Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 99 Healing

As John's body began to sag, surrendering to the effects of the rune-induced slumber, Aron swiftly intercepted his fall, gently laying John down on the sofa, ensuring he was in a comfortable position, providing support for his weary frame.

[You seem to be thoroughly enjoying your play as a magician] Nova remarked once she was certain that John had fallen into a deep sleep.

"No, I was merely assessing the extent of his depression," Aron replied, carefully lifting John's leg from the ground and positioning it on the sofa to ensure his comfort.

"You seem to have missed the mark. He ran out of pills today, not within your projected timeline," Aron said, playfully teasing Nova.

[I said within three months, and today falls within that time period, so technically, I am correct,] Nova retorted.

[However, it seems my approximation was off. He must have been using the medication at a higher dosage than previously calculated. Perhaps his body became accustomed to the normal dose, prompting him to consume more and deplete the supply sooner than expected.]

"Regardless, let's get started. It will take me a considerable amount of time to fully heal him using only the basic healing runes," Aron said, preparing himself for the extensive healing process.

With everything in order, Aron extended his hand and confidently uttered, "Heal," activating the healing rune he had diligently practised during his preparations for the brain data collection journey.

It was to serve as a contingency plan in case he unintentionally caused harm to someone during the collection process.

When the rune was activated, a gentle, pulsating golden glow emanated from it, enveloping John's body and starting to heal John's body.

However, a noticeable issue arose—the healing process was incredibly sluggish, to the point where it would be easy to assume that nothing was happening at all.

This was a consequence of utilising a low-level healing rune, which lacked the potency required for swift regeneration for the heavy injuries that John had sustained.

Upon witnessing this, Aron swiftly initiated the reactivation of the identical rune, as there was nothing preventing him from doing so. However, in doing so, he would consume more magical energy to sustain the simultaneous activation of both runes. 

Fortunately, when it came to magical energy, Aron possessed an abundance. Thanks to his runic heart, which was fortified by over two hundred billion runic lines, he possessed what could be deemed as boundless mana.

Similar to someone who stumbled upon an infinite glitch, Aron began relentlessly activating one rune after another, maintaining the continuous activation of them for over an hour and a half.

Astonishingly, he managed to activate more than ten runes per second, leading to an astounding accumulation of over 50,000 active healing runes.

Aron's runic heart tirelessly operated, absorbing mana from the atmosphere to replenish the energy that had been expended mere moments ago.

Again and again, he tapped into a tremendous amount of mana to sustain the activation of over 50,000 healing runes, all in an effort to expedite John's body's healing process.

John's physical form had become completely obscured, concealed beneath a radiant golden silhouette.

The glow emanated from the collective healing light emitted by the expansive array of over fifty thousand runes, tirelessly working together to mend and restore his body.

But for those without the ability to perceive magic, a remarkable sight unfolded before their eyes. 

The amputated hand could be seen to have begun to regenerate visibly, steadily reclaiming its original form. 

The other changes occurred in John's nerve-damaged leg, which had been mere existence due to a lack of funds for amputation.

The damaged nerves within the leg initiated a process of regeneration, intricately reconnecting with the existing nerve network throughout his body. 

Subsequently, the muscles in the leg, which had experienced atrophy from disuse, commenced a remarkable regrowth.

This remarkable process persisted for over an hour until the new hand had been fully regenerated and the leg had completely healed, returning to its normal state. 

"What do you think would happen if I keep the Runes active even after his wounds have been fully healed?" Aron asked Nova, intrigued by the complete regeneration of both the hand and leg, now restored to their prime condition.

After a brief pause for calculation, Nova responded, [Although I cannot offer an absolute certainty, from my calculations, I believe that no detrimental outcomes or any harm would be experienced by him.]

After hearing her answer  Aron said "Then, let's see what will happen," making the choice to persist in keeping the runes active. He was captivated by the possibilities of what they might do now that they had fulfilled their purpose of facilitating healing. 

As a consequence of his decision, the runes embarked on the process by infusing vitality into the bones and fortifying them. This fortification persisted until it reached the threshold of the low-level rune's capabilities.

Following the completion of bone reinforcement, the runes shifted their attention towards revitalising and strengthening the organs. 

Their restorative influence effectively repaired any potential damage that might have accumulated throughout John's lifetime. This rejuvenation process aimed to restore the organs to their peak condition, facilitating optimal functionality.

Subsequently, the runes turned their focus to the muscles, initiating a healing and strengthening process. Meticulously nurturing the muscles, they unlocked their inherent potential, pushing them to unprecedented levels of strength. 

Once all these enhancements were completed, the runes finally directed their attention towards healing the skin, addressing any imperfections and scars that John had endured.

As a result of the comprehensive vitalization and strengthening of every aspect of his body, the 35-year-old man appeared rejuvenated, exhibiting the youthful appearance of an individual in their mid-20s.

Typically, such an outcome was not expected or intended. However, the excessive concentration of runes infused into an ordinary individual led to an unexpected mutation in their function.

"That's enough time for something to have happened to him" Aron said and promptly ended supplying mana to the runes, officially concluding the process two hours before dawn.

"Holy mother!" He exclaimed in astonishment as he laid eyes on John's transformed face, now appearing younger and resembling someone in their mid-20s.

After observing John's now young face with a mixture of surprise and awe, he said, "Now, let's see what other changes happened to you" brimming with excitement and curiosity to see what other changes occurred to the man

Following that, Aron swiftly rose from his seat and retrieved the virtual headset. He then proceeded to place it on John's head before saying, 'Nova, your time to shine."

Nova immediately powered the VR headset and downloaded the brain data of John.

[Done,] Nova informed Aron, indicating that she had finished collecting the brain data.

Aron promptly removed the VR helmet from John and proceeded to cast the cleaning rune on it. After taking a seat, he swiftly put it back on and promptly logged in.

He was not worried about John waking up as he was sure that he would continue sleeping for a few more hours for his brain to get used to the new body. You can think of it as the software upgrading itself to accommodate the upgraded hardware.

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