Entertainment: From being a child star to becoming a world star

Chapter 26

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Dohyun, deep in thought, pressed the ballpoint pen repeatedly

"Dohyun, please come and untie it and take a look?"


"Do Hyun?"


Faced with Daoxian who didn't respond to the teacher's call, Chen hurriedly turned around and patted Daoxian's desk."

Teacher, you. Call me."

After reading JIN's mouth shape, Daoxian was startled. , looked forward

"Can you tell me the answer to question No. 3 in the textbook?"

Dohyun quickly read the problem described in question 3 of the textbook

[What is the name of a sedimentary or igneous rock that forms when it is exposed to high pressure and heat underground? ]

Fortunately, Do Hyun knew the problem

"The answer to the third question is Sound Changing Rock"

"The answer is correct, it seems that you have studied in advance."

I only knew it because it was from a book I had read before, but Dohyun affirmed without feeling the need to deny it. It is a good attitude to study in advance, but you still have to concentrate on class, do you understand?"

"yes sorry"

"But I felt like I had been working hard on previewing, so the teacher let me go this time."

Daoxian returned to his seat and continued the class.

Daoxian sighed inwardly.

I knew I had to concentrate on class, but I really couldn't.

The conversation with Leon that day kept lingering in my mind.

-This script was inspired by you. It’s only done if you star in it. So I hope you can star in my movie

-I've never had that experience once

-It all started when there was nothing. It was also my first time making a movie myself. In my opinion, you should act. The talent, presence and looks you have are all natural as an actor! besides…


Hearing the sudden voice, Daoxian woke up from his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about, being in a daze without eating?"

Dohyun realized that he didn't pick up the spoon but stopped and lowered his arm in embarrassment.

Nicholas clicked his tongue

"Can't you see it's empty here? Haven't the other children already finished eating and gone out to play? I have been thinking about when to eat, so I wait quietly. Do you want to eat it within today?"

Looking around, Dohyun realized that except for the teachers who were managing and supervising the children in the cafeteria, it was empty.

Then, Dohyun's eyes came into contact with Nicholas and Jane's lunch boxes. Maybe they were eating but didn't finish them, and there were leftovers. a lot of food

"Is it because I didn’t have a meal waiting for me?"

The moment Dohyun wanted to apologize apologetically

"Cheer up and eat! hungry!"

"What, it’s very quiet and delicious! The children stare at Dohyun every day, and eating is very burdensome!"

"When did you feel burdened?"

Every time the children stared, Nicholas, who often saw Jane blinking and waiting for mischief, smacked his lips.

Urged to eat quickly, he put the apple in and began to eat hesitantly. Nicholas said with a vague Looking at Dohyun’s lunch box

"Fried chicken looks delicious, doesn’t it?"

"Want to eat?"

Facing Nicholas who couldn't look away, Dao Xian gently persuaded, and Nicholas nodded immediately.

After the visit, a change occurred between Nicholas and Dao En


"Eat some more."

That's how Nicholas and Do-hyun started talking, even if it wasn't true.


"Goodbye, kids! See you tomorrow!"

"okay. Nicholas waved his arms, Dohyun waved

"Let's go too"

"All right."

Nicholas and Do-hyun walked side by side to the school bus stop. Nicholas confided his dissatisfaction with the science homework he had to do when he got home, and Do-hyun nodded in agreement from time to time.

Another change was that Do-hyun and Nicholas left school together.

Do-hyun had complicated feelings I picked up the pen in the mood.

This was to complete the sketch and paint the sixth piece of work that had been left for a while.

Whoosh - whoosh - the plain painting in Dohyun's hand was dyed colorful.

Dohyun realized that something was going on in his heart Some kind of change occurred.

And that change was in a direction that Daohyun didn't want to see.

The problem is, I don't think it is negative.

In a state of distress, the hand that was writing in a daze became slower and slower, and soon stopped..Dohyun looked at his painting and evaluated it objectively.

""It sucks."

The brushstrokes scattered here and there are not clean and rough. It is a loose painting as if projected into Dohyun's mind. Dohyun calmly stared at the painting that showed his mood intact. From that day on, it has been In this state,

Daoxian has been distressed.

What's wrong?

If you don't want to, just refuse.

That way, there won't be such distress and this strange feeling.

But Daoxian has been hesitating.

The last words Leon said appeared in Dohyun's mind.

-And you, don’t you like acting? right.

Dohyun breathed out briefly

"Because you can’t come to a conclusion just by worrying all the time."

Mumbling I didn't know who to defend myself, I impulsively picked up my phone and sent a text message to someone.

[Can we meet and chat? ]

A certain cafe with a touch of pop music.

Li Yan and Daoxian faced vanilla latte and cocoa respectively.

Until the moment Liam picked me up at the door and took me to the coffee shop, the two of us didn't say a word except to say hello.

Li Yan was anxious, but instead of rushing to speak, it would be better to wait for Dao Xian to speak first.

Daoxian looked at the steaming cocoa and fell into deep thought.

I regretted it immediately after sending the text message.

"Am I originally such an impulsive character?"

Daoxian re-recognized the face of himself that he didn't know. He thought he was overthinking before acting, but it might be an illusion.

Daoxian looked at Li Yan sitting opposite and stopped self-reflection. He couldn't just ask someone to come and just stay there. Keep it up.

Anyway, it’s all over the water and it’s hard to recover.

Daoxian said in a soothing voice.

"I'm going to act."

After I said it, it was no big deal than I thought. Dohyun relaxed on his tense shoulders.



The excited Liam jumped up like a spring. The person who was staring at him coldly coughed and sat down again.

But his face was filled with a smile that could not be concealed.

"Yes, good idea! Our actors!"

It was a child's title at first and now it's been upgraded to an actor.

Dao Xian looked at the happy Li Yan and spoke.

However, there is a condition

"condition? Well, tell me anything!"

With Do-hyun's casting confirmed, Li Yan, who was very excited, made a blank check. Because he knew Do-hyun's character, he had superficial calculations not to make unreasonable demands.

"Any great requests?"

Thinking about this, I smiled warmly.

"I want to be Liu"


In an instant, it turned blue and purple.

"……Is this already designated as Isaiah?"

The past days flashed through Leon's mind.

Because he only wanted Do-hyun to star, he changed the ages of the teenage protagonists to early teens, and also modified Isaiah's character and the ending of the script.

"Lee, how is Isa? I think she's perfect for you."

Although the voice and pitiful expression did not match the bear-like appearance, Dohyun still answered firmly.

"Ishaya is also a very charming character, but I wanted to play it."

Li Yan really wanted to slap his mouth for speaking so boldly just now.


Facing Daoxian's question, Li Yan looked at the boy with complicated eyes.

Is it because he is too young? The word"beautiful" is more suitable for the delicate facial features and transparent white and clear skin, which is even aristocratic.

No matter from which angle Look, he is very suitable to play the role of the handsome young master Isaiah.

"Why did you want to take on the role of Liu?"

"I want to know Liu better."

It seems that Dao Xian has been paying close attention to Liu's psychological changes.

Something big happened.

In any case, it seems that the young actor will not give in.

Leon stroked the area near his chin and fell into deep thought.

Li Yan had a crush on Dao Xian. Desire. But unable to accept Do Hyun’s request.


"Well, that's it."

Facing Daoxian's surprised look, Li Yan grinned.

"I bet. Give you a week. I'll show you the 'Liu' you want in a week. If you want to see that show Liu, boy, you win. If it had been the other way around, I would have taken on the role of Ishaya as I had originally planned. How about it?"

Leon smiled evilly in his heart.

This is a business where you can make money even if you lose. Of course, I don't think I will lose. Because in Leon's plan, Doxian is already Isaiah.

Doxian looked distressed , Li Yan smiled coldly

"What... not confident about winning?"

Seeing the disgusted expression, Daoxian said seriously

"Well, bet."

Although he said it with excitement, Daoxian felt that this bet was not bad.

No, to be honest...

Two smart eyes sparkled with expectation.

Daoxian unfolded the script

The script Ang handed me had been dyed black and looked tattered.

When he first received the completed script, Do-hyun erased all the conversations he had with Li Yan in the park during this period from his mind.

Then read the script with an empty mind and try to accept everything.

From then on, read, read, read.

I grabbed the script all day long, as if I could find the words hidden between the lines.

Moreover, even if this level is not sufficient, there will be no time when it feels inadequate.

Dohyun closed his eyes.

The clues are there.

You need to collect fragmentary clues, fill in the gaps, and complete the puzzle.

From here it takes imagination.

And imagining things is like breathing to Do-hyun.

First, let’s think about the stage.

I smelled a bad smell somewhere.

Cigarette butts and litter were scattered irregularly on the ground.

The walls of the narrow alley were painted with various insults and were in a state of filth.

There is a boy who knows that alley.

He looks like an Oriental boy in his early 10s.

Because they live in slums, their nutritional status is poor.

Dohyun materializes his imagination based on what he has mastered.

Smaller than his peers, with his hands in his pockets defensively. The back is a bit hunched and the head tilts forward.

There may be a pickpocket's wallet in your pocket.

Do Hyun asked the imaginary boy a question.

How do you feel today.

What did you eat in the morning?

What color are the socks worn?

Where are you going now.

When asked a question, the boy would answer obediently, lose his temper, and sometimes ignore the question without answering.

Sometimes they overturned their answers and sometimes they lied.

All this was observed persistently by Daoxian.

Like a painter, Do-hyun painted over and over again before finding the right color to complete the painting titled"Liu."

After the sketch was completed to a certain level, Do-hyun practiced throwing Yoo into various situations.

The more repeated it is, the more consistent the choice of falling oil prices becomes with Dohyun's choice.

From then on, Daoxian made no distinction between Confucianism and himself.

When the line between the two becomes blurred, the line soon loses its meaning.

The imaginary Confucianism was pulled into reality.

Small portions at first.

When I was in school, I mainly chose sweatshirts over clean shirts.

His hair, which was as calm as a model student's, began to look a little unpleasant, and his upright posture gradually changed.

Until then, no one knew about the change, so Do-hyun became more and more bold.

Maybe even that boldness wasn’t what Dohyun meant.

An expression of world-weariness and rebellion gradually appeared on his expressionless face.

That's not all that has changed.

His smart eyes reveal a sharp and sensitive aura, and he actually becomes sensitive to small things.

The first person to notice this change in Dohyun was Seo Hyena

"Dohyun...what happened recently?"

Seeing her completely different look than usual, Seo Hye-na asked worriedly. Originally saying that ramen was okay, Do-hyun, who reassured her mother, looked at Seo Hye-na with bored eyes.


A voice with obvious displeasure.

Seeing that her son looked completely different from usual, Xu Huina could only nod in panic.

Secondly, it was Chen and Nicholas who recognized the change in Daoxian.

Although Daoxian spoke positively, his reaction was not too great. A lot, but it became cold from a certain moment

"Didn't I have it yesterday?……"

After hearing what JIN said, Dohyun nodded absently.

Jane stopped talking because she was completely different from the way she used to listen to whatever was said.

Qin said after being silent for a while.

Dohyun, are you listening?


"if tired……"

"Am I listening?"

Zhen interrupted Zhen's words and said it without sincerity. This sentence shocked Zhen's face.

""It's weird."

It's not the Dohyun JIN knew.

He seems to have become a completely different person.

Nicholas's face wrinkled when he saw Jin's eyelashes trembling slightly.

"What's going on with you lately?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Are you asking because you don’t know? Why is it so awkward! What’s not to like?"

In an instant, Dohyun's expression became sensitive.

Whether it was the girl who was saying stupid things or the boy who was yelling next to him, he didn't like it.

By the way.

Not satisfied.

Trouble, trouble, stupid...

Dohyun stopped thinking. Corrected bad posture

"Sorry, my attitude is strange, right? Come on, are you okay now?"

Daoxian gave a rare smile.

Although Daoxian smiled rarely, Nicholas still looked at a loss in the face of the sudden change of situation.

Has he returned to the usual Daoxian?

Jane expected very little, but facing Daoxian His eyes closed and his mouth closed. Dohyun said cheerfully as if nothing had happened.

"Let me ask you, are you okay?"

The tone and expression were much gentler than usual.

But the smooth black eyes carried a look of ridicule that could not be hidden or concealed.

Jane and Nicholas were surprised when they were exposed to this attitude and tone for the first time, but they also said Nothing comes out.

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