Get Pitted by the Space and Go Through It Quickly

Chapter 41

Chapter 40 60s 40

Thinking of this, after Xia Zhi smiled to Da Zhuang, he stopped talking about it, but changed the subject and told them five brothers and sisters: “Then you must pay attention to when you come to my side to study, don’t be seen by others. .”

In this way, it can not be discovered by Ma Xiaomei, and it can also be prevented from being seen by other villagers. Otherwise, if other villagers know that these children are studying at her home, they have to clamor to join them. After all, the summer solstice is free to teach Da Zhuang A few people, as long as it is free, will definitely be rushing. She doesn’t want to teach the entire brigade’s children to read after she gets off work at night.

The brothers and sisters of Da Zhuang nodded and said, “Don’t worry, Doctor Xia, we avoid other people every time and we will never be seen.”

They are precocious, as long as they know what to do and agree to the requirements of the Xia Zhi, they should not be guilty of breaking their promises. So after Xia Zhi mentioned it, they let go of their minds and stopped talking about other things, but focused on teaching them literacy.

In the following days, everyday life was smooth and stable, time passed all of a sudden, and it was time for the autumn harvest.

Regardless of the autumn harvest or the summer harvest, it is a big event, which is different from the usual work. Therefore, the summer solstice also put aside the work at hand and participated in the autumn harvest.

Originally, autumn was the harvest season, everyone should be happy, but watching the crops in the field slump, the captain has been sighing in the field, the food in the brigade is about to be eaten up, this year God hasn’t looked back. Rain, this year’s output in the field is afraid that there will not be much left after paying the public rations, so how can we feed the entire production team?

Not only the team leader is worried, but the entire production team is worried. Although the cafeteria hasn’t been opened for long, but everyone eats every day, it can still be seen that the stock of the production team is beginning to be stretched, because the meals are eaten casually from the beginning. Pour it casually, and gradually turn into a gruel at the back.

The size of sweet potato potatoes and taro is gradually getting smaller. In the past, small sweet potatoes, because there is not much meat and all fiber, they are all for pigs, but now those small sweet potatoes are also on people’s tables, and the taro has also changed from before. The big, fragrant glutinous glutinous glutinous rice turned into a little one who had a hard taste after biting down.

The food gap is growing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. Although the members did not work very hard because they ate big pots of rice, they were formerly experienced farmers. As soon as they saw the harvest in the field, they knew that this winter’s The days are going to be tough.

Xia Zhi was also worried. She had not experienced the difficult period of three years of famine, but this period of history was so famous that she still knew a little.

She once heard from her grandfather that his brother starved to death in those three years, because his brother is the eldest of the family, and his sense of responsibility prompted him to shoulder the burden of the family and wanted to leave the food to his family, but she did not expect But he starved to death. Grandpa Xia lamented that people at that time were very weak due to lack of food and clothing. Even though they looked very young, once they fell down, they basically had no chance to stand up again.

Xia Zhi’s grandma also told Xia Zhi. Her family was very poor at that time. Grandma Xia’s mother starved to death at that time. At that time, Grandma Xia’s family was too poor to buy a coffin, and there was no place to stop. Saved to buy the coffin, Grandma Xia could only endure the feeling of fear and slept on the same bed with her mother’s corpse. It was winter, and the corpse didn’t smell so fast. She slept with the corpse for several days, Xia Grandma secretly bought grain to sell, and in exchange for the money, she bought a thin coffin to bury her mother.

From the experience of Grandpa Xia and Grandma Xia, it can be seen that these three years have been really miserable. At that time, the population of the whole country was growing negatively. Later it is said that some people have done statistics. More than 30 million people died because of the famine. Regarding the death toll, the official has never made a clear statement because the situation at the time was too chaotic. In addition to the famine, there was also a policy issue, which led to the secretiveness of that period of history in later generations.

Coming to this period of history, Xia Zhi alone wanted to change the whole country on her own. She couldn’t do it because her cultivation base was too low. So far, she has not even drawn all the spirit gathering talisman needed for the spiritual gathering formation. , Not to mention casting spells to water all the fields. She once tried to release the cloud rain technique to water the brigade’s fields, but after a cloud rain technique, even an acre of soil was not soaked.

After a few more attempts, Xia Zhi also had some understanding of the magical damage of the foundation-building monks. Although she was out of the category of ordinary people after building the foundation, compared with nature, she, the foundation-building monk, is just a drop in the ocean. Similar to ants.

The reason why mortals feel that the foundation-building period monks’ spells are powerful is that when the foundation-building spells hit a person, they concentrate all their power to strike a single point, so it appears to be very harmful, and mortals will suffer pain, bleed and shrink back. When the blood loss reaches a certain level, it will faint. After a few minutes of covering the mouth and nose, the mortal will not breathe. After a few minutes, the foundation building monk uses the spell to reduce the dimensionality of the mortal.

But when the foundation-building cultivator wanted to fight against the power of nature, that point of cultivation was not enough, so Xia Solstice would appear very weak.

The summer solstice and the villagers were just worried about going hungry next, but the captain thought more, don’t forget, now it’s the “Great Leap Forward.” When the production team even came out with a high-yield slogan “a carrot” It is too heavy for two donkeys to pull.”

Others’ teams are so powerful, and their own can’t be compared, so every time they come to a meeting, everyone must actively report on the results of the production team. If you say it, I will say it. Basically, all production teams are produced per mu. For more than 10,000 jin, another production team broke out that their rice yield reached 130,000 jin per mu, so it went to the newspaper to receive praise from the people all over the country.

The team leader is worried now. He can already expect the situation during the meeting. For the sake of face and praise from the leader, basically every production team will have a swollen face and fill up with fat, and increase the number of yields per mu last year. He is conscientious. If you are uneasy, if you report it in the actual number, you will definitely be criticized, because not only has it not made any progress, it has regressed so much, so you won’t criticize him for criticizing anyone. But if he is like everyone else and reports tens of thousands of catties per mu, then it is not enough to make up all the grain he produced this year as public grain. If he really reports the number indiscriminately, all members of the brigade will continue from this winter to next year. What do you want to eat during the summer harvest?

Captain is really a headache.

Although Xia Zhi knew that she was too weak alone, she still did not give up. It was impossible for her to watch tens of millions of people starving to death with the prophet, because she would have a conscience.

But she can’t change the thinking of the upper-level leaders of the country. Since the wind of exaggeration has prevailed, this is not a problem for one person, but for the management of the entire country. Her ecstasy cannot confuse the people of the entire country. It’s better to think of a solution by yourself to see if you can solve the drought problem.

She tossed and read the contents of Yujian several times, and suddenly found that there was a small black dot on the lotus flower behind Yujian. Originally, she thought it should be on the screen, but after watching it for a long time, she felt The little black spot was really too abrupt, it felt like a black sesame seed fell on a piece of white paper, and people’s eyes could not help but stay on it, so she curiously touched the little black spot with her spiritual consciousness. .

The lotus flower on the back of the jade slip disappeared suddenly, replaced by some text content.

Summer Solstice: “!!!”

She was really shocked, what devil’s operation is this? She felt as if she had lost one hundred million before.

After the summer solstice was shocked, I started to check the newly appeared content, and it was still Gu Chaoying’s unique and cheap words——

Dear Xia Zhi, when you see these contents, I know that my charm is unstoppable. I didn’t expect that time has passed so long, you will still see things and think about people in the jade slips I gave you.

Alas, I blame my nowhere to put the charm, so charming, that you miss me deeply, although this is my sin, but I will not review it.

But because I am a good person, I will definitely not be too harsh on my fan girl. On the contrary, since I know that you love me so much, I definitely can’t say anything. I think you are bored and start to study the jade slips repeatedly. For things, I must have encountered difficulties, so considerately, I specially prepared an article of exercises for you below, which should solve your current predicament.

In addition to solving your dilemma, this exercise can also allow you to practice in a world without spiritual energy until the void is broken. I hope you will put your mind on cultivation in the future and stop being obsessed with me.

Oh, yes, I would like to remind you at the end that this technique is very domineering. It can forcibly increase your realm in a short period of time and exert more powerful spells. I hope that after you practice, you can hold onto your mind, don’t forget your original intention, and remember. The original intention of your own cultivation is not to be controlled by power, but to control power as you like.

Looking forward to seeing a reborn you who will no longer be fascinated by me.

——Gu Chaoyingliu, who is distressed because he is too charming and too attractive.

After reading this message, Xia Zhi didn’t know whether to complain about Gu Chaoying, who was too narcissistic, or too narcissistic. She really didn’t have a crush on this cheating stuff, okay?

However, the new technique she left behind relieved her urgent need. Xia Zhi shook her head quickly, threw Gu Chaoying’s unreliable messages out of her mind, and then carefully checked the new content that appeared in the jade slip.

This turned out to be a method of practicing merit and belief!

In the merit chapter of the exercises, Gu Chaoying said that if you want to cultivate, you can practice, but you don’t want to do it, because not every world has a merit system. She doesn’t know whether there is merit in the world of Xia Zhi. The exercises are just a matter of time. Add the head to her and let her practice it casually.

As for the faith chapter in the exercises, Gu Chaoying taught how to absorb the power of faith in the world of no spirits in Xia Zhi, no matter any world, as long as there is faith in intelligent creatures, then there will be power of faith in the world.

In many worlds, because there are no gods, or the gods have fallen, no one accepts the power of faith of the believers, so they drift in the air.

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