Entertainment: Let you come to the rescue, and you will play seven roles

Chapter 414 We are making a movie, and they are talking about the past

"Brother, show me the gun, hurry up."

During late bedtime, two brothers, Wu Wanli and Wu Qianli, huddled in the small and cramped cabin and chatted.

Like all boys when they were young, Wu Wanli had an inexplicable desire for guns.

Naturally, Wu Qianli could not refuse to dote on his younger brother and took out his own gun, but during the handover, he taught him the first discipline of handling a gun.

"Don't point guns at people."

Wu Wanli took the gun, full of curiosity about it, and took aim everywhere with the gun.

Until the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Wu Qianli, he was so frightened that he quickly reached out and grabbed the gun.

"I told you not to point guns at people!"

Before Wu Wanli could recover from his brother's quick reaction and serious expression, he heard soldiers shouting from the shore.

"Order from the headquarters of the Ninth Corps."

"Order from the headquarters of the Ninth Corps."

"All of them."

Wu Qianli hurriedly got up and rushed to the bow of the ship.

I saw a team of communications soldiers arriving holding torches, obviously there was an urgent military situation.

"Who is Wu Qianli?"


"If there is an emergency, stop visiting relatives and return to the team at dawn."


Wu Qianli watched the signal trooper leave, and when he realized the situation and returned to the cabin, it was already too late.

The old father and mother had been awakened by the sound, and sat up and looked at him with reluctance.

They knew that it was the duty of soldiers to serve their country, and that all military operations must follow orders, so they did not speak out to stop him, nor did they use the excuse that they were old and needed care to retain him.

But as a parent, my reluctance to let go of my child is all written on my face.

The emotional expression that almost overflowed the screen deeply touched everyone who watched the shooting.

"Ka, this one passed."

Wang Ping's voice announced the end of tonight's filming. Su Qin went to the monitor to confirm that there was no problem, and shook hands with the actors who played the parents enthusiastically.

"Grandpa Liang, Grandma Liang, thank you for providing us with fishing boats and for contributing such good shots to the movie."

The busy crew suddenly became confused when they heard this.

what's the situation?

These two old people who are superb in emotional drama are not professional actors?

According to the director, they are actually born and raised on the water?

Duan Yi, Hong Jiang, Han Yu and the others had no role to play here and did not come over. In the end, Yi Yang Qianxi became everyone's mouthpiece and asked the doubts in their hearts.

"Brother, are these two grandparents really not actors?"

Su Qin obviously understood what everyone was wondering about and explained it clearly to them in a few sentences.

"My grandparents are not actors, but fishermen who make a living by fishing on this river. They and other fishermen also lent these fishing boat docks to the crew."

"They experienced many wars when they were young, and also experienced the wave of resistance to the Eagle. Their son went to the battlefield at that time and never came back. The family's incense was thus cut off."

"So when they heard that we were going to film the Great Story of Fighting the Eagles and their children, they did not hesitate to lend us the venue for free and were willing to star in it for free."

After listening to his introduction, everyone in the crew felt panicked.

No wonder the fishermen here have a special affection for this movie. No wonder the two elders showed no trace of deliberate acting when they acted in these scenes.

The crew is making a movie, and they are talking about the past.

They are the victims of the war, and their bodies are engraved with a heavy history of national awakening, resistance, and rejuvenation.

"If their sons had not died in the war, if their incense had not been cut off, their grandsons would be as old as us."

I don't know who said this with emotion, which instantly made the heavy atmosphere even more intense.

Seventy years old, forties and fifties, twenties and thirties.

They could have enjoyed the happiness of three generations living under one roof, but now only the two elders are alone.

What our generation enjoys is the prosperous China that their generation was willing to send their sons to the battlefield and exchange for their blood and greatness.

That night, the entire crew suffered from insomnia.

If shooting in the icy environment of Northeast China tempered their muscles and will, then what they saw and heard tonight sublimated their souls.

Everyone carries a heavy sense of mission. Even if they risk their lives, they must make this movie well. We must not let go of the bloody martyrs who fought for the country.

The next day, the sky was slightly bright.

The whole crew got up more than an hour in advance, set up equipment and put on makeup, just to capture the mood and shimmer of the morning.


Wu Qianli said goodbye to his family.

"Be back at the beginning of spring."

"Come back and build a house for you."

The tough man who had been in the flames of war countless times could not express his tenderness or reluctance. He could only repeat the promise he made to his family last night.

Wu Wanli couldn't bear to see his second brother leave, so he made a bolder request.

"Brother, I want to fight with you."

A child who was well protected by his whole family, had never experienced the cruelty of war, and only had curiosity and desire for the gun last night.

Or maybe he has a superficial understanding of war, but wants to be by his second brother's side and be as brave and fearless as his eldest brother.

However, Wu Qianli, who knew that war was a meat grinder, would not allow it. His eldest brother was gone and he might also die. He had to leave a single seedling for his family.

"Eldest brother said that we have fought all the battles we have to fight and won't let you fight."

This sentence alone expresses the aspirations of countless heroes and martyrs.

Before they set off, they didn't even know how bad the environment was, how far ahead of them the equipment of the Eagle Sauce Army was, and how cruel the casualties they would face.

They only know that this is a battle to found a country, to resist the hawks and support the tide, to protect their homeland, and that is enough.

They won this battle, so that future generations would no longer have to suffer the pain of war, and their mission would be accomplished.

But Wu Wanli didn't understand.

He didn't want to be so well protected by his eldest brother and his second brother.

I just want to fight side by side.

Seeing his stubborn and reluctant eyes, Wu Qianli reached out and rounded his face.

"Baozi, wait until I come back. Go back."

On a spring date, Wu Qianli, who had only been back for one night, embarked on the journey again.

The fishing boat rowed out, getting farther and farther away from its own harbor.

The parents and brother were sitting on the edge of the boat, and their reluctance and sadness seemed to overflow the screen.

The camera zooms in and overlooks...

The scenery of lakes and mountains is the beauty of the prosperous times, and the calm lake surface is the tranquility of the Republic that has not been stained by war for decades.

This is what countless martyrs fought for us with their blood, and we will pass it on to future generations.

"Ka, this one is perfect, passed."

Wang Ping's voice not only announced the end of filming at Hanshan Lake on the rooftop, but also heralded the crew's filming of a new story at the next filming location.

Everyone is curious about what kind of amazing acting skills Yiyang Qianxi, who is undergoing rapid transformation, will show in the next scene.

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