Stage 52: HIRHZFFJ
{ Stage 52: HIRHZFFJ }
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I had intended to spend like 70 hours writing the first draft for the writathon. I ended writing three chapters, scrapping it. Then writing two more chapters only to scrap it again. Luckily... I have time.
But that was like a waste of seven hours! I suppose I know what not to do now. But man, it feels bad.
I think I'll take a short break from working on that outline/first draft. I have a general idea of what I want to do. But I am not the best at worldbuilding and the world feels hollow. I'll definitely need to work on that.
The issue may be that the world is too similar to ours. I might need to go on the deep end and do a very weird world with very weird rules. But then people might get confused and not want to read it.
I suppose these failed attempts are a good thing for preparation for the writathon.
What are we doing in this stage?
How long would it take you to memorize around 400 characters? We haven't yet finished the setting of keywords for the entire technique. But we do want to do the ground work ahead of time.
You are on the right path.
I want you to read this technique in a dream.
We often dream about things we have done. So it shouldn't be a problem to find yourself reading something you have already read 52+ times.
Dreams are quite similar to this technique. You will read these stages everyday. But you won't often remember the meat of them. If you reread from the start. You might notice things that seemingly weren't there before.
I would encourage you to read through all the stages again once we have done stage 2,500. The experience should be quite nostalgic.
But just like dreams. You will often forget about them when you 'wake up'.
Luckily, this technique has become a part of your life. You must use the mechanic of life flashing before your eyes before death to rotate it in the last 2.5 seconds of life.
Do this...
You will become your own legend.