Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Chapter 10

"Mrs. Vogel!" A little girl raised her chubby hand high, "Where do babies come from?"

Mrs. Vogel looked very uncomfortable as she cleared her throat, "That's, ahem, a good question Annie. You see, when a man and woman get married and love each other a lot, God will give them a small baby. That's where babies come from."

"Then why does Mommy say that there is a baby in her tummy? Did she eat it?" Came the prompt query from the same girl.

"No. God sends the babies directly to mommy's tummy." Vogel answered again, sweating metaphorical bullets.

At this point Mark, the protagonist, decided to be a dick, "So you mean it has nothing to do with Daddy peeing inside Mummy's butt?"

A number of 'Ewws' rang inside the class. It wasn't in the script, but quite the natural response of kids their age so Steve didn't interrupt the scene.

Mrs Vogel went absolutely white as Mark said that.

"I saw Daddy peeing inside Mummy," Mark answered confidently, then turned to Annie, "Hey Annie, you can ask your daddy as well."

"No! No one will ask anyone's daddy." Mrs. Vogel said sternly as she glared at me, "And you, you…," She whispered harshly, "Stop spreading lies and rumors."

"But I really saw! It was all white. Daddy said when we get older it changes from yellow to…" This was as far as I could go.

"Stop it, you retard. And for God's sake, it is ejaculating, not peeing." Mrs Vogel lost her composure. Then immediately paled as her own words dawned upon her.

"Ooohh! Mrs. Vogel said a bad word!" A random kid exclaimed.

I smiled cruelly at that, "Mrs. Vogel, did you just call me a retard in front of everyone?"

"I-I-I…" She stuttered and then stepped out of the classroom with tears visible in the corner of her eyes.

"Cut! Nice job everyone."

I heaved a sigh of relief. It was the eleventh take when we were finally finished. It is a real pain in the arse working with child actors. Thankfully, I don't consider myself to be part of the group because I can control myself mostly and can behave professionally at the same time. Kids need some sort of entertainment between two takes, or they can become distracted.

The day went on like this and we were finally finished after a full day of shooting. From other kids' perspective, it was a little fun too as they were given snacks regularly and were given breaks after every few scenes to go enjoy. But as I had a lot of lines, I had to prepare for them between takes, so I couldn't indulge myself with the same.


I looked up from my dinner to look at my father who was speaking, "Yes?"

"Did you like today's work?" Steve asked nonchalantly.

"Very," I answered honestly, "As much as I may like to think I didn't, I enjoyed myself a lot. Though, you did help me with all my lines beforehand so I don't know what it would be like working with a different director."

The reason my scenes today were relatively smooth was that Steve had gone to great lengths to ensure that I understood the role and the character. Even when Steve was writing the script, he would show it to me and we practiced lines and discussed different scenarios. Then he would edit the script if he thought it didn't sound good.

Our acting practice which had been going on for a year now had been slightly modified as now I practice lines of my own character with him and he would correct me. Working on the set today was like an elaborate stage play where I had practiced the role so many times that I knew my character forwards and backward.

While some may say that this is bad for my future development as everything becomes so rehearsed that I won't be able to improvise on set in the future. To them I say, fuck you.

It doesn't matter to me if the performance was rehearsed or not, if I can give a better performance after excessive rehearsals, so be it.

"I'm not going anywhere. I can always run your lines with you," Steve said with a smile, "Even if you are working with other directors. Just make sure to listen to their advice when you are working under them. Every director has a unique style and vision for a particular role, so don't undermine their authority."

I nodded resolutely.

"Now, how about we discuss your part for tomorrow?"

(Time Skip)

"Hey, little dude! How you doin'?" James Franco asked me with a devilish grin.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking, Mr. Joey Tribbiani." I retorted back immediately.

His grin faltered but was regained back instantly, "You watch Friends? Do you even understand its jokes?"

"Do I? Could you BE any funnier?" I imitated my sarcastic Chandler voice.

James laughed, "You're good dude, you're good."

"I know!"

He laughed harder at my Monica voice.

"Okay boys, enough goofing around," came Steve's voice from behind the camera where he was making scene preparations.

"There are others here as well, you know." A female voice called out.

I tilted my head in the direction of the said voice to find a beautiful girl in her late teens standing there with a mock pout on her face who I recognized as Michelle Williams. A very talented actress with loads of awards and nominations in her future.

"Aww, Michelle you know I love you," I extended my hands to her in a hugging motion. She bent down and scooped me in a hug and swung me around. I whooped in joy.

"You know if only you were a little older, I would totally marry you." She teased as she planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You just have to wait for eight and a half years." I said with a thinking face, "But why do we have to marry? I mean we could do 'it' before also."

Her face colored as she looked around at the laughing people on the set. Steve let out a tired sigh as he shook his head in exasperation.

"You little devil," Michelle gritted her teeth and gave me a noogie.

"Behave, Troy," Kathy called out loudly with a stern expression. A very stern expression.

Uh Oh.

I gulped unconsciously after Michelle stopped hurting me, "Yes Mum!"

Another round of laughter came around the set seeing my face. I looked at Michelle, "I'm sorry Michelle."

She smiled and pulled my cheek, "No, you're not."

"Oww ow ow!" I yelped.

"Michelle, don't," Steve warned. "We'll have to do his makeup all over again."

Thankfully, she did let me go.

I rubbed my cheek as I looked at the girl with a glare. If only she wasn't a good actress she won't even be playing the role.

The script had some graphic scenes for the role of Jenny. However, the person who came to audition was a girl who was only 17. Steve and Kathy didn't know this. Nonetheless, Michelle was ready to do said scenes, but if they were shot when she was underage, it would create legal troubles. Most filmmakers would search for a different actress. However, Steve was so impressed with Michelle's audition that when he couldn't find another good enough actress, he decided to wait a few months to shoot them when she turned 18 in September.

Right now we were shooting one of the most difficult scenes of the movie, the one where my character was assaulted. There were some changes in the script like instead of Coke, Dylan would throw chocolate milkshakes on Mark because that's more sticky and difficult to stay in.

Then the scene was longer and extended with more dialogue because it was one of the most important scenes of the whole movie.


"Action!" Steve shouted and instantly everyone except me went quiet.

"Then I told Andrew how much of a loser he is! He peed his pants right there and cried." I bragged loudly and then both of us started laughing.

The scene went on for a few more moments as we shared our respective school experiences like a bunch of bullies bragging about who's the bigger one.

"Did I tell you about my girlfriend, Sarah?" Dylan asked out of the blue.

I shook my head dutifully.

"Well, she is beautiful. And she gives the best kisses." He grinned.

"Ewww! Kisses are bad. You're not supposed to kiss till you're married." I parroted the well-rehearsed line.

Dylan laughed loudly, "That's a lie you will realize within a few years. Then you'll want to kiss all the time. And more."


He went on to explain the barebones of physical relationships without going into too much explicit detail.

Then the scene went like the original, he threw the chocolate shake at me. I retaliated and threw mine on him. He could stop me from doing so but he didn't.

We went to the bathroom to shower together which according to him was quite common among male friends.

This time we were both wearing skin-colored underwear as we showered. I asked a few questions about differences in our bodies that he answered and then attacked me.

I shouted but he blocked my mouth with his hand. That particular shot was taken multiple times to get the correct emotion and angle. Then came the scene where my sister Jenny played by Michelle burst in and beat Dylan, with a toilet plunger this time, and we cried together.

"Cut! Good work everyone." Steve shouted, "David, get Troy and Michelle out. Franco, you stay."

I followed Michelle and David, who was an AD, out as they gave me towels and led me towards the changing rooms.

If my guess was correct they were probably shooting Franco naked without the minors' presence.

This is a really messed up society we live in. In the name of art, people are ready to make and consume borderline porn. The worst part is that people even get awarded Oscars and Emmys and whatnot for such 'art'.


Finally, after more than a month of effort from everyone, I was free from my shooting requirements. It wouldn't have taken such a long time if I wasn't a minor. According to child labor laws of California, a child actor of my age can only work at max seven hours a day during a non-school day.

This was the main reason HBO agreed to shoot the movie during the break without much argument. During school days, a child actor my age cannot shoot more than four hours a day.

Now I remember that they had to get a special act passed in the UK to shoot Harry Potter there, that allowed child actors to work longer hours, otherwise they were shifting shooting locations elsewhere.

Then there are people like Michelle who got emancipated and graduated high school early to work longer hours at production sets. At this point, I can understand why she would do that.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kathy asked as she was driving me back home in our old Chevy.

"Just thinking of child labor laws. You know, general stuff." I answered with a grin.

"Why do I even ask?" She groaned, "Do you ever think about anything a normal kid your age should, like, I don't know, going out to play with your friends or going to the beach or something?"

I shrugged, "I only got Evan and he must be in Hawaii by now. And seriously, the beach? We live in Santa Monica and you want to send me to the beach?"

"How about a park then?" She quipped playfully.

Seeing my unimpressed gaze she conceded, "Alright alright, it was a joke. But just because you are done shooting doesn't mean you can laze around at home."

"Don't tell me you've signed me up for a summer camp," I said jokingly.

Seeing the blank expression on her face I was horrified, "Oh God, no! Please tell me you're joking!"

"Oh love, stop being so melodramatic. We both know you're more mature than that." She rolled her eyes, "And it's not a camp if that's what you're worrying about. But you must understand that Steve and I have work to do and we have to finish it at the earliest. I truly wanted to go on your first vacation as a family but this project has forced our hands."

"Don't worry about that," I tried placating her, "We'll have many opportunities in the future."

"Yes, I know love. I have plans for the next one though, don't worry about it." Kathy reassured me, "For the remainder of the summer though, you'll be having a babysitter."

"Wow, that makes me feel so much better, just after shooting the movie." I snarked, referencing the part where my character was assaulted by his babysitter.

"I don't think you will have any problem with your babysitter," she smirked right as she pulled over in a familiar driveway.

"Hey, isn't that Evan's place?" I asked, just realizing that we weren't going back to our apartment.

She didn't reply but did get off and motioned for me to follow her. She opened the trunk and took out a red suitcase.

"Wait, are we breaking and entering? Isn't that a crime? Do you wanna go to jail?"

"Will you just keep quiet for a few minutes, you dumbass?" She finally snapped.

I snickered, "Yes! I finally made you cuss."

She rolled her eyes again but just kept pulling me along towards the door and rang the bell. After a minute of waiting the door opened only for us to come face to face with Melinda Spader, Evan's mother. She was in her mid-thirties and really pretty. With her brown hair and eyes, she looked exactly like Evan, just an older and female version of him.

"Kathy, Troy, you're here! You must be done with the shooting then." Melinda beamed down at me. I politely smiled back.

"Hi, Melinda." Kathy beamed.

"Hello, Mrs. Spader. It's good to meet you." I nodded politely.

"None of that dearie, call me Melinda or Mel. Come on in. Evan hasn't stopped talking about you since the holidays began." She beckoned us in and we followed. Their house was a fairly large one, located in a rich neighborhood.

When the first time I came around I was a little baffled seeing the size and opulence of the house. Beautiful decor, spacious rooms and yard with a large garage (that had at least four cars), and most importantly, their own swimming pool. All this is in L.A., one of the most expensive areas in the US.

The only inconsistency was Evan studying in a public school when clearly they could go private. I know this because Steve and Kathy had been talking and had strongly hinted that I may need to move schools before my movie is aired. With the new income they are receiving from the movie 'Sex Education,' it wouldn't be an issue to send me there anymore.

Heck, from my personal income alone, I could educate myself at a top-tier private school easily.

Private school at this point is only to maintain my privacy. Paparazzi can be especially cruel to child actors despite the laws protecting children.

When I shared my views with Evan on the matter, he told me that he would come along with me to whichever school I chose. The only reason he was at a public school was because his mother felt it would teach him some humility if he stayed away from rich, pretentious brats for the early years of elementary school.

Because Evan didn't talk to anyone but me, I don't think Mel would mind if Evan changed schools.

"Hey Mel, didn't you plan to go to Hawaii for the Holidays? Or are you back early?" I asked curiously.

Mel and Kathy exchanged an amused glance with each other as if sharing a private joke. I hate it when adults do that to you.

"Troy!" Before I could take in the voice, a mini-missile launched onto me and latched as if its life depended on it. I only had enough time to hug my friend back before we toppled over on the floor.

Kathy and Mel had a good laugh as Evan hugged me tightly.

"Ugh. Get off, Evan. You're stifling me." I pushed him away.

Evan had the decency to look sheepish as he got off the floor and helped me up, "Sorry, but I waited so long for you to finish filming. Now we can go to Hawaii together!"

I was baffled for a moment but I turned towards Kathy with an expectant look.

"Surprise." She smirked, "We talked to Melinda and John about their vacation plans. Apparently, they were going for only three weeks and nothing was set in stone. So we made plans for you. Now, you will be staying with them for the next three or so weeks so be on your best behavior."

I blinked momentarily, still unable to come to terms with the fact that I was going on a vacation to the island state of Hawaii.

"Is that my stuff?" I pointed at the red suitcase Kathy was carrying.

"After you left with Steve for the day, I packed everything you will need and more. If you want anything else, give me a call and I'll drop it off tomorrow morning." Kathy answered with a smile.

I didn't know what to say to her so I did the only thing that made sense. I hugged her tightly and said, "I love you, Mum. Thank you for this."

She kissed my hair and whispered, "I love you more darling." Her voice was a little hoarse.

I almost cried right there in her arms, but somehow I controlled myself.

"Evan, why don't you show Troy your room. I think you won't mind sharing, right?" Mel said after Kathy and I separated.

"Of course, we'll share. Come Troy." With that Evan all but dragged me upstairs. He would have if I wasn't carrying the suitcase with me.

"So Evan, how did you all make this crazy plan? Moreover, how in the hell did you keep quiet about it?" I asked Evan after lying on his bed.

Evan looked sheepish, "It was your Dad who called. He wanted to confirm our holiday plans. He told my Dad that you would be done with shooting by now. Dad agreed to postpone our vacation to July so we can go with you."

I was a little surprised, "Hadn't he and your Mum made plans for vacation at their work?"

"My Dad is a partner in the firm." He shrugged his shoulders as if that explained everything. Which it did actually. Partners in law firms have the utmost authority over choosing their holiday time.

"When are we going to Hawaii?" I asked.

"The day after. Your Dad actually confirmed last week that you'll be free by that time so we booked the tickets. We are going to Oahu Island." He explained.

"You know I have never received a surprise. Ever."

Evan didn't say anything, just lay next to me silently.

"Thank you, brother."

"Anytime, brother."


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