Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch257- Reunion

Horyu's grip tightened on the hilt, his gaze locked onto the specter. The creature's hollow eyes widened in terror, sensing the power emanating from the sword. It trembled, desperately trying to retreat, but it was trapped.

Horyu slashed the sword through the air, seemingly far away from the specter. For a moment, the creature felt a flicker of relief—until it saw its vision shifting. The specter's last moments were filled with confusion and horror as its severed head spun, catching sight of its body standing motionless. The head hit the ground with a dull thud, and the creature's form dissipated into nothingness, leaving only silence behind.

Hinata and Hanabi stared in disbelief at the swift execution, the reality of Horyu's power sinking in further. Horyu didn't waste any time. He sheathed his sword and turned to the sisters.

Horyu noted that Hinata and Hanabi were okay, their breathing steady despite the earlier tension. His gaze then shifted to the spot where the fake Shino had been seated. He crouched down, his eyes narrowing as he inspected the seals intricately woven into the area. The remnants of chakra trails were still faintly visible, a sign of the creature's mimicry.

"The creature was using a mirror-seal," Horyu explained, his voice calm yet firm. "Shino is elsewhere, but his condition isn't much different from what we saw here. The creature could only project Shino's state, which is why its disguise failed the moment it tried to move."

Hinata and Hanabi exchanged glances, relief washing over them, but there was still worry in their eyes. "We need to help him," Hinata said softly, her voice laced with concern.

Horyu shook his head. "He's too far away. But you don't have to worry." He stood up, meeting their anxious gazes. "When I heal someone, I can sense where my chakra travels. The creature used this connection as a bridge to imitate Shino's injured state. But it also means our chakra reached Shino, even from a distance. He's being healed right now."

Hinata and Hanabi looked at him with amazement, their eyes widening at the realization. "This is incredible," Hanabi muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hinata nodded, her expression thoughtful. "If this can work, it could help us heal people from afar, without risking medical ninja in dangerous zones."

Horyu returned to studying the seal, his fingers tracing the patterns with a mixture of admiration and calculation. "Truly impressive," he murmured, acknowledging the intricacy of the technique.

Studying the seal for a bit longer, Horyu finally straightened up. The rain outside had slowed to a drizzle, but the weight of the moment remained heavy. The seal was a clever trap, but now that he understood it, the danger had passed.

"Let's go," Horyu said, his voice firm and decisive. "Kurenai and Karin are waiting."

At the mention of their names, Hinata and Hanabi's faces lit up. The exhaustion that had weighed them down seemed to lift slightly, especially for Hinata, who looked visibly relieved to know that her sensei was nearby. For Hanabi, the thought of regrouping with more allies brought a sense of security that she desperately needed after the harrowing encounter.

Hinata then felt a wave of shame wash over her. Seeing Horyu, all she could think about was their reunion. She had completely forgotten that Kurenai had been sucked into the Realm of Specters with him. Only now did she remember her sensei's fate.

"So, she made it out too?" Hinata asked with a hesitant smile, hoping for good news.

Horyu nodded, but before he could say anything, Hanabi's voice cut through the moment. "Where is Shisui?" she asked, her tone filled with genuine concern.

Horyu's expression darkened immediately, and a heavy silence fell over the group. His gaze dropped slightly, and his jaw tightened.

"He sacrificed himself for me and Kurenai to live," Horyu stated calmly.

Hinata and Hanabi both fell silent, processing the gravity of what Horyu had just revealed. Shisui Uchiha was one of the strongest shinobi they knew, someone they had all looked up to. The idea that he was gone—gone because he had sacrificed himself—was proof of dangers of Realm of Specters.

Hinata and Hanabi fell silent as the weight of Horyu's words settled in. The gravity of Shisui's sacrifice hung over them like a dark cloud. Without another word, Horyu stepped closer, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. In an instant, the three of them vanished, teleporting to Kurenai's side.

Kurenai and Karin, who had been waiting in a concealed location, jerked at the sudden arrival of the trio. The tension in their bodies quickly dissipated as they recognized who it was. Kurenai's eyes softened as she saw Hinata and Hanabi, safe and sound.

"Hinata, Hanabi," Kurenai breathed, relief flooding her voice. She moved swiftly, enveloping the two girls in a protective hug. The warmth of her embrace contrasted sharply with the cold, wet surroundings they had just left behind.

"We were so worried," Kurenai murmured, her grip tightening around them for a moment before she pulled back slightly to examine them. She wanted to ensure they were truly unharmed, her eyes scanning them with a mix of maternal care and the sharp eye of a seasoned kunoichi.

Karin, who had been standing a few steps away, let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're both safe," she said, her tone genuinely concerned. But as she glanced over the trio, her expression shifted slightly, eyes narrowing with suspicion. "But where's Himawari? The last time I saw you, you were with her."

Hinata bit her lip, casting a quick glance at Horyu before answering. "We got separated," she admitted, her voice laced with guilt. "We... we couldn't find her after the attack."

Karin's eyes widened in concern. "Separated? That's dangerous. Only Uzumaki can evade Specters."

Hinata and Hanabi smiled wryly. They knew the danger all too well, but the specter attack had caught them off guard, forcing them to separate from Himawari. They were certain that Himawari, being an Uzumaki, was safer than they were at the time.

"I've locked onto the locations of the others," Horyu said, his voice steady, "but I can't teleport. All my marks were erased during my time in the Realm of Specters."

Kurenai frowned, her brow furrowing in concern. "Is it the Specter Chakra? The same thing happened when we were there."

Horyu nodded. "Probably. Specter Chakra feeds on regular chakra, which likely caused my seals to dissolve. We need to move fast. If anyone's in immediate danger, I can open spatial doors again. But otherwise, we'll move on foot."

The girls nodded in agreement, understanding the urgency of the situation. Without another word, the group set off, their pace brisk but controlled.

They moved from place to place, Horyu leading them through the rain-soaked terrain. Every now and then, they encountered groups of shinobi who had taken refuge in makeshift bunkers. These were not the key figures they were searching for, but every life saved mattered. Horyu, Hinata, and Kurenai worked quickly to seal the bunkers, ensuring the shinobi inside would remain safe until it was time to emerge.

The specters were relentless, though. Each time they tried to make progress, another specter would appear, drawn to their chakra. Horyu fought cautiously every time. Specters were dangerous, and there was no saying what their abilities would be. For that, Horyu never underestimated them. In his clash with fake Shino, he acted without gauging as he was both angry and certain the specter was weak. Specters relied on illusions or tricks were usually weaker. After learning their abilities, there was no need for unnecessary flair—just brutal, effective strikes that left no room for the specters to retaliate.

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