight between the two sides is very fierce.

However, Harry, who was flying at a high position above, had an unexpected situation at this time.

There seemed to be something wrong with his broom, and it was beating erratically, as if vowing to throw Harry off.

And Harry’s condition quickly attracted the attention of many people. After all, the proportion of Quidditch Seekers was very heavy. Naturally, many people paid attention to the Seeker’s condition.

Colt and others on the field are still fighting very fiercely with Slytherin.

By the time they found out about Harry’s situation, it was a few minutes later. *

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