Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Surprised To Hear That My Father First Met

Chapter 41 Shocked to hear that my father first recognized each other

“ding”, Lu Fei took out the tubular object and threw it into the surgical tray. The inside of the wound was carefully cleaned, the muscles and wounds were sutured, and the disinfection came to an end. Raymond was a little weak, but he was clearly alive and wanted to go back to the police station with Kelly.

“Raymond, take the pipe away, it’s yours.”

“I’m afraid to stab myself again. Anyway, I picked it up and gave it to you. If you don’t want it, just throw it away for me.” Raymond looked at the pipe with lingering fears.

“Don’t take drugs again in the future. Sheriff Kelly told him to eat enough at the police station. It’s all from the villagers. It’s just to live well, understand? If you really don’t have food in the future, come to me. I think you are too. Poor man who can arrange for you to work on the ranch.”

“Really? Dr. Jack is a really nice guy. Richard from the lakeside ranch knew me. I was actually a former classmate with him. When I came back from the drug rehab center, I’d go to you. I’ll raise cattle. I’ve worked in the ranch for two years. Years.” Raymond said gratefully.

Lu Fei nodded, Kelly pulled Raymond away.

Lu Fei felt very strange when he picked up this “copper pipe”. The head was slightly pointed, but it was not a bullet. Seeing something all at once, Lu Fei wiped it with alcohol and threw it into the first aid kit.

Grant came over and asked Lu Fei to show him what was wrong with him. Now he can trust Dr. Jack. Lu Fei observed his pupils, blood pressure, etc., and even scanned him, and his brain was fine. After sending him back to the police station, Kelly was a little too busy by herself.

The clinic was quiet. Old Bell and Mandy had been tired for almost a day and went to the side to rest. Today is another shootout and another saving of lives. Enough is enough. Lu Fei woke them up and told them to go back to rest.

I also drove home and rested.

At home at night, Lu Fei unconsciously touched the sofa bed that Levery had been lying on. He missed her and sent her a text message.

“Dear, did the audition still succeed? Did the media harass you or hype you up?”

After a full 10 minutes, the phone was silent. Lu Fei glanced at the time. At 7:00 p.m., S was eating, and he felt hungry. He went to fry a large piece of steak. At noon, Jimmy also brought him dozens of pounds of steak and put it in the refrigerator.

Before he could finish eating, the phone rang and Levery called.

“I’m sorry, Jack, just now our whole family was eating the steak you sent, and they were making fun of me, and I was too embarrassed to text you. They made fun of me for flying hundreds of kilometers to meet a boy, being too proactive as a girl already.”

“Your family should be joking with you. No matter what others think, I’m very moved. I want to say that the future that you can’t see clearly must have you who can see clearly.”

“You’re talking sweetly again, I can’t stand anymore.”

“Seriously, how was the audition?”

“It was very successful, I got that role. And my father urgently asked the agency to issue a statement, saying that I heard something happened to my savior and went to see my good friend. The media did not report it, but you are popular now, and the news and social pages are all over it. It’s your report, but it seems to have deliberately left out your family and personal situation.”

“What time do you arrive in Los Angeles on Saturday? I’ll pick you up on the plane.”

“I haven’t decided yet. You can’t come to pick up the plane. The scandal will affect you.”

“I’m not afraid, if I’m in a hurry, I’ll…”. The two chatted for a long time before hanging up.

Lu Fei went to take a bath, ready to sleep. After taking a shower, I found eight missed calls from my mother. Strange in my heart, what can happen in such a hurry? dialed.

“What’s the matter, Mom, I just went to take a bath.”

“Oh, why don’t you tell me what happened? We saw the NBC report. You shot someone to death. You are just disobedient. Don’t fight and kill. It’s good to live in peace and stability. what.”

“Mom, it’s not that I’m disobedient. I’m in the clinic. People want to kill the police, right in front of my eyes. I don’t care. You’ll talk about me in the future. It’s quite difficult to be a human being.”

“Don’t learn from my Devil’s accent, please tell me to gossip with me. It doesn’t matter if this happened, since I know that you can protect yourself, I also have something to explain to you. You have grown up and you have always been very obedient. I never asked about your biological father. I didn’t want to mention him. David and I are already in love. It’s not good to mention him.

Your biological father called me, and he is quite capable. It has been almost 24 years since I lost contact with him. He actually called me a month ago and said he wanted to talk to me. Yes, but it’s impossible to revive the ashes. David is very good. You can’t be a fool. I told David to go to Europe to play and make up for the honeymoon. If he can’t find me, he won’t bother me again. ”

“Let me interject, you went to Huaxia for a month on your honeymoon, don’t bully your son’s bad memory.”

“Is that the point? Don’t interrupt. What did I say? By the way, I went to Europe, but just half an hour ago, he still called me on my cell phone, and I don’t know who told him the number. He The reason for looking for me is to look for you!”

“Me? I don’t know him, and I don’t have feelings for him. When I grew up, I depended on a mother. Don’t pay attention to her.”

“Actually, he was always good to me back then. I was too arrogant when we broke up. Forget it, I will not talk about my business. The gold necklace around your neck has been worn since you were a child, but he actually gave it to me. It was a decision at that time. A token of love. He asked you about it, but he didn’t tell me the specifics, because there are secrets in it, and it is dangerous to know.”

“He wants to take it back? Give it back to him, I don’t care.”

“It doesn’t seem to be. He will call you in half an hour. Don’t be surprised. I know you are very powerful now. Don’t lose your temper as a child. Listen to him calmly. To be honest, you look like him and have a similar personality. Perseverance and extreme intelligence don’t mean baldness.”

“Okay, I see. Mom, where are you? How are you? I miss you.”

“Bah! Mom has been gone for so long, and she doesn’t have a phone call. She has a daughter-in-law and forgot her mother. Nong thought I didn’t watch the news. Now that I’m prosperous, I’ll be a female star. Don’t tell me it’s a scandal. I asked Richard, and I know it. I took S to the Qinghu Mountain Villa to spend the night. Your kid is very happy and said, “Is the cabbage gong? Yes, I forgot to tell you that David and I are in France.”

“This gossip is unpleasant, but Leverley is really good, super beautiful, good-looking, kind, and good character. When you come back and arrange a meeting between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, don’t scare people.”

“Yes, you can do it, I know that S has a good reputation outside, and I also have friends in Hollywood, but you are in charge of your own affairs, don’t kill people so quickly, I still want to enjoy life, I don’t want to take my grandson so early. You are a doctor, you know how to do it.”

“Mom, you are the best. I also want to enjoy the sweetness of love. I won’t tell you what to do if I have a baby so early. Be careful, don’t be so crazy, don’t go bungee jumping or something, goodbye.” Lu Fei hung up with a smile. on the phone.

Nothing happened. Lu Fei lay on the bed and recalled everything that happened today. He felt a little scared, but how could he be so calm and bloodthirsty later? Is there a fighting gene? Perhaps the ability enhancement that the system brings to itself plays a decisive role.

Speaking of which, what abilities do you need to train to improve?

was thinking about it, the phone rang, it was an unfamiliar phone number.

“Hello, I’m Jack, who are you?”

“I’m Joshua Byrne, and Sally was on the phone with you. I’m your biological father, but I owe you so much that you may not be able to call your dad all of a sudden, I understand, you can call me Bourne.” said a thick voice.

“Hello, what’s the matter with you? After so many years, do you still remember that you have a son?” Lu Fei sneered.

“First of all, I want to explain what happened back then. When I fell in love with your mother Sally, we were both ignorant. I was 24 and your mother was only 18. Mars hit the earth, and love just happened. Three months later, I asked Sally proposed. Sally went to my house and met my grandfather and my parents and it was a bad meeting. They wanted us to get married as soon as possible, and Sally was at home with her husband and children, while Sally was in college and had her own life goals , refused to marry and teach children. Our family is a political and military family. Both my grandfather and father were born in the military, and they were tough. We didn’t meet each other well. Later, my grandfather was very angry and ordered us to break up. I ran away with your mother again. Yes, my grandfather and dad called the FBI and got them back.”

“So twists and turns? It wasn’t entirely because you deceived her. Then what happened later?” Lu Fei asked in surprise.

“Later your mother resolutely broke up with me. I understand that she doesn’t want to affect our family and me because of herself, because I am a single handed down from three generations, and I am destined to represent my family in the political arena. I really loved your mother back then, to tell you the truth. It’s the same now. But times have changed and the sea has changed, and in a few years, I don’t want to disturb her peaceful life. ”

“I understand, but you let the girl be pregnant and live alone, it’s not authentic, can I swear?”

“I understand why you are angry. But when we broke up, we were in love for three months, and we were only together for a month. I didn’t even know that Sally was pregnant. I didn’t know for so many years, and I didn’t deliberately ask where she went. Until a month ago, I met your town elder, Mr. Anderson, in an election. He talked about how excellent the pastures in Lake Tahoe are, how Chinese tourists are flocking, and how popular the Chinese proprietress is. He learned that your mother is in Aogu. When Li Zhen settled down, she learned that she had a child who was an intern, and she didn’t think about herself. Later, I asked the mayor for Sally’s phone number, and I summoned the courage to call her, wondering if she was okay, she That tells me that we have a child, and it’s you.”

“Oh, it turns out that it’s such a **** drama, I really don’t blame you, but don’t expect me to call you dad now, we don’t know each other yet.” Lu Fei suddenly realized that his biological father was not a bastard, and it wasn’t bad after all. information.

“Oh, I see, no wonder I got the Carson City Good Citizen Award and one-year tax exemption, all because of your behind-the-scenes operations.” Lu Fei asked.

“Not all, I have been following you since I heard of your existence. I have acquaintances in the FBI and the police system, so when I know your deeds, I didn’t help much, I just added fuel to the flames, it’s all you. Excellent. I went to town two weeks ago and looked at you from a distance. You look 80% similar to me when I was young, because my grandma and mother are both Chinese, so I also have more than half of Chinese blood. I want to find a chance to meet you, I feel very sorry for Sally and you, and I am very proud and grateful to have such an excellent child as you.” The more Bourne spoke, the more excited he became.

“Originally, I wanted to come to you in person and tell you clearly, one is that your mother is not at home, and I am afraid that you will not recognize me when she is not at home; the other is that I have been busy with the election of state legislators recently. I am thinking of waiting until next month. When your mother comes back, I will come to you. But there is an urgent matter, I have to call you in advance. It has to do with the gold cross necklace around your neck.

The    necklace was given to your mother by me back then, and it was given to me by my grandfather before. At that time, I didn’t know that this necklace had a history and a story.

My grandfather was a commander of the Third Army of the US Army during World War II. Served under the famous General Patton. In the battle to conquer Berlin, he rescued a seriously wounded German officer. When the German officer was dying, he wanted to ask your grandfather to help him return to his hometown. To this end, he told a big secret. He was on a special mission to send the gold cross necklace he carried to Argentina in South America, where there would be the escaped Eagles waiting with their crosses. According to him, the secret of the cross involves the various treasures collected by the Eagles being buried in locations around the world. These wealth will be used as the Eagles to restore the country in the future. There are precious metals, art, antiques, guns and ammunition, the latest technology, a lot of cash and even prehistoric civilizations.

“Before the German officer finally died, he said intermittently that there were 6 crosses in total, and each cross had a map of the treasure point, but why there were 6, and how to get the map of the cross, he didn’t have time to say or he didn’t know. Your grandfather reported this information to General Patton, and later the U.S. government also got involved, but the golden cross was solid, and there was no treasure map at all. The U.S. government and your grandfather studied for a long time and found nothing. Later, through information from various parties, I heard that the Soviet Union and the corrupt countries also intercepted a cross necklace, a silver cross and an iron cross. They did not find any clues. After ten years, no one paid attention to it. You Grandpa got the necklace back and gave it to me after I was born. I gave it to your mother 24 years ago.

Originally, this was no big deal. There were many similar legends at the time, and the authenticity of the necklace incident was doubtful, but just about two weeks ago, you were awarded the title of a good citizen of Carson, and the photo with the golden cross was seen by someone with a heart! Then there was a Mexican gang with a bounty for your necklace, and a shrewd gang member was sent to find the way first. Later, for some reason, he didn’t go back, and I got news from the police line that he was shot and killed by Sheriff Kelly. I heard that you also contributed to it. ”

(end of this chapter)

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