Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 903: Age circle

   Chapter 903 Age Circle

Not long after the 991 incident, a movie called "Pearl Harbor" was released in North America.

  The two brothers told in the story fell in love with a nurse. The nurse fell in love with Leif who participated in the British Air Force, but he disappeared on the battlefield.

   Missing on the battlefield is almost equivalent to announcing that he is dead. The nurse is very sad for this, and his brother is also very sad. The two can only encourage each other, but the seedlings of love are quietly sprouting.

  However, at this time, the soldier who joined the British army returned. He was just missing and not dead. Just as the three of them did not know how to face this problem, the Japanese were quietly preparing to attack Pearl Harbor.

  Compared with the bleak box office, its propaganda is more meaningful. The United States did not actively initiate the war in Afghanistan, but counterattacked in self-defense just like the Pearl Harbor incident.

However, Japan and Afghanistan are two different countries. Japan has its own modern industry for manufacturing aircraft, while Afghanistan’s industrial products are all imported. The world’s largest country uses military forces far beyond Afghanistan to "defense" and fight terrorist organizations. It's really "just".

  Except for World War II, every US troop dispatch is almost entirely unjust. More and more historical data prove that when the Pearl Harbor incident occurred, the US authorities were not ignorant.

Roosevelt was a good president, but not everyone cooperated with him. During the Great Depression, he wanted to implement the "New Deal", but most of the judges of the Federal Supreme Court disagreed. These senior justices supported private contracts, dual federalism, and Uncontrolled corporate power (emphasis drawn), the four most important Conservative opponents to the new government are four people. They borrowed the metaphor of the apocalypse in the Bible and named their voting group the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

In order to deal with these old guys, Roosevelt proposed a stuffing bill to Congress. According to federal law, the president has the right to appoint a judge who is 70 years old and over. There are six current justices, including the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." No one is over 70 years old, Roosevelt’s expansion plan expanded the Supreme Court’s justices from 9 to 15. The judges he arranged were of course all supporting the New Deal.

  Roosevelt wanted to send troops, but many people felt it was unnecessary. The U.S. and Europe, Asia, and Africa are separated by an ocean and have no direct interest in ***, why bother to go to the muddy waters?

After    and *** had blood feuds, it was different, so some people rumored that the Pearl Harbor incident occurred with half negligence and half deliberate indulgence.

  As long as it is not a dead pig, it will still jump up and cry twice after being scalded by boiling water.

  People who are fascinated by Mamun yelled "peace" when it was time to use violence to defend justice, and when it was time to maintain peace, they continued to stir up troubles and profit for themselves.

No matter how the Pearl Harbor incident is used in the Afghan War, it is difficult to conceal its true purpose. If the brother who participated in the British Air Force continues to antagonize the "brother" who slept with his girlfriend over the issue of women, the two fresh-spirited young men might After the bloodshed and the common enemy "Japanese", they can put aside their personal grievances, temporarily leave their children's personal relationships aside, and jointly fight for freedom and justice.

  Transfer one's messy life to others, so that the country will be peaceful. This is an effective, cheap and easy way to resolve internal conflicts within a new government.

  Pressure cooker bombs are weapons that use the "natural" pressurization capability of a pressure cooker to fill the pressure cooker with lethal fragments to kill the enemy.

  A cooking tool can also become a lethal weapon, and human creativity is sometimes so amazing.

  The social conflict in the United States is like a pressure cooker, which will detonate someday.

  The way politicians deal with the problem is not to solve it, but to pass it on. It is like a game called drumming and passing flowers, except that what is thrown around in the game is volleyball, and what politicians throw around is a pressure cooker bomb.

  Except for Roosevelt, every president has only served for 8 years and must retire at the end of his term. Anyway, as long as the pressure cooker does not explode in his arms, he can enjoy the pleasure of being president. What about latecomers? Who the **** cares.

The Roman Empire, which was born on the Italian peninsula, also experienced the process of transforming from a republic to an empire. During the Republican period, Rome had a set of checks and balances similar to that of the United States of America today, where high-level rulers checked and balanced each other while maintaining the politics of ordinary people as much as possible.” "Democracy" rules of the game, how did the Roman Republic turn into an empire?

  Military victory and territorial expansion. Compared to reading books, Romans prefer heroes and triumphs, as well as a large amount of wealth and slaves plundered from outside.

The landmark building in the United States is the Empire State Building. It is not that difficult to change from UniteState to EmpireState. By then, whether it is "immigrants who buy a house" or "immigrants who join the army with a green card", they are not contributing to capitalism, but to the Empire. Doctrine contributes.

The collapse of Rome originated from the collapse of the Roman slavery economy. To maintain this powerful empire, Rome had to raise a large number of troops to resist barbarian invasions and a large number of idle aristocrats internally. With the cessation of foreign conquests , Or the foreign warfare is becoming increasingly impossible to obtain enough wealth, and the internal slavery economy is becoming more and more inefficient and chaotic, then they are increasingly unable to maintain this powerful empire.

  Those wars that gained huge wealth and prestige from foreign warfare will become unstable factors. Army mutiny and proletarian citizens cooperated with slaves to rebellion make the emperor tired and suppressed. It happened that at this time the barbarians were still invading, and Rome was disintegrated under internal and external troubles.

  Now the United States, technology and financial multinational corporations, and their military strength, can enable these large consortia in the United States to extract wealth from all over the world.

  It is these large consortia that have become a factor of instability in the United States.

  They have money, they can hire mercenaries, they have talents, and they can develop weapons and equipment. Their employees are treated better than civil servants in the U.S. government. Why should they work for the U.S. government?

  These white elites completely control public opinion. The president has no advantage when dealing with internal conflicts. The only power he has is foreign war.

  The American people are very sorry for their lives. It is a country where human rights are concerned. It is very difficult for ordinary people to recruit soldiers, not to mention the children of those rich people who were born to become "leaders."

  The crowds of stowaways on the border between the U.S. and Mexico in the south are mostly with the idea of ​​mixing a green card. For illegal immigrants, their first method of obtaining a green card is usually to get an American fake marriage to qualify for a green card. In fact, if they are courageous and able to endure hardship, there is another way that is more formal than fake marriage, and the US government also openly encourages it, and that is to join the army.

  The law and order in Mexico is more chaotic than that in the United States. As for those "special talents" who have been brainwashed by American movie blockbusters and think that Americans will save the world, they have the idea of ​​wanting to get ahead there.

  When they become Americans, they feel that they are superior. This is related to the outlook on life and values ​​they have accepted since childhood.

  ***Girls should wear face towels, which represents their humility to God, and how to dress is their freedom.

American girls are very amorous at a young age. Most people think that their first time is not important and give it easily. This is a question of regional culture. "Old maidens" are often related to weird behaviors. For example, a grumpy granny in a monastery, or a nosy landlady.

  But some girls are more traditional and conservative, she wants to give her first time to the precious person.

  The captain of rugby is often the "Prom King", the more he refuses, the more he chases.

  The conservative girl called her Annie for the time being. She is not a believer or pretending to be a lofty person. She is just not that open.

  This is different from the values ​​of "Prom Queen" and her friends.

  They decided to teach her a lesson.

  On Halloween, children will knock on doors from door to door to ask for sweets, and “older kids” like them will hold a dance party.

  It was held in an abandoned barn. Tennessee is known as the City of Music. The theme of the day was a disco in the 70s. Annie was required to wear sequined clothes, which was fine.

Later, she went to the toilet. When she came out of the mobile toilet, she found that everyone was gone. Instead, a group of Indians on horseback. They wore cloaks and painted oil on their faces. They called her to be roped. It was trapped, then **** like a trophy and kidnapped.

  She was locked up in a cave and was discovered by mountaineering enthusiasts two days later.

  Actually, she would be fine as long as she stayed in the cave. The Indians were all hired actors, but she thought she was really kidnapped.

  Anne broke the rope with her teeth and ran away in a panic. When the climber found her, she was severely dehydrated. She was covered in blood and mud, and she also had a high fever. After she came out of the hospital, she dropped out of school.

"Let’s call the prom queen by Cindy. I didn’t go there for Cindy in the first place. I went to the town for Annie. Annie didn’t attend the prom, and the instigators didn’t care at all and kept a low profile. After a while, I started to think about how to show up at the prom. Cindy’s father is a powerful and powerful man, and he has a good relationship with the governor. Even if Annie calls the police, there will be no results. It’s just a joke. The Brotherhood’s tactics are much more serious than this. Moreover, Annie’s injuries were caused by herself. During my investigation, I found that Cindy’s troubles were more serious than Annie’s. I thought that the curse of Cindy was Annie, so I hypnotized Annie."

  "How was the result?" the butler asked eagerly.

"It's not her, although she really wants it." Joseph took a sip of water and sighed. "Cindy is not as popular as she thinks. She has many enemies, and her reputation among boys is not good. Everyone is close. She is because of her parents, and the two of them are hardly at home. They are both busy with their own affairs. They don’t know what happened to their daughter. The Bell Witch case investigated by Andrew Jackson before taking office also took place in Tennessee. I’m not sure about this. Was the troublemaker related to the Bell Witch case. I asked Cindy to tell me the truth, but she always lied. Then I lost my patience and ignored her."

   "Why don't you hypnotize Cindy?" the butler asked.

"She is very vigilant. The first condition of hypnosis is trust and concentration. She doesn't have these. What's more, her friends have always thought that I was a liar and stayed by her side. Otherwise, she would be curious about what the exorcism is all about. In the Bell Witch case, even though John who killed the rabbit-head and dog-body monster with a shotgun died, the evil spirit still viciously said the curse. Seven years later, it will come to revenge. There is a group of new heretics, they I often go to the cave where the witch Bell lived at night to worship the devil. I asked Cindy if she had anything to do with those people. She refused to admit it. Later, her ex-boyfriend told me that I knew she used to go often to maintain her figure. A yoga studio, the owner has something to do with those new heretics."

Joseph said here and shook his head helplessly. "Sometimes it is not the work itself that makes people feel tired, but the people who work with you. She lacks the guidance of adults. I want to lead her to the right path, but she feels that it doesn’t matter. I gave up on her."

   "Cindy is dead?" the butler asked.

   "I don't know, she has disappeared from my life anyway."

   "Like your mentor, Constantine, how many years have you not seen each other?"

   "You seem to know a lot." Joseph said with a sneer.

  "Communication is very convenient now, how about writing an email to him?" The butler said, "He is also in Italy now."

"I'm busy."

  "Are you not free or don't want to meet?" the butler asked.

  "He didn't want to see me." Joseph said coldly, "I'm not his favorite work."

   "How come there are Indians in Tennessee? Don't they live in the reserved area?" the butler asked.

  "They are illegal immigrants from Mexico, working on Cindy’s father’s farm."

   "The New World is really a fantasy land."

   "Who said no?" Joseph said with a smirk, "IloveAmerica."

  (End of this chapter)

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