Dxd: Ink and Summoning

94- Companions.

It didn't take them long, the first being Jeanne who seemed to just have taken a shower. The wetness of her hair and body combined with the sligh steam made her look astonishing.

She was drying her hair with a towel, her shirt lifted enough to let me see a part of her midriff everything she raised her arms.

She let out a giggle at my reaction, happy that she got what she wanted. Otherwise, why else would she bother drying her hairs using a towel when a single spell would be enough? Even a hair dryer would do but she chose to do it in front of me for a reason.

It makes me wonder when this little war of theirs started? but she doing this means that I should also expect something from Jalter.

"What a Saintess you are. " I said to her, earning a giggle from her. 

"It's mostly fine as long as you do it with your loved one " Jeanne clarified, and I guess it is what matters in the end. How many unhappy and straight out toxic relationships are there? For me as long as you are happy with each other I also won't mind and I god damn love this Saintess.

Thinking about it the Church people will be mad once they learn about it, especially with how beautiful she is. Sucks to be them. 

But she still miss one thing that Church does care about, especially in this year  "We are not married " 

"Yet. " Jeanne added. "And don't mind the small details, back then we didn't use to get married as they do nowadays. " 

“I can imagine. I still remember how long it took you to learn how to write during school” She struggled a little bit during school, even studying at night. Good old days, she was pretty angry at Jalter because she didn't had to go through it due to her nature as the opposite. 

Now we don't even bother with school, sending some Ink clones instead.

“I think this is when I let you sleep on the couch, right?” I just smiled back.  

Sadly for her I'm prepared, these things are damn comfortable and she knows it. 

Now I know why the old man always said to always buy a good couch.

Knowing that this is going nowhere I decided to focus on something else, finally noticing that one of them was missing "Where is she? " 

"Sis was with me at the bath but she took her time preparing herself, it shouldn't take more than a couple minutes" 

“I see” Bad brain, stop. 

But it was too late, Jeanne is already giving me that knowing smile. She knows my likes too well. 

Thankfully for me, my savior arrived. We can hear her hurried steps 

“Am I too late?“  

I gave Jalter a smile while preparing myself for whatever she did to fight against Jeanne. “Just in time “ 

Her most noticeable change was her long hair being left free and the familiar purple and black dress that covers her front barely showing some of her cleavage but leaves her back and sides exposed. It perfectly highlights her curves and her pale skin, and especially her back when her hair lets you see some of it.  

Is hard to tell that she can be this gorgeous given how tomboyish she usually is.

Jalter let out a curse unaware of the effect of her own charm."Damn you" All it took was a single glance at Jeanne's 'outfit' for Jalter, realizing the unfairness of the situation. 

Jeanne was playing dirty here. 

"That's not playing fair " spat Jalter.

Jeanne just smiled at Jalter in what looked like a victory but deep down she decided to step up her game since she clearly lost this round to Jalter even if the winner herself didn't realize. 

Who asked her sister to be this cute? Jeanne knows when to accept defeat in something like this.

"I forgot how good you looked with your long hair" I really couldn't bear to see her down so I decided to compliment her and that is all it took for her to forget about her 'loss'. Jeanne also seems to be a little guilty so she was fine with me wanting to cheer her up. 

Jalter did take her time preparing herself while Jeanne just walked here like she was after the bath. 

But love is war, I guess. 

"So, why did you call us?“ Jeanne asked hurriedly, still not wanting to risk Jalter noticing about her loss.

It was then that I managed to get my eyes out of Jalter, something that she noticed earning a smirk for her. "Remember the gift I told you about when you told me about going to church? " 

They both got excited, it's been a while since I told them about it and they were expecting it with the visit to the church drawing near.

Also, I already gave them hints of what it was when I said that I was going to create something for them and some other little details that I let like asking them which is their favorite animal so they should know what this is about.

I reached at the core of my Mindscape and took two of the Eggs resting there, the first being completely white with a golden shine giving off a holy and sacred aura and the other a combination of blue, white and black giving off a bestial feeling of hate, much similar to Jalter's.

I passed the first Egg to Jeanne, the small, eager little thing started to move as soon as it got to Jeanne's hands making its shell crack showing its little beak.

The little thing that came out of it looked untainted of anything with its pure white feathers that shone golden and its blue eyes like Jeanne's. 

"A… white dove? I thought you wanted to give me something to use when I need to travel around." Jeanne didn't hesitate to take it in her hands and started caressing it, Jalter following along petting the little guy. 

Jeanne asked me. “You are not expecting me to move around riding on this little guy, right?” 

“This is just its pet form” The little guy jumped and started to fly around me, it wanted to show off to Jeanne so I made a door to my mindscape, a door that the little dived into as soon as it appeared. 

At least it is fast, a normal person would barely see a white blur pass by.

Before going in Jeanne made a comment about her new friend “Aren't white doves used in weddings? Are you hinting at something?” 

“Cough. Let's see the little guy“ I said, making both sisters giggle. 

“Wait, are you blushing?” Jalter isn't letting me off so I went fast past the door.

As soon as we went past the door we were hit by a strong wind and a giant shadow covered us as something landed in front of us. The little guy isn't so little anymore.

Let alone Jeanne, now the little guy wont have a problem carrying her even if I and Jalter also tag alone. 

Outside its size rivaling a house its feathers formed a golden crown on its head and the ones in its tail became longer, now looking more like a white holy phoenix rather than a regular white dove.

Jeanne did not doubt a second to jump into its back and soon they both started to fly around for a good minute and then landed in front of us. 

“Thanks I love it! “ After dropping down the little guy went back to its pet form and rested on her shoulder. 

Jeanne looked at it realizing that something was missing, calling it 'it' didn't sound right anymore. “Let's go, now it's my sister's turn… Alice '' the little gu-, girl also seems to want to meet its twin. She was chirping happily and both went to the side to give some space to our next companion. 

Jalter waited seemingly patiently for her turn but I can really see the childish excitement in her eyes as she waited for hers so I took the black Egg and gave it to her. 

The egg seemed to feel the warmth from her hand and soon it too started to eagerly break its shell. 


Jalter had her finger too close to the shell and the ended being cut by the one inside so she took her hands back and with another push the shell broke apart revealing what creature lies inside earning a weird out comment from Jalter 

“Since when do… dogs come out of eggs?” Jalter didn't hesitate to hug and pet the little pup.

I let out a chuckle and used a game that she plays sometimes. “Pokemon logic, I guess.” Jalter let out a shrug, accepting it not minding the straight murder of biology we just made. 

Taking a better look, the little pup looked extremely familiar. Fur of color white and blue that seems to blend together looking darker in some places and more lighter in others giving him a look resembling a living, and floofy, flame with sharp looking claws and yellow eyes that stared right at Jalter's.

Its aura matched Jalter making me remember a particular floofy Avenger. I need to see its combat form to confirm it.


As if hearing my thoughts the little pup jumped from Jalter's arms (even at the cost of the ear scratches from Jalter) and soon he became an explosion of blue flames.


Gone is the cuteness of a dog. What lies in front of us is a predator, a wolf, flames coming out of its mount and eyes, its fur now adorned with an additional shade of black that looks and acts like shadows from wish blades come out. 

Majestic, Intimidating, Threatening. 

If… it wasn't for its tail wiggling at the speed of sound, posing with a leg raised and its head high, showing off its form to Jalter. 

And Jalter loves it, jumping into the big and fluffier guy to continue rubbing it. “Hahaha. You look amazing! “ 

Alice simply rested on its head, her eyes were telling it that she is the oldest, earning an annoyed growl from it. 

Jeanne  also went near it and started petting it, and was surprised at how soft its fur is.

Another one falls. No doubts that Jalter will sleep hugging the poor thing. 

Now the resemblance is clear so I couldn't help but to comment about it “It really looks like Lobo.” 

Jeanne seems to recall a Servant called like that. “Lobo… Hessian Lobo? That's right it looks it him” 

I decided to ask Jalter about its name now that we are on the same page “Jalter, are you going to call it Lobo or Loba?” 

“Eh?” Jalter looked back at me clearly confused

Let's try a different approach then. “Guy or girl?” No need to explain the Spanish language way to differentiate genders. 

Still confused, she decided to ask the wolf. “Girl?” It wiggled its tail and took that as a yes “ It's a girl.” 

I clarified to her. “So Loba then, if you decide to go for that name that is” But looking at her it's clear that she decided to go for it. 

“Welcome home, Loba” Jalter gave Loba a smile and Loba answered by changing back to her pet form and jumping at her arms, almost making the bird resting on her head fall. 

After taking Alice into her arms Jeanne thanked me once again “Thanks. She is both beautiful and useful to me. It will be hard for people to not remember me while helping alongside the Church if she carries me around” Alice chirped, happy to be of help.

“And Loba will surely scare people away. I still need to see how strong she is but she seems dangerous” Jalter also commented, remembering how Loba's claws cut her finger. 

Looked at how eager Jalter and Jeanne looked, I decided to let them play with them while I do something else. “Well go and try it out, I have some other things to do too“ 

Jeanne decided to take the lead and have a long kiss telling me about a 'reward' at night, followed by Jalter doing the same except for the reward part being too lost on her new companion. 

Well, I'm happy that they liked it but it's time to prepare for what's next for me. It's been almost a week since the last summoning and I need to prepare some things. The feeling of unease got a little stronger since Shishou is now gone but I'm somehow able to tell that it isn't the dangerous kind. 

Still, I'd rather be prepared.

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