Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

A Brief talk with my Older Brother Vejetar.


He has the wind element… I see. That’s why he’s all green?

“And Why are you here?” I ask.

He looks around for a bit. Then he walks to the Barriers I put up for the safety of the bodies and Zanim.

“[Dong]” ‘[Foooom]”

He punches the barrier with some remarkable strength. The punch sends a shockwave in the air.

“I’m here because…”

He says that and looks in my direction.

“… Because someone overwrote my blessing.” He says

“Overwrote?” I ask.

“Yup. Overwrote.” He says that as he turns around to look at Zanim, lying unconscious in the barrier.

“You see… my blessing was overwritten. And that can only be done by someone…”

He walks toward me as he talks.

“…Stronger than me.” he begins to caress my cheek touching it softly.

“May I ask who you are?” he says as he straightens up.

Honestly, I was a bit frozen from his bold attitude. He is the first person to have touched me like that. I didn’t get to have this because I was a man you know! It’s exciting!

“Come on, tell me. Why are you spacing out?”

“You can Appraise me. I’ll give the permission.” I say.

If he can appraise me, then it means he isn’t that weak, if he can’t… you know. He will be weaker than me. it would give me an advantage if he wants to fight.

“Interesting. So that’s why I wasn’t able to appraise you before.” He says.

Wait… I didn’t detect it. Normally, I would know if someone was appraising me.


A feeling of being thoroughly embraced by small gusts of wind. That’s how it felt.

“So? What is it?” I ask.

He walks towards me and holds me by my shoulders.

“What?!” I say.

“Yooohoo! I’ve got a new sister!”

Yes? What?

“It’s been so long! We haven’t had a sibling for years!” he says as he hugs me tightly.

“What are you talking about?” I say.

“We have a new sister! The one that we got last time was a bit gloomy! This one is cheerful!” he shouts looking up.

“I said what the hell are you talking about?!”

“Come on! Say hello to your big brother!” he says pointing to himself.

Now he is starting to annoy me.

“Yeah! You have six siblings here! The last one we got was Muran! She has the darkness element so she tends to be a bit gloomy! I’ll have to tell Vatra About this!” he says.

“Muran? Vatra? Are they Elder Dragons?” I ask.

“Yes! Do you want to come with me? you can meet them.” He says.

“Before that, what is this sibling rant you’re going on about?” I ask.

“Don’t be so stingy… We Elder dragons are siblings. That is what I am saying. The bond between us resembles that of a sibling.” He says.

“So that means I’m your sister?” I ask.

“That’s what I’ve been saying all this time!”

“I was planning to visit other Elders but it won’t be happening right away. I need to clear up the mess that the Demon Lord is going to create.” I say.

“You won’t be coming? This is sad…” he says as he slumps his shoulders.

He truly emits the energy you would see from an older brother.

“I’ll be visiting when I wrap up the demon lord. So don’t be that down. I just don’t know how long it would take.” I say.

“Really? Then ask that dragon newt over there for the directions to the Dragon Kingdom. Or wait… you could come to the Dragon Valley… the one near the Forest.” He says.

“Would you guys be there?” I ask.

I can’t help but be familiar. There isn’t an inch of hesitation you would see when two strangers talk to each other. I think that could be the bond between us. The bond of being a sibling.

“DO you want us to wait?” he says as he grinds my temples.

“Oi! That hurts! Don’t get so familiar when we’ve just met!” I say.

I take it back! This is totally weird! Me being so carefree with a person I’ve met just now!

I am not wearing my mask so I want to ask him something.

“Hey. Do you guys have pointy teeth too?” I ask.

“Hmm? Lemme see…” he says as he signals me to open my mouth.

“No… we don’t… it’s your unique feature…” he says.

“And your elements, You have the spacial one and every other? How amazing is that? I have never seen anything like this in my long life!” he says.

“Is it that weird?” I ask.

“No, no. it won’t be weird. Something rare happening doesn’t mean it has to be weird.” He says.

“So… let me go back. I want to put him to bed and inform Youlias about the incoming march from the Demon Army…” I say.

“Yeah. You might have some things too. I am gonna go and give the good news to others!” he says.

“Then! Goodbye! See you soon!” he says that as he launches himself in the air and transforms mid-air.

“Ooooh… that was cool,” I say.

Now to get Zanim to the mansion. And inform Youlias about the Army attack. I have to do something about these people too.

“Great Velkra! Is everything alright?! Huh?!” comes running Souma out of nowhere and stops in his tracks when he sees a dozen bodies, burnt to crisp.

“Do something about them” I say.

“What… happened here…?”

This one is gonna be a bit short. I'm in pain because I bit my lip two times and it's now cut. It hurts like hell and I can't eat anything.

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