Global Catastrophe: I, Mecha God, Can't Hide From The World

Chapter 24 Red Howler Evolution

Originally, Chen Ping planned to use heavy firepower on the TD-1 mecha, because it was too powerful and might cause damage to the factory.

Chen Ping has regarded the factory as his own.

"Bang bang..."

Two particle cannons flew out.

The two red roar beasts that flew over were hit instantly. The particle cannon's rays hit the halo on the red roar beast's body, blasting through it, and then hit the red roar beast's body.

With two muffled sounds, the Red Howler exploded into a rain of blood in mid-air.

However, the electro-optical bombs emitted by the two remaining red roar beasts hit the TD-1 mecha almost simultaneously.


The two mechas began to twitch, and black smoke came out from their bodies.

"60% power loss..."

"The six-sense balance system failed..."

"Weapon system failure..."

Chen Ping saw two mechas falling to the ground, and then the signal contact was interrupted.

The remaining two red roar beasts looked at each other and slowly approached the mecha that fell on the ground.

"Self-destruct program starts! 10...9..."

Suddenly the two mechas sounded a warning tone.

The Red Howler seemed to be aware of the danger, and its body suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, forming a ball of light that enveloped itself.

"Boom boom..."

There were two indistinguishable loud noises, the mecha exploded, and a mushroom cloud rose.

Chen Ping's heart trembled, and he quickly lowered his head and lay on the ground, and a huge wave of air hit him.

When I looked up again, I saw that the entire exterior wall of the factory had collapsed, revealing a huge semicircular gap in the ceiling. It was unknown whether the equipment inside was damaged.

The two red roaring beasts seemed to have had a layer of skin chopped off. They were lying on the ground bloody and struggling feebly. They were so miserable that they seemed to be dead.

"Beast, you damaged two of my mechas! Damn it!!"

Only then did Chen Ping emerge from his hiding place and walk into the factory.

Looking at the two red roaring beasts lying on the ground lifeless, Chen Ping kicked him angrily, "Get up, keep on being awesome! What's wrong, no longer awesome? Trash..."


As if in response to Chen Ping's words, a terrifying howl erupted from the factory. Chen Ping saw a large monster suddenly break through the ceiling of the factory, two huge wings waving, and a gust of wind rose up, blowing Chen Ping away. Some are unsteady on their feet.

The large beast stood at the top of the factory with four claws, staring at Chen Ping with its two eyes.

"Nima...what the hell!!"


The giant beast stretched its neck and roared at Chen Ping, and Chen Ping could smell a fishy smell from far away.

Red Shoutmon Evolutionary Body [Basic Level 3].

Danger! !

Chen's scalp felt numb when he saw the monster's appearance clearly.

It’s a big deal this time! !

This Red Howler is no ordinary thing at first glance. The fur of the unevolved Red Howler is white, and the one in front of you is covered in red, and its size is at least three times larger than the one that has not evolved.

The tail of this red roaring beast actually drags three thick meat tubes. If it waits for a while, might it evolve into a nine-tailed fox?

The reason why the four red roaring beasts refused to leave just now was probably because of this guy.

But why did this thing evolve?

There is a secret in the factory!

The red roaring beast didn't give Chen Ping time to think. He raised his neck, his Adam's apple rolled, and spit out several green balls and hit Chen Ping.

Chen Ping retreated quickly, staggered, and rolled backwards.


A green object fell right in front of Chen Ping's head.


Chen Ping took a closer look and saw that it was a ball of green mucus, exuding a green shimmer. As soon as it touched the ground, a burst of white smoke emitted, and a large hole was etched into the ground.

"Your uncle!! It contains corrosion and radiation!!"

Chen Ping understood instantly that this guy might have eaten a lot of radiation sources.

There may be similar sources of radiation in the factory, which is both good news and bad news.

The good news is that when it comes to radiation sources, the level of the factory in front of you is probably not low. The bad news is that Chen Ping may die from the mouth of this damn red howler evolution.

"What are you doing standing still? Give it to me!!"

Chen Ping cursed.

Without waiting for Chen Ping's instructions, the remaining six TD-1 mechas had already begun to attack. The God-Slaying machine guns were spitting out tongues of fire. However, those steel nails had no effect at all when they hit the evolved body.

The evolved body of Red Roarmon stood high up, holding its neck high and remained motionless, allowing the steel nails to hit itself, and waves of sparks flashed through it without any damage.

Chen Ping felt deep contempt.

"Aim for its eyes!!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Ping gave the order and stepped back.

It's not that Chen Ping has backed down, but that Chen Ping understands that the red roar beast evolution is only interested in his edible meat and is not interested in his mecha.

Chen Ping must withdraw and think of a solution.

If he fights on the same spot, the damaged factory will be reimbursed directly, so even if he wins, Chen Ping will not get much benefit.

Sure enough, Chen Ping's strategy worked. When the steel nail shot into the eyes of the evolved body, it forced it to close its eyes.

No matter how evolved, eyes are fragile.

Seeing the situation, Chen Ping turned around and ran frantically outside the factory.


When the evolved form of Red Howler opened its eyes again, he found that the ants in front of him had run away and let out an angry roar.

This damn ant actually dares to play tricks on himself!

The evolved form of the Red Roaring Beast flapped its wings, soared into the air, and rushed towards Chen Ping.


Another ball of green slime hit in front of Chen Ping. Chen Ping dodged the slime and used the obstacles of various broken buildings to lure the red roar beast's evolved body further and further away.

Six TD-1 mechas followed behind the red roar beast evolution body and output wildly, creating an opportunity for Chen Ping to escape.


"Damn thing!!"

Chen Ping rolled and hid in the ruins of the building.

The Red Howler flew to a nearby building. Because Chen Ping's body was too small for the Red Howler, it lost its target for a moment.

"Da da da!!"

Several mechas quickly gathered around. Although the God-Slaying Machine Gun could not cause damage to the evolved body of the Red Roar Beast, the steel nails made it very annoyed.

Moreover, the mecha's agility in the air is even better than that of the Red Howler, and the corrosive slime sprayed by the Red Howler cannot hit it at all.


The evolved form of the Red Howler was annoyed. He flapped his huge wings and a strong wind blew, blowing the mecha in the sky to stagger. Then the three tail pipes behind the Red Howler's butt were lifted up.

Chen Ping saw the squirming tailpipe of the red roar beast on the top of the building through the cracks in the ruins, and he understood in his heart.

Looking up at the map displayed by the system, Chen Ping was already about five kilometers away from the factory.

"It should be far enough!"

Chen Ping thought in his mind.

"System! Prepare space-based weapons!!"

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