Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 67 — Sharing whispers (2/2)



The morning arrived, bright light peeking over the horizon and shining through the dense pine trees, bathing everything in a beautiful golden glow. The forest woke up, birds chirping, the wind blowing gently, leaves rustling, and grass dancing.

Inside the cave, embers crackled in the fireplace, throwing dancing shadows on rough walls as the family huddled together on their bed of blankets, dirty wooden bowls forgotten on the ground nearby. Silvia, the young girl, clung tightly to her little brother, their small, naked bodies pressed close, skin glistening with sweat and reflecting firelight. Their pale, delicate skin matched in hue perfectly, silver hair entwined.

Nivalis lay beside them, her hand on Silvia's back, fingers tracing soothing circles. "Whenever you're ready, sweetie," Nivalis whispered, kissing her silver locks softly. "Just be careful, okay?"

Silvia hummed in response, glancing down at Aster, who looked up at her with flushed cheeks. "You must promise me you'll say if it hurts too much. No lying and no trying to look tough," she said, wagging a finger threateningly right next to his nose. Her tiny finger looked especially threatening. "I'll beat your butt if you do."

Aster suppressed a laugh that ended in a wince of pain. "I promise," he gasped.

"Alright," Silvia muttered, pausing to gather her thoughts. "What do you imagine when you let your mana out?" she asked, holding his gaze. The gold of their irises shimmered in the fire's light.

"Hmm," Aster hummed, thinking for a few seconds, trying to find the right words. "I imagine... a warm tongue, but made from mana. How it slowly warms you and licks everything inside," he said, watching her frown. "I never, ever imagined it behaving like fire. Even when I tried to break through your mana, I always kept thinking it would be slow and gentle," he added, a weak smile on his lips.

Silvia's expression softened, a tiny smile forming. "Mhm," she whispered, nodding, a single strand of silver hair sliding down her shoulder. "That makes sense... Let me think this through," Silvia said, closing her eyes and visualizing her ice doing the same he described but cooling his body instead.

Over and over, she imagined it, trying to remember every detail, control every thought and mental image, making it as perfect as possible. Fifteen minutes later, when she felt ready, Silvia opened her eyes and met her little brother's patient gaze. "I'm going to try now," she announced, feeling nervous. Nivalis, noticing this, patted her back comfortingly.

"Alright, don't worry," Aster smiled. "It'll be fine," he reassured, wrapping his hands around her and pressing her petite body tighter against his. Their chests rose and fell together, their pink, sensitive nipples rubbing. The skin between them was slick with sweat, their bodies sliding effortlessly against one another, all thanks to lying like this for the entire night.

— "Mhm," Silvia hummed, closing her eyes and nuzzling her face against his shoulder. The familiar chill appeared inside her chest, but it wasn't as strong as usual. As she exhaled, she concentrated on her ice, imagining how the cold mana, just a tiny drop, flowed from her chest into his. Her thoughts and mental images were about being as gentle and delicate as possible, licking her little brother with her mana.

Slowly, the icy mana left her heart and moved towards the boy beneath her. Her whole body tingled, and her breathing grew heavier.

Aster's breathing quickened when he felt his sister's mana meet his, and his arms around her waist tightened.

— "A-Asty? How was it?" Silvia whispered, pulling her head away and looking down at him, her golden eyes filled with worry. "Did it hurt?"

"No, it's alright. It was just a bit of an unusual feeling, but I didn't hurt," Aster smiled, relaxing his grip on her. "Let's try again, but a little stronger," he suggested, his eyes staring into hers.

— "Alright," Silvia breathed out, relieved. She pressed her forehead against his cheek, took a deep breath, and focused back on the icy mana inside her heart, repeating the process with slightly more mana than before.


It continued for an hour, with each try increasing the amount of her ice flowing into him. The overuse of her magic made her whole body tremble, her teeth chattering.

The pain it caused for her brother intensified just as much with each try, but he never once complained, only encouraging her to continue. "You felt it, right?" Aster asked, his hands sliding up and down her trembling, cold back, feeling goosebumps all over her skin. "It was much stronger than last time."

— "Y-yeah. It's like our mana is fighting each other," Silvia mumbled, her body shaking uncontrollably. The sweat that covered their bodies had turned cold, leaving the little girl shivering in his embrace.

"We can take a break if you want," Aster offered, worriedly looking at his sister, noticing the rapid beating of her heart.

— "N-no, I'm fine. Just let me catch my breath for a moment," Silvia replied, trying to relax. "I think I'm close. I almost got through."

"You are?" Aster asked, surprised. "Are you sure? You didn't use half of what I had, not to mention the whole swirling thing."

— "Yeah, I can tell," Silvia smiled, lifting her head to look at him. "Don't forget I'm five years older than you, little brother. It's only natural that I'm stronger," she chuckled, poking his nose with her finger. "Boop."

"Sure, sure," Aster rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips. "Alright, show me your best then, big sis. There is no way it is possible to break through with so little mana," he added, giving her little behind a light slap. Her round, pale cheek jiggled slightly, her hips moving against his.

"Oh, I'll show you," Silvia replied sweetly, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. As she calmed her racing heart, she focused on the icy mana inside her body, feeling how it slowly filled her chest.

"Be careful, honey," Nivalis warned, watching the two. The sight of her daughter's trembling body worried her.

"I know, Mom. Don't worry," Silvia smiled, taking another deep breath. "I have enough mana. Let's try it," she whispered. She opened her eyes and saw her brother nod, a full copy of her golden eyes staring back. Resting her forehead against his, their hot, ragged breaths mingling, Silvia closed her eyes.

She took another deep breath, held it, and released the mana. Her body trembled, and the shivers spread throughout her whole body. The ice flowed from her chest into the boy beneath her. The coldness of her mana, the feeling of it pushing his own, made Aster wince.

Silvia continued to push, feeling her brother's mana resisting her. His arms tightened around her small waist, his nails digging into her smooth skin above her buttocks. She gritted her teeth and pushed harder, focusing all her coldness into a tiny spot in his mana, determined to break through.

A sharp inhale and a gasp escaped Aster as his body stiffened, his back arching and hips pushing against her. Wave after wave of her mana hit him, his sister penetrating his small hole, meeting little resistance. Her mana completely dominated his, the warmth inside his chest suddenly gone, replaced by the intense coldness.

The sensation of her mana reaching places deep inside him, the cold spreading throughout his body and wiggling around, sent shivers through him. The feeling of being licked all over by his sister, the pleasure that came with it, made him quietly moan in surprise, his toes curling.

Silvia gasped, her heart beating so fast it almost jumped out of her chest. Her arms were weak, and her whole body shook, but she didn't stop. She pushed more mana into him; unlike the amount her brother previously managed to get inside her, Silvia's better control and power resulted in an enormous amount of her ice invading Aster's body, cooling down the wildfire he accidentally made inside his chest.

As she continued to pour her mana, slowly, in waves, something strange happened. Something hard and warm pressed against her pelvic area, making her little butt rise slightly. Luckily, Aster quickly moved his hand between their bodies, moving whatever it was away. It slid against her smooth, hairless skin, disappearing between his thighs, allowing her to focus on the spell.

A minute later, Silvia opened her eyes, her breathing ragged. "T-there," she mumbled, her body shaking violently. "H-how... was it?" she asked through her chattering teeth.

"Wow, that... was... amazing... I don't feel any pain!" Aster smiled, looking at her tired, golden eyes. "Oh, wait... you're freezing," he said, worried. He rubbed her back and arms, trying to warm her.

— "I-it's okay, I'm... fine," Silvia stammered, forcing a smile. "Just a little... c-c-cold."

"Let's get you warmed, then. Like we always did," Aster whispered, carefully rolling her limp body to the side, closer to their mother.

"Oh, gods, you're cold, honey," Nivalis said, hugging her daughter and pulling her as close as possible. Aster joined them, pressing himself against his sister and letting his warm body help her. "Better?" Nivalis whispered, letting the little girl hide her face in between her breasts. She cupped Aster's cheek, her worry evident. Aster just smiled, silently reassuring her he felt much better.

— "Yeah..." Silvia sighed in relief, feeling the warmth of their bodies surrounding her. Nivalis took the blanket and wrapped it around them, covering their bodies.

"You did amazing, sweetie. Thank you for being careful. I am very proud of you," Nivalis whispered, gently patting her head and running her fingers through the silver hair strands. "Just relax, okay? We will warm you," she added, pressing her son closer to his sister.

— "Alright, thanks," Silvia replied, her whole body trembling uncontrollably. "Are you sure you are feeling alright, Asty? You aren't lying, are you?" the girl mumbled against her mother's chest, her eyes closed.

"I am good, Silvia. There is no pain anymore. You were incredible," Aster whispered, kissing her shoulder. His palm rested on her soft stomach, feeling the goosebumps on her skin. "Thank you," he added, gently stroking her belly.

— "It was just... a tiny bit," Silvia mumbled, pressing her little behind against him. Strangely, she didn't feel his limp member against her skin, no matter how much she wiggled her hips. Weird.

"It was not," Aster whispered, gently massaging her tummy. "I have no idea how you managed to do it. So easily! The amount of mana you pushed through was enormous. I never got even near to what you did," he added, planting another kiss on her shoulder. "You were amazing, sis."

— "Mhm... continue," Silvia smiled, humming and enjoying the gentle rubbing. "I want to hear all about how amazing your big sister is," she chuckled, happily wiggling her hips against his.

"My big sister is so humble, so beautiful, so talented. Her ice is stronger than my fire could ever be," Aster laughed, planting tiny kisses all over her exposed neck with each new compliment.

"Pfft," Silvia snorted, a small giggle escaping her lips. "Go on," she whispered, feeling his finger trace around her belly button. A bright smile never left her face. Aster continued to whisper compliments and praises into her ear, his hands gently caressing her trembling body.

After a while, Silvia started feeling sleepy, her eyelids getting heavier, and the exhaustion taking over. She snuggled tighter against her mother, enjoying the warmth and the softness of her breasts, listening to the soothing sound of her heartbeat in addition to her brother's whispers, and soon fell asleep.




An hour later, when Silvia was in deep slumber, Aster carefully pulled himself away from their embrace and sat up, stretching his arms and cracking his knuckles. His gaze fell upon his erect member, still throbbing painfully, and he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

'It was close,' Aster thought, the feeling of it poking his sister, the incredible smoothness of her skin, how it slid against her... all still fresh in his memory. 'Why did it have to happen now of all times? Ugh...' Aster groaned internally, furrowing his eyebrows.

'Well, at least Silvia didn't notice anything. The last thing I want is to disgust or scare her with this.' Aster glanced at his sleeping sister and mother, Silvia still shivering occasionally, her trembling body pressed against their mother's side, head resting on the shoulder. 'Not to mention, I'll have to tell her how mom and I are getting rid of it, and I promised not to,' he added, sighing.

'Alright, let's make this quick,' Aster decided, getting on all fours and crawling around the bed. The sound of his hands and knees softly shuffling against the stone floor mixed with the crackling of the dying fire, its dancing flames reflected off his pale bottom.

Aster stopped beside his mother, admiring her peaceful expression. Her puffy lips were slightly parted, and silver hair was scattered around the bed. Her big, soft breasts were parted to the sides, glistening in the warm light, too heavy to stay on top of her chest. The sight made Aster swallow hard, his eyes trailing down her flat stomach, and his mother's cute, small navel made the boy smile happily.

He crawled closer to her face and gently kissed her cheek, just a tiny peck. Nivalis didn't even stir. Aster kissed her again, his soft lips pressing against her moist skin. He continued to leave gentle kisses on her cheek, jaw, and chin until her blue, like the summer sky, eyes fluttered open, meeting the golden gaze of her son.

"Honey? Is something wrong?" Nivalis whispered worriedly, her voice quiet. Her hand slowly raised and touched his bare hip, caressing him with her fingertips. "Are you feeling worse again?" she asked, noticing his flushed cheeks.

— "No, everything is fine... I feel good," Aster replied, a sweet smile on his lips. "Better than ever. It's not why I woke you," he added, leaning forward and moving his lips closer to her ear. "It's big again... you know..." Aster mumbled, sitting back and looking at her. His tiny, pink penis peeked out from between his pale thighs, greeting his mother.

"Oh, dear," Nivalis breathed, covering her eyes with her hand the moment she saw her son's little, throbbing shaft. "Again? It's your third time this week," she sighed, slowly lowering her hand and meeting his embarrassed gaze.

— "Yeah..." Aster mumbled, averting his eyes and looking at the ceiling. "I'm sorry, I couldn't control it... when Silvia pushed her mana inside, it just happened on its own," he apologized, smiling awkwardly as he looked down at her.

Nivalis frowned, glancing at her daughter, sleeping peacefully beside her. "Did it happen when she lay on top of you?" she asked, looking back at her son, the answer written all over his face. "Oh, gods," Nivalis whispered, covering her face again.

— "Sorry," Aster mumbled.

A minute later, she continued, "You need to learn to control yourself, honey. I told you many times before that you can't poke your sister with your... thingy. Not now, not ever. It's wrong," Nivalis whispered, looking at her boy and shaking her head.

— "I know, I'm sorry," Aster apologized again, lowering his head. "I moved it away in time... she didn't notice a thing," he explained, looking up at her and trying to smile. "I think."

"I should give you a good amount of spanking, you know?" Nivalis whispered, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Never mind. Just try not to touch her like that again, please," she sighed.

— "I'll be more careful next time," Aster promised, scooting closer and gently kissing her cheek.

"I hope so," Nivalis replied with a tired smile. "Well, do your thing, mister, and try to be quick. It took you forever the last time," she added, closing her eyes and resting her head on the bed. It's much easier to pretend to be asleep than to watch him do all these embarrassing things.

— "Alright, thank you, Mom," Aster whispered with a relieved smile and slowly crawled closer to her legs, carefully straddling the pale, naked thighs of his mother.

His little butt wiggled against her skin as he got himself comfortable, sitting right on top of her, his legs to the sides. Aster leaned forward, pressing his skinny chest against her pelvic area, hovering his face above his mother's flat belly, looking down at her cute, tiny navel.

Nivalis felt her son's penis pressed against her leg, throbbing and twitching uncontrollably, his hairless, delicate balls just resting on her skin. His little shaft felt incredibly warm, its shape unmistakable. Then, the boy wrapped his arms around her slim waist and moved his mouth closer to the belly button, parting his moist lips.

Nivalis felt his hot, wet tongue slide inside her navel, making her hips jerk upwards involuntarily, pushing against him. "Is this really necessary?" she whispered, keeping her eyes closed. The sensation of his tongue wiggling deep inside her, hitting the very bottom of her navel, made her shudder, goosebumps appearing all over her skin.

Without pulling out his tongue, Aster replied, or better say, tried to, "Yhhaah, ith mahch bettah zis way. Ith hewps me cawm dawn fahser," his words impossible to understand, his tongue busy licking and wiggling around inside her navel.

"Okay, okay, whatever. Just hurry up," Nivalis sighed, biting her lower lip. She did not dare move too much, afraid to wake Silvia. The little girl was still sleeping beside her, unaware of what was happening; her face was pressed against her mother's armpit, and her soft breathing tickled Nivalis a bit.

Aster's eyes fluttered shut as he explored her belly button, licking and slurping the salty taste. His tongue swirled in his mother's small, wet hole, coating it thoroughly with his saliva. Each little movement inside her made her stomach clench, her hips occasionally pushing against his skinny chest.

The sensation sent shivers throughout Nivalis's whole body, making her toes curl. She took a deep breath and tried to think about something else — anything but her son's tongue swirling inside her.

Aster pushed his tongue in and out a few times, slowly, then quickly, and finally, after a minute of exploring and licking, pulled his tongue out of her with a slippery sound. He opened his golden eyes and looked down, smiling from seeing the little hole was almost full of saliva. Just to be sure, he gathered more saliva in his mouth and drooled it all over her belly button until the whole tiny hole was filled.

Carefully and very quietly, Aster pulled himself up, getting closer to her face, his little guy dragging across her skin. With Silvia so close, he had no choice but to press his lips against his mother's sensitive elven ear, making it twitch as he whispered, "Ready?" His warm breath continued to blow against it as he moved his hips left and right to position his tip exactly where it needed to be, right over the incredibly tight, slippery entrance of his mother—her navel.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Nivalis whispered, keeping her eyes closed, feeling the pink, pulsating head of her son's penis slowly sliding inside, the throbbing shaft filling her tight hole. Her warm, slimy insides welcomed him back, hugging his sensitive flesh as her tummy clenched involuntarily, squeezing the intruder.

Aster groaned in pleasure, the sound muffled, his mouth still pressed against her ear. He had to be as quiet as possible; his sister was right there, just beside him. The warmth, tightness, and incredible wetness of his mother's hole made him stop momentarily to enjoy the feeling.

A whole minute passed as he lay motionless, just feeling it, his cock pulsating wildly inside her. Nivalis placed her hand on his little behind and started patting his pale asscheeks, the sound barely audible, encouraging him to continue.

The boy got the message. His hot, humid breathing and quiet, muffled moans were all Nivalis could hear as Aster moved his hips slowly and carefully, trying not to make any noise, humping against her. His tiny, smooth butt moved rhythmically against her palm, the soft, round cheeks clenching and unclenching.

Aster's delicate, hairless, and incredibly fragile balls gently slapped against her belly with each tiny thrust, bouncing slightly. His arms were wrapped around her neck, trying to press himself even closer to his mother, her soft, heavy breasts squished against the boy's bony chest.

In and out, in and out. Aster's tiny shaft, his immature, virgin cock, pounded his mother's tight, slippery hole. With every push, the head of his cock hit the very bottom, sending a pleasant, tingling feeling throughout his body, a sensation unlike any other.

It continued like this for no longer than a minute. This entire time, Nivalis felt every little throb of her son's shaft, each movement of his hips, and heard every little moan. She knew her boy's body better than anyone, better than any mother should, and she could feel the orgasm building up in him.

Aster's little balls suddenly clenched, and the intense feeling of pleasure rushed through his entire body, making him tremble. With one last, deep, hard thrust, he buried his cock deep inside his mother's navel, pushing it as far as possible, hitting the back wall of her tummy. He whispered straight into her ear, "Mommy... It's happening," the words coming out shaky.

Nivalis felt his tiny cock spasming and jerking, the little balls twitching uncontrollably, desperately trying to spurt something that wasn't there yet. Again and again, Aster's cock throbbed and spasmed, the pink head expanding and shrinking, pumping nothing, until finally, it stopped.

Aster remained still, his now soft penis still buried inside her, panting against her ear. Nivalis kept her eyes shut, caressing her son's little behind, whispering gently, "You were much faster today. Good boy," she praised him, patting his asscheeks comfortingly.

The boy's response came a minute later, his voice weak, "Mhm," he mumbled, pressing his face against her cheek.

Nivalis opened her blue eyes, staring at the ceiling above, her expression conflicted. She sighed heavily, feeling nothing but guilt eating her up. Luckily, there is a treatment for that. "You forgot something, honey. My reward," Nivalis said, turning her head to the side and kissing his silver locks, smelling the familiar scent.

Aster paused, thinking, his breathing calming. "Of course," he whispered, lifting his head and looking into her eyes. Slowly, he pressed his soft lips against her cheek, peppering it with gentle, warm kisses, not bothering to pull out his limp member from her navel.

Nivalis closed her eyes, enjoying her son's sweet, loving kisses on her chin, nose, forehead, and mouth corners. Aster covered her with his moist, soft lips, gently brushing them against her skin. "Thank you for helping me. I love you, Mom," Aster whispered, patiently watching her eyelids fluttering open, her gaze meeting his golden one. His mother's beautiful blue eyes glimmered in the dim light, making him smile.

"I love you too, honey," Nivalis smiled back, seeing his face slowly getting closer. He gently pressed his lips against hers, tasting the familiar, sweet flavor. The hot breaths of mother and son mixed, their soft lips moving slowly against each other. "Here, take my tunic and wipe yourself," Nivalis breathed a second later, pulling her head away.

— "Mhm, alright," Aster mumbled, lifting his hips and pulling out his still soft, sticky shaft. He sat back on his mother's pelvis and took the piece of clothing from her hand, using it to wipe the saliva of his flaccid, pink penis. Nivalis watched how her little boy's wet flesh glistened in the light of the fire as he cleaned it thoroughly, his small fingers holding it gently.

Once satisfied, Aster decided to clean her navel as well, wrapping his finger in the material and gently pushing it inside, scraping the wet, sticky hole, getting every single drop out. Nivalis just watched him, patiently waiting until he was done, feeling every wiggle of his finger.

When satisfied, Aster folded the tunic, put it aside, and lay back on his mother. He rested his face on her collarbone, her hand reaching his head and gently stroking his long, silver hair. Their naked bodies were pressed together. The silence continued for a few minutes, both lost in their thoughts.

Aster broke the silence first, his voice a little hesitant. "Mom," he whispered without raising his head.

"Yes, honey?" Nivalis whispered, continuing to move her hands up and down his back.

— "I..." Aster paused, thinking about his words, then quietly said, "It's really dangerous out there. I almost died," he swallowed hard.

Her hand stopped on his back, pressing against his shoulder blades. "I know, honey," Nivalis breathed, her expression turning sad. "I know."

"We need to start thinking about leaving. It won't get safer here," Aster whispered, running his finger along her collarbone. "Not now, of course. After you and Silvia get better, maybe after the winter."

Nivalis sighed heavily. "I know," she whispered, closing her eyes and resting her chin on his head. "I'll think about it."

Aster fell silent, listening to her heartbeat to calm his own.

"I was thinking maybe I should go out with you. I am walking much better now," Nivalis whispered a minute later, placing her hand on his head, her fingers in his silver hair.

— "No," Aster immediately replied, hugging her tighter. "You will stay home," he stated firmly despite his childish voice.

"Oh?" Nivalis smiled, patting his little behind, "Are you ordering me around now, young man?" she asked, amused.

— "I am," Aster nodded, his lips forming a tiny smile. "You can spank me all you want for this, but you're not coming. Tomorrow, when I leave, you will stay home with Silvia," Aster repeated, his eyes closed.

"What happened to my sweet, obedient, and well-mannered boy?" Nivalis chuckled, her fingers tracing his spine, slowly moving up and down.

Aster didn't respond. After a minute of silence, Nivalis sighed, closing her eyes momentarily, "You just said it yourself: you almost died. How can I let you go alone after this? I was so worried when you didn't come back. I thought I would never see you again," Nivalis breathed, her throat tightening and eyes moistening.

— "I know," Aster whispered, lifting his head and kissing her cheek. "I am sorry I made you so worried. Please don't cry, Mom," Aster whispered, wiping the tear that rolled down her cheek with his thumb.

"I'm not crying," Nivalis replied, her voice shaky.

— "You are," Aster smiled, his golden eyes darting between her shades of blue. Without saying a word, he leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers trembling ones. The kiss lasted much longer than usual, their lips mixing the salty taste, moving against each other.

When he finally pulled away, a long string of saliva connected their mouths, glistening in the firelight. Aster watched as his mother smacked her lips, her eyelids slowly opening, her eyes meeting his. "It will be okay, Mom. I am not going anywhere. I am not going to leave you and Silvia. Never. I promise," Aster whispered, staring into her beautiful, glimmering eyes. "I will be ten times more careful. Like a ghost."

"You better," Nivalis smiled weakly, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "Alright, honey. I will stay," she whispered, cupping his face, her thumb caressing his lower lip.

— "Thank you," Aster replied, leaning forward and wrapping his hands around her neck. He whispered gently, "I will take care of you, Mom. Don't worry," against her sensitive, elven ear, burying his face in her silver hair.

"Mhm," Nivalis hummed, wrapping her arm around her son and pressing his skinny body tightly against hers. "Let's get some sleep, my baby boy," she mumbled, closing her eyes and feeling him nodding.

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