Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 3: Chapter 10: Unexpected Motherhood. (Vol. 3 End.)

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Chapter 10: Unexpected Motherhood.

*Erika’s POV*

I was now having tea with Mori. Apparently, she said that those two that we killed yesterday, had come to her for protection. Ironic, since she ended up killing them. I mean, she directly killed one of them but, she could have easily saved the other from me. She just chose not to do so.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I had already made Mori a Dark Savior. And I had also completed most of my Tasks. Them being, Kill or Convert two Saviors, Kill or Convert all Saviors, and Recruit 5 New Dark Saviors.

My rewards were 53 SSS+ Grade Monster Cores, and 3 X Grade Monster Cores. I am close to getting all of the Monster Cores that I need to evolve. It sucks that I won’t be able to get the rest of the needed Monster Cores in this dimension…

Mori: “Erika, from how happy you look, I assume that you have completed what you needed to do in this dimension?” Mori said with a chuckle.

Erika: “That’s right. I only have one more task left to complete.” I reply.

Mori: “Oh? Do tell.” Mori asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “My last task is to stop something called the Calamity.” I answer.

Mori: “From what I've heard about the Calamity, that's an impossible task I would say, if not for me knowing how powerful you currently are.” Mori said with a giggle.

Erika: “Yeah, it shouldn’t be that big of a problem.” I reply with a shrug.

Mori: “Erika, do you happen to not have the phrase, “jinxing” yourself from where you come from?” Mori asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “We do, but that’s not important right now.” I reply with a deadpan expression and tone.

Mori: “And what is important?” Mori asked.

Erika: “Wasn’t there a God that I have to deal with still?” I ask.

Mori: “Oh, him? Don’t worry. He has already been dealt with.” Mori replied with a shrug.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a head tilt.

Mori: “While you were sleeping, he had shown up. He was very pissed at you and I, and was going to try to kill us but, he had seen all of the marks on your body from powerful beings, so he begrudgingly left.” Mori replied with a giggle.

Erika: “Really? That’s good. I knew having all of those marks would be a good thing.” I reply.

That’s the thing, though, I didn’t actually know that it was a good thing… I mean, they told me it was, and it’s not like I didn’t believe them, I’ve just never seen it actually working to my benefit until now.

Mori: “Were you really marked by an Outer Goddess? How did you manage that?” Mori asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Honestly? I have no idea. I don’t even know her name or what she looks like. She just randomly showed up one day and helped me with something.” I reply with a thinking pose.

Mori: “I see. Erika, would you like to go deal with the Calamity right now? I have a teleport crystal with the location of the forest it lives in. I was also planing on dealing with it.” Mori asked.

Erika: “Sure. Better to deal with it as fast as possible.” I answer.

Mori then grabbed my hand and teleported us. Now we were in the forest that I first enter when I came to this dimension. Ah, trees just as big as I remember them being. What's the point of even being so big anyway? Existence sure works in mysterious ways.

*Many hours later.*

Looking around for the Calamity proved to be a fruitless endeavor. We had searched for almost an entire day, yet we couldn’t find it.

Mori: “Erika, this is a problem.” Mori said with a sigh.

Erika: “It is. I can’t leave until I do all of my tasks.” I reply with a sigh of my own.

Mori: “That so? It seems to be avoiding us. That or the rumors I’ve heard about it living in this forest was completely wrong.” Mori said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “There is definitely something in this forest. I noticed something watching me when I first came here.” I say.

Mori: “Hm… maybe, the Calamity will only show up for you? Or, maybe it doesn’t think it stands a chance at taking on both of us.” Mori said with a shrug.

Erika: “Maybe? I’ll be fine alone. Please go to Klein. Tell Sara and Anna that I sent you. When I’m done with this task, I’ll be leaving. And I need to know if anyone wants to go with me before I leave.” I say.

Mori: “Fine, fine. I trust that you will be safe. Don’t stay too long, I might not be able to convince them.” Mori said before disappearing.

Like clockwork, once she left, I felt a gaze on me. Looking around, I still didn’t see anything at all. Again, the gaze wasn’t one of hostility.

After waiting in the same spot for another hour, I decided to do something potentially stupid. I mean, I kinda ran out of ideas. Waiting here all this time, and it just keeps staring at me.

I took out some teriyaki chicken from my inventory. Then I placed it on the ground and walked away. I stared at it for a few minutes but the Calamity, or whatever it is, didn’t come out.

I was beginning to feel helpless, that was until I took my eyes off of the food for more than a second. When I looked back at it, the food was gone. Licked cleaned it looked like.

Was it hungry, or something? With that thought, I put out many more meals. A total of 58 meals later, the Calamity finally showed itself to me.

She… well for one, the Calamity, was actually just a little girl. Now here’s the weird part. She was like a mini me…

I am not joking. She had the same hair color and even my heterochromatic eyes in the same exact shades.

She walked around me with a curious look on her face. How could I be scared of such a cute little girl? She even still had crumbs on her face from the food that I gave her.

I was about to talk to her but, then her face lit up and she jumped on me. Not as an attack. She just gave me a hug.

???: “Mommy!” The girl exclaimed in an excited tone.

Now, yes, I have had sex with many women but, I definitely didn’t get a single one of them pregnant. And I didn’t give birth to a child either…

I was confused, and to add to my confusion, I had finished my last task. I mean, yeah, my life is very interesting but, even I have times when I have no idea what the hell is happening, and this is one of those times…

Erika: “Excuse me, but I don’t think that I am your mother.” I say to the little girl. She just looked at me with a head tilt. Cute!

???: “No, no, you’re definitely my mother. My name is Eri.” Eri said with a sure tone.

Huh? She even has a name similar to mine… Is she my clone, or something?…

Erika: “I’m sorry but, I don’t recall ever having a child, though.” I say with a confused tone.

Eri: “I am sure that you’re very confused, Mommy. My other Mommy figured that you would be. Here, read this.” Eri said before taking a note out of her inventory.

Oh shit… she had an inventory. She might actually be my daughter…

I took the note from her and read it. The note went as follows.

Hello, you do not really know me. I was the woman who showed up in your room that one night.

There was an imbalance in your soul, which I had fixed. The other soul that was residing in your body is still with me. I am still in the process of repairing her soul.

As for our daughter, it’s a complicated thing. You see, I am an Outer Goddess. The difference between a normal God and Goddess, is that they’re usually contained in their own dimensions and don’t really have that much control.

Outer Gods and Goddesses are special. We’re a mix of a Creator and a God/Goddess.

Now, have I fantasized about having sexual relations with you? Yes. Why is that important? I’ll get to that in a second. For now, let me explain why I am attracted to you.

Your soul is very powerful, so you caught my eye. It so happens that you’re also my type. It’s been a long time since I’ve been sexually, and romantically interested in someone.

Where is this all going? I assure you, this confusing note does have a point.

You see, I had a dream where I had a daughter with you. When I woke up from the said dream, I realized that I accidentally created our daughter in my sleep.

She is not a fake or an imitation. I have checked, and doubled checked. I honestly don’t know how I did it but, her DNA is a mix of 50% me, and 50% you. Eri is absolutely our daughter.

I know that it was wrong of me to give us a child. We aren’t even in a relationship, nor do you know me. You don’t even know my name. I cannot undo this child. She already has a soul. Neither you, nor I would be cruel enough to do that to her.

Eri does know my name but, she won’t tell you because I asked her not to. I want to tell you in person. When will we meet? I have some business to attend to for now so, I won’t be able to meet you any time soon.

I leave Eri in your care. I am sure that you will be a wonderful mother. I will accept any punishment from you when I have the time to meet you.

One last thing, you might be wondering why you had a task involving her. That is because I can affect the System if I please. Even if I do not use it.

I called her the Calamity since this dimension had some lore involving a being like that. As far as I could tell, it doesn’t exist. Or maybe it did, and it was killed off a long time ago, who knows? By the way, the reward is 5 X+ Grade Monster Cores.

The Monster Cores are from my own personal collection. This should be enough for you to evolve, right? It’s funny that it took this long for the System to even have a Grade for these qualities of Monster Cores.

Regardless, I look forward to meeting you again. Please look after our daughter with care. Yes, she is a child but, she is very intelligent.

It is fine to treat her like a child but, please do not devalue her intelligence. She does want to be treated like your daughter so, don’t worry about that.

Ps: Eri is a mix between an Outer Goddess and you. As an odd side effect, her hunger is immense. Most likely similar in size to yours. She won’t gain weight so, don’t worry and feed her as much as she wants.

Erika: “…”

Shit… I guess I have a daughter now. I am… really happy about it to be honest. I didn’t realize how much I wanted to have a daughter until now. I just want to love and pamper her so much! I won’t be a terrible parent like my father was.

Erika: “Eri, it’s good to know that my daughter is so darn cute!” I say while patting her head.

She only responded by happily giggling. So, fucking, cute! Ah, I am sure my girls will love her. She is like a mini me after all. It will be decently confusing trying to explain this science baby to my lovers but, I don’t mind.

Erika: “Eri, would you like to live with me and my wives from now on?” I ask with a serious tone.

Eri: “Yes mommy! I would love that. I am very interested in meeting my other mommies!” Eri said with a happy tone.

Erika: "Eri, could you tell me why you didn't show up until I fed you?" I ask with a curious tone.

Eri: "Well, you see, I wanted you to be the first one to see me. Not counting my other mother. You were supposed to meet me a while ago, when you first came to this dimension. But you didn't stay in the forest for long enough. As a punishment, I decided to play hide and seek with you. The food that you provided made me give up on the game." Eri explained calmly.

Erika: "I see. I am sorry for leaving alone you for so long." I say in a remorseful tone while rubbing her head.

Eri: "It's okay mommy!" Eri said with a cute smile.

I then picked Eri up like you would hold a small child. Then I used the crystal that Sara gave me to go back to her kingdom.

Appearing in my room, I went out the door and caught a maid. I asked her to inform the others that I have returned and completed everything I had set out to do.

My daughter and I sat down on one of the couches in my room. She sat on my lap. I took out some snacks for her to eat. She gleefully munched on them like a cute little chipmunk.

Ah, my daughter is so damn cute… I am going to die from her cuteness… Fuck! My maternal instincts are hitting me like a fright train. Oh well, I’ll get used to them soon enough. Hopefully...

Sara: “Um… Erika? Who is this child?” Sara asked with a confused expression on her face.

Petra: “She looks like you!” Petra exclaimed with a shocked tone.

Anna: “Ah, I can already feel the headache coming...” Anna said while rubbing her head.

Mori: “I left you for like an hour, how the hell did you have an entire child in that small window of time?” Mori asked with a seriously confused tone.

Oops, I got lost in basking in my own daughter’s cuteness that I didn’t even notice them come into the room.

Erika: “I can explain. She is my daughter. Her name is Eri.” I say with a nonchalant tone.

Anna: “That explains nothing!” Anna said with a loud and annoyed tone.

Sara: “Erika, you’re going to have to give us more than just that.” Sara said with a sigh.

Erika: “Saying how she became my daughter, is far more confusing than just saying that she is my daughter, and you all should just accept it.” I reply with a shrug.

Siesta: “Erika, please try us. It shouldn’t be that confusing on how this happened.” Siesta pleaded.

Erika: “Fine but, you should all sit down first.” I say.

Eri: “Mommy is right, you all will want to sit down for this one.” Eri said with a cheeky tone.

As such, following me and my daughter’s recommendation, they all sat down.

Erika: “Okay, so, there is an Outer Goddess that is interested in me.” I explain.

Anna: “And? What does that have to do with your daughter?” Anna asked with a raised eyebrow.

Erika: “Well, you see, she had a dream where her and I had a daughter. When she woke up, she had accidentally made her in her sleep.” I explain slowly.

Sara: “No, really, why do you have a daughter? She looks just like you...” Sara asked with a sigh.

Eri: “Mommy isn’t lying. I know it is confusing but, yes, I was created by my other mommy. With both her and Erika’s DNA.” Eri explained with a serious tone.

It’s just that, I couldn’t take her seriously. A second ago she was munching on some cookies, and she said all of that with crumbs still on her face. So cute! Damn, if I am gushing this much about her, she is in for a wild ride when she meets my lovers…

Anna: “Seriously?” Anna asked with a deadpan expression.

Eri: “Seriously.” Eri replied with a deadpan expression of her own.

Sara: “Hey, Siesta, please go get some headache medicine for us.” Sara asked while rubbing her head.

Siesta being the ever loyal maid, already had some on hand. Oh come on! I don't always do crazy things! Look, I can deny it as much as I want. You can't stop me.

Mori: “Erika, did she just drop off your daughter and leave you two alone?” Mori asked with a thinking pose.

Erika: “Not quite. She said that she had business to deal with. By the way, before you ask, Eri was the Calamity. Except, not really.” I explain.

Mori: “What do you mean?” Mori asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Erika: “The task was made up by Eri’s mother. Apparently, Outer Gods and Goddesses can mess with the System.” I answer.

Anna: “Erika, could you please, stop doing crazy things? I am at the end of my rope here…” Anna said with a sigh.

Erika: “How do you think I feel?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Sara: “What do you mean?” Sara asked.

Erika: “I have the grand and wonderful task of explaining that I am now the mother of a little girl, whose other parent is a woman I don’t even know the name of, to my lovers when I get back.” I replied with a defeated tone.

Luckily, my daughter cheered me up by patting my head. To reward her, I gave her another cookie. To which she happily accepted, and then she began eating it with a smile on her cute little face.

Anna: “Okay, Erika, we understand that you have it harder than us. Are you able to contact my sister?” Anna asked.

With her urging, I tried to do so to no avail. Not a single form of communication that I have access would work. It seems that even though my group firmly controls this dimension, contact is still cut off. How annoying...

Erika: “I am sorry but, it seems that I cannot contact them.” I reply with a remorseful tone.

Anna: “That is… a shame.” Anna said with a sad tone.

Erika: “That it is… Are any of you interested in going back to my dimension with me?” I ask with a serious tone.

Mori: “I certainly am.” Mori answered.

Sara: “As am I.” Sara said.

Anna: “Erika, I know that you would like to go home but, could you perhaps wait for us to get our affairs in order?” Anna asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “Depends, what sort of affairs are we talking about?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Anna: “We can’t just leave our kingdoms in the lurch. We talked about it, and we have decided to set up replacements for us before leaving.” Anna answered.

Erika: “And how long would that take?” I ask.

Mori: “A month or two for me.” Mori said.

Sara: “I can do it in a week.” Sara said.

Anna: “Oh? I will be the one to hold us up, huh… It will take most likely five months for me to stabilize my kingdom and set up a replacement.” Anna said with a remorseful tone.

So I have to stay in this dimension for five months? It isn’t that long but, I am afraid that I will end up giving my girls PTSD if I stay away that long. Especially since I can’t tell them why I have to be gone longer. The last time that happened, I got kidnapped for over a hundred years.

Eri seemed to sense my unease. She ended up saying something to help me calm down.

Eri: “Mommy, don’t worry, I’ll ask my other mommy to tell my other, other mommies why you have to stay longer.” Eri said with a serious tone.

Erika: “You’d do that for me?” I ask.

Eri: “Of course, anything for you mommy!” Eri said with a happy tone.

Erika: “Ah, I am so lucky to have such a cute and caring daughter!” I say before hugging her tightly in my arms.

After doing that for a few minutes, I noticed them all looking at me with funny looks on their faces.

Erika: "What?" I ask with a head tilt.

Mori: “I can’t believe that you’re the same woman, who I had just a day prior had a fight to the death with…” Mori said with a tone of disbelief.

Sara: “You’re telling me… Seeing the cold hard uncaring badass special ops member, being a loving mother is a very shocking sight to behold.” Sara said with a sigh.

Erika: “Can you blame me? She is just so damn cute. My maternal instincts are going into overdrive.” I say with a pout.

Petra: “I wish that I could be your daughter as well…” Petra said with a small voice.

Now here is the thing, sure, she said that in a low volume that most people would not be able to hear. The thing is that this is a room full of very special beings. So, of course, we all heard what she said.

Erika: “Petra, that is a very interesting fetish you have there. Do you wish for me to call your baby girl or something?” I say with a flirty tone.

Of course, being the good mother that I am, I made sure to block Eri’s ears so she doesn’t hear me flirting. She defies my expectations since from what she said next, she clearly still heard both Petra and me.

Eri: “Am I going to have another mommy?” Eri asked with a curious tone.

Petra replied by going beet red and jumping out of the window. Funny, right? Except fucking not! This is a goddamn castle! The floor we currently are in is at least four stories tall! Petra isn't special like us, a fall from this height will kill her!

I was about to get up from the couch and jump out the window after her but, Eri somehow prevented me from getting up. Then she waved her hand, and Petra floated back into the room. Still red from her ears to even her neck.

Petra: “Could… could you at least let me kill myself? I am so embarrassed, I would rather die right now…” Petra pleaded.

Eri got off of me and I ran toward Petra, giving her a big hug.

Erika: “Are you stupid!? Why would you kill yourself over something like this!?” I ask with a serious tone.

Petra: “I… I am a weirdo… Surely you all hate me now, right?” Petra said with a sad tone.

Sara: “Why would we hate you? It’s not like a mommy kink is a rare thing.” Sara said with a shrug.

Anna: “I agree. It’s nothing to kill yourself over.” Anna said.

Mori: “Going by the time we spent in bed together, I am sure that Erika enjoys having her girls call her mommy.” Mori said with a laugh.

Hey! That isn’t necessary information at all! Oh well, Mori is cute, so I forgive her.

Petra: “I didn’t mean it in a sexual way… I mean… I actually want to be her daughter… It’s weird, right?” Petra said with tears streaming down her face.

What the fuck? This is not what I assumed she meant by her hushed comment at all… Regardless, I took her to the couch and continued to hug her. She ended up crying for a solid ten minutes before she calmed down.

Petra: “I’m sorry that I acted like that.” Petra said with her head down.

Erika: “Petra, let me get this straight, you wish to be my daughter. And for me to treat you the same way as I do Eri?” I ask with a calm tone.

Petra: “Yes…” Petra said while not being able to look me in the eyes.

Oh, God… how am I supposed to deal with this? I can’t accept her as my daughter… That is what you thought that I would say! Two new daughters for the low, low price of absolutely zero?

How could I ever pass up such an amazing deal? Sure, Petra isn’t a little girl but, why does that matter? She is also cute! Yes, it will be an even bigger hassle that I have to explain to my lovers that I now have two daughters but, I don’t mind.

Erika: “Petra, if you wish to be my daughter, then I do not mind. In fact, I would love to have another daughter, and that Eri will have an older sister to look out for her.” I tell her with a warm tone.

Petra: “R-really?” Petra asked with a shocked tone.

Erika: “Of course!” I say while patting her head.

Eri: “Yay! I have an older sister now!” Eri said with an excited tone before giving Petra a hug.

Petra looked extremely happy. Was this a bad idea? Who knows. I certainly don’t. My maternal instinct going crazy, might be the cause of why I am so accepting of Petra’s desire to be my daughter. But that doesn’t matter.

Caring for cute girls doesn’t just extend to my lovers. Once I met Eri, I realized that. I exist to make cute girls happy. Even if I don't get anything in return for doing so. This is my life's mission statement. At least, it is now.

I did wonder why she looked so distance after she realized that Eri was my child. She was completely quiet during most of the conversation previously. It was like she was lost in thought. She probably was.

Anna: “Sara, do you have any alcohol?” Anna asked.

Sara: “I do. Let me guess, you also want to get blackout drunk?” Sara asked with a knowing tone.

Anna: “Correct.” Anna replied with a deadpan expression.

Mori: “Erika, I don’t drink so, I’ll make sure that they’re okay. You should spend some time alone with your daughters.” Mori explained.

Siesta: “Ah, Mori, I would appreciate that greatly. I would also like to get very drunk but, I wasn’t going to be able to since I have to watch these two.” Siesta said with a laugh.

As such, the rest of them left to get drunk. I mean, I understand. This whole situation is pretty crazy. I would also like to get sloshed but, I have to be a responsible mother to my daughters. Though, I actually don’t like alcohol at all.

I was now in my room with my two daughters. Originally, Eri was sitting on my lap. I could tell that Petra also wished to sit there as well, so I offered it to her. She turned red again but quickly accepted my offer with a giddy smile on her face.

At first, we didn’t talk. Eri was sitting to my left still eating some cookies, and Petra was on my lap. I could tell that Petra was absurdly happy to be being treated like my daughter like this. I tell no lies. When I said to her that I was going to treat her like my real daughter, I meant it one million percent!

Sure, Petra is an adult. But she clearly never had the chance to have loving parents. She was deprived of that. Much like I was. Maybe that is why I accepted her so easily.

I want to heal her heart. She deserves to be happy. I just want my little girls to be happy. Is there something wrong with that? I don’t think there is. And if anyone else does, they should forever hold their peace; otherwise, I’ll kill them dead!

Of course, out of sight of my daughters. Petra has probably seen her fair share of messed up shit but, as long as she is my daughter, I won’t let her see anything like that again. As long as I can help it.

Erika: “Petra, are you okay about telling me why you came to this conclusion of wanting to be my daughter?” I ask her with a motherly tone.

Petra: “I think… I think most people would have fallen in love with you. After all, you saved me. At first, I thought that I did love you. But the more and more time that I spent with you, and the more you took care of me, I realized that I saw you as a mother instead.” Petra said with a small voice.

I could tell that she had more to say, so I urged her to speak more.

Petra: “What made me fully realize it, was you telling us about your daughter. And how lovingly you treated her. Erika, I have never felt safe. Never once in my life. My family was terrible. But, ever since I met you, I have felt completely safe. Erika, you don’t realize how happy you accepting me as your daughter makes me.” Petra said with small tears flowing down her cheeks.

Erika: “You deserve to be happy. If I can help provide that happiness, then I will do my best to do so. I will not treat you less than Eri. You two are both now my precious daughters.” I explain with a warm tone while patting her head, after I wipe her tears away.

Petra: “I know… that’s why I am so happy. But what about your wives? They will most likely accept Eri but, I am an adult…” Petra said with an unsure tone.

Erika: “They will accept you both. I wouldn’t marry a woman who would be so close minded. We will treat you both as our precious daughters, you will be pampered so much that you will come to be annoyed by our constant love and affection. I WILL make you two happy.” I say while giving both of my daughter’s warm hugs.

Eri: “Mommy! There is no need to coddle me so much! I know for a fact that what you say is true!” Eri said with a small pout.

Erika: “Of course, sorry dear. Now, it’s getting late, why don’t we three go to bed?” I offer to both of them.

Petra: “Do… do you mean, together, in the same bed?” Petra asked with spiral eyes.

Erika: “Of course! Why shouldn’t my daughter’s sleep with me?” I ask with a head tilt.

Petra: “Erika, I do trust you but, don’t you find me attractive?” Petra asked with a serious tone.

Erika: “I think that you’re beautiful.” I answer honestly.

Petra: “Then, to maintain our relationship as mother and daughter, shouldn’t we not sleep in the same bed? That way nothing happens.” Petra asked.

Erika: “You hurt my feelings. The moment you became my daughter, was the moment I stopped seeing you as a love interest, or a woman for that matter. You’re my daughter. Sure, I might be a pervert to some degree but, I will never lay my hand on you two. Or my future daughters for that matter.” I explain with a stern tone.

Eri: “My other mother wouldn’t want to be with her if she would do something like that. She wouldn’t have let Erika care for me if she would.” Eri explained.

Petra: “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult or belittle you, Erika. I just got a mother, and I don’t want to lose this relationship. Especially not right after I got it.” Petra said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “It’s fine. Now, here, put on this nightgown.” I say after handing her a nightgown from my inventory.

Petra: “This is… really soft! I’ll put it on right away!” Petra said before rushing off to the privacy blinder to change.

Erika: “And what about you, Eri? I don’t have any clothes that will fit you.” I ask with a thinking pose.

Eri: “Don’t worry mommy. I already have a bunch of clothes!” Eri said before her body flashed white.

Once the light show was over, Eri was now wearing a white nightgown. I put on my nightgown as well. Cheating with the System, of course. It’s funny. All three of us are wearing pure white nightgowns. Just like a real family. I already feel that we are a family. I hope that my daughters think the same as well.

Once Petra was done changing, we all laid down in bed together. I was sandwiched in between them both. I kissed both of my daughters on their cute little foreheads goodnight. They both also said goodnight with kisses on my forehead.

It took no time at all for Eri to fall asleep. Petra, on the other hand, was still awake. I wrapped one of my arms around her waist and started rubbing her hand with my free hand. Then I hummed a song for her. After a few minutes, she was asleep and had an oh so wonderful smile on her face.

Five months gives me plenty of time to bond with my daughters. All my work in this dimension is already done so, I have nothing but time to spend with them. Ah, I was so happy about my daughters, I forgot that I have everything that I need to finally evolve. Oh well, that's for tomorrow’s me to deal with.

Happy that my daughters were all happy and cared for, and sleeping soundly, I began to fall asleep. Before I did, I said this out loud, but quiet enough that I didn’t wake my cute daughters, “Oh Outer Goddess, thank you so much for giving me two wonderful daughters.” While looking up at the ceiling. Of course, there was no reply, but I didn’t care.

She did not give me Petra but, because she gave me Eri, Petra became my daughter. Sure, she had given birth to Eri without my consent. But, even though I don’t even know her name, she has made me indescribably happy.

This is a gift that I can never repay her for. I greatly look forward to meeting her. With a bright smile on my face, and the sleeping sounds from my daughters, I fell into dreamland.

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