God of Cooking

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

<The Start of a Change (1)>


If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

Kaya looked at Jo Minjoon with worrisome eyes. She couldn’t comprehend his expression. He looked both shocked and frustrated. His face was so hardened that it would have been difficult for anyone to read.

“Wait, I think we should call someone.”

Jo Minjoon said in a low voice. He called Anderson. After a few rings, it went to voicemail. ‘Anderson is not available right now…’ He canceled the call and called someone else. Someone with a soft voice answered.

[Oh. Minjoon.]

“Hey. I watched a ridiculous video on the internet. Is it true?”

[Yeah. It’s on fire.]

Janet answered with a frustrated tone. Jo Minjoon’s hand started to shake as he clenched his phone. Kaya quickly grabbed his hand while he spoke.

“Was…anyone hurt?”

[No. Don’t worry.]


He made a long sigh. Janet also made a long sigh. Although they both sighed, it was for different reasons.

[The fire’s died down, but we don’t even know if we can open tomorrow.]

“…Was it that bad?”

[I don’t know. We can only check after the fire is extinguished. But it does not look good right now.]

“You might have earned some vacation.”

[Please. Stop it. Your jokes will not lighten this mood. I don’t like taking incidents like this lightly.]

Janet sounded tired. It was understandable. If he was this flustered halfway across the world, how much more flustered would she feel when she was close to the restaurant that was on fire. Jo Minjoon quietly asked.

“How is teacher?”

[How do you think?]

“I am asking because I don’t know. She might look resolute or she might even look like the world has ended.”

[You are wrong on both occasions. She doesn’t look like she is in despair, but she also does not look resolute… I don’t know. How should I describe it…]

Although he asked the question, he didn’t want to know the look on Rachel’s face. He would feel bitter the more he thought about it. Feeling desperate he asked another question.

“How are others doing?”

[I don’t know. Javier is nowhere to be seen, Anderson woke up from his sleep and went to check on teacher. Everyone else seems dazed.]

“I can’t stay here. I need to hurry back.”

[What can you do by coming here? The most you can do right now is bother me with a phone call like this. So, stay out of it. If not just worry about it yourself. We are busy here as is. I got to go. Bye]

“Janet… Janet?”

Jo Minjoon looked at his phone like he was just punched in the face. Kaya spoke as she laughed.

“She is disrespectful as always.”

“…Don’t say that.”

“What are we going to do? Should we go back?”

“I don’t know. I need to talk to people.”

“…You know your hand is shaking.”

He looked at his shaking hand. His hand was shaking to the point where Kaya’s hand, which was wrapped around his hand, was also shaking. Then he made a fist.

“There shouldn’t be any problem, right?”

“Don’t worry and trust that woman.”

“I hope she is not lying to avoid getting me too worried…”

“If you are that worried, then change the plane ticket.”

“Ha… I don’t know.”

Jo Minjoon lowered his shoulder as if he lost all his energy. Kaya carefully grabbed his back and whispered.

“We should wait. Don’t get too worked up about it. Trust Rachel and your friends.”


“Should I sing you a lullaby?”

“Well, I don’t know? Can you even sing?”

“Did you know I was going to be a singer if I didn’t become a chef?”

“I hope it wasn’t not a rock singer.”

Kaya smiled and Jo Minjoon remained awake the whole time.


No one knows who or what caused the Rose Island fire. It could have been an accident, or it could have been some drug addict playing with fire when they were high.

There weren’t any significant changes to Jo Minjoon’s plan. But he looked under the weather the rest of the time in Korea because he couldn’t do anything even if he returned. Isaac even called him to extend his vacation. But that was the problem. He wanted to have a conversation with Rachel, but he couldn’t reach her.

‘…What is she doing?’

When he talked to the rest of the team, they all said that they haven’t really seen Rachel.

His vacation didn’t really feel like a time off. He worried about the situation constantly. Although Isaac assured him that Rachel was fine, he was still worried because he had not been in direct contact with her. And his face showed signs of worry.

[Are you still worried?]

Coincidently, on his departure date, Hong Mangil called him. Jo Minjoon answered with a smile.

“How can I not worry. They are like family.”

[I would feel the same way if Sumokjon caught on fire. Money isn’t the problem; I would be heartbroken because I spent my life there. I understand what your teacher is feeling.]

“I agree. I want to go back and comfort her.”

[What a good disciple you are. Going off-topic, I thought of a new composition. The basics are simple. Along with respect and sincerity, I want to cook bulgogi on an apple wood, I was planning on making the marinade out of apple puree and soy sauce with a ratio of 1 to 1…]

Hong Mangil spoke in an excited voice describing his recipe as if he had forgotten about what he said earlier. After their meeting, whenever Hong Mangil was stuck or thought of something, he routinely called Jo Minjoon to talk about the recipe or composition. And this was a good thing for Jo Minjoon.

No, this was better than a good thing, it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Some would spend tens of thousands of dollars to receive even one of Hong Mangil’s recipes. Although Jo Minjoon had the system, understanding any dishes below 9 points was his limit.

And he was getting tired at this point. Jo Minjoon said in a tired voice.

“Master, can I just rest today. I have to catch a plane soon.”

[You can rest on the plane.]

“If I am riding business class maybe. But riding in economy class is laborious.”

[Next time you come to Korea call me. I could easily upgrade you to business.]

“Then I will remember to call you.”

[People forget what they say. I am sure you will as well]

Jo Minjoon laughed at Hong Mangil’s response. Normally, he would have a hard time interacting with Hong Mangil since the latter was older and had more experience. But it seems more natural since they were chefs, or maybe because Hong Mangil respected him that much.

“I will pay you a visit when I come back to Korea.”

[That would be good. But it might be awkward since I plan to bother you whenever I get the chance.]

“…If possible, give me a 2-week notice.”

[I will try. But have a safe flight.]

“Yes. Thank you.”

When the phone call ended. Kaya looked at Jo Minjoon with an embarrassed look. Kaya shrugged her shoulder and said.

“It seems like he became your fan.”

“… It feels both happy and burdensome”

“Why do you need to be burdened? You are more amazing than that person.”

“How so?”

“Because your dishes are better.”

Jo Minjoon smiled. His cooking level was 8 while Hong Mangil’s cooking level was 9. But he couldn’t deny Kaya’s words. ‘I am less amazing chef than he is since I am one level lower than him.’ Is what he wanted to say, but it has been proven that the system was imperfect.

He looked outside the window. He started at the large plane that was parked outside the window.

‘Back to … the US.’


“Minjoon just left Korea.”

Isaac said in a low voice. Rachel didn’t say anything back. She just sat at the chair looking at a photo frame. It wasn’t just a quick glance. She has been looking at it for a few minutes, maybe even a few hours. Rachel was just staring at the photo in the frame. It was a photo of Rose Island. It wasn’t a normal photo, it was a photo of Rose Island from a dozen years ago. Compared to now the photo contained a younger Rachel along with a handsome man as well as some disciples posing for a photo.

Isaac just stared at Rachel without a sound. Then he raised his voice again.

“Those were simpler times. The head chef always complained to me that he wanted to divorce.”

“…If that stinking old man was still alive, he would have divorced at least twice.”

“Even though you say that, I know that you loved each other deeply.”

“Isaac. Stop trying to comfort me by saying that this will only be a memory in the future. We are not living in the future but in the present.”

“Yes, you are right. Then I will tell you about the present. The restaurant in Venice is burned. Whether we repair it or rebuild it, we cannot use it for a few months.”

“…I know.”

“You might have to postpone the plan. I don’t think you can proceed with the plan when the restaurant is in that state.”

“The plan wasn’t ready anyway. So, don’t worry about it. However… time, time will be wasted. I wanted to let go of the reins for a few months.”

Rachel sighed as she spoke. Watching Rachel, Isaac handed her a document. When Rachel turned around Isaac spoke again.

“In the meantime, these are the plans that I came up with. I am sure something will suit your taste.”

“I know. I will read it soon. Can you leave, I want to be alone for a while.”

Isaac left without a word. After staring at Daniel inside the photo for a long time, Rachel finally spoke.

“I really want to step on you, but I can’t.”


“Don’t look at me with those eyes. I don’t want to hear from you. I …”

Rachel sighed and finally let go of the frame and started reading the document that Isaac gave her. It didn’t take a long time for her to find her vigor again. She murmured.

“One day I will step on your photo. Since I am… your wife.”

If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

<The Start of a Change (1)> End.

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