God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1129: idiot

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In the small room, Chu Jungui suddenly raised his head and glanced outside the door. The guard was eating his fourth meal, and when he saw Chu Jungui making a move, he grinned, deliberately making the movement of eating louder.

Chu Jungui's communication channel was still quiet, and the lawyers had no news, which made Chu Jungui understand his current situation. Ever since his lawyers made the Federation suffer enough, Chu Jungui knew very well that his opponents would definitely have countermeasures. But it's almost time now.

Chu Jungui knew very well that his opponents had nothing to do with him now, so when the 48-hour legal time limit came, he would be free. The problem was that Chu Jungui didn't intend to wait until 48 hours. Since the opponent asked him a question, he didn't intend to answer it in a formal way.

In the news video, an uncharacteristic message flashed across, but in the eyes of Chu Jungui, he automatically deciphered the hidden information inside: "The fleet is in place, the target is approaching the ambush circle, and an attack is expected to be launched in 15 minutes. .”

Chu Jungui remained calm and continued to watch the news. The universe is so big, and there are so many people, the news can never be finished.

An hour later, hurried footsteps finally sounded outside, and a figure quickly walked into the office and stood opposite Chu Jungui. Chu Jun didn't look up, he was still watching the news. The man waved his hand, trying to knock out the personal terminal in Chu Jungui's hand.

"If I were you, I would carefully consider the consequences of using violence." Chu Jungui still did not look up.

The man's hand stopped in the air, and suddenly he sneered, pulled a chair and sat opposite Chu Jungui, and said, "You know, you could leave once the 48 hours are up, but now, I'm afraid you have to stay." , Maybe you will live in a cell for a long, long time.”

Chu Jungui finally raised his head and said, "Are you just talking nonsense?"

The man looked very young, but under the cover of dark circles, faint wrinkles could still be seen. Chu Jungui's attitude obviously angered him, he slapped the table hard, and said word by word: "I'm not talking nonsense! I'm here to tell you, you're done!"

Chu Jungui looked at him without speaking, so calm that he wanted to look like an idiot.

Seeing Chu Jungui see that man's anger rising, the man suddenly sneered and said, "Alright, I'll let you give up! Just now, a star thief attacked the jumping point here."

"What does Star Thief have to do with me?"

The man sneered: "Do you still need to ask? Who else is not sent by you? Do you think that the people in the Federation are as stupid as those of the Louis family? It is very easy to prove that the Star Bandits were sent by you."

Chu Jungui sighed, looked at the man, and said, "Danny Green, 41 years old, is a lieutenant colonel in the Intelligence Bureau. He has served for 16 years. He has been rejected twice for promotion because he did not follow procedures and other reasons. .”

Danny's eyes flashed sharply, and he said, "You have investigated me very clearly. It seems that there are people from you in the Intelligence Bureau. But it doesn't matter, I will catch all the mice!"

Chu Jungui said: "This is your internal matter. To be honest, I have always felt that your intelligence bureau is too chaotic, and many people like to bypass procedures and take some actions. This is not a good habit, and many things are like this Screwed up. Like this one right now."

"You don't need to tell us what to do!"

"Since it involves me, it is necessary to teach it. By the way, what did the Star Bandit you just mentioned do?"

Danny sneered: "What else do you think they can do? It's just a bunch of rats!" He said so, but he was still worried. He opened his personal terminal and took a look, his face suddenly changed.

According to the latest news, the planetary defense fleet went to the jump point to expel the star pirates, and the entire army was wiped out.

Although the Planetary Defense Fleet here is not very strong, it is also a mobile fleet composed of three light cruisers and three destroyers. It was completely wiped out in less than an hour?

The corner of Danny's mouth twitched, and he said, "The Star Bandits also have heavy cruisers? Or two?"

"Obviously, this is an aggressive star bandit."

"No matter who it is, it can't save you now..." Danny stretched his hands to his waist and took out a pair of handcuffs.

The last smile on Chu Jungui's face also disappeared.

He said quietly: "If you intend to go beyond the procedure and use force, then I can legally kill you. Anyone who did this before you is gone now."

Danny's hands froze in the air.

Chu Jungui stood up, patted Danny on the shoulder, and said, "You are just a part-time worker. The games of those of us who have come down from the battlefield are not suitable for you."

After finishing speaking, Chu Jungui walked out of the windowless office. The guard stood up and wanted to say something, but after glancing at Danny, he didn't say anything, and silently moved out of the way.

Chu Jungui walked out of Xinggang, hailed a taxi, and flew towards an address that had just been sent to his personal terminal. A moment later, a large flying car flew out of the star port and flew directly into outer space. Just as the flying car disappeared into the deep space, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the star port, and all personnel were evacuated urgently. Several spacecraft that were just about to take off also canceled their plans, desperately evacuating passengers who had already boarded.

On a speeding car outside Xinggang, the slightly chubby old man and Danny sat facing each other, both of them had extremely ugly expressions on their faces. The old man was the chief executive of the planet, staring at a clock next to him, which showed a countdown of one hour and fifty-nine minutes. There is also an image next to the clock, a huge space missile is flying, and it is expected to hit the starport when the countdown ends.

The old man finally couldn't help it, and started to growl: "Now that the garrison fleet is gone, what do you want me to use to block this missile?"

"It's not that there is a planetary defense system..." Danny's voice was a little lacking in confidence. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Instead of being angry, the old man smiled and said, "Planetary Defense System?! You really dare to say, dare to turn it on? How about you turn it on?"

Of course Danny didn't dare to go. Both of them knew the identity of the star thief who came here. The guarding fleet was directly killed, and as long as the planetary defense system dared to activate, it would be destroyed immediately. The space missile launched by the other party arrived two hours later, which gave the personnel time to disperse.

After two hours of extreme torment, it finally came to an end. A meteor flew closer and closer in space, and finally there was an earth-shattering explosion, and half of the star port evaporated directly.

Looking at the ruins after the missile attack, the old man said for a long time, "Lieutenant Colonel Danny, I think your career is over." Only the Mobile Squadron is escorting. Entering the federation this time, there were many twists and turns, and Chu Jungui didn't think they were fed up with the back and forth actions of the intelligence agency, but the specific purpose had to be investigated slowly. But the good news is that Hathaway successfully escaped from the front line, but the pirate flag suffered heavy losses this time, and almost the entire army was wiped out. Mr. Chu sent a request to the intelligence channel of the Federation, which depends on the combat record of the pirate flag. The same request was also sent to the dynasty military.

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