Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 35: An Liya (on)

The Grand Dean of Natural Sciences, successive presidents, are secretly arranged by the royal family, mysterious, powerful, and rarely appear.

In addition, there are many vice-principals and honorary principals ranging in size.

The vice-principal is almost one of the most important qualifications for entering the Royal Academician Committee of the Grand Duchy. At this level, they will almost never ask about the specific matters of the development of the college. With a broader scope.

Following is the teaching director of each grade, three grades, one head and one deputy.

Lei Luo's tutor, Gu Bo, is the teaching director of this year's first-year freshman.

The spacious conference hall, the thick and heavy metal gate reveals a solemn, giant round table, six different shapes of people sitting in front of each other, it is the six instructors of the grade.

"It has been seven years since the last time the college received the graduation assessment results of the six colleges, especially last year. Not only did it lag behind the Principality of Zealand, but even the Principality of Barda also surpassed the past. The two grade teaching directors were ashamed to leave the hospital. And, if you go on like this, what other qualifications of the college will be tied with the Zealand College of Nature! "

It was a middle-aged female scholar who turned her head down and flipped a black animal skin note. The tone was thin and rigid. It seemed to be a more rigid person than Gubo. It was also a radical school that advocated vigorously supporting alienated psychic academic experimental research. One of the members.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere is depressed.

Smashed the cigarette rod, with a black crow standing on his shoulder, and sulphur rock quietly glanced at the silent and silent Bo.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on Gubo, but Gubo didn't mean to speak. Sulphur smiled helplessly and had to answer the words by himself.

"So, do you have any suggestions?"

Crow on the shoulder of Sulphur Rock, with red eyes on one side.

Female scholars sneered, even if Gu Bo evaded, still pursued.

"Insist on tradition will only be eliminated by the times! In recent years, as the natural specimens of the Magic Eagle Forest have been vigorously exploited by many scholars in the Principality nearby, it has shown a significant reduction trend, and artificial cultivation programs have also successively declared failures. For chronic suicide! Alienated psychic scholarship is the future of the college. I once again suggest that the college must significantly increase research investment and reduce the proportion of funding for experimental research and evolutionary academics! "

Slowed down, the female scholar's voice paused.


The eyes of female scholars fell on Gubo, and they were aggressive.

"Gubo, the disciple I received, has been recognized by the Academy's judging mentor and officially given the title of psychic. Although he has not officially listed the first season elite list, he is far ahead of other students. , On the one hand, you have to rely on alienated psychic scholarship to achieve results for yourself, and on the other hand, you are constantly preventing the development of alienated psychic scholarship. Do you feel ashamed if you are so contradictory? "

Is different from the violent jumps in the past. At this moment, Gubo is surprisingly calm.

Supported the black-rimmed glasses on the towering nose bridge. Gu Bo looked at the female scholar and said in a low voice: "I looked at your disciple. It's really good. It deserves the appraisal of the psychic title."

Several eyes turned to the female scholar.

The female scholar was proud of her color, and she did not shy away from many eyes, responding: "As far as I know, Master Gubo also cultivated a disciple in this freshman, giggling, why not see this disciple's elite points Is it possible to keep mysterious? "

Female scholars refer to it, of course, Reylo.

Gubo sarcastically said: "Your Excellency will cultivate a disciple who can be compared with Wushuang, and then evaluate the disciple!"


The female scholar was annoyed and said angrily: "If it were Wushuang · Gallie, why would you be valued above and stand against me!"


Gubo looked around the people and said in an orderly way: "I am still reserved about the alienation of psychics. Following the theories of the predecessors, no biological evolution can violate the laws of nature and evolution, and use abnormal and morbid cancer cells as the source of evolution. Normal cells will inevitably pay other costs. At present, it is just because the time is too short to show up! "

Is related to the future development direction of the college. Other scholars who did not speak at the meeting did not dare to easily decide.

As Gubo said, the alienated psychic academia is a formal academic faction formed by the female scholar after years of intensive research and formed more than ten years ago. It caused a huge sensation in the college at the beginning of its appearance.

This academic has almost broken some of the theorems in Antonio's "Evolution". Many people in the radical school at that time even thought that this female tutor is likely to become the fourth pioneer of humanity in the future!

However, with the conservative scholars headed by Gubo in the college struggling against it, pointing out that this kind of scholarship that uses the potential characteristics of cancer cells to replace normal cells in the body, there must be some extremely terrible risks. People gradually calm down and start to treat this rationally. Thing.

Alienation psychics, whether it is to break the discovery of the law of truth in "Evolution", or is it still in its frame, but the price has been delayed?

After all, according to the law of conservation of energy, if you want to accomplish some goals, you will definitely have to pay other prices!

The powerful characteristics of alienated psychics have not only violated the natural selection theorem of "Evolution", but even subverted the basic law of energy conservation!

If the alienation of psychics is not a new discovery of the law of truth, then according to the law of energy, to achieve the goal will inevitably have to pay other costs. With the super power shown by this academic, the cost to explain will be unimaginable ...

When the laws of the human pioneer and the theorem of this obscure female scholar are in conflict, there is no doubt that most scholars are more willing to believe the pioneers who have been verified by millions of experiments.

In this way, in the next decade or so, the alienated psychic scholarship was limited to the exchange and interaction between very few scholars of the college, and did not receive financial support from the college. The Royal Academy of Sciences only had one obscure laboratory. .

Slowly passed with time.

The price people have been waiting for has never appeared. At the same time, the strength of female scholars is increasing day by day. Many people are beginning to shake. Is it really wrong?

Accompanying it is the challenge of the evolutionary scholars, the problem of specimen collection!

The key step for scholars studying evolutionary connotations is to collect natural specimens and improve self-awareness.

However, with the increase in the number of anthropologists, the huge demand for specimens, the number of natural specimens available for mining has been significantly reduced compared to a thousand years ago, the collection of specimens takes longer time, and learning is more difficult.

So, people began to look for various solutions.

But whether it is a public museum, artificial breeding, etc., the plan ended in failure, and scholars had to go to more inaccessible areas to explore.

Even the ancient ancestral cloning academia that has not been completed by Gubo is also an academic study of many attempts to save the plight of evolutionary scholars. , Restore some precious biological specimens that have been extinct.

The female scholar also calmed down, inadvertently looking at her finger.

I saw her finger prints, which were creeping slowly, and even some of the body tissues under the skin seemed to be out of control, "live" came, and occasionally wriggled, and was quickly restrained by the energy magnetic field, and temporarily recovered calm.

These terrible frames for others, but for female scholars, they have been used to it for more than ten years.

Ten years ago, when she had just researched and published the alienated psychic academia, she was frustrated and fell into the bottom because she was not recognized because she violated the two pioneer theorems, and she had to face all kinds of questions.

Once, with the passage of time.

Those former questioners, in front of her, the academic strength has become worthless, and her heart has become unprecedentedly strong, no longer retreating, even if he challenges the two pioneer theorems with one person, facing thousands Tens of thousands of scholars questioned that she no longer flinched!

"Truth can never be extinguished by violence, and the order and law between the universe and celestial bodies cannot be changed even by the Creator of the Bright God!"

Round table, female scholars murmured the famous words of the late pioneer Ben Nivens, his eyes were very firm!

"Even the two pioneers of Gauss Adolf and Antonio, they just discovered the laws of truth at their respective stages. They do not represent the laws of truth! When I discovered the new law of truth, alienated psychic, they were already in my eyes. Became another church, blocking the old forces before the great new era! "

In addition to the ancient blog, it is sulphite, and when I heard this, I moved slightly.

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