
Chapter 191


After my talk with Liseti, we both picked up our pace a little in order to be prepared.
Every centimeter of height that could be added and every bit of stabilization the applicant could provide along the line was meaningful, as it would add up to our defense.

Unsurprisingly, it was only a question of time until the enemy was once again right at our doorstep.
The fact that we basically ruined all of their months-long war progress was apparently nothing they would just take.

I mean, in my opinion, they can be glad that we didn't push further.
The city of Neria is quite close and aside from the meager defensive garrison on the other side would've been quite exposed.
Especially, as walls don't do all that much to impede flying units.
Getting through the gates wouldn't have been all that impossible.
Yet actually invading the city proper would have caused issues.
Not knowing how the citizens, who see themselves as part of Koreso, would've reacted to our forces, fights within the narrow alleys would’ve to be expected.
It would've very likely ended in chaos.
Not to speak of that we chose this line for a reason.
It's the best defensive position we could hope for, as they'll have to overcome everything we prepared in order to get on the other side.
An effort I wouldn't recommend undertaking.

Anyways, there they are.
Putting up their camps on the other side of the river.
Though, what worries me are the war machines they're preparing.
Fierce-looking things that will apparently propel heavy bolts in our direction.


<What do you think about this, Liseti?> (E)

<Very interesting constructs, I need to say. The idea to create something like this that offers a significant advantage in a conflict and can just be brought with you. The way they set these constructs up over there, they have quite some suppressing potential. Just think about it. They could probably fell three to four guardians each before they'd even reach the line of fighting. Those smaller versions seem even more ingenious. You were right in this aspect. Learning about such human applications could prove very advantageous for our kind. I've been thinking if our troops could make use of some of those distance weapons. While the application wouldn't work quite as well in the tunnels, during flight this might pose a considerable increase in combat potential for battles on the surface. Which is something that might become increasingly frequent in the future.> (L)


Okay, she really got into talking here.
If just each of her words wouldn't bear such severe implications.


<You know, I meant what are we supposed to be doing about the enemy building them there specifically.> (E)

<Why do you worry? Your plan should still work if they decide to attack.> (L)


My plan, huh?
Well, it was a bit of a group effort.
But it's by no means proved in praxis.


<Those things could still pose to be a huge problem. What if they shoot us down?> (E)

<It's rather pointless to keep shooting those things they apparently use as ammunition at a huge pile of dirt. Dirt doesn't crumble.> (L)

<It could still allow them to destroy the structure. That certainly wouldn't be good.> (E)


At this, Liseti gives me a look that is almost offensive.
You know, the kind that says "I can't believe you just said that, I took you for someone smarter".


<What?!> (E)

<Aren't you aware of the nature of the very structure you personally called into existence?> (L)

<Apparently not. Can we please get this over with?> (E)

<This 'wall' is reinforced with applicant. You should know what this means by now.> (L)

<Yes, okay, it's sturdier. But that doesn't mean it will persist through a barrage of shots of those things. How can we prevent our rather loose wall from crumbling if that happens?> (E)

<Of course it won't. Applicant might harden, but it clearly isn't made to endure such piercing strength. However, obviously, you apparently don't know about the very fundamentals of our structures.> (L)


Can she please get to the point?


<So enlighten me.> (E)

<While it hardens, especially with little contact with fluids of any kind, the applicant won't completely lose the advantages of its liquid origin. In this sense, if a direct force would impact it, it would likely give in. Yet only the directly affected area. Not, as you fear, any other parts. It won't crumble. No, it's going to let the projectile pass through and all there is to it will be a part where now a long stick plucks out. Or in case of blunt force, a mere dent. I don't see how this would benefit an attacker in any meaningful way.> (L)


So this means our wall will stand.
That the applicant can't get shattered is rather new to me, but not unwelcome to hear about.

We continue discussing our defense strategy, always making sure not to provide a target for those machines.
My own guards in particular are rather insistent that I shouldn't unnecessarily expose myself.
It might be their heightened intelligence that makes them interfere with my decisions, which could be part of the reason why I didn't see other princesses use such a kind of enhancement for their royal guard as much. 

In any case, our solution for a possible assault is a rather simple one.
We'll just make thicker walls.
The main problem might be if whatever they throw at us could have enough force to destroy parts of the wall or our cover.
While the applicant should do its job, it's obvious that the structure needs also to be sturdy as a whole.
Fortunately, we have the numbers to make this happen.

Eventually, a human messenger comes running.
Sometimes I'd wish they would finally internalize our messenger system.
It's far more efficient if the one delivering the message can cross the distance flying in a fraction of the time a runner requires.
However, a hunter-based system would probably still be far quicker.
If they could memorize pheromone messages that is.
Nonetheless, we obviously still receive him.
Albeit the instant he fears for his life because of our accumulated escorts causes another unnecessary delay.


"Yes? What is it?" (E)

"L-Lord Stormheart wishes to see you at the platform of the main garrison. He says it's urgent." (messenger)

<If this is the case, we shouldn't idle any longer.> (L)


Well, she said it.
So we move in our usual manner along the wall.
This means that we once again disrupt any semblance of order by passing through the ranks with our far too-large escort.
Heck, that we mostly stick to in-built tunnels and the wall by now provides quite a lot of cover might be the only reasons why we aren't targeted by every single one of those siege weapons.

I use the time to instruct my guards not to fly when we arrive at the lookout platform or this might change very quickly.
There is the Marshall of Tarsona's army again.


"Lord Stormheart, you called us?" (E)

"Yes. I'd like to address the issue of our common enemy fortifying their position right outside our grasp." (St)

<I can see them very well, so you know. What I don't see is the reason why you called us on such an urgent notice. Are you aware that disturbing a princess without need is considered great misconduct in the swarm?> (L)


This princess really has no interest in giving others some slack.


"I... understand. But well, in our surface understanding, time is during a war a precious resource. So I thought it would be better to address this quickly in order to prepare a suitable reaction." (St)

"Reaction? Reaction to what?" (E)

"As I mentioned before, I have some experience dealing with the Koresoans. For this reason, I can say that once they're preparing in this manner, their attack won't be too far away. It could start any day now." (St)


So soon?
Okay, they made astonishing progress in a considerably short time, rivaling our workers on a project, but our position still stands tall.


"When do you think they are going to attack?" (E)

"Could be any day now. Tomorrow sounds a bit too early, but I would be surprised if they wouldn't be ready by the end of the week." (St)

<What do we have to expect?> (L)

"At first, a longer hail of artillery attacks. They'll particularly concentrate on weak targets and suppress any means of defense. Once they successfully made us draw distance units like our archers out of harm's way, their pioneers will make use of the created opening and build up forward positions, while maintaining the fire. Believe me, due to their constant battle with the Evergrove they have no lack of ammunition to keep up fire in our direction. Yet transport might cost a bit of time. What happens then is a little bit open. Either they'll attempt to create a safe passage for their troops if they see a chance, or they'll build further structures. A bad neighbor could be a huge issue." (St)

"Ehm, please, for those without military background?" (E)


Liseti looks just as bewildered as I am.


"Oh, pardon. It's basically a fortified piled-up hill. They'll build it up, right next to our walls, and once it's higher make use of the advantageous position to clear our side from defenders. Which leads us back to their safe crossing." (St)

<Those humans seem awfully full of themselves!> (L)

"I'd say it's calculated. See all those ballistas? Those are highly mobile and adaptable to find their target. I reckon they brought them particularly with your flying units in mind. If you are forced to send your troops out of the protection of the walls this basically can already be considered their win, as they negated our advantage and forced us to head into their prepared positions." (St)


Huh, sounds like Koreso prefers an aggressive defensive approach, where they put as much effort as they can into making the actual fighting easier.
While I'm not entirely sure if their preparations account for underground attacks, I can see how this would at least be somewhat effective.
This isn't good.


<You called us here to discuss countermeasures. I'm listening, what can your 'expertise' offer to solve this problem?> (L)

"Well, of course, a decisive attack before they could fully establish their position would render most of their preparations ineffective." (St)

<You mean our forces! You truly are asking us to send our troops into a disadvantageous battle?> (L)

"In the first place, this goes against our strategy. We want to prove that they can't overcome our position. If we'd have to leave it to deal with a problem this would achieve the opposite." (E)

"I thought so. In this case, I would advise to advance our preparations to be ready for the eventual attack." (St)


Eventual attack.
So he believes there's no way to convince them otherwise.


<Naturally, we'll do so. There's not much else the drones we brought could do. However, it's not recommended to have them remain here indefinitely. Eventually, their workforce will be needed in other areas. Particularly food production.> (L)

"I saw your preparations. If I may add. I think it would be recommended to install our own weaponry at least on key positions on the wall." (St)

<We have something like this!?> (L)


There's palpable irritation contained in Liseti's pheromones.
One would think we would be informed about this kind of essential thing regarding our defensive potential.

Seriously, he could've told us sooner!


"Of course we do. The best one can buy for money. They should be delivered any day now." (St)

"Why are you mentioning this just now?" (E)

"Because transporting them all the way here is no simple task, and I didn't intend to allow any information to slip to spies on this matter. Sir Gioras' purge was rather successful, yet one can never be too sure. Different from our side, Koreso has battle engineers. Coupled with the fact that Neria is known for its wood-centered industry, it's no surprise that they already have them prepared. I didn't want to give them a reason to accelerate their effort." (St)


More secrets.
Will they ever learn the lesson?


<I understand your reasoning. However, in the future, such information can't remain hidden. It would've certainly been possible to inform us in private. Such measures leave very poor reminders of past transgressions. If such a thing repeats, there'll be consequences. For all involved!> (L)


That threat was, even for me who isn't its target, hard to endure.
Even the marshall got a bit paler.


"I... understand. This won't repeat. However, I'd like us to concentrate for now on the battle ahead." (St)


I guess he means this.
After all, he cares foremost about winning this war.


<Also, you will relay everything you know about these weapons to us. Our swarm will take care of their transportation.> (L)

"Sigh. As you wish. They are headed here anyway." (St)

<Good. I'm glad that we could come to an understanding.> (L)


Not like she left him much of a choice.


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