God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1130: this is my war

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A few days after returning to Light Year, Chu Jungui received a message from Hathaway: everything is fine. It took a total of 5 days from sending this message to receiving it. Under normal circumstances, for such a short message, ordinary people can afford wormhole communication, and it only takes one day at most to arrive. It took so long for a message without any encrypted content to be delivered, obviously it has been heavily vetted.

At the same time as Hathaway's news, there was also the pirate flag battle report, one for the Federation and one for the Dynasty. These two battle reports at least show that Chu Jungui and Guangnian are still very valuable, although there are many people who don't like it.

Chu Jungui integrated the two battle reports and watched silently by himself.

At the beginning of the video, the fleets of both sides opened up their battle formations and began to approach. Pirate Flag was facing an opponent twice as big as himself, but he went straight up without fear.

In this battle, the pirate flag needs to contain the enemy in front of him and buy time for the main fleet to retreat. Chu Jungui naturally knew the ending now, and the pirate flag at that time, and even most of the soldiers in the third war zone could actually know the ending.

Chu Jungui was in a daze for a moment, then continued to watch.

The fleets of the two sides are gradually approaching, and when they are about to enter the range, the pirate flag suddenly changes its formation, with the flagship as the leader, assaulting at full speed!

The Dynasty fleet obviously did not expect the pirate flag to attack so viciously. After the first wave of firepower, the pirate flag was already like a sharp blade, piercing into the center of the Dynasty fleet! Next, the formations of the two sides broke up and completely entered a chaotic battle.

The battle of the pirate flag was extremely fierce, and every starship rushed to die together. In contrast, the dynasty starship seemed to be full of worries and had to maneuver frequently to avoid it. The intensity of the battle far exceeded Chu Jungui's expectation. Under normal circumstances, a semi-private legion like the pirate flag will have less will to fight than a regular legion, and its ability to withstand casualties is even worse. But this battle was completely different. The Jolly Roger, who was at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, went crazy, chasing the dynasty starships all over the field.

On the battlefield, the flagship of the Jolly Roger was particularly eye-catching. The blue-gold silhouette interspersed back and forth in the battlefield, and everywhere it passed was gorgeous fireworks. The fireworks have the explosion of the enemy ship, but more of the particle cannon and missiles hitting it. In this way, it withstands the endless rain of bullets, beheading the enemies one by one, just like the last knight.

The battle video was very long, a full four hours, and Chu Jungui just sat there motionless for four hours. Under the leadership of the flagship, the pirate flag was extremely heroic and caused great losses to the enemy. They fought until the casualties exceeded 60% before retreating. At this time, all the high-speed starships in the dynasty fleet were destroyed and injured, and more than half of them were handwritten by the flagship. It's just that the difference in military strength between the two sides is too great, and the dynasty dispatched an extremely elite army of hundreds of battles, and the pirate flag is still gradually losing ground.

The surviving pirate flags began to retreat, and under the premise that the dynasty fleet had an absolute advantage in force, the loss was 1.5 times that of the pirate flag. But even so, the military advantage of the dynasty with only half a fleet left has expanded a bit. In the end, the pirate flag flagship took a batch of seriously injured starships to die, and the flagship that was already riddled with holes did not begin to evacuate until the remaining starships left the battlefield. At this time, there is no longer a starship of its own beside it.

For unknown reasons, the Dynasty fleet did not pursue.

The video ended here, and Chu Jungui's hands were already full of sweat. The Jolly Roger ended up with more than 80% casualties, and it got to the point of canceling the designation. Hathaway was able to come back alive, 30% is technology, 70% depends on starship performance, and 90% is luck.

At this time, Chu Jungui finally understood what she said when she returned to the war zone: This is my war.

Chu Jungui turned off the video, feeling complicated. Judging from the final results, although the pirate flag is heroic, after all, the number of troops is too small, and it has little effect on the outcome of the battle in the third theater. With the early retreat of the main fleet, the fleet in the entire theater was almost wiped out, which still allowed Xu Bingyan to gain a clear strategic advantage.

If it was a few years ago, if it was facing other fleets of the dynasty, then this pirate flag could win a brilliant victory even if it was one against two. It's a pity that the time is now, and their opponent is also Xu Bingyan. Chu Jungui also had to admit that under Xu Bingyan's command, with the accumulation of a series of victories, many fleets of the dynasty have transformed into a division of hundreds of battles, with amazing combat power. The Jolly Roger's enemy casualties are also over 70%,

But there was no sign of retreating, and they fought all the way to the final victory.

War is so cruel.

While sighing, Chu Jungui received two messages. One was sent by the Dynasty Armament Department, urging the progress of the two Wolf-class ships. The other letter came from the military's logistics department, which specially approved the supply of a batch of rare alloys. The transport ship will arrive within a few days, so that Chu Jungui can be ready to receive it.

The progress of the two Canglang-class ships should have been about the same, but under the constant urging of the military and the reduction of many requirements, Chu Jungui concentrated his efforts to assault the progress of one ship. In fact, after Brother Dao's evolution was completed, Chu Jungui had enough engineering ships to speed up the progress of two ships at the same time, but Chu Jungui didn't want the military to know so much, so he prevaricated.

With the beginning of the all-out war, the dynasty also began to mobilize on a large scale. In a short period of time, two call-up orders were issued in a row, recruiting 2 million people from the reserve army to active duty. All kinds of sealed starships were also unsealed one after another, and many civilian shipyards were requisitioned and turned to military orders.

On the Light Year side, the main change in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is that the military has significantly lowered a series of indicators such as durability and the life of the entire ship, while the requirements for construction period have been raised to the limit.

Against this background, two months later, 85% of the construction progress of the first Canglang-class capital ship was completed. Party's intended receiving place. A large number of shipboard equipment will be installed during the trip, and corresponding tests will also be carried out simultaneously. Compared with the original design, the biggest change of the Canglang class is on the rescue cabin. Chu Jungui ordered an advanced large-scale rescue capsule from Wang Chao, each of which can accommodate 20 people, has its own power source, and is equipped with a complete survival system. Even if it is a planet without life at all, this rescue capsule can guarantee survival for more than one year.

The Canglang class is positioned as cheap assault cannon fodder. Although it is a capital ship, it is a high probability event that it will not survive the end of its life cycle. Mr. Chu upgraded the rescue cabin system for it, in order to ensure the survival of the crew to the greatest extent. This life-saving system is already better than that used by the dynasty's active starships. As for the extra cost, it is not much, and it will be borne by Chu Jungui himself. The military was naturally very satisfied with this, and completed the procedures as quickly as possible, ready to receive it.

When the first Canglang-class ship left the dock, Mr. Chu held a small ceremony. After all, this was a symbolic event for Guangnian, which meant officially joining the ranks of arms giants.

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