From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 2 1

Volume 2 Chapter 1: Properly Carry Out Carrier’s Work even During the Relaxed Trip

After leaving the City of Stars, I was walking at a fixed pace on a road going through a meadow for several hours since this morning.

Next to me was Berzelia, who was comfortably taking deep breaths.

「Hmmm. Flying would’ve been faster, but walking like this while tasting fresh air is also nice.」

「Well, once in a while. Marion and Uncle Dort are fine with this speed?」

I completed a number of requests as a carrier, but pace adjustments have to be done each time.

On the opposite side from Berzelia, next to me was Marion, who had a high-tier transportation job, and elderly Dort. So with those considerations in mind, I asked them. Then—

「Yes. It’s a bit fast to be called a simple walk but I’m fine. I’m used to such roads.」

「I’m the same. Through the old age is approaching, I still have endurance. No problem! Your pace-making is perfectly good!」

「I see. That’s great.」

Both of them were sweating a little, but they responded energetically.

It seems what that throwing out the idea of rushing right from the start and maintaining the same pace was a correct decision.

Looking at the map, I think, so far the road was extremely good, in part due to almost no attacks from the monsters.

The City of Water can be reached by crossing over this meadow and a small mountain, but I’m intending to spend the night at the trading post that serves as a relay point.

The trading post is supposed to be located just out of the grasslands, so considering the distance we already walked, we should be halfway there. In that case—

「I think we would be good to take a break around here.」

「Eh? We still can walk, you don’t have to worry about us so much, Axel-san.」

「Yea, well, I know that you still can keep going. But it’s around lunchtime, I think it would be better to take a little break.」

I say while showing a pocket watch that I carried in my transportation bag. Then, Berzelia and others agreed with me—

「Oh, it’s lunchtime already. No wonder I felt hungry.」

「…Right. We pretty much just kept walking all this time. Stamina-wise we are still fine, but it might be nice to replenish nutrients.」

「That is right. Nothing good will come from running around on an empty stomach.」

And so, after receiving approval from the three, I began preparations for lunch in the shade of the trees not so far away from the road.

I turned the transportation bag, that I was carrying, upside down.

And then, a bonfire of burning lumber fell from the inside.

Next, I pulled out a pan from the bag and put it to heat on the fire.

「Hmm, no matter how many times I see it, the usefulness of your transportation bag doesn’t cease to amaze me. Being able to store fire and frost, plus the ability to bring it out so easily is just impressive.」

Sighing, Marion says, looking at me cooking.

「Transportation-type jobs have amazing skills but Axel-san is one step above that…」

「Well, I was just lucky to get a good set of skills. I use them with much appreciation.」

Then, in one go I arrange raw meat, vegetables, and bread on the pan.

The ingredients I’m using this time were given to me by Dort when we were departing, but they are still perfectly fresh. This is also one of the functions of this transportation bag.

「To think we will be able to see such cooking despite having no carriage or storage equipment prepared. Even from the perception of the merchants guild, your bag has absolutely outrageous functions…」

「Indeed. Generally, during the travel, you would have to rely on preserved rations. Being able to have such cool and fresh ingredients is really amazing.」

While receiving such praise, I took out the baked meat from the transportation bag and also arrange it, and when I was about to serve it to the three—

「Hey, hey, Master. Did you notice?」

「Yes, there are signs of monsters lurking around.」

「Yup. Or rather, I can already see them.」

Despite her smiles, Berzelia was sharply monitoring surroundings.

A grass colored bipedal monsters with pig faces were standing there as if trying to hide in the surrounding grassland. Weed trolls. We were surrounded by a number of them—

In addition, each of them appeared to be armed with a bow or a club.

And we weren’t the only one to realize that. Marion and Dort were casually looking at the monsters.

「Hmm, I knew that something was approaching, but to think that there were monsters. Moreover, for them to be weed trolls, who are intelligent enough to hunt in a group. Even mid-tier adventurers would struggle with this bunch.」

「They may have come to attack us because of their smarts. At the moment it’s really easy to underestimate our party.」

Hearing Marion’s words I tilted my head.

「 Hm? Underestimate? What do you mean?」

「Looking objectively, at the moment we have two transportation-types, one elderly merchant and a girl that has no equipment whatsoever. They came lured by smell, found no guards, and I guess decided that it’s good to attack. Those monsters have enough brains for that.」

「I see. So if you want to travel safely, you should take care of your appearance as well.」

As I said that, the weed trolls were approaching us.

「Hmm, battle with this numbers will be tough… It might be a problem for my stamina as well.」

「Right. And they are armed to boot, it looks really troublesome.」

And while grumbling like that, Marion and Dort were preparing their weapons.

Since the client intends to fight, I should act as well.

「Then, I will provide support. Berzelia, please be on guard as well.」

「Yes. I will keep them away while watching over the fire.」

I put the iron pan down and stood up.

The request I received this time was to carry goods to the City of Water. And also bring Marion and Dort to the town slightly ahead of here, as well as fill a support role in combat.

So I should properly assist them in combat, thus, I tried to pull out a sword from the transportation bag when—

「U… Gyui!」

The direction opposite to the one guarded by Berzelia. Weed Troll, who was hiding in the grass, shot an arrow from a bow.

But I was aware of his presence.

I also saw that the arrow was coming right at my torso. That’s why—

「Nice. I’ll have it.」

I opened the transportation bag and just like that caught the approaching arrow with a metal arrowhead.


Seeing that, the weed troll, who released that arrow, opened his eyes wide in surprise.

And while thinking that if you use projectiles, you should consider the possibility of them returning to you—

「I’ll give it right back to you… !」

I swung the transportation bag with all my strength.

A moment, and the arrow that was inside the bag is released with a thunderous roar.

Flying several times faster than before, it returned in the direction it came from.


Popped the head of the weed troll with a bow.

But he was not the only one to suffer.

After penetrating the head of the troll with a bow it threw aside two trolls that stood behind him with an explosion.

Leaving only remains of three trolls and magic stones there.

The speed increased more than I expected, which amplified the damage as well.

「……Pi-Pigii… ! … ?……?」

Seeing that scene, the weed trolls stepped back. Furthermore—

「Well, what should we do next.」

The moment I pulled a sword out of the transportation bag—


They screamed and ran away as fast as their legs would allow them.

「Ooh. I’m glad that it was resolved with just a bit of support from me.」

Strong monsters are annoying because they have some degree of intelligence. It brings a whole lot of various problems if they were to attack weak opponents as a party like they did this time. But—

…Beating a few of them can make them realize their now disadvantageous position and drive them away, so it also has its own merits.

While I was thinking so—

「Ah, Axel-san, your outrageous strength, and dynamic vision are just as usual…」

「U-Umuu, such destructive power from simply catching an arrow and sending it back. A battle power that doesn’t fit the definition of combat support by《Carrier》at all… Originally, we were supposed to be fighting, but we didn’t get our turn at all.」

Holding weapons in their hands Marion and Dort say with slightly surprised expressions.

「If you consider that he previously was a dragon knight and still holds enough power to defeat a dragon then it all sounds natural but… But seeing that once again still amazes me.」

「Yes. I also saw Axel-san fighting a number of times but every time the only impression I get is overwhelming——Ah, I forgot to say. Thank you, Axel-san!」

「Oh, that’s right! It’s really great that everything resolved so fast that we didn’t even have to act.」

Both expressed their gratitude in unison.

「Don’t mind it. This is also a part of the carrier’s work. ——Well then, let’s return to our food.」

And such, we calmly continued on our journey.

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