Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 39

: Thirty-Nine [Smart Debate Like A Spring]

A taxi stopped at No. 79 Broadcasting Road, and a father and daughter got out of the car. It was Li Saifeng and her father.

Although Li Saifeng is one year older than Wen Bixian, her figure is more petite and lovely, and she looks like a girl from a cartoon.

Li’s father was full of anger. He brought his daughter to investigate Kang Jianfei’s truth today. If Kang Jianfei really has the strength to make a movie and make his daughter popular, then he will agree to the actor contract; if Kang Jianfei is just a liar, he thinks it will make Kang Jianfei look good.

But regardless of whether Kang Jianfei really wanted to make a movie, Li’s father would firmly deny the ten-year brokerage contract.

The father and daughter followed the address upstairs, stood at the door of Kang Jianfei’s house, kept ringing the doorbell.

Kang Jianfei opened the door and looked at it, and immediately understood what was going on. He smiled and said, “You two, please come in and sit down.”

After Li Saifeng entered the room, she looked at the furnishings in the room curiously. It was much more beautiful than her house, and her eyes showed some envy and yearning.

But Father Li took out the ten-year brokerage contract and said, “Mr. Kang, this contract doesn’t count, right? It was signed without my daughter’s consent, and only the guardian’s signature has no legal effect.”

Kang Jianfei wouldn’t be stupid enough to entangle with him on the contract, but said with a smile: “Why don’t you agree? Mr. Li, don’t you think your daughter is very good-looking and has the potential to become a big star? With all due respect, When I was in Yuansheng Middle School in Diaojingling, I heard that your daughter’s academic performance in school was not very good. If you continue to study, most of the time, she will not be able to get into university or find a good job. But with her excellent appearance, It is just right to be a star in a movie, maybe she will become the next Lin Qingxia.”

Li Saifeng is an adolescent girl, and she likes acting since she was a child. She often participates in various performances at school, and dreams of being a star in movies. This time, I heard that someone invited her to make a movie. Li Saifeng was so excited last night that she couldn’t sleep all night. Now she heard Kang Jianfei say that she could become the next Lin Qingxia, and she was even more excited, for fear that her father would make trouble with this gentleman and put her The opportunity to act is gone.

Li Saifeng looked at his father eagerly, as if begging him to agree quickly. Li’s father ignored his daughter’s eyes and said, “I don’t know if my daughter has the potential to be a star. I only know that there is no famous film company in Hong Kong called Oriental DreamWorks. Mr. Kang, can you take me to your company? Have a look?”

Seeing that this person is not easy to fool, Kang Jianfei said the truth: “My company has just been established.”

Li’s father is a small businessman. Although he makes and loses from time to time, his business has not improved, but he has a lot of knowledge. Hearing that Kang Jianfei was talking about a new company, he immediately sneered: “Hmph, it’s just established, it won’t be a lie…”

“Wait a minute, Mr. Li, I know what you want to say,” Kang Jianfei interrupted him, adding his movie plan, cast and crew list, budget plan, movie script, movie split script, and tentative shooting schedule , the rental contract with Tiaojingling Middle School, the equipment rental contract with Shaw Brothers, etc., were all taken out and placed in front of Li’s father and said, “Mr. Li thinks a liar will spend so much time making a movie? I If I dare to say it out loud, 99% of all directors in Hong Kong are not as well prepared as I am before the film starts.”

Father Li looked at these things one by one. Although he didn’t know much about filmmaking, he still had the basic ability to judge. As soon as Kang Jianfei took out these things, the suspicions in Father Li’s heart disappeared immediately. If Kang Jianfei was really a liar and could come up with so many things, he would recognize him even if he was deceived.

“I don’t doubt that Mr. Kang wants to make a movie,” Li’s father sorted out his words and said, “and as long as it doesn’t delay my daughter’s studies, I also agree with her to appear in this movie. However, the ten-year brokerage contract It must be voided, and I don’t want my daughter to be tied to this contract for the next ten years.”

Kang Jianfei glanced at Li Saifeng and smiled at her: “Li Saifeng’s appearance and temperament are excellent, and she is the girl with the most star potential I have ever met, so I hope to train her by myself, and I have the confidence to make her popular. ”

Li Saifeng is in puberty, and girls at this time especially want to be praised and recognized by others. A few words from Kang Jianfei made Li Saifeng’s heart elevate, and his impression of Kang Jianfei was extremely good. She pulled at the corner of her father’s shirt and said, “Dad, this Mr. Kang is a good man. I think it would be good to make a movie with him.”

Father Li shook his head and said, “It’s okay to make movies, but the brokerage contract must be voided.”

“Mr. Li wants to void the contract, probably because he thinks my company has no future.” Kang Jianfei took out a pen and paper and said, “This year’s top-grossing film in Hong Kong is Cheng Long’s “Laughing Fist”, with a total of 5.44 million Hong Kong dollars at the domestic box office. The second is “Inside the Wall”, with a domestic box office of 4.79 million Hong Kong dollars, and the third is “The Thief’s Magical Calculator”, with a domestic box office of 4.08 million Hong Kong dollars. These are high-quality movies made by famous actors from big companies, and I This small company that has just been established, and a group of unknown actors, if it can get 3 million box office in Hong Kong, it will be ranked in the top ten annual box office of Hong Kong movies. Can it prove that my company is very good Promising?”

“Not bad.” Father Li nodded. He is also a businessman. He knows that a small company that has just started can’t be compared with a big company. If Kang Jianfei’s film can be ranked in the top ten of the annual box office, it is indeed very promising.

Kang Jianfei said with a smile: “Otherwise, let’s make an agreement. If the box office of my “Happy Ghost” is less than 3 million, then your daughter’s brokerage contract will be void. If the box office exceeds 3 million, this brokerage contract will take effect. .how?”

Father Li thought to himself, if the box office of a movie with his daughter as the heroine exceeds 3 million, then it will obviously be a hit. Then you can go to any big company, why bother with Kang Jianfei’s small company?

After making up his mind, Father Li shook his head and said, “Mr. Kang, I think it’s okay to make movies, but it’s better not to sign the brokerage contract.”

Kang Jianfei didn’t answer, but said to Li Saifeng, “Little sister, go watch TV in the living room for a while, I have business to talk to your father.”

Li Saifeng still wanted to hear what they had to say, but Father Li also waved, “Go watch TV, don’t mix up when adults talk and children.”

“Humph!” Li Saifeng was unhappy when they were driven away by the two, so he could only snort coldly to express his dissatisfaction.

When Li Saifeng left, the smile on Kang Jianfei’s face immediately turned cold, and he directly threatened: “Mr. Li thinks I’m a fool? This brokerage contract has been signed by your wife and is fully legal. If you have any objection to this contract , you can come and file a lawsuit with me. It’s no problem to fight for three years or five years. You know that I’m a writer. I write a book for another year and a half, and I have hundreds of thousands of lawyer fees. I can spend it with you slowly.”

Father Li’s face became ugly. Although he just made a fortune in business not long ago, he still doesn’t have the financial strength to break a lawsuit. If Kang Jianfei really wanted to fight him for three to five years, the money he spent on hiring a lawyer would make him bankrupt, and he might even be sentenced to lose the lawsuit and pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Kang Jianfei had a contract in hand, so he was not afraid of making trouble at all, and said slowly: “Mr. Li, you must know how to advance and retreat. I discussed it with you before, so why do you have to make an inch? A toast is definitely better than a fine drink. .”

Father Li’s face was ashen, obviously provoked by Kang Jianfei’s arrogant attitude.

After Kang Jianfei gave him a big stick, he immediately gave him sweet dates: “Mr. Li, in fact, everyone can negotiate calmly. Think about it, if I were the kind of person who made some money purely by making movies, How can you sign such a ten-year contract with your daughter? I really want to make the company bigger, and I really hate to value your daughter.

You might as well think of it this way, if your daughter doesn’t act with me, she is 100% unable to become a star. If she acts with me, then at least there is some hope that she will become popular. After becoming popular, if my company can become bigger, it will naturally cultivate her precious star seed. And if your daughter becomes popular and signs a big company like Shaw Brothers and Jiahe, and those companies are full of stars, how much resources can your daughter get tilted as a little star? I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!

Besides, my company is small, and once I can’t keep up, I will sell your daughter to a big company. Those big companies who paid a high price to buy your daughter’s brokerage contract will naturally pay more attention to it than the direct contract, so as not to waste a sum of money for the transfer. In this way, no matter which step you take, it is the best choice for your daughter to sign a brokerage contract with me. Do you think about it? ”

Kang Jianfei was changing the subject. He made Father Li’s head dizzy with all the strong words. At first glance, it seemed like this was the case, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong.

After Kang Jianfei gave Tianzao, he played the emotional card and said, “Mr. Li, I am a young man, only 18 years old this year. In order to make this movie, I bet all my wealth, and I will do my best. Come and make this movie well, and I will try my best to make your daughter popular. Don’t worry, as long as your daughter joins my company, I will treat her as my sister, and I will never let her suffer any grievances. If you enter a big company, the intrigue between the stars is very terrifying, your daughter is so young, it’s okay if she doesn’t become popular, once she becomes popular, she will definitely be bullied by other stars who are jealous of her!”

After the call, Li’s father found that he was actually persuaded by Kang Jianfei, UU reading www. uukanshu.com seems to be really in love with reason and benefit, and her daughter should sign a brokerage contract with Kang Jianfei’s company. He pondered for a while, and finally nodded and said, “Okay, that’s it.”

Kang Jianfei didn’t mention anything about the agreement. He called Li Saifeng over while the iron was hot and asked her to add her signature to the brokerage contract. Even if this matter was done, he was not afraid that Li’s father would go back on it.

After Li Saifeng signed, Li’s father suddenly reacted: No, the purpose of my visit today is to ask Kang Jianfei to rescind the brokerage contract, so that his daughter will not be trapped by him in the next ten years, not to discuss which company to sign the brokerage contract. of. This kid is so eloquent, he said a lot of things and got me into it!

When Father Li wanted to understand, his heart suddenly burst into flames, but Kang Jianfei smiled and raised the contract in front of him, and the fire in Father Li’s heart went out immediately. Now, the contract has the signature of the parties and the guardian, and if he wants to fight a lawsuit, he will lose. No matter how angry he is, he can only admit it with his nose.

Kang Jianfei took the contract carefully, and then smiled at Li Saifeng: “Sister Saifeng has no class today, right? It happens that another heroine of the movie is coming this afternoon. I will take you to measure the size and make clothes together. There are several sets in the play. The heroine’s clothes need to be made by a tailor. So, why don’t you go back first, Mr. Li.”


Eh, I originally wanted to start this chapter, but suddenly I found a lot of things I didn’t write. So, please ignore the title of the previous chapter, even if Pharaoh is an evil headline party.

In addition, it seems that there is a problem with the author’s collective add-on in the background. After adding it many times, there is no response. I have to comment one by one. I’m so depressed.

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