Heavenly Castle

Chapter 32.4

Extra Chapter 4

It’s a windy day. It is strong enough that you can see it if you look at the speed of the clouds which drift through the sky.

Ayla is looking at that scene curiously.

Ayla is in a tree-lined road at the small hill on the flying island. She looks up at the big trees lined up in equal intervals from left and right and tilts her head.

「Taiki-sama. Why are the tree leaves not shaking?」

When she said that and looked at her side, Taiki is sitting there while leaning against the tree with a sleepy face. A thick cloth carpet is laid on the ground and Taiki is sitting cross-legged on it. In front of Taiki, there is a transparent glass teapot with amber liquid inside and plates with baked sweets like cookies.

Taiki, whose name was called, turned to Ayla with absent minded eyes.

「Hmm? Sorry, it seems like I was half-asleep.」

When Taiki said that with sluggish voice, Ayla smiled a little and sat down right next to him.

「The drifting clouds in the distance seem to be moving very fast today.」

「Hmm? Aah, you’re right. It looks like the wind is strong.」

Hearing Taiki’s reply, Ayla nods.

「Yes, but it’s strange that we, who are at the same height as the clouds, hardly receive any wind…… Even if I tried looking up at the trees, not even one leaf is shaking.」

When Ayla said that and raised her head, Taiki also raised his head as if drawn by her.

Sunlight passes through the trees, that stretched its large branches, but the leaves hardly shake.

「…… There’s a subtle wind. It’s a gentle breeze.」

「That is not what I meant.」

Taiki nodded while smiling wryly at Ayla who pouted.

「It’s a joke. Sorry, sorry.」

Taiki said that and stood up, and he casually surveyed the sky. Then, he found his aim and pointed at it.

「Can you see the wyvern over there?」

「Ah, right. And it’s large……」

While nodding to Taiki’s words, Ayla’s expression became slightly stiff. Before the eyes of the two, there is a shadow like a large bird with darkish color. It’s appearance is similar to a huge lizard, but it has a long tail and small thorn. The most obvious characteristic which is different from the lizard is the large wings on its back.

It’s a species of dragon called Flying Wyvern.

「Do you remember when a wyvern flew towards here and was repelled in front of the island?」

「Ah, yes. I remember.」

「It’s a barrier that covers the whole island…… No, it’s a type of barrier, but it prevents various things such as the wind.」

「It’s similar to a white membrane…… Areh? Various things besides the wind?”

When Ayla tilted her head, Taiki nodded while smiling vaguely.

「Yeah, somehow it’s excessively high-functioning. It avoids the clouds during the Automatic Driving, so we don’t have to worry about rain, but it also prevents the aggressive pollen that got inside the jet stream, and the harmful light rays like cosmic rays and ultra-violet rays. By the way, it also cleans the air within the barrier, and draws water from the atmosphere and further filters it, so we can get water with few impurities. It’s a convenient island.」

Ayla blinked her eyes and froze up to Taiki’s explanation.

「…… I, I am sorry. I can hardly understand the meaning of Taiki-sama’s words……」

Then, she got depressed.

Seeing Ayla’s depressed appearance, Taiki waves his hand with a wry smile.

「No no, it’s okay. It’s natural if you don’t understand it. Well, for now, it’s fine if you think of it as an island with an amazing barrier.」

When he said that, Ayla nods with an indescribable face.

「I think I want to put an effort in order to study and understand Taiki-sama’s words even for a little.」

Taiki gave a dry laugh to the reply of the too serious Ayla and raised his hands and stretched on that spot.

「Fuah…… I’m sleepy. I think it’s about time to go home now?」

When Taiki said that, Ayla’s face became surprised and quickly tidied up. Seeing that, Taiki also helps to tidy up and turns his head to the side.


At Taiki’s call, the robot, that was standing as if concealing itself behind the tree, showed up.

「Please carry the luggage」

When Taiki said that, A1 crouched down silently to pick up the luggage in both hands which Ayla had tidied up.

「Thank you」

Ayla said thanks and looks up at A1. Taiki laughed while looking at that and tapped A1’s back.

「Well then, let’s go home」

Next day, Ayla and Mea were walking within the island.

Mea asks Ayla who walks ahead with doubtful face.

「Where are we going?」

「We are studying, Mea-chan.」


Ayla nods with triumphant expression to Mea who tilted her head.

「That’s right. We serve Taiki-sama, so we have to be very well-informed about this island and castle. However, since it is lonely to study alone, please go with me.」

「…… It’s okay, but where are we going?」

To Mea who knitted her brows as if a little anxious, Ayla pointed ahead.

It is the north side of the island. It is an area where a heated swimming pool and various facilities are lined up.

Several buildings with white-walls are lined up in front of the heated swimming pool that looks light blue and it is harmonizing well with the blue sky and the white clouds.

The two went down the gentle stairs and stood in front of the frontmost building.

「This is the place that produces the seasonings, isn’t it?」

「Un, next to it is the noodle making room.」

The two are walking while checking the buildings one by one.

「What’s here?」

「Was it cooking oil or something…… Hmmmm, I am not sure because I didn’t come here a lot.」

「Shall we try to get in?」

When Mea suggested that, Ayla nodded and stood in front of the entrance. Then the automatic door opens without a sound and the interior, which is illuminated by the light, spreads out in front of their eyes.

There are two large boxes of equipment on the side of the front wall and one of them has a hole on its top. And the other one has a faucet. The floor is grid-shape, so it is safe even if someone accidentally spilled the oil.

「Uhhmm, we put the ingredients in here and extract the oil there……」

「I don’t understand it because I have never seen it」

When Ayla checked how to use it while looking at the equipment, Mea was also looking at the equipment with great interest. The two then check the shelves with empty containers and photos of oil raw materials.

「This, was this green seed the seed of olive oil?」

「I think this one is the white fruit?」

The two think for a while and notice that letters are written under the photo. The letters were in japanese and it seemed that they could not read it.

「…… I wonder if a magic symbol is inscribed.」

「Magic symbol?」

Hearing Ayla’s words, Mea floats a question mark above her head.

「Letters which are called Magic Symbols are engraved on the ancient magic item of national treasure rank equipment or ornaments. The letters engraved have various special effects.」

When Ayla answered that, Mea looked at the letters with her eyes wide open.

「Then, this magic symbol can move this equipment……?」


She muttered that and they continued to look at the list of salad oil with marveled faces.

After leaving the cooking oil manufacturing facility, they looked around the other facilities and checked it in series.

「This are salt, sugar, miso……」


That’s right. It is the ingredient of miso soup.」

「Oh, I like it」

The two, who laughs happily, look around the facilities one after another while having such exchanges.

However, Ayla stands in front of a certain facility and stopped moving. Mea noticed that and stopped walking too, and she looked into Ayla’s face.


She looked strangely at Ayla, then looked at the building.

「Ah, the facility of meat……」

When Mea, who noticed the reason why Ayla had stopped moving, muttered that, Ayla closed her mouth tightly in straight line. Then, raise her head.

「…… Shall we try to enter it? I haven’t been clearly told not to by Taiki-sama……」


Mea knitted her brows anxiously to Ayla’s words.

「I asked Taiki-sama last time where did he get the meat and he said that it was better not to look too much into it, but I wasn’t told not to look at it, right?」

「Ye, yeah……」

Not sure what they are imagining, because the two stood in front of the building while holding each others hands.

Without a sound, the door opens.

「……Th, this is」

「Oh, meat?」

The two opened their eyes wide to the scenery that spreads in front of them.

There are something like huge water tanks and dark red objects are rolling around inside with some kind of liquid.

That situation is somewhat creepy and only the sound of burbling water can be heard.

The flesh-like dark red objects is slowly growing bigger and the meat, that was caught in the net, is transported to the next facility.

「…… That meat is, the meat we eat? Isn’t it animal meat?」

「I, I’m not sure……? No way, I think not only meat is being created inside that water……」

They watched how the meat is made for a while and left the place quietly.

「Eh? Aren’t you going to eat?」

When Taiki said that, Ayla and Mea looked at each other.

「Ah, no, um……」

「…… The meat……」

Ayla tried to say something in panic, and Mea muttered that softly and looked at the plate on the table. On the plate, there are many vegetables and meats on the skewers.

Even Torraine, who noticed that they didn’t eat the meat, tilted her head curiously.

「It’s rare, isn’t it? After all, Mea really likes meat.」

Schnee and Rant took their skewers, and bit on the meat. They stared at the two and nodded to the words of Torraine.


「It’s delicious, Mea. Try it too, Ayla-sama.」

Mea’s eyes gets thinner to Rant who rapidly eats the meat while talking.

「Rant is kind of filthy.」


While Rant received a shock from Mea’s remarks, Ayla looked down at the meat with a wry smile and turned her eyes to Taiki.

「Taiki-sama, is this by chance……」

「Hmm? I was planning to have a barbecue, but I ended up making an ordinary beef skewer. I wonder if I should make a steak sauce?」

「Ah, no…….」

After saying that apologetically, Ayla breathes shallowly and turned towards the plate.

「…… Itadakimasu.」

Ayla said that and took a bite of the meat, and she smiled.

「…… It is delicious, Taiki-sama.」

「Is that so? That’s good to hear.」

Seeing Ayla eat the meat and smile, Taiki felt relieved.

However, Mea, who still didn’t eat her meat next to Ayla, continued to glare at the meat with grim face.

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